
发布时间:2016-02-19 12:00:02

【内容来自于相关网站和学校提供】(考试时间:90分钟 满分:100分)


1题: Passage D We are all busy taking about and using the Internet. But how many of us know the history of the Internet? Many people are surprised when they find that the Internet was set up in the 1960s. At that time, computerswere large and expensive. Computer networks didn't work well. If one computer in the network broke down,then the whole network stopped. So a new network system had to be set up. It should be good enough to beused by many different computers. If part of the network was not working, information could be sent throughanother part. In this way, computer network system would keep on working all the time.At first the Internet wasonly used by the government (政府). But in the early 1970s, universities, hospitals and banks were allowed touse it, too. However, computers were still very expensive and the Internet was difficult to use. By the start of the1990s, computers became cheaper and easier to use. Scientists had also developed software that made surfingthe Internet more convenient.Today it is easy to get on-line and it is said millions of people use the Internet everyday. Sending e-mails is more and more popular among students.The Internet has now become one of the mostimportant parts of people's life.The Internet has a history of more than _________ years.

A. fifty B. ten C. forty D. twenty







3题:A. very B. also C. seldom D. not



4题:What is Steves profession?

AA web engineer BA clerk in an officeCA reporter for a magazine DA photographer in New York City



5题:A. November B. monkey C. nobody D. notice


讲解:【解析】A [əʊ] B[ʌ] C[əʊ] D [əʊ]

6题:The meaning of the last sentence is: .

A. It's better to have fewer cars.B. It's better to make cars that pollute less.C. It's easier to make cars that pollute less.D. It's easier to make people have fewer cars



7题:ow did Tavella operate the wheelchair in the laboratory?

A. By controlling his muscles. B. By talking to the machine.C. By moving his hand. D. By using his mind.


讲解:【解析】细节理解题。由“In the laboratory, Tavella operated the wheelchair just by thinking about moving his left or right hand.”可知,Tavella用移动左右手的想法来控制轮椅。故选D

8题:He came into the room quietly to avoid _____ by the others.

A. to see B. to be seen C. being seen D. seeing


讲解:【解析】avoid doing 排除AB by others表明要用被动,故选C





10题: 植物睡眠之谜 自然界有许多植物的叶子会运动,比如含羞草、合欢等豆科植物白天张开叶子,晚上会合上叶子《睡眠》;捕蝇草的叶子能闭合起来,捕食苍蝇等昆虫。像含羞草、合欢等植物的这种《睡眠运动》自古以来就受到人们关注,可是植物为什么会睡眠,却一直是个不解之谜。 18世纪,法国生物学家德梅兰把含羞草放到光线照不到的洞穴里,发现它的叶子依然以24小时为周期开合。这说明含羞草体内存在一种不受外界光线等环境因素影响的《生物钟》。19世纪,达尔文在《植物的运动本领》中说,植物在晚上闭合叶子睡眠是《为了保护自己免受夜晚低温之害》。20世纪80年代,德国希尔德奈希特的研究报告指出,叶子的开合是由一种称为《膨压素》的植物激素控制的。此后,日本上田实等人从植物中抽出包含数千种化合物的萃取物,最后成功分离出两种活性物质,一种是可使植物叶子闭合的《安眠物质》,另一种是可使植物叶子张开的《兴奋物质》。 植物睡眠之谜之所以长期不得其解,就是因为此前没有人想到使叶子开合的竟是两种不同的生理活性物质。人们进一步了解到,豆科植物叶下珠的安眠物质是一种含葡萄糖的配糖体,白天配糖体水解,安眠物质浓度降低,夜晚配糖体重新合成,兴奋物质浓度相对降低,而配糖体的合成分解是由叶下珠体内的生物钟控制的。相反,铁扫帚的兴奋物质是配糖体,在夜晚配糖体水解,兴奋物质浓度降低,叶子随之闭合。如果用人工合成的半乳糖代替葡萄糖,由于半乳糖在铁扫帚体内不会水解,反而成为一种睡眠阻断剂,使铁扫帚始终不能睡眠,以致两个星期之后因缺水枯萎而死。 解开植物睡眠之谜,将为某种《绿色》农药的诞生铺平道路。目前的除草剂还无法只让田菁等豆科杂草枯萎而不损害豆科作物。研究人员已经人工合成了使田菁失眠的睡眠阻断剂,实验结果是田菁第三天就整株枯死。由于这种阻断剂只对田菁起作用,因此不会影响大豆的生长。 从原文看,以下对《植物睡眠》的理解,正确的一项是(




11题:依次填入下面的一段文字横线处的语句,衔接最恰当的一组是( 作品的独创性亦称作品的原创性,具体表现在两个方面:一是作者的直接创作活动产生了作品。 二是作品表现出作者的个性特点。 不同的人对同一题材的创作也是常见现象。 作品的独创性是针对作品的表达形式而言,并不延及作品的主题思想,也不涉及未加提炼、加工的社会生活本身。 ①只要是独立创作的作品,即使使用了相同的题材,也会产生出与他人作品不相同的表达特征 ②作者运用自己独到的眼光、技巧,独立地选择了自己满意的色彩、旋律、动作、语言等,形成对自己的思想、观点、感情的表达形式 ③作者的创作活动表现为对素材的取舍、运用、素材是构成作品的原始材料,它本身不是作品 ④但只要是作者本人独立创作的,必然表现出与他人不同的个性特点 ⑤任何人的创作都离不开对前人文明成果的传承、借鉴,也离不开时代人的互相影响

A.②①⑤③④ B.②④③①⑤ C.③②⑤④① D.③④②⑤①



12题:Now children are becoming less active in their studies mainly because______.

A. they have to do houseworkB. They watch TV too muchC. the housework is too difficult for themD. they have little time for play


讲解:One such teacher says of her students---so passive(被动的) and believes their passivity has something to do with TV.可知选B

13题:What do you want to do after you _______ school?

A. graduate from B. begin C. reach D.arrived at



14题:Tom is taller than _______in his class.

A.any girl B.any student C.any other girl D.any another girl



15题: Passage A In front of many American houses you can see a mat. People sometimes call it a welcome mat because many of these mats have the word welcome on them. Some welcome mat have the family name on them, too.Because Americans do not take off their shoes before they go into the house, they need a welcome mat to clean their shoes. If the children do not clean their shoes on the mat, their parents may not let them in. If you go to an American home, please remember to clean your shoes on the mat.Always remember: Different countries, different customs.The English word mat means ________ in Chinese.

A . 擦鞋垫 B. 迎客垫 C. 坐垫 D.入门垫


讲解:Because Americans do not take off their shoes before they go into the house, they need a welcome mat to clean their shoes.可知选A

16题: Passage BMost musicians agree that the best violins were first made in Gremona, Italy, about 200 years ago.These violins sound better than any others. They even sound better than violins made today.Violin makers and scientists try to make instruments(乐器) like the Italian violins. But they aren't the same. Musicians still prefer the old ones.Some people think it is the age of the violins. But not all old violins from Gremona are special. So age cannot be the answer.The people think the secret to those violins is the wood. The wood must be from certain kinds of trees. But the kind of wood may not be so important. It may be more important to cut the wood in a special way. Wood for a violin must be cut very carefully. It has to be the right size and shape. The smallest difference will change the sound of the violin. Musicians sometimes think that this was the secret of the Italians. Maybe they understood more than we do about how to cut the wood.Size and shape may not be the answer either. Scientists can make new ones that are exactly the same size and shape. But the new violins still do not sound as good as the old ones. Some scientists think the secret may be the varnish(漆). Varnish is what covers the wood of the violin. It makes the wood shiny. It also helps the sound of the instrument. But no one knows what the Italian makers used in their varnish.

The passage is about .A. making violins B. the old Italian violinsC. scientific ideas D. musical instruments



17题:下列词语中读音全都正确的一组是( )

A.鞭笞(chī) 不容置喙(huì) 联袂(mèi) 草菅(guǎn)人命B.面颊(jiá) 光霁(jì)日明 (qì) 谆谆(chún)善诱C.桅(guǐ) (kè)然长逝 讥诮(qiào) 清风夜唳(lì)D.蹉(cuō) 杀一儆(jǐng) (bīn) 排忧解难(nàn)


讲解:A. jiān C.wéi D.nán

18题:The manager together with his two secretaries __________ for Hong Kong to attend a meeting there.

A. leave B.leaves C.to leave D.is leaving


讲解:【解析】考查主谓搭配以及进行时表将来。 A (together) with B结构,A为单数则谓语动词单数,A为复数则谓语动词复数。The manager together with his two secretaries中,只看主语the manager为三单,排除AC.根据句义,经理和两个秘书去香港参加一个会议这是将要发生的动作,像leavecome等可用进行时表将来。故选D.

19题:阅读下面这首诗,选出鉴赏不当的一项( )已亥杂诗九州生气恃风雷,万马齐喑究可哀。我劝天公重抖擞,不拘一格降人才。



讲解:“抖擞”是人间现实的写照,“降人才”是对未来的憧憬。【解析】D “万马齐喑究可哀”一句,深刻地表现了龚自珍对清朝末年死气沉沉的社会局面的不满,因此他热情地呼唤社会变革,而且认为这种变革越大越好,大得该像惊天动地的春雷一样。他又认为实行社会变革最重要的因素是人才,所以他热情地呼唤:天公啊!请你抖擞精神,把各式各样的人才都赐给我们吧。


A. gently B. imagine C. college D. signal


讲解:【解析】[g] A[dʒ] B[dʒ] C[dʒ] D[g]

