
发布时间:2013-06-20 17:15:46


I. Multiple Choice 单选(1’×20= 20’)

II. Definition下定义 (3’×5= 15’)

III. True or False 判断正误(2’×10=20’)

IV. Comparison对比 (4’×3=12’)

V. Short answer questions 简答题(5’×3=15’)

VI. Essay Questions小论文 (8’+10’=18’)

1 language is a means of verbal communication.



1. 记忆

phonetics语音学:studies speech sounds,including the production of speech.

Phonology音系学:studies the rules governing the structure,distribution分配,and sequencing排序

of speech sounds and the shape of syllables音节.

Morphology形态学: concerned with internal organization of words.

Syntax句法学: is about principles of forming and understanding correct English sentence.

Semantics语义学:examines how meaning is encoded编码 in a language.

Pragmatics语用学:is the study of meaning in context在上下文.

2. 概念辨析

Prescriptive规范的 vs. Descriptive描述的

Synchronic限于一时的 vs. Diachronic历经时间长河的

A Synchronic description takes a fixed instant as its point of observation, Diachronic linguistics is the study of language through the course of its history.

Competence 完美的vs. Performance性能

Competence refers to an ideal speaker on the language. Performance refers to the using of language in daily life.

Langue语言 vs. Parole言语

langue refers to the linguistic competence of the speaker.

Parole refers to the actual phenomena or data of linguistics.

3. 应用

1) 能够判断理论语言学与应用语言学各学科的研究范围

Theoretical linguistics : phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, pragmatics

Macrolinguistics: psycholinguistics心理语言学,sociolinguistics社会语言学,

anthropological linguisitics人类语言学,computational linguistics计算语言学

2) 能够分析语言现象体现的语言功能。

4. 思考

1)什么是语言的design features?分别解释语言的design features (creativity, duality, displacement)并举例说明。

Design features:the features that define our human language.

Creativity创造性:we mean language is resourceful because of its duality and its recursiveness递归性.

Duality二元性:the property性质 of having two levels of structure,the elements of the spoken language are sounds which do not convey meaning in themselves.

Displacement移位性:means that the human languages enable their users to symbolize objects, events,concepts which are not present at the moment of communication.

2) 什么是语言的创造性?语言为什么具有创造性?

Language is not unique to humans,if it is defined merely as a system of communication.words can be used in new ways to mean new things.

3) 什么是语言的任意性?任意性在语言中如何体现?

Arbitrariness,refers to the fact that the forms of linguistic signs bear no natural relationships to their meaning,eg.we cannot explain why a book is called a /buk/


1. 记忆

phoneme, allophone, schwa

2. 概念辨析

vowels vs. consonants, phone vs. allophone vs. phoneme, manners of articulation vs. places of articulation, phonetics vs. phonology, broad transcription vs. narrow transcription

3. 理解

1) cardinal vowel (diagram)

2) distinctive features

3) suprasemental features

4) syllable structure (nucleus/peak, rhyme, coda)

5) complementary distribution

4. 应用

1) 能够根据发音部位/方式判断所描述的辅音,或直接描述辅音;

2) 细致区分不同的语音单位,如phone, phoneme and allophone

3) 能够分析简单的语音现象,并总结相应的音系规则。


1. 记忆

morpheme, morphology, affix, allomorph

2. 运用

1) 能够判断词所属的类别如变形词/不可变形词实词/虚词等;

2) 能够判断出现的function words

3) 能够利用各种造词法造出新词;

4) 能够区分屈折/派生词根/词干/词缀判断free/bound

5) 能够识别不同类型的词缀并举例说明。

3. 思考



1. 记忆

immediate constituent

2. 概念辨析

syntagmatic vs. paradigmatic relation, endocentric construction vs. exocentric construction

3. 理解

1number, gender, case

2Tense and aspect

4. 应用


5. 思考




1. 记忆

Synonymy同义(is the technical name for the sameness relation )

Antonymy反义(is the name for oppositeness relation)

Hyponymy上下义关系(is of recent creation,which has not found its way

to some small dictionaries yet.

auto-hyponymy refers to a word is the hyponymy of itself.


Denotation外延 vs. Connotation内涵

, sense vs. reference

3. 掌握

1) 把握各种语义关系(synonymy, antonymy, hyponymy)的基本特性,如能否有比较级,是否有cover term等;

2) 准确判断词语之间的关系;

4. 思考

1) 成分分析法的优劣;

2) 类似语义关系(complementary antonymy, gradable antonymy, converse antonymy)的区别。

