
发布时间:2016-12-29 02:24:59


One Fridaywe were packing to leave for a weekend away when my daughter heard cries for help.When I went outside to 26 what was wrongI discovered an elderly neighbor had fallen down.She was 27 in pain so I helped her inside her house and 28 her on the bed.

I noticed how 29 her place was and it was obvious she hadn't cleaned it for a while.She insisted she didn't need an 30 and that someone would be around soonso I put a bottle of water at her side and 31 .

On my returnI felt sad thatalthough we had been neighbors for 18 monthsapart from a few smileswe hadn't 32 .I hadn't even noticed she hadn't been 33 for weeks due to painful back.

That weekend I met my grandma for her 80th birthdayand I noticed how 34 her flat seemed in comparison with my 35 .Then I remembered that my grandma was usually visited by her relatives. 36 my neighboras far as I knewhad no family regularly 37 .

When I returned home I went to visit herbut she didn't 38 my knocks.I walked inside.She was more 39 now than when she started to see me.She explained she was OK.Yetunable to 40 due to her backshe could not unpack groceries that a delivery boy had left at floor level and her kitchen was filled with 41 because she was unable to take it out by herself.

42 we've become good friends and chat every day.Nowevery time I 43 from putting out her garbage 44 her mails or just chattingI feel a deep sense of 45 and peaceso I am really content that I can help others.

26.A.identify B.comfort

C.assure D.check

答案 D

解析 identify 识别,鉴定;comfort 使舒适;assure 保证;check检查。结合语境,作者的女儿听见外面有求助的哭喊声,所以作者出去查看发生了什么事情。

27.A.luckily B.easily

C.clearly D.scarcely

答案 C

解析 结合语境,作者出去,看到一个上了年纪的邻居摔倒了,作者能够清楚地看到她很痛。

28.A.insisted B.settled

C.persuaded D.called

答案 B

解析 作者看到老人很痛地躺在地上,于是把她扶进屋子里,让她躺在床上。

29.A.dirty B.comfortable

C.wide D.tidy

答案 A

解析 根据该句后半句很明显她好长时间没有清理屋子了可以判断出,这里是暗示老人的屋子很脏。

30.A.operation B.ambulance

C.encouragement D.application

答案 B

解析 operation手术;ambulance急救车;encouragement勇气;application应用。根据句意,她坚持她不需要救护车,很快她身边就会有人(来帮助她)

31.A.provided B.served

C.presented D.left

答案 D

解析 provide提供;serve服务;present出现;leave离开。根据语境,老人说很快有人就会过来,于是作者在她身边放下了一瓶水就离开了。下一段中的on my return也是提示。

32.A.worked B.competed

C.quarreled D.connected

答案 D

解析 作者这里想的是,他们当了18个月的邻居,但是除了几个微笑之外,他们之间并没有更多的联系。

33.A.away B.off

C.outside D.around

答案 C

解析 句意为:我甚至没有注意到她因为背疼好几周都没有出去。

34.A.clean B.narrow

C.smelly D.sweet

答案 A

解析 作者为祖母庆祝80大寿的时候,作者注意到她的公寓和自己邻居的比起来太干净了。

35.A.wife's B.neighbor's

C.relative's D.daughter's

答案 B

解析 前文中作者提到自己邻居的房子很脏,所以这里是和邻居的房子做对比。

36.A.In short B.As a result

C.On the contrary D.After all

答案 C

解析 in short简而言之;as a result结果是;on the contrary相反;after all毕竟。作者这个时候想起来,自己的祖母的房子干净是因为祖母的亲戚经常来看她,相反,作者的邻居已经很久没有家人定期看望她了。

37.A.dropping by B.looking after

C.bringing up D.sending to

答案 A

解析 drop by顺便拜访;look after照顾;bring up养育,提出;send to送到。

38.A.answer B.reply

C.appreciate D.recognize

答案 A

解析 作者回到家的时候去看望了自己的邻居,但是邻居并没有回应她的敲门声。

39.A.curious B.thankful

C.angry D.impatient

答案 B

解析 作者帮助了自己的邻居,邻居自然会带着感激之情。

40.A.sit down B.put down

C.lie down D.bend down

答案 D

解析 sit down坐下;put down放下,记下;lie down躺下;bend down俯身,屈伸。结合语境,因为她的背伤,她不能够俯身,不能够解开送快递的男孩放在楼梯上的杂货包装。

41.A.dust B.garbage

C.food D.furniture

答案 B

解析 因为邻居的背伤,不能够扔垃圾,于是厨房里堆满了垃圾。

42.A.Suddenly B.Gradually

C.Temporarily D.Regularly

答案 B

解析 suddenly突然地;gradually逐渐地;temporarily暂时地;regularly常规的。前文提到,作者和邻居相处了18个月都只是见面微笑的关系,在作者帮助了邻居之后,他们逐渐成为了朋友。

43.A.suffer B.escape

C.return D.stop

答案 C

解析 句意为:现在每次我帮她扔完垃圾后返回……return from ……返回。

44.A.collecting B.reading

C.writing D.copying

答案 A

解析 作者帮邻居倒完垃圾或取回邻居的邮件之后……

45.A.determination B.presentation

C.ambition D.satisfaction

答案 D

解析 determination决定;presentation出现;ambition雄心,抱负;satisfaction满意。作者从帮助邻居中感觉到深深的满足。


One night I was watching a TV series when I took in one scene.A man was seeking his community votesand people 1 wanted to know why they should give him their 2 .He took them to his house and on every 3 in his house was the word Faith pasted.People 4 lots of questions to find out why the word was pasted on his mirrors.He saidMy dad often 5 me to believe that as long as you have 6 you should have faith.Every time you look into the mirroryou're looking at yourself and see Faith'.”

The 7 I learned from this is simple—faith is a living thing and in the same way we're all 8 given 24 hours a day and we're all given the same measure of faith.Faith keeps us going when things get 9 Why is some people's faith stronger than that of others? Exercise! If we choose to exercise our faithit will 10 but if we choose not toit remains weak.Some people might 11 that they don't have faithbut we all practice faith every day even if we don't 12 it was faith.Daily 13 such as studyinginvesting or reaching for a dreamtake faith.

Faith 14 hearing and doing.ConsequentlyI made a decision yesterday—to 15

reading the newspaper full of too much sad and 16 news.Why? Because I 17 there was a drop of my mental state after reading the newspapers.

Faithwhen put to 18 becomes a beautiful thing.It 19 your mental state to a higher place that causes you to raise yourself up and declareYeswe can. So make the decision today to strengthen your faith by 20 it.

1.A.bravely B.briefly

C.finally D.mostly

答案 D

解析 根据上文,此处表示一个年轻人正在社区里为自己拉票,而多数人都想知道他有什么理由可以让他们支持他

2.A.help B.support

C.pity D.information

答案 B

解析 根据上文seeking his community votes...可知,人们想知道为什么要支持他。

3.A.wall B.picture

C.mirror D.figure

答案 C

解析 根据下文提到the word was pasted on his mirrors可知。

4.A.rose B.arose

C.raised D.aroused

答案 C

解析 根据下文why the word was pasted on his mirrors,可知此处表示人们提出(raise)问题想了解实情。rise升起;arise出现,发生;arouse唤起。

5.A.teaches B.permits

C.forces D.promises

答案 A

解析 本句表示父亲教导我人生的道理。teach sb.to do sth.教某人做某事。

6.A.flesh B.breath

C.fitness D.stress

答案 B

解析 根据上下文可知,把faith这个词贴在镜子上是为了每一次照镜子时都能看到它,这说明父亲让他相信信念非常重要,只要活着,我们就要有信仰。have breath表示活着

7.A.example B.view

C.lesson D.experience

答案 C

解析 破折号后的内容是作者从这一电视剧情节中学到的教训(lesson)

8.A.equally B.freely

C.extremely D.frequently

答案 A

解析 根据下文24 hours a day 判断,我们每个人的一天同样(equally)都是24小时。

9.A.strange B.different

C.stressed D.tough

答案 D

解析 根据常识可知,当事情变得艰难时(get tough),更能显出信念的作用。

10.A.strength B.grow

C.transform D.return

答案 B

解析 本句对比了两种情况:选择经受磨练,信念就会增强(grow);选择逃避磨练,信念就会仍然薄弱。

11.A.argue B.realize

C.understand D.predict

答案 A

解析 作者认为有些人可能会有不同意见,他们也许会争辩(argue)说,他们没有信念。

12.A.agree B.appreciate

C.admit D.adopt

答案 C

解析 联系上文可知,作者对这些人的驳斥是:我们每天都在践行它,即使我们不承认(admit)那就是信念。

13.A.tasks B.steps

C.techniques D.experiment

答案 A

解析 此空后列举的内容都是我们的日常活动(task)

14.A.dreams of B.comes from

C.feels like D.keeps on

答案 B

解析 此空表示信念来自于(come from)你所听和所做的事。

15.A.consider B.delay

C.quit D.risk

答案 C

解析 根据空后内容可知,看了那些报纸后,作者总会情绪低落。因此,要树立信念,作者应该是决定以后不再(quit)看那些有负面影响的报纸了。

16.A.sorrow B.superb

C.latest D.negative

答案 D

解析 联系上下文可知,此处所需词汇应与sad同义,表示负面影响的消息

17.A.noticed B.heard

C.declared D.explained

答案 A

解析 读了那样的内容,作者应该注意到(notice)了自己情绪的低落。

18.A.check B.list

C.work D.dream

答案 C

解析 当践行信念时,它会变成一件美丽的人生礼物。put...to work表示践行,使……起作用

19.A.lifts B.conveys

C.affect D.forbids

答案 A

解析 联系后文可知,信念能促使你提升自我,并宣称:是的,我能行。,把你的精神状态提升到(lift)更高的高度。

20.A.forming B.exercising

C.raising D.thinking

答案 B

解析 根据第二段中的If we choose to exercise our faithit will...可知此处应选exercise


I was looking at a picture recently and noticed there was something different.The frame was 36 .The overall picture still looked good but I couldn't 37 whether or not changing the frame would make it better.

From this an interesting 38 came to mind.At times when I was 39 I would spend money on clothes.Maybe I spend it on other things as well.

Because I have a love for 40 I thought I would feel good.Howeverthe feeling was always 41 .Why? Because doing this didn't 42 the real issue.What I needed to do was to pay attention to what was bothering me on the inside 43 trying to cover up my problems by making changes on the outside.I was changing the frame but the picture on the 44 was still the same.

We may change the 45 of our hair or even buy new clothes.There is nothing wrong with doing this 46 but if it is being done for the wrong reasonsit may not 47 to how we really feel.If you 48 there is something wrongtry to change thatthis way you will truly feel better on the inside. 49 time with your familyhaving a conversation with a friendor even letting your pen write your innermost feelings can 50 .Eventuallyyou will get true peace and joy inside.This waynot only will you be better able to 51 your life but also display colorful images of love for others.

So 52 necessarydon't just change the frame.Change the picture.Getting a new picture may be 53 and may take timehoweverwith 54 it can be accomplished.In the endplaying your part in building a 55 of even more fine art in this world would be worth it!

36.A.touched B.changed

C.covered D.cleaned

答案 B

解析 根据前后文,可知作者近来在看一张图片,发现某个地方有点不对劲——画框被改了。

37.A.decide B.discuss

C.imagine D.answer

答案 A

解析 作者依旧不能判断改变画框后,这张图片的效果是否会更好。

38.A.story B.thought

C.message D.concept

答案 B

解析 根据后文可知,从这件事中,一个有趣的想法冒出来了。

39.A.high B.up

C.down D.slow

答案 C

解析 有时候,当我失落时,我会把钱花在买衣服上,也许我也应该在其他东西上花点钱。

40.A.food B.music

C.architecture D.fashion

答案 D

解析 因为我热爱时尚,我认为我的感觉会更好。

41.A.worthless B.priceless

C.sensible D.momentary

答案 D

解析 然而,这种好的感觉总是很短暂。worthless无价值的,卑微的;priceless无价的,极贵重的;sensible明智的;momentary瞬间的,短暂的。

42.A.break B.solve

C.release D.confuse

答案 B

解析 因为做这些并没有解决实际问题。solve解决(问题等)

43.A.instead of B.in case of

C.because of D.in spite of

答案 A

解析 我需要做的就是专注于内心中使我烦躁的东西,而不是尝试通过改变外界来掩饰我的问题。instead of 代替,而不是;in case of 万一,如果;because of因为;in spite of尽管。

44.A.inside B.surface

C.spot D.top

答案 A

解析 我正在改变画框,但是里面的图片依旧还是一样。

45.A.width B.color

C.number D.structure

答案 B

解析 我们可以改变我们头发的颜色,甚至是买新衣服。

46.A.suddenly B.finally

C.occasionally D.gradually

答案 C

解析 偶尔这么做没有错。suddenly忽然;finally最终;occasionally偶尔; gradually逐渐地。

47.A.make a difference B.get through

C.take a chance D.work out

答案 A

解析 但是,如果为了错误的缘由这样做,这对我们的感觉没有影响。make a difference有作用,有影响;get through接通电话,通过;take a chance冒险;work out想出,算出。

48.A.wonder B.care

C.sense D.appreciate

答案 C

解析 如果你感觉不对劲的话,试试改变一下。sense 感觉到;意识到。

49.A.Devoting B.Spending

C.Killing D.Affording

答案 B

解析 花时间和家人在一起,和朋友谈谈心,甚至可以拿起笔写下你内心深处的感受。

50.A.work B.happen

C.return D.appear

答案 A

解析 这些方式都能奏效。work起作用;happen发生;return返回;appear出现。由句意可知选A

51.A.lengthen B.share

C.enjoy D.spare

答案 C

解析 这种方式,不仅能让你更好地享受生活,也能展示你对别人多姿多彩的爱。

52.A.unless B.although

C.since D.when

答案 D

解析 因此,当必要时,不要仅仅改变画框。

53.A.convenient B.difficult

C.simple D.necessary

答案 B

解析 得到一张新的图片可能是困难的,并且需要花费时间。

54.A.help B.permission

C.effort D.effect

答案 C

解析 只要努力,它就能被完成。help帮助;permission允许;effort努力;effect效果。

55.A.temple B.place

C.court D.museum

答案 D

解析 最后,在这个世界上,扮演你的角色,建造一个更精致的艺术博物馆是值得的。temple寺庙;place地点,地方;court法庭;museum博物馆。根据句意可知选D

