上海市中考英语必备 - 单词及其拓展

发布时间:2020-06-29 04:27:34


ability n. 能力;才能

enable v. 使得,使成为可能

enable sb to do sth 使某人能做某事

able adj. 能够;有能力的

be able to do sth 有能力做某事

be not able to do sth 没有能里做某事

=fail to do sth

about prep. 关于

adv. 大约;到处;四处

walk about 到处走

think/talk about it /谈论关于

above prep. ……上面

反:below ……下面

on 两物体接触 over】在…….



abroad adv. 在国外

study abroad 出国学习

go abroad /overseas 出国

travel overseas 出国旅行

accept v. 接受;认可

accept sb/sth 认可某人/某事

accident n. 车祸, 事故;意外的事

car accident 车祸

by accident 偶然

accurately adv. 精确地

*accurate adj 精确的

achieve v. 得到;实现

achieve great success in得到巨大的成功

across prep. 穿过;横过

walk/go across 走过


throught 没有方向性的(如森林)

act v. 扮演; 表演

n. 行动

action n.行动 take action

act as 扮演……的角色 work as

active adj. 积极的;主动的

take an active part in 积极参加

activity n. 活动

actor n. 男演员

actress n. 女演员 actresses

*actually adv. 实际地;现实地

actual adj. 现实的;实际的

add v. 加上

add sth to

addition n. 加;增加

in addition 除此以外

= what’s more = besides

additional adj. 额外的, 附加的

address n. 地址

e-mail address 网址

adopt v. 采用, 采纳;收养

advantage n. 有利条件;优势;优点

反:disadvantage 缺点

advertisement n. 广告 (缩写ad

advertise v. 为…做广告

pron. 全部;全体人员

n. 全部;全体人员

not at all 不要客气

in all 总共

all in all =in brief =in one word 总而言之

all of us 我们中的所有

all the students 所有的学生

allow v. 允许, 准许

allowance 零用钱

be allowed to do sth 被允许做某事

be not allowed to do sth = mustn’t

almost adv. 几乎, 差不多

= nearly (不能用于否定)

almost not = hardly 几乎不

alone adv. 单独地

= on one’s own =by oneself

live alone 独居

feel lonely lonely adj.

along prep. 沿着;顺着

adv. 向前;和……一起;一同

walk along the street 沿着街道走

already adv. 已经 (用于肯定)

yet (用于否定)

also adv.

= as well as

although / though conj. 虽然;尽管.

altogether adv. 总共;全部地

= in all

together with = along with 一起

always adv. 总是;永远

= all the time

A.M. (a.m.) 上午

amazing adj. 令人惊讶的

be amazed 形容人

ambition n. 雄心;野心

America n. 美国;美洲


American adj. 美国的;美洲的

n. 美国人

among prep. (三者或三者以上)之间;


between 两者之间

amount n. 数量; 总数

a large amount of 不可数名词

large amounts of

a large number of 可数名词

large numbers of

amusing adj. 引起乐趣的; 娱人的

*amusement n . 娱乐;消遣;娱乐活动

ancient adj. 古代的

ancient animal 古老动物

and conj. (和or

I don’t like A or B

= I don’t like A and don’t like B

angrily adv. 生气地; 愤怒地

anger n . 愤怒

angry adj. 生气的; 愤怒的

be angry at sth 对某事生气

ask v. 问;请求;要求

ask sb to do sth 要求某人做某事

ask for help 请求帮助

ask for leave/sick leave 请假/请病假

assistant n. 助手, 助理

shop assistant

at prep. …… (表示地点、时间、对象、


at the street corner 在街角

*atmosphere n. 大气;气氛

the Atlantic n. 大西洋

attack v. 进攻; 攻击

attack sb 攻击某人

attend v. 出席, 参加

attendance n. 出席

attendant n. 服务员

*attention n. 注意,关心

pay attention to 关注于

attentive adj. 注意的sound attentive

attentively adv. 专心地

attract v. 吸引

attraction n. 吸引; 吸引力; 吸引物

attractive adj. 有吸引力的

August n. 八月

aunt n. ; ; 婶母; 舅母

uncle 舅父

Australia n. 澳大利亚

Australian adj. 澳大利亚的

n. 澳大利亚人

author n. 著者;作家

= writer

automatic adj. 自动的 (缩写auto

automobile n. 汽车

automatically adv.

automation n. 自动化,自动操作

autumn n. 秋天; 秋季

in autumn = in fall

available adj. 可用的; 可得到的

= can be got / used

average n. 平均; 平均数

adj. 平均的

on average 平均

average income 平均收入

a man of average height


award v. 授予

n. , 奖品

award sb sth

= award sth to sb 授予某人某物

away adv. 离开; 远离

be away from 离开

go away 离开

take away 打包带走

wash away 冲走

run away 逃跑;离家

throw away 扔掉

awful adj. 可怕的

= terrible

before prep. ……前面;在……以前

adv. 以前

conj. ……之前

beg v. 请求begged begged

beggar n. 乞丐

beg sb to do sth 乞求某人做某事

begin (began, begun) v. 开始;着手

begin to do sth/doing sth

= start to do sth/doing sth 开始做某事

beginning n. 开始;开端

at the beginning of 的开始

反:at the end of 之末

behind prep. ……后面

adv. 在后面;向后

反:in front of

being n. 人;生物

human beings 人类

believe v. 相信;认为

belief n. 信任

believe in 相信,信任

bell n. ;

belong v. ; 附属

= have sth of one’s own 某人独有的

belong to sb 属于某人

below prep. ……下面

反:above 上面

belt n. 带子

beside prep. ……; 靠边

= nearlyby

besides prep. 除了

= what’s more = in addition



best adj. ( good well 的最高级形式)


adv. (well的最高级形式) 最好地

n. 最好的 (人或物)

try one’s best to do sth竭尽所能做某事

better adj. (good well 的比较级形式)


much better much 修饰比较级)

between prep. (两者)之间

among 三者之间

bicycle / bike n. 自行车

cycle v. 骑自行车(& n. 圆)

cyclist n. 骑车人

ride (on) a bicycle骑自行车

go by bicycle (自行)车去。

walk the bicycle 推着(自行)车。

big adj. 大的

biger biggest

bill n. 钞票,纸币;帐单

a time bill 时间表

pay a bill付账

bin n. 箱子,垃圾箱

bird n.

birthday n. 生日

biscuit n. 饼干

brave adj. 勇敢的

a brave man /act 勇敢的人/行为

bread n. 面包

a piece of bread 一片面包

a loafloavesof bread 一块面包

some bread 一些面包

break (broke, broken ) v. 打破;打断

n. 休息

have/take a break = have/take a rest 休息

breakfast n. 早饭

have breakfast 吃早饭

at breakfast 早餐时

breath n. 呼吸

breathe v. 呼吸

hold one’s breath 屏住呼吸

bridge n.

brief adj. 简短的,简洁的

in brief 简而言之

a brief idea

bright adj. 明亮的; 聪明的

= clever

a bright idea

brightly adv. 明亮地

bring (brought, brought) v. 带来;拿来

= catch

反:take 拿走

fetch = bring + take

bring sth to sb = bring sb sth

Britain n. 不列颠(=Great Britain英格兰,威尔


British n. 英国人

adj. 英国的

broadcast n. 广播;节目

brother n. 兄弟

brown n. 棕色;褐色

adj. 棕色的;褐色的

brush n. 刷子 brushes

v. 刷;擦

brush one’s teeth

build (built, built) v. 建造;建筑

rebuild 重建


set up】建立,搭起,常用于抽象


building n. 建筑物;大楼

bund (the Bund) n. 外滩

burn (burnt/burned, burnt/burned) v. 燃烧

bus n. 公共汽车

by bus = take a bus

business n. 商业;生意

busy adj. 忙的 反:free

on business 因公,因事

businessman n.商人businessmen

businesswoman n.女商人businesswomen

busy adj.

busily adv. 忙地

be busy with sth/doing sth 忙于某事

but conj. 但是

carefully adv. 小心地;仔细地

carrot n. 胡萝卜

carry v. 运送;搬运;携带(随身携带)

carry out 执行

cartoon n. 动画片; 漫画

case n. 箱,盒;案件

in no case 绝不

in that case 既然这样

cat n.

catch (caught, caught) v. 接住;捉住;赶上


catch up with sb = keep up with 赶上

catch the bus 赶上公交车

catch the main idea 理解主要意思

catch a bad cold 患重感冒

catch/hold/take of 抓住

cause n. 原因

v. 使产生, 引起

cause of导致某事发生的原因

reason for原因,理由

*cave n 洞,穴;地窖

in the cave 在洞中

*CD . n. 光盘

celebrate v. 庆祝

celebration n. 庆祝

cent n. (美国货币单位)

centre (center) n. 中心;中央

central adj. 中心的

in the centre of 的中心

century n. 世纪, 百年 (centuries)

one century = one hundred years

certain adj. 一定的,有把握的

certainly adv. 一定;无疑;是的,


= of course = surely

chair n. 椅子

chance n. 机遇

= opportunity

take every opportunity to 抓住每个机会

by chance 偶然

change v. 改变;更改;兑零钱

n. 变化;找头;零钱

exchange v.& n. an exchange student

change one’s mind 改变主意

keep the change不用找零了

changeable adj. 易变的;可变的

changeable weather 多变的天气

channel n. (电视)频道

on channel 频道上

character n. 特征,特性;性格;人物,


main character 主席

charge n. 主管, 掌管

take the charge of = be in charge of

= be responsible for 负责

charity n. 慈善

charity sale/performance 慈善义卖/演出

clear adj. 清晰的;明亮的;清楚的

v. 清除;清扫;(天气)放晴


clear the street 打扫街道

It is clear = It is sunny 放晴

clearly adv. 清晰地;明亮地;清楚地

clerk n. 职员;办事员

bank clerk 银行职员

clever adj. 聪明的

cleverer cleverestmore/most clever

= bright = smart

climate n. 气候

climb v.

go climbing

clinic n. 医务室

school clinic 校医务室

clock n. 时钟

close v. 关;闭

adj. 近的closerclosest

adv. 近;靠近

be close to = near = next to……附近

clothes n. 衣服

clothe v. ...穿衣

cloth n. 布,衣料

cloud n.

cloudy adj. 多云的;阴天的


*club n. 俱乐部

coast n. 海岸

coat n. 外衣;上衣

coffee n. 咖啡

a cup of coffee 一杯咖啡

coin n. 硬币 coins

cold adj. 冷的;寒冷的

n. 寒冷;着凉;感冒

catch a bad cold 患重感冒

collect v. 收集;采集

collect information 收集信息

collection n. 收集

have a large collection of


college n. 学院

college expenses 学费

go to college 上大学

go on to college 升入大学

colo(u)r n. 颜色

v. 涂色

colourful adj. 多姿多彩的

come (came, come) v. 来;来到

come back 回来

come from = be from 来自

comfortable adj. 舒服的

comfort n.& v. 安慰

comfortably adv. 舒服地

common adj. 普通的

= ordinary

have …in common with sb


copy n. 抄本;副本;一本(,)

v. 抄写;复制;模仿copies

corner n. 角;拐角

at the street corner 在街道拐角处

correct adj. 正确的 = right = true

v. 改正;纠正

反:incorrect 不正确的

correctly adv. 正确地

uncorrected adj. 未改正的

correct the mistakes 改正错误

costcost, costv. (多少钱);花费

sth cost money

cotton n. 棉花

cough v.& n. 咳嗽

have a bad cough 严重的咳嗽

have a high fever 发高烧

count v.

counter n. 柜台

countless adj. 无数的

count the number 数数

country n. 国家;农村;乡下

couple n. ()对,()双,()

a couple of 几个

a couple 一对夫妻

course n. 过程;课程

cousin n. ()兄,弟;堂(),

cover v. 覆盖;遮盖;掩盖

n. 覆盖物;封面the cover of the book

be covered with 所覆盖

cover an area of 的面积

cow n. 母牛

crazy adj. 发狂的,疯狂的

craze v. 使发狂

crazily adv. 疯狂地

go crazy 变得疯狂

be crazy to do sth 疯狂做某事

be crazy on /about热衷的

be crazy for sb /sth 迷恋渴望某人/某物

*cream n. 奶油,乳脂

create v. 创造;创作

creative adj. 有创造力的

cross n. 十字,

v. 穿越

across prep. 穿过

crossing n. 十字路口

the Red Cross 红十字

cross a river 穿过一条河

crowded adj. 拥挤的;满座的

crowd n. 人群& vt. 拥挤

be crowded with = be filled with

cry v&n . 喊叫;哭cried cried

cry for sth 而哭

culture n. 文化

cultural adj. 文化的

culture and customs

cup n. 杯子;杯

a cup of 一杯

custom n. 习惯,风俗

Customs 海关

decide v. 决定;下决心

decide to do sth 决定做某事

= make up one’s mind to do

= make a decision to do

decision n. 决定

decorate v. 装饰

decoration n. 装饰,装潢

deep adj.

deeply adv. 深深地

depth n. 深度

degree n. 学位;度

delay n&v. 耽搁;延误

be delayed 被延误

delicious adj. 美味的, 可口的

deliver v. 投递,传送

delivery n.

= send = post

deliver to 投递去

dentist n. 牙科医生

go to the dentist 去看牙医

= see a dentist/doctor

department store n. 百货商店

departure n. 启程;离开;出发

反:arrival n. arrive v.

departure time/date 出发时间/日期

depend v. 依靠, 依赖

independent adj. (不)依赖

independence n. (不)依靠

depend on = rely on 依赖于

describe v. 描述

description n. 记述,描写

desert n. 沙漠


deserve v. 值得

deserve to do 值得做某事

= be worthwhile to do

= be worth doing

design v. 设计

designer n. 设计师

design sth 设计

design for sb/sth 设计

desk n. 书桌;写字台

destroy v. 破坏 destroyed

destructive adj. 有破坏性= deadly

*detail n. 细节

detective adj. 侦探的

n. 侦探

detection n. 发现,发觉

detect v. 发觉

develop v. 发展;开发,培养

developing country 发展中国家

developed country 发达国家

development n. 发展

with the development of 随着的发展

*dial v. 拨电话号码

dialogue n. 对话 = conversation

a short dialogue 一段短的对话

diary n. 日记

keep a diary 记日记

dog n.

doggy 小狗

dollar n. (美国、加拿大等国的货币单位)

door n. 门;通道

from door and door 挨家挨户

*double adj. 双倍的;双的

down adv. 向下

prep. 沿着(街道,河流)而下

walk down the street

= walk along the street

downstairs adv. 往楼下;在楼下


go downstairs/ upstairs 下楼/上楼

draw (drew, drawn) v. 画;绘制;拉,拖

= pull

drawing n. 图画

draw back 后退

draw a picture

dream n. 梦想;梦


v. 梦想;梦

dream a dream 做梦

dream of doing 梦想做某事

dress n. 服装;女装;童装

v. 穿衣

dressing n. 衣服,服饰

be dressed 穿着

dress up 打扮

put on 动作

wear 状态

have sth on】(动作,状态)

be in + colour 穿某种颜色衣服

dress sb】给某人穿衣服

drink (drank, drunk) v. 喝;饮

n. 饮料;喝酒

drinking n. 饮酒,酒宴

drink up 喝光

drive v. 驾驶;驱赶

drive off开车送走;赶走

driving license 驾照

driver n. 驾驶员,司机

drop n.

v. 扔;掉 dropped

drop off 扔掉

drop one’s eyes 掉眼泪

a drop of water 一滴水

dry adj. 干的;干燥的(drier driest

反:wet wetter wettest

keep dry

duck n.

roast duck 烤鸭

dull adj. 乏味的

= buring

dumpling n. 馄饨;汤团

rice dumping

during prep. ……的期间 = in…

during the day/vacation/holiday


electric light 电灯

electricity n.

make electricity

electronic adj. 电子的

electronic dictionary

elementary adj. 初级的;基本的

elementary school = primary school 小学

secondary adj. 中级的

elementarily adv.

elephant n. 大象

else adj. 其他的;别的

what else anyone else


empty adj. 空的


empty of 没有

an empty box 一个空的盒子

*enable v. 使能够;使有能力

enable sb to do sth

encourage v. 鼓励;怂恿

courage n. 胆量,勇气

encourage sb to do sth

end n. 末尾;终点;未端

v. 结束

at the end of

in the end = at last = finally

by the end

enemy n. 敌人enemies

energy n. 活力;能量

energetic adj. 精力旺盛的

make energy

engine n. 引擎, 发动机

engineer n. 工程师

engineering n. 工程学

England n. 英格兰

English n. 英国;英国人;英语

speak English

adj. 英国的;英语的

enjoy v. 欣赏;享有;喜欢

joy n. 高兴 to one’s joy

enjoy doing sth 喜欢做某事

enjoy oneself 玩的开心

= have a good /wonderful time

enjoyable adj. 使人愉快的, 使人欢乐的

enough adj. 足够的;充分的

adv. 足够地;充分地

n. 足够;充分

not enough to

enough + n.

adv./ adj.+enough

enter v. 进入;参加

= go /come into(没有enter into!)

enter for 报名参加

entrance n. 入口

envelope n. 信封

environment n. 环境

environmental adj. 环境的

environmental problem 环境问题

exhibition n. 展览;展览会

= display = show

exhibit v. 展出

expect v. 期待

expect sb to do sth

expense n. 花费;费用


expensive adj. 昂贵的


experience n. 经验;经历

teaching experience 教学经验

experiment n. 实验

do /finish the experiment

explain v. 解释;说明

explanation n. 解释

explore v. 探究,探索;勘察

explorer n. 探险家

extend v. , 伸出

extend to伸出,延伸,扩展

*express v. 表达;表示

eye n. 眼睛


fable n. 寓言

face n. 脸;面孔

face to face 面对面

fact n. 事实;实际

in fact 事实上

factory n. 工厂

fail v. 失败;不及格(不是否定词)

反:succeed in

failure n. 失败 反:success

fail to do = be not able to do

fair adj. 公平的;合理的


fall (fell, fallen) v. 落下;下降;倒下;跌倒

fall off 跌落

fallenadj.leaves 落叶

familiar adj. 熟悉的

be familiar with sth 熟悉的

family n. 家庭

famous adj. 著名的

= well-known

be famous for 而闻名

fan n. 扇子

electric fan 电扇

far (farther, farthest; further, furthest)

adj. 远的

adv. 远地

be farawayfrom 远离

further study 更进一步地学习

farm n. 农场;农庄

on the farm

farmer n. 农民, 农夫

fast adj. 快的;迅速的=quick

adv. 快地;迅速地=quickly

faster fastest

set out = set off 出发

first adj. 第一的;最初的

adv. 第一;首先;最初

n. 开始;开端

first prize (奖项前面不在the

be the first to do sth 第一个做某事

at first

fish n. 鱼;鱼肉

v. 捕鱼;钓鱼

(复数 fish

go fishing 去钓鱼

fisherman n. 渔夫,捕鱼人fishermen

fit (fit, fit ; fitted, fitted) v. 适合;……相配

adj. 健康的 = go well with

fit sb 适合某人

keep fit/healthy 保持健康

fix v. 安装;修理

= repear

flag n.

a five-star red flag 一面五星红旗

flash n. 闪光;闪现;手电筒

flash floods 暴洪

flat n. 一套房间;公寓

flight n. 飞行

on flight BA506

fly v. 飞行

flood n. 洪水;水灾

floor n. 地面;地板;(楼房的)

flower n.

flowerbed 花坛

fly ( flew, flown ) v. 飞;飞行;乘飞机旅行

*focus v. 集中

focus on

fog n.

foggy adj. 有雾的

what a heavy fog

because of heavy fog 由于大雾

follow v. 听从

= observe

take/follow one’s advice 听从某人忠告

following adj. 下列的

the following 下列的

fond adj. 喜爱的

be fond of = like = be keen on = care for

food n. 食物;食品

fool n. 傻子

v. 愚弄;欺骗 = trick sb into

April Fool 愚人节

foolish adj. 愚蠢的;傻的

foot (pl. feet) n. , 足;英尺

on foot

football n. 足球

for prep. (表示方向)往;向

leave for


for seven years


buy sth for sb

be from = come from 来自于

front n. 前部;前面;前线

adj. 前部的;前面的

in the front of (特指)

in the front page 在前页

frozen adj. 冰冻的

fruit n. 水果;果实



fry v. 油煎,油炸fried fried

fried chicken legs 炸鸡翅

fuel n. 燃料

coal is a kind of fuel

full adj. 满的

be full of

fun n. 乐趣,趣事;玩笑

make fun of sb 拿某人开玩笑

whatgreatfun it is

have fun 玩得高兴

for fun 为了娱乐

funny adj. 滑稽的;可笑的

furniture n. 家具

future n. 将来, 未来

in the future = some day


gain v. 得到,获得 = get

game n. 游戏;运动;比赛

play games

garden n. 花(果菜)园

garden v. 从事园艺

gardener n. 园农

gardening n. 园艺

I have a green thrumb

= Im good at gardening

gas n. 气态;气体;煤气

liquid 液态 solid 固态

gate n. 大门

at the gate of 的大门口

*general adj. 大体的,笼统的,总的

generally adv. 一般地;普遍地

generally speaking

= in generally 一般而言

*generation n. 代,一代

*generous adj 慷慨的;大方的

gentle adj. 温柔的

gently adv. 温柔地

gentleman n. 绅士;先生gentlemen

gently adv. 轻柔地

geography n. 地理

German n. 德国人;德语Germans

adj. 德国的

Germany n. 德国

get (got, got/gotten) v. 成为;变得;得到;到;

(用于have got短语中)有

get worse

get a gift

get …from get the heat from the sun

a group of 一组

grow (grew, grown) v. 生长;发育;种植

growth n..

grow up 成长

grow into 成长为

guess v. 猜测;推测

guest n.. 客人,宾客

guide n. 指导;导游;指南

a tour guide 导游

a tourist guide 导游图

a guide to…

gun n. 炮;枪


habit n. 习惯

have a habit of 有一个的习惯

hair n. 头发

curly hair 卷发

half n.. 一半

adj. 半;一半

halfway adj. 中途

a half 一半

one and a half hours = one hour and a half

hall n. 大厅;礼堂

hamburger n.. 汉堡包

hand n.

v. 递;给;交付

hand in 递交

hand in hand 手拉手

shake hands with 与某人握手

hand out = give out 分发

put up/raise the hands 举手

*hang (hung, hung) v. 悬挂

hangedhangedv. 处绞刑;上吊

happen v. (偶然)发生;碰巧

= take place

happen to sth. 碰巧

happen to sb 发生在某人身上

happily adv. 幸福地;快乐地

happy adj. 幸福的;快乐的

happiness n. 快乐

harbour n. 港口;港湾

in the harbour 在港口

hard adj. 硬的;困难的;艰难的 = difficult

adv. 努力地;(雨,雪等)猛烈地


work hard 努力工作

hardly adv. 几乎不

= almost not

hardworking adj. 勤劳的

harmful adj. 有害的

= be bad for

harm n.

be harmful to 有害

= do harm to sb

hat n. 帽子 = cap

hesitate to do sth

hate v. 憎恨;讨厌

hide(hid, hidden) v. 把……藏起来;隐藏

high adj. 高的

hill n. 小山

historical adj. 历史的;历史上

places of historical interest 名胜古迹

history n. 历史

in history 历史上

have a history of

hit (hit, hit) v. 打击;碰撞

The earthquake hit the Wenchuan

hobby n. 兴趣;嗜好 (hobbies)

hold (held, held) v.

1. 拿;抱;握住 take/catch hold of

2. 举行;进行 be held

3. 保持 hold one’s breath

4. 容纳 the room can hold seven students

hole n.

dry a hole 挖个洞

holiday n. 假日;假期

home n.

adv. 家;在家;回家

at home 在家

homeless adj. 无家可归的

homework n. 家庭作业

much homework

honest adj. 诚实的;正直的

honesty n. 诚实

honey n. 蜂蜜

*honour(美honorn. 荣誉,光荣

*horrible adj. 令人恐惧的;恐怖的

hope v.&n. 希望

hope to do sth

hope + that 从句

wish sb to do sth

horse n.

hospital n. 医院

in the hospital 在医院

be in hospital 住院

host n. 主人

host family 房东

hostess 女主人(actress waitress

hot adj. 热的hotter hottest

hot-dog n. 热狗

hotel n. 旅馆

in the hotel

hour n. 小时

an hour

hours and hours 很久很久

house n. 房屋;住宅;家

housework n. 家务活

do some housework

how adv. = what …like



How many/much


How +adj./adv. ++谓!

in prep. 1.(位置)在内;在里面;

... in the classroom

2.(时间) in January


in danger/trouble

4.(方法)in English


5.穿;戴 in red/blue

adv. 在家;在内;向内

He is out=He is not in

in this way 用这样的方法

inch n. 英尺

inches 复数

include v. 包括;包含



increase v. 增加;增长;增进

=add 反:reduce

indeed adv. 的确;真正的

A friend in need is a friend indeed

independent adj. 独立的;有主见的

Indian n. 印度人;印第安人;印第安语

adj. 印度的;印第安人的

an Indian

Indra n .(印度教) 因陀罗

individual adj. 个人的,个体的

individuality n. 个性

indoor adj. 室内的

outdoor/indoor activities

from door to door挨家挨户

*industry n. 工业,产业

heavylightindustry 重(轻)工业

information n. 信息;情报;资料

inside prep. 里面,在之内

adv. …之内;在里面;在内部

inside the room 强调状态

put in 强调动作

look at the room inside

instead adv. 代替;顶替

instead of+doing =rather than +do

interest n. 兴趣;趣味

have interest +doing

interestes adj. 感兴趣的

be interested in

interesting adj. 有趣的;有意思的

international adj. 国际的

national adj. 国家的

nation n.. 国家

Internet n. 因特网(国际互联网)

interview v.&n. 面谈;访谈;采访

view=idea 想法

interviewee n. 被采访者

interviewer n. 采访者

interview sb.

into prep. 1.(动作方向)内;向内


put into


Kkeen adj. 热心的

been keen on=be fond of 热衷于keep (kept, kept) v. 保持;保存;

保持(某种状态) 继续不断(延续性动词)

keep clean

keep the change 不用找了

keep doing sth.key n. 钥匙;答案

the key/entrance/answer tokeyboard n. 键盘kick v. kick off 开始

kick the ball

kid v. 开玩笑 n. 小孩

=play a joke


kill v. 杀死,弄死

killer n. 杀手kilo=kilogram n. 公斤,千克kilometre n. 公里,千米kind adj. 友好的;和善的 n. 种;类

反义→unkind adj.

kindness n.仁慈,友好

all kinds of

a kind of

kind of=varieties of=a bit/little 稍微有点

be kind to=be friendly to 对某人友好的

kindergarten n . 幼儿园kindness n. 仁慈;好意king n. 王;国王 queen n.. 皇后

kitchen n. 厨房kite n. 风筝 fly a kite 放风筝

knife (pl. knives) n. 小刀knives

knock v. 敲;击;敲门 n. 敲门(声) knock at

There’s a knock

know (knew, known) v. 了解;知道;认识

know about 知道

well-known=famousknowledge n. 知识 knowledgeable adj. 有丰富知识的

unknown adj. 不出名的


lab n. 实验室

chemistry lab 化学实验室

lady n. 女士ladies

lake n.

lamp n.

land n. 陆地;土地

let (let, let) v.

let sb do sth

let out 释放

letter n. 字母;信

level n. 水平面

the sea level 海平面

librarian n. 图书管理员

library n. 图书馆;图书室

licence n.. 执照; 许可证

diving licence 驾驶执照

lie (lay, lain) v. 躺;卧

n.. 谎言 tell a lie/lies

lie v. 撒谎 lied lied

lay 下蛋laid laid

life (pl. lives) n. 生命;一生;生活

in one’s life

save one’s life

all one’s life 某人的一生

lift n. 电梯

v. 举起;提高 = raise = put up

take a / the lift 乘电梯

give sb a lift 搭便车

light n. 光;光亮;灯;灯光

adj. 轻的,反:heavy 浅色的,反:dark

like v. 1. 喜欢;喜爱 like doing/to do sth

2. 想要 (should / would like) +to do


sound like + n.

look like

likely adj. 很可能发生的;有希望的

反:unlikely likelier likeliest

be likely to do 很有可能做某事

= be possible to

line n. 排,行;线

v. 排队

line up 排队

*link v.& n. 连接;联系

link up with 和…同盟;结亲

lion n. 狮子

tiger 老虎

lip n. 嘴唇;唇状物

liquid n. 液体

gas 气体 solid 固体

list n. 目录,清单

list v. 列表

make a list 做目录

listen v. 听;倾听

litter n. 废物,垃圾 = rubbish

v. 乱丢

Don’t litter 别乱扔垃圾

little (less, least) adj. 小;少量的

n. 没有多少;一点

at least 至少 反:at most 至多

a little girl 一个小女孩

There is only a little/little

live v. 居住;活着;生存;生活lives

live in 居住在

local adj. 当地的;地方的

luggage n.行李

lunch n. 午餐;午饭

Mmachine n. 机器

*mad adj. 发疯的;生气的

madam n. (对妇女的尊称)夫人,女士,太太magazine n. 杂志

read the magazine

mail n. 邮件;邮寄 v. 邮寄 by mail

= post a letter/mail a letter

main adj. 主要的

main meaning 主要意思mainly adv. 主要地make (made, made) v. ; 制造;使得

make a decision

=make up one’s mind

make a living 谋生

mall n. 大型商场 shopping mall 大卖场

male n. 男性man (pl. men ) n. 成年男人;人;

人类(不变复数,也不加冠词) =human beings

manage v. 管理;处理;经营

=run=do/deal with

manage to do sth. 设法manager n. 经理

*manner n. 方式,态度,举止

=behaviour n. 行为

manners n. 礼貌

good manners 有礼貌

many (more, most) adj. 许多的 pron. 许多的人(或物) more than : less than

map n. 地图March n. 三月mark n. (考试等)分数;记号;符号 v. 表明;用记号表明;给……打分数


mark the paper 给试卷打分market n. 市场;集市marry v. (使)成婚,结婚

match n. 比赛;竞赛;火柴 v. 与……匹配


=go well with=fitmaterial n. 材料,原料maths n. 数学= mathematics)(常用做单数)

matter n. 麻烦事;事情;物质 v. (用于否定句和疑问句) 有关系, 要紧

It doesn’t matter. 没关系

What’s the matter with?

=What’s wrong with?

在宾语从句中,语序不变,时态改变May n. 五月mixture n. 混合物model n. 模型;范例 model ship

modern adj. 现代的 more/most ship

moment n. 一会儿;瞬间;片刻 a moment ago

Monday n. 星期一

on Monday money n. 钱;货币monitor n. 班长;监视器

职位前不加themonkey n. monkeys

month n. 月;月份

monthsmoon n. 月亮more adj. (many much的比较级)

更大的;更多的 adv. (用于构成多数两个音节以上

的形容词或副词的比较级) more than=over

morning n. 早晨most adj. (many much的最高级)

最大的;最多的 adv. (用于构成多数两个音节以上

的形容词或副词的最高级) n. 大部分; 大多数

most of the students 大部分学生mother n. 母亲 mother land 祖国

motor n. 电动机, 马达motorcycle n. 摩托车

ride the motorcycle

=by motorcyclrmountain n.

hill 小山mouse n. 老鼠;鼠标 mice 复数

mouth n. ,

mouthsmove v. 移动;搬动;搬家 movement n.

moving a. 感人的

movie n. 电影 see the movie

Mr n. 先生Mrs n. 夫人, 太太much (more, most) adj. (修饰不可数名词)

大量的;许多的 n. (表示不可数名词)大量;许多

adv. (修饰动词) 非常;

(加强比较级)更加*mum n.(口语)妈妈

museum n. 博物馆*mushroom n. 蘑菇

music n. 音乐;乐曲

nervous adj. 紧张的

be nerous

*net n.

Internet 英特网

network n. 网络;网状物

never adv. 决不;从来没有


not always = never

new adj. 新的;新鲜的

newly adv. 最近地

news n. 新闻;消息

a piece of news

the latest news 最新,最近的消息

newspaper n. 报纸newspapers

read newspaper

next adj. 最近的, 紧挨着的, 隔壁的;


adv. 最近地; 然后; 其次

next to sb 挨着某人

next year 明年

the next year 第二年

nice adj. 令人愉快的;美好的

night n. 夜;夜间;黑夜

at night 在晚上

no adj.& adv. 没有;不;无

nobody pron. 没有人;谁也不


noise n. 声音;响声;噪声

make a noise 发出声音

noisy adj. 嘈杂的;喧闹的

none pron. 没有人;没有任何东西

none of + v. (第三人称单数)

noodle n. 面条

nor conj. 也不

north n. 北;北方 反:south

adj. 北;北方的

northern adj. 北方的 反:southern

in north China 在华北

in the north of China

nose n. 鼻子

nose bridge 鼻梁

not adv.

note n. 笔记;便条

take lesson notes 记课堂笔记

nothing pron. 没有东西;没有什么

notice n. 通知

v. 注意;注意到

notice sb do/doing 注意某人做某事

take no notice of 不注意

take notice of 关注

novel n. (长篇)小说

novelist 小说家

November n. 十一月

now adv. 现在

nowadays adv. 如今

*nowhere adv. 任何地方都不

This tells us nowhere. 这对我们毫无用处

adv. (穿、戴、放)……上;put onhave…on

(电灯、水管等)接通;turn on

(进行、继续)下去 go on

adj. 在上映 be on

once adv. 一次;一度;从前 n. 一次;从前 =long long ago

once more 再一次

once upon a time 从前

=few many times

one pron. (个、只……)only adv. 只;只有;只是;仅仅

adj. 仅有的;唯一的


not only…but also… 就近原则

*onto prep. 上面

open v. 打开;张开;开办;开设 adj. 开着的;开口的;敞开的;营业着的 opened opened opening

be open

open to the public

be open to the public

operate v. 施行手术;开刀 operate on

operation n. 手术

an operationopinion n. 观点;看法 in one’s opinion

in their opinion 不加S

opposite adj.& prep. 在……对面;相对的;

对立的 opposite words 反义词

or conj. 或者;还是;否则

选择疑问回答没有Yes or No

no… and no=no…ororange n. 橘子;橙子;橙色 adj. 橙色的order n. 命令;指示 v. 订购;叫 (菜、饮料等);命令 in order 按顺序排列的

take one’s order 点菜

order sb. to sth.

orderly (adj.)

ordinary adj. 普通的;平常的 =common

an ordinary man 一个普通人

organization n. 组织;团体;机构 an organization

organize v. 组织other adj. 别的;另外的 pron. 别人;别的东西 other 一定要+n.

others pron. 代词不+n.

one the other(两者之间)

ought to 应该;应当


ought not to=shouldn’tout adv. 离开;向外;在外

part n. 部分;角色;零部件

main part 主角

part-time adj. 兼职的

*partner n.搭档,合作者

party n. 聚会;政党;党派parties

take part in / join the Party 入党

= be a member of the Party

pass v. 经过;路过;传递;通过

pass sth to sb.= pass sb sth

pass the torch 传递火炬

pass the exam 反:fail the exam

passage n. 一节,一段;通道

passenger n. 乘客;旅客

passport n. 护照

past prep. (指时间等)过……;经过

n. 过去;昔日;往事

= more than

five past five 5:05

in the past few years(现在完成时)

patient n. 病人

adj. 耐心的

= sick man

pay (paid, paid) v. 付款,支付;给……报酬

n. 工资 pays

pay a visit 进行一次访问

paypay money

pay money for sth

pay for sth


spendspend stime doing sth

spend stime on sth

spend stime in doing sth

cost】一般指物 sth cost sb money

take It takes/took sb stime to do sth

P. E. 体育

peace n. 和平

peaceful adj. 和平的

make peace 讲和

peach n. 桃子 peaches

pear n.

*pearl n. 珍珠

pen n. 钢笔

pencil n. 铅笔

penny n. (英国货币单位)便士pence

people n. 人;人民;人们

集体名词 永远复数

per n. 每,每一

= every

percent n. 每百中,百分之……

perfect adj. 完美的, 极好的

= excellent

perfection n. 完美(的人或事)

perfectly adv. 完美地

performance n. 表演;演出

perform v. 表演

put on a performance

同样是ance 结尾的名词:


plastic adj. 塑料的

plastic bottle 塑料瓶

n. 塑料 plastics

plate n. 盘子,碟子

platform n. 站台

play v. 玩;游戏play games

打(球)play basketball

演奏play the piano

扮演play the role of

n. 玩耍;戏剧;剧本

put on a play 表演戏剧

TV play 电视剧

playground n. 操场

pleasant adj. 令人愉快的

pleasant weather/trip

pleased adj. 感到高兴的;感到满意的

= happy = glad

be pleased to do

be pleased with = be satisfied with

please v. (用于祈使语气)请

pleasure n. 愉快;高兴

with pleasure 很荣幸,乐意帮忙

= it’s my pleasure

plenty n. 丰富,充足;大量

plenty of +可数或不可数名词

= a lot of

P. M. (p.m.) 下午

plot n.

plus prep.


pocket n. 衣袋

pocket money 零花钱

in the pocket 在口袋里

poem n. 诗歌

poet n. 诗人

point v. 指;指向

n. 点;小数点

point at 指着

point out 指出

one point seven 1.7

pole n. 极(点);杆

the south pole 南极

policeman (pl. policemen) n. 警察

the police 警察的统称(复数)

politely adv. 有礼貌地(不要去e +ly


polite adj. 有礼貌的


politics n. 政治

political adj. 政治的

politician n.政客

pollute v. 污染,弄脏= make dirty

pollution n. 污染

pool n. 水池,水塘

swimming pool 游泳池

poor adj. 贫穷的;可怜的;不好的


be poor at be good at

private adj. 私人的;私有的


prize n. 奖品

win first price / place

award the price 领奖

probably adv. 大概,或许

= perhaps= maybe =possible

probable adj. 大概的,可能的

problem n. 问题,习题

process v. 处理;加工

n. 过程

= do /deal with

do word processing做文字处理

produce v. 产生;生产

*product n. 产品

production n. 产品

professional adj. 职业的,专业的

professor n. 教授

a professional basketball player

programme n. 节目;节目单

progress n. 进步;进展

make progress 取得进步

make much/great progress

project n. 工程;课程;作业;项目;规划

do a project on

promise v. 允诺;承诺;答应

promise sb to do sth 答应某人做某事

keep the/one’s promise 遵守承诺

pronounce v. 发音

properly adv. 适当地

proper adj. 合适的,正确的

in proper words

protect v. 保护

protect sb from doing sth

protection n. 保护,防护

proud adj. 自豪的;骄傲的

pride n. 骄傲,自豪

take pride in 自豪

= be proud of sth/sb

prove v. 证明

provide v. 提供; 供给

provide sb with sth

= provide sth for sb

public adj. 公众的,公共的

in public 在公共场合

publish v. 出版

pull v. 拉;拖;拔

pull the bus

pump v. 抽吸;泵送

n. 泵;抽水机

pupil n. 学生

push v.& n.

put (put, put) v. 放;摆

putitup 建造;张贴

putitoff 推迟

putiton 穿上;上演


record n. 记录;唱片,录了音的磁带

v. 记录;将(声音,景象等)录下

keep a record of 作一个的记录

record the test 录下考试

break the record 打破记录

hold/keep the world swimming record


recorder n. 录音机

in recorder

red n. 红色

adj. 红色的redder reddest

reduce v. 减少;缩减

= cut down


refuse v. 拒绝;回绝


refuse to do sth = say no to

relative n. 亲戚

relax v. (使)放松,松弛

relaxation n. 放松

relaxing adj. 令人放松的

relaxed adj. 放松的

rely v. 依靠

reliable adj. 可靠的

rely on = depend on

remember v. 记得;想记


remember doing sth 记住曾做过某事

remember to do sth 记住要去做某事

forget 同理)

repair v. 修理

= fix

repeat v. 重复

= say again

reply v. & n. 回答,答复replied

= answer

report n. 报告;汇报;成绩单

v. 报告;汇报

news report 新闻报告

report the news 报告新闻

reporter n. 记者

= journalist

republic n. 共和国

the Peoples Republic of China

require v. 需要;要求

requirement n. 需要,必需品,要求

be required to do 被要求某事

require sb to do 需要某人做某事

= need sb to do

research v. 探究;研究

= study

search v. 搜寻

response n. 响应;反应;作答

in response to

= in answer to 做出反应

responsible adj. 负责的;有责任的

be response for 负责

= be in charge of = take charge of

robot n. 机器人

rock n. 岩石

rocky adj. 岩石的

rocket n. 火箭

room n. 房间;室;空间 = space

roommate n. 室友

root n.

rope n . 绳子

*rose n. 玫瑰花

round adj. 圆的;球行的

adv. 环绕地;在周围

prep. 环绕一周;围着

all year(不加sround 一整年

a round ball

rough adj. 不平的;粗糙的;崎岖的


row n. 排,行

rubbish n. 垃圾

= litter

rule n. 规章;法规

ruler n.

run (ran, run) v. 跑;奔跑;经营;管理

n. 跑;奔跑

run after 追赶

run across 偶然遇见

run out of = use up 用尽

rush v. 冲,奔,闯

rush hour 高峰时间

run into 冲进去


sad adj. 悲伤的;使人悲伤sadder saddest

sadness n.. 悲伤

sadly adv. 难过地;悲伤地

safe adj. 安全的;平安的

n. 保险柜I put the money into the safe.


save v. 搭救;节省;储蓄

safely adv. 安全地;平安地


land safely 安全着陆

safety n. 安全


sail v. 航行

sailing n. 航班

sailor n. 水手

go sailing 去远航

sailing schedule 航行时刻表

salad n. 色拉

sale n. 卖,出售,销售;廉价出售

on sale 打折

for sale 销售,廉价出售

salt n.

salty a. 咸的(saltier saltiest

salt water 盐水

same adj. 同一的;同样的

pron. 同样的事

the same to you

see (saw, seen) v. 看;瞧;理解;领会;


nice to see/meet you

see sb. off 送行

see sb. do(指做的全过程)

see sb. doing(指正在做)

seem v. 似乎;好像

=look like

It seemed that…

It seemed that it will rain

*select v. 选择,挑选,选拔

sell (sold, sold) v. 卖;销售

sell sth. to 反:buy sth. for

sell out 售完

sell…to sb.

send (sent, sent) v. 打发;派遣;送;寄发

send the e-mail to

senior adj. 高级的;高年级的

sense n. 感觉;意识;感官


have a high sense of responsibility

sentence n. 句子

September n. 九月

series n. 连续;一系列

TV series 电视连续剧

serious adj. 严重的

seriously adv. 严肃地;严重地

serve v. ……服务

serve sb.

service n. 服务;公用事业

taxi /telephone services

set (set, set) v. 放;安置;树立(榜样);


set out/off 出发

set an example to sb给某人树立了榜样

set the world record 创造世界纪录

set the clock for five 拨闹钟

several adj. 几个;数个

= some = a couple of

several +n. ()

sex n. 性别

shake (shook, shaken) v. 握(手);摇(头)

shake one’s head 摇头

shake hand(s) with 握手

shall (should) v. aux. (和其他动词连用)



shame n. 羞耻;遗憾的事,可惜

It’s shame.

What a shame

=What a pity

shape n. 形状;样子;外型

share v. 合用;分享

share sth. with sb.

sharp adj. 尖锐的,锐利的;准点的

sheep (pl. sheep) n. 羊,绵羊

shelf n. 架子shelves

book shelf

sit (sat, sat) v.

situation n. 场面;形势

size n. 尺寸;大小

This box is as big as that one.

=This box is the same size as that one.

*skate v. 溜冰

go skating 去溜冰

skill n. 技巧;技能;技艺

listening /reading /speaking /writing skills

skin n. 皮肤

skirt n. 女裙

sky n. 天空;天

in the sky

sleep (slept, slept) v.& n. 睡觉;睡眠

sleepy adj. 困倦的(sleepier sleepiest)

fall asleep 入睡

go to sleep (强调睡觉)

go to bed (强调“上床”)

slide n. 幻灯

watch the slide

slow adj. 慢的;缓慢的(slower slowest)

slowly adv. 慢地;缓慢地

(more /most slowly)

small adj. 小的;少的


little】有生命力的 a little boy

smart adj. 聪明的;精明的

= bright= clever

smell (smelt, smelt) v. 嗅;闻到

n. 味,气味

smell +adj.

smell/sound like + n.

smile v. & n. 微笑

with a smile

smoke n. 烟;吸烟

v. 吸烟

smoke a cigarette 吸一支烟

give up smoking 戒烟

snack n. 小吃

snow n. heavy snow

v. 下雪 snow heavily

snowy adj. 多雪的;下雪的

so adv. (表示程度)那么;如此;也;


conj. 因此;所以;为的是,以便

I think so.

So do I.

because so 不能同时存在

so as to =in order to

soft adj. 软的

softly adv. 温柔地

soldier n. 士兵;军人

solution n. 解决(方法);解答

find the solution to

solve v. 解决;解答

solve the problem =work out

some adj. 一些;有些;若干

pron. 一些;若干;几个;有些;一部分

staff n. (全体)工作人员; 职员

teaching staff +/复数

stamp n. 邮票

collect the stamp

stand (stood, stood) v. 站;站立

= rise

stand up反:sit down

star n.

five-star red flag

start n. 开端,开始

v. 开始;着手;出发= set out/off

start to do/doing = begin…

start with 开始

反:end with 结束

state n. 国家;(美国的)州;状态

station n. (火车,汽车等)站;电台

railway station

stay v.& n. 停留;暂住;逗留

stay +adj.

stay up 熬夜

stay】(短暂的停留) +at

live(长久的居住) +in

steak n. 牛排

steal (stole, stolen) v.

thief n. 小偷

steam n. 水蒸气;水汽

step n. (脚)步

v. 跨步,走stepped stepping

step by step 一步步

stick n. 棍,棒;手仗

v. 粘贴stuck stuck

still adv. 还;仍然;更

= much

still /much /far+比较级

stocking n. 长统袜

stomach-ache n. 胃痛

have a stomach-ache /headache

stone n. 石头

stop v. 使停止;阻止;停止;停下来

(做某事)(stopped stopped)

n. 停止;车站

stop sb. from doing

stop to do sth. 去做另一件事

stop doing sth. 停下正在做的事

store n. 商店

v. 贮存,贮藏

Shanghai No.1 Store 上海第一百货商店

storm n. 暴(风)雨;暴(风)雪

story n. 故事;小说

straight adj. 直的

adv. 直地

go straight (adv.)

The stick is straight (adj.)

strange adj. 奇怪的;陌生的

stranger 陌生人

street n. 街;街道

at the street corner

swim (swam, swum) v. &n. 游泳

go swimming

symbol n. 象征; 符号,记号

a symbol of …的象征

the symbol of the wisdom of Chinese people


system n. 系统;体系

education system 教育系统


table n. 桌子;表格

take (took, taken) v.

1. 拿;取

2. 拿走;带走;带去

3. (与名词连用,表示与该名词


4. 花费(时间)

It takes sb stime to do sth

5 . 吃;喝;服用

take some medicine

6. 乘车(船)

take a bus = by bus

7. 拍照 take photos

take away 拿走

take off 脱掉;起飞

take out 取出

take up 开始从事

talk n.& v. 谈话;聊天;讲话;演讲

talk +prep.

tall adj. 高的


high 反:low

tap n. 龙头;阀门

a leaky tap 漏水的龙头

tape n. 磁带

tape recorder 录音机

task n. 任务,工作

taste n. 味道

v. + adj.

taxi n. 出租汽车

get into /out of the taxi /car

get on /off the bus /下车

tea n. 茶,茶叶

teach (taught, taught) v. 教;教书

teacher n. 教师;教员

team n.

*technology n. 技术

teenage adj. 十几岁的(指13—19),青少年的

*teenager n..13—19岁的)青少年;


telephone ( = phone) n. 电话;电话机

v. 打电话

television (TV) n. 电视

tell (told, told) v. 告诉;讲述;吩咐

tell sb to do sth

temperature n. 温度

raise the temperature

*temple n. 庙宇,寺院

till prep.& conj. 直到;直到……为止

= until



time n. 时间;一段时间;时刻;钟点;次;回

some times 几次

from time to time 有事

What’s the time?几点了

*tip n. 尖端;提示;小费

tired adj. 疲劳的;累

be tired of(状态)= get tired of(动作)

title n. 标题

to prep. 1. (表示方向)到;向;往

go to the zoo

2. (表示间接关系)给……;于……

write a letter to sb 给某人写信

3. (表示钟点)在……之前

two to eight 7:58

today adv.& n. 今天;现在;当前

together adv. 一起

altogether = in all总共

tomato n. 西红柿,番茄tomatoes

tomorrow adv.& n. 明天

tonight adv.& n 今天晚上,今晚

too adv. 也;太;过分

too+ adv./ adj.原级

too…to… 以至于

tool n. 工具

tooth (pl. teeth) n. 牙齿

toothache n. 牙痛

have a toothache

top n. 顶部 at the top of

adj. 居首位的;最上面的

top student = best student

*topic n. 题目,话题

touch n. & v. 接触;触摸

tour n. 旅行;观光

a pleasant tour/ trip

tour guide 导游

tourist n. 游客;旅行者

tourist guide 导游手册

toward(s) prep. 朝,向 (prep.+ n.)

look towards me

tower n.

town n. 城镇;镇

toy n. 玩具 (toys)

traditional adj. 传统的

tradition n. 传统

traffic n. 交通

traffic accident 交通事故

train n. 火车

v. 训练

translation n. 训练

train sb to do sth

translate v. 翻译


translate Chinese into English

= change/turn Chinese into English

unit n. 单元,部件,装置

Unit One = the first unit

united adj. 联合的,统一的

the United States of America

university n. (综合性)大学

a university teacher

go to college /university

unless conj. 如果不,除非

= if not

until prep.& conj. 直到……为止

unusual adj. 不寻常的,异常的

反:usual usually adv. 经常

up adv. 向上;往上方;在上面;


go up to 走上前去

put up 穿上;张贴

look up 查阅字典

pick up 拾起

give up 放弃

turn up 出现;调高

stand up 站起来

upset adj. 难过的,不高兴的

= unhappy

upstairs adv. 在楼上;往楼上


go upstairs

use v. 使用;运用;应用

n. 用途;用法

use sth. to do

used to do sth. 过去常常

be used to doing 习惯于

be used to do 被用来去做

useful adj. 有用的,有益的


usual adj. 通常的

usually adv. 通常;经常


van n. 有篷载重汽车,运货车

various adj. 各种各样的

*variety n.种种,种类

a variety of

vegetable n. 蔬菜

grow vegetables

very adv. 很;非常

very + adj./ adv.原级

victory n. 胜利

video n. 电视;录像;录像机videos

play video games 打网络游戏

view n. 视域,看得见的地方

= opinion

What’s your view on…

We have got a good view

village n. 村庄;乡村

live in the village/country

violin n. 小提琴

play the violin

visit v.& n. 参观;访问;拜访

wear (wore, worn) v. 穿;戴

穿衣服 戴眼镜

weather n. 天气

It’s fine. 天气很好

Wednesday n. 星期三

week n. 星期,周

last week, next week 等不加冠词

the week after next 下下周

weekday n. 工作日

on weekdays

weekend n. 周末

at /on weekends

weigh v. ……的重量;重

How heavy is it?

=What’s weight of it?

=How much does it weigh?

weight n. 重量

welcome n. 欢迎

adj. 受欢迎的;不必感谢的

v. 欢迎welcomed welcomed

int. 欢迎

make sb. welcome 使某人感到受欢迎

be welcome to do sth. 被允许做某事

well (better, best) adj. 健康的

adv. 好;令人满意地;完全地

int. (表示同意,惊讶)好;好吧;那么

be good at = do well in

west n. 西;西方

in the west of China 在中国西部

western adj. 西方的

western culture 西方文化

wet adj. 湿的;潮的;多雨的wetter wettest


what pron.(表示疑问)什么(人,事,物等);


adv. (表示感叹)多么;何等;(表示


What’s the matter with you

when adv. 什么时候

conj. ……的时候

where adv. 在(往)哪里

whether conj. 是否

= if

whether…or not

which adj.& adv. 哪一个;哪些

which + n.

while conj. 在(当)……时候;和……同时

n. 一会儿;一段时间

while +进行时

for a while 过了一会

white n. 白色

adj. 白色的

who pron.

whole adj. 整个的;完整的

the whole world 整个世界

the whole life is…

whole day 整天

whom pron. 谁(宾格)

word n. 词;单词;话

have a word with sb. 与某人说

work v. 工作;干活;运转;转动

n. 工作;劳动;(要做的)事情

work on 致力于

work out 制定出;算出

work as 从事工作

act as 充当

worker n. 工作者;工人

world n. 世间

worry v. 烦恼;担心;发怒

be worried about = worry about

would v. aux. 愿意

wound n. 创伤,伤

a serious wound

wounded adj. 受伤的

a wounded soldier

serious wounded

write (wrote, written) v. 书写;写信;写作;著述

write a letter to sb.

write down 写下

writer n. 作家


wrong adj. 错误的;不对的


What’s wrong = What’s the matter

go wrong

a wrong answer


year n.

yellow n. 黄色

adj. 黄色的

yes adv. 是,好;同意

yesterday adv. & n. 昨天

yet adv. (到目前为止)还;仍然


young adj. 年轻的;幼小的


zero num. & n.

zoo n. 动物园

上海市中考英语必备 - 单词及其拓展
