
发布时间:2019-05-29 02:14:38




Unit 3课时跟踪练() Warming Up & Reading —Language Points



1Please come to my home to play cards whenever it is convenient (方便的) for you.

2The dog wagged its tail in expectation (期望) of a bone.

3The police seized (抓住) an escaping thief.

4The device was protected by patent (专利权)

5The merciful (仁慈的) king saved the young officer from death.

6We did not know what had made him change his mind so abruptly (突然地)

7These products (产品) may help you to keep slim.

8He distinguished (使……扬名) himself by his courage at that time.

9He told us to deal with the dangerous work with caution (谨慎)

10There is a merry (愉快的) smile on her face.


1The game was called up because of the bad weather.


2It is the superior intelligence and the use of language that distinguish man between the other animals.


3The kind lady usually is mercifully to those homeless people.mercifullymerciful

4The government has set about to make many needed reforms.aboutout

5Will it be convenient of you to come in the morning?


6Another part of the body that needed special cautions is the eyes.cautionscaution

7The policeman seized the thief by his arm.histhe

8On the National Day, people sang and danced merry in the street.merrymerrily


be convenient for meet with set about distinguish ...from come up to one's expectations there seemed to be now and then call ... up

1Stick to your efforts and you'll surely distinguish yourself from other students.

2Now_and_then,_we get together to have a chat, but not often.

3She set_about the business of cleaning the house.

4I usually enjoy his movies, but the latest one didn't come_up_to_my_expectations.

5Would it be_convenient_for you to pick me up at four o'clock and take me to the airport?

6They often quarreled; there_seemed_to_be a misunderstanding between them.

7I will be grateful if you can consider accepting me and calling me up.

8In my opinion, when meeting_with difficulties and frustrations, we should say It is very good


When the writer called 1.up her mother in the countryside on the phone, she learned that snakes came near their house and that they seemed 2.to_have_made (make) their home near her house. The writer felt proud and considered it a chance for her to distinguish 3.herself by inventing something 4.that would catch snakes but not harm them. She set about 5.researching (research) the habits of snakes.

She decided to cool them so that they could be 6.easily (easy) caught. However, her first two plans were not successful. 7.As a result, she had to attempt a 8.third (three) time, which helped her fulfill her aim successfully. She was 9.so delighted that she was determined to send her 10.invention (invent) to the Patent Office to get recognition for her successful idea.


我和其他人的不同之处(distinguish)在于我积极参加各项活动。自从我得知你们招聘的消息,我就着手(set about)申请(apply)成为一名志愿者。志愿者工作对我来说是很合适的,我一定会抓住这次机会(seize the opportunity)把这项工作做好。如果您能接受我的申请,并给我回电话(call up),我将不胜感激。




Elva Robison will never forget the phone call she received one September morning. Her 22­year­old daughter had been __1__ in a car accident.

The weeks and months that followed were full of __2__ for Elva. Relatives, friends and neighbors __3__ her and her family. But Elva drew the greatest __4__ from her old high school classmate, Irma Hyson. It happened that Irma had lost her 21­year­old daughter in a car accident just a year before, so she __5__ like no one else what Elva was feeling, and that gave Elva __6__.

In the many years since then, the two women have continued to __7__ one another's joys, losses and hardships. I don't know what I'd do __8__ her” Elva says of Irma. I've told her, ‘You have saved my life.’ And I know she __9__ the same way.

Some studies find that having a wide range of __10__ — belonging to community groups __11__ having a network of friends — offers __12__. But others show that the most important thing is to have just a few __13__ friends — Quality beats quantity all the time” says Laura Carstensen of Stanford University. Elva and Irma would surely __14__. Five years after Irma's __15__ died, her husband was killed in a traffic accident. Elva __16__ went to Irma's side and __17__ to do housework and anything else she could. She practically lived here for a while” Irma says.

When Elva's husband died, Irma stayed __18__ by her side. Elva's doctor __19__ she join a support group for the bereaved (失去亲人的). But Elva told him she really didn't need any of that __20__ she had Irma.

Both celebrating their 84th birthdays this year, the two best friends still drive, travel and support each other.


1.A.hurt           Bkilled

Cpunished Dcaught

解析:选B 根据下段中的“It happened that Irma had lost her 21­year­old daughter in a car accident”可知,与Irma的女儿一样,Elva的女儿也(killed)”于车祸。

2A.regret Banger

Canxiety Dsorrow

解析:选D 白发人送黑发人,Elva自然很难过(sorrow)”。

3A.got along with Bput up with

Creached out to Dpaid attention to

解析:选C 出了这样的事,亲朋好友都向Elva和她的家人伸出了援助之手(reached out to)”。get along with“与……一起 put up with“忍受;忍耐 pay attention to“注意

4A.pleasure Bcomfort

Cpride Dsatisfaction

解析:选B 根据本段中的“It happened that Irma had lost her 21­year­old daughter in a car accident”可知,ElvaIrma那里得到了最大的安慰(comfort)”是因为Irma的女儿也死于车祸,所以Irma“理解(understood)Elva的感受。

5A.understood Bremembered

Crealized Dimagined

解析:选A 参见上题解析。

6A.strength Bsafety

Cindependence Dfaith

解析:选A 有人能与自己感同身受,这给了Elva支撑下去的力量(strength)”。下段中的“I don't know ...‘You have saved my life.’”也说明了这一点。

7A.control Benjoy

Cshare Dexpress

解析:选C 根据下文描述ElvaIrma相互扶持,帮助对方度过人生最黑暗的日子可知,她们一直互相分享(share)”快乐与悲伤。

8A.besides Bdespite

Cfor Dwithout

解析:选D 根据本空后的“You have saved my life”可推测,如果没有(without)Irma, Elva不知道自己会怎么样。

9A.acts Btries

Creplies Dfeels

解析:选D 本空前是Elva谈自己对Irma的感激之情,属于她的心理感受,故“feels(感受)”符合此处语境,表示IrmaElva也怀有同样的感情。

10A.backgrounds Brelationships

Cexperiences Dinterests

解析:选B 本空后的“belonging to community groups ...having a network of friends”都属于人际交往关系(relationships)”的范畴。

11A.in spite of Bdue to

Cas well as Dinstead of

解析:选C 根据下一句“But ...‘Quality beats quantity all the time’”可知,下句说人际关系的质量重于数量,由此可推测,这句是说人际关系的数量很重要,故“belonging to community groups”和“having a network of friends”应该是并列关系,表示拥有广泛的人际交往关系。as well as表示,符合此处语境。

12A.protection Bexamination

Ctreatment Ddevelopment

解析:选A 根据上段中的“You have saved my life”可知,拥有广泛的人际关系可以提供保护(protection)”。

13A.special Btrue

Cold Dpopular

解析:选B 根据本空后的“Quality beats quantity all the time”可知,这里是说有几个真正的(true)”朋友很重要。

14A.prefer Bexpect

Cagree Dadvise

解析:选C 根据下文内容可知,ElvaIrma用实际行动诠释了朋友的意义,因此她们应该是同意(agree)”有几个真正的朋友很重要。

15A.son Bfriend

Crelative Ddaughter

解析:选D 第二段中的“Irma had lost her 21­year­old daughter in a car accident”提示了本题答案。

16A.finally Bimmediately

Csuddenly Dgradually

解析:选B 作为朋友,当Irma的丈夫去世后,Elva“马上(immediately)”去陪Irma帮忙(helped)”做家务及其她力所能及的事情。

17A.decided Bplanned

Chelped Dmanaged

解析:选C 参见上题解析。

18A.close Blate

Cregularly Dsadly

解析:选A 同样地,当Elva家出事后, Irma陪伴她左右。close“紧密地

19A.ordered Bsuggested

Crequested Dinsisted

解析:选B 加入一个失去亲人的互助小组是医生给Elva建议(suggested)”。

20A.and Bthough

Cor Dbecause

解析:选D Elva说她不需要加入这样的互助小组是因为(because)”她有Irma


Mike is one of my sister's classmate. He is a full­time chemistry student, though at weekends he worked in the university bookshop. She is a member of the Students' Union, and helps holding a few different events. In his free time, he plays an active part in quite a lot clubs and societies. For example, he belongs in the English Club, helping out with many of the organization work. He is also a strongly supporter of the university basketball team. In fact, he's recently been taken on the role of their minibus driver, and takes them to matches once the week.



第三句:SheHe; holdinghold


第五句:into; manymuch


第七句:去掉been; once后面的thea

