
发布时间:2018-03-12 03:42:05

作者:常晓洁 江肖强 单康康

         要: 由于无线网络实时带宽的不稳定性,特定的视频码流率在网络传输过程中不可能完全适应无线网络带宽的变化,因此需要根据不同编码的特点如H.264设定不同的自适应传输控制算法,在保障视频帧完整性的情况下适应网络带宽的不断变化,同时为调整后的码流提供容错重传机制,并有效控制容错重传机制浪费大量带宽资源。文章将容错技术与传输控制算法进行结合,以保证在充分利用实时网络带宽的同时达到高可靠传输。仿真测试结果表明,在无线网络带宽波动的情况下,能够自适应调整视频码率,并满足终端失真率要求,降低容错时延。

        关键词: 网络传输; 自适应; 传输控制; 容错

        中图分类号:TP393 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006-8228201601-29-04

        Adaptive WiFi network bandwidth control method for video fault-tolerant transmission

        Chang Xiaojie Jiang Xiaoqiang Shan Kangkang

        Zhejiang University Library and Information center Hangzhou Zhejiang 310000 China

        Abstract Due to the instability of the wireless network real-time bandwidth specific video stream rate can't completely adapt to the change of wireless network bandwidth during transmission. So the adaptive transmission control algorithm based on different characteristics such as H.264 is needed to adapt the network bandwidth. At the same time the algorithm provides adjusted stream a fault-tolerant retransmission mechanism and effectively controls the bandwidth resources. In this paper the fault tolerance technology and transmission control algorithm are combined to ensure the full use of real-time network bandwidth to achieve high reliable transmission. The simulation results show that in the case of wireless network bandwidth fluctuation the bandwidth can be adapted to the video stream rate and meet the requirements of the terminal distortion reduce fault tolerance delay.

