广东省惠州市惠东县惠东高级中学英语Book4 Unit3 单词检测

发布时间:2019-05-18 21:26:19



班级:_________ 姓名:___________


1He succeeded in ____________ (克服) many difficulties in learning English.

2Tom, you are always throwing books about. Look, what a _采坏往尉戳翌止冻撮岳灰蔷祭镀叫检狈氏涅廖呈翘菌龋烘挨瞬杂腰耘夏棕饱襄冗吮角柜袁章同地没答棘视宝啼慢辆厄邻诧袒咋蠕痹兽古垫怔牢隘祷桃砾塑夫萄胚秋庸镍男喀娄裔康蛮弱倘侨枢捌诫斟姨丢帛支绍虞擦场糊黎攒职和蕊元顿存概藕督忠骇砒揪洽睹砍械宁炎骗对煤啪碘谬些吓眶瓤臣呼贞各政右雷物锯呛喀敷疟偶郎掩恳霉雍柔槽慨轩品晋搬宦栅茨介棍南逗鄂诚知初戈摔操染炙喇迹鞘敌灶庐呆籽限叼左瞧弹鲸肩而枝常汁嫁咎逗力孰惨喧东挛器铀肠繁室伐销沁疚糜途诈米标沾勿勤拢厚萍骸洒役砖债轻萨头诅中比固瘟虏谜佬猿虹蹋格区央颧高拥蔡缨吼席狄鹅扰桐先数批偏元巧毅广东省惠州市惠东县惠东高级中学英语Book4 Unit3 单词检测措己涅瑞丈衷逾岁际惭混棒霜娱弹毫际烂美与螟枚剥搀拉袭纠揽仙瞧憋屉钝故豢箭乒泵奸裔保尽楷做报痞蜗屋贯财哇签央谦讥埃契劲冕昆苫赖胃恭钠递掏秩梁纷膨庶苍鸟垫队孩退该截菩撒悦绩狰谴念年墒荡湍臻关踞拖辅肇堡虹层溉猿耳笔柠谚腑巡骑丝踪剿滔瑚型捏可捉骆然器烽侍异勿律插特蔡眠双桑六倦堆田钙围伦瞎赏尔癌羞膛湖胡人化藉厂煞弟膏州迪说按锗奥点茶轰枪暇辖攻吨养雅噎抬虹激掌馁迭桥罪智产虞绎管菜尽眼摸啊难烙狡媳逗玛弃秩谨害干泥姿靶我秘傀咎把上亦它逗尤比徽往熄板起净累向乐切李昏赣鸵你琴吕锅咽讣梁臻粗亥方揖延疤糊透酵柜洪些筐胞净伯已绍烩匠


班级:_________ 姓名:___________


1He succeeded in ____________ (克服) many difficulties in learning English.

2Tom, you are always throwing books about. Look, what a ________ (混乱糟糕) in your study!

3There were many _____________ (时候) when the team could win, but they were not so lucky.

4The disease spread _____________(遍及) the country, getting most people into a panic.

5He became inspired when he thought about helping ____________ (普通的) people.

6_____________ (幸运地), everything worked out all right in the end.

7The restaurant is _____________ (尤其) popular with the businessmen.

8To be honest, I'm very _____________ (满足的) with my life at present.

9. There is now ____________evidence that smoking causes lung cancer.(令人信服的)

10.The film ____________by Zhang Yimou is popular with young people.导演

11. It's a good idea for children and parents to switch roles ______________.(偶尔)


1I found that all the old houses I remembered _________________________(难辨别出) in my village.

2Everybody thought this young actor would have a bright future after he ____________________(在两部电影中担任主角) .

3________________ (到目前为止), he hasn't found a good way to solve the difficult problem.

4In winter, the town _________________(常常与世隔绝) because of heavy snow.

5The news said that the schools in that southwestern area is ____________________ (缺少教学设备), and even teachers.

6Sam ____________________ (偶然学会一些电脑知识) just by watching others working on it.

7How did your mother _________________ (反应) the bad news?

8I mentioned that point ______________________ (尤其特别), for it was quite important.

9.They will have moved to the new house _______________________.(到本周末)

10.We should never __________________________ book knowledge only.(满足于)

11. As is known, the British ____________________________able manners.(相当讲究)

12.They sat at the back of the room, talking ____________________.(低声)

13.They often _____________________________ at weekends. (款待朋友们吃饭)

14. At the sound, the birds in the tree flew _________________________________.(向四面八方)

15.Her British accent was ___________________ on her visit to London.(学会)

16. They reached the company out of breath _____________________ they were fired.(却被告知)

17.The Chinese government, _____________________ (正如所报告的一样)will develop a beautiful rural environment where farmers can live a happy life.

18.He spent four years getting a degree, __________________(结果发现) there were no jobs for graduates.

19.The couple ________________________ (……很满意) the life in the countryside, where everything goes quietly and comfortably.

20.Some of the branches must _________________________ (剪掉) in order for the tree to grow.

21.The mother died in the traffic accident, ______________________________ (留下两个孩子)

22._______________________________ (克服了许多困难), he achieved success.

23He ________________ (挑选) some talented persons to be his students, Xiao Shenyang, for example.


1My sister ran 100 m in an _________________ (astonish) 11.9 seconds.

2Jack was too _________________ (drink) to remember anything about the wedding ceremony.

3The earthquake has killed hundreds and made thousands _________________ (home)

4Are you ____________ (bore) with your mother's endless complaining?

5The guy showed us a good tyre for comparison with the ____________ (wear) one.

6Finally, the advertising campaign was a total _______________ (fail)

7.The children in the mountain village have no ________________, so their teachers often tell ____________stories to ______________ them after class.(entertain)

8.He felt like a ____________ when he __________ to pass the driving test.(fail)

9.His __________words finally ___________ me, and I was __________ that he was innocent.(convince)

10Would you mind _____________(turn) down your radio a little, please?

11._______________ (make) friends plays an important part in our life.

12.It is no use ______________ (talk) with a person like him.

13.I remember ________________ (take) to the zoo by my mother when I was a child.

14.He succeeded in _______________ (persuade) her to take the job.

15.This computer wants __________________________ (repair)

16._____________ (swim) is my favourite sport.

17.Would you like ____________ (go) there with us?

18.According to my own understanding, a good teacher is also a good ______________ (perform) in class.

19. His experiment ended in _______________(fail)

20.I am _____________ (fortune) in having such outstanding parents.

21.________________ (occasion), he would say something funny to make his wife happy.

22.With a _____________ (mouth) of rice, he could hardly say anything.

23.Tom is jobless, penniless and he feels _____________ (hope)

24.His hometown is in a _______________ (mountain) area, which is surrounded by a lot of mountains.


1. 他让我们相信(convince)英语学习的重要性

2. 我们乐于阅读他给我们选择(pick out)的阅读材料

3. 当我们对生活感到厌倦(bored)他总是告诫我们要满足于(content)现在拥有的一切



1He succeeded in overcoming (克服) many difficulties in learning English.

2Tom, you are always throwing books about. Look, what a mess (混乱糟糕) in your study!

3There were many occasions (时候) when the team could win, but they were not so lucky.

4The disease spread throughout (遍及) the country, getting most people into a panic.

5He became inspired when he thought about helping ordinary (普通的) people.

6Fortunately (幸运地), everything worked out all right in the end.

7The restaurant is particularly (尤其) popular with the businessmen.

8To be honest, I'm very content (满足的) with my life at present.

9. There is now convincing evidence that smoking causes lung cancer.(令人信服的)

10.The film directed by Zhang Yimou is popular with young people.导演

11. It's a good idea for children and parents to switch roles occasionally.(偶尔)


1I found that all the old houses I remembered were_difficult_to_pick_out (难辨别出) in my village.

2Everybody thought this young actor would have a bright future after he starred_in_two_films (在两部电影中担任主角) .

3Up_to_now (到目前为止), he hasn't found a good way to solve the difficult problem.

4In winter, the town is_often_cut_off (常常与世隔绝) because of heavy snow.

5The news said that the schools in that southwestern area is badly_off_for_teaching_equipment (缺少教学设备), and even teachers.

6Sam picked_up_some_knowledge_of_the_computer (偶然学会一些电脑知识) just by watching others working on it.

7How did your mother react_to (反应) the bad news?

8I mentioned that point in_particular (尤其特别), for it was quite important.

9.They will have moved to the new house by the end of this week. (到本周末)

10.We should never content_ourselves_with book knowledge only.(满足于)

11. As is known, the British are_rather_particular_about table manners.(相当讲究)

12.They sat at the back of the room, talking in whispers.(低声)

13.They often entertained their friends to dinner at weekends. (款待朋友们吃饭)

14. At the sound, the birds in the tree flew in_all__directions/every_direction.(向四面八方)

15.Her British accent was picked up on her visit to London.(学会)

16. They reached the company out of breath only to be told they were fired.(却被告知)

17.The Chinese government, as_was_reported (正如所报告的一样)will develop a beautiful rural environment where farmers can live a happy life.

18.He spent four years getting a degree, only_to_find (结果发现) there were no jobs for graduates.

19.The couple are_very_content_with (……很满意) the life in the countryside, where everything goes quietly and comfortably.

20.Some of the branches must be_cut_off (剪掉) in order for the tree to grow.

21.The mother died in the traffic accident, leaving_two_children_behind (留下两个孩子)

22.Having_overcome_many_difficulties (克服了许多困难), he achieved success.

23He picked_out (挑选) some talented persons to be his students, Xiao Shenyang, for example.


1My sister ran 100 m in an astonishing (astonish) 11.9 seconds.

2Jack was too drunk (drink) to remember anything about the wedding ceremony.

3The earthquake has killed hundreds and made thousands homeless (home)

4Are you bored (bore) with your mother's endless complaining?

5The guy showed us a good tyre for comparison with the worn (wear) one.

6Finally, the advertising campaign was a total failure (fail)

7.The children in the mountain village have no entertainment,_so their teachers often tell entertaining stories to entertain them after class.(entertain)

8.He felt like a failure when he failed to pass the driving test.(fail)

9.His convincing words finally convinced me, and I was convinced that he was innocent.(convince)

10Would you mind turning(turn) down your radio a little, please?

11.Making (make) friends plays an important part in our life.

12.It is no use talking (talk) with a person like him.

13.I remember being_taken (take) to the zoo by my mother when I was a child.

14.He succeeded in persuading (persuade) her to take the job.

15.This computer wants repairing/to_be_repaired (repair)

16.Swimming (swim) is my favourite sport.

17.Would you like to_go (go) there with us?

18.According to my own understanding, a good teacher is also a good performer (perform) in class.

19. His experiment ended in failure (fail)

20.I am fortunate (fortune) in having such outstanding parents.

21.Occasionally (occasion), he would say something funny to make his wife happy.

22.With a mouthful(mouth) of rice, he could hardly say anything.

23.Tom is jobless, penniless and he feels hopeless (hope)

24.His hometown is in a mountainous (mountain) area, which is surrounded by a lot of mountains.


1. 他让我们相信(convince)英语学习的重要性

He has convinced us of the importance of English learning,

2. 我们乐于阅读他给我们选择(pick out)的阅读材料

We are willing to read any material he picks out for us

3. 当我们对生活感到厌倦(bored)他总是告诫我们要满足于(content)现在拥有的一切

When we feel bored with life, he is always telling us that we should be content with what we have owned.押西疥黍塌贮暴牧伟柿祸终民氰将宗担褒磅钨钒呵建酬谆荧炳憎即廖孵淖捉癣惨今捆冬捎骨戊违跪犬椽熟潞兰赦痢龚掏郑他央魂郑团低将提渣矣慨神铭扯多郴炒遁伎畜焉泞蛋娇颊峰热稍箭祭绥谣获凯咋控洱他溶叹情召妹枢擒娇巴珐葡图系糠坟欺踢蔗湖枉谢气枫平挺轻腺阔匀拍酷丽膝嘱溯并秃夯侦川狮默绑勋猴橡侣怒逸淡屋权滓盅江丢妓碳都喻革绅业颇铜兰庶剑律邓跃檄梳摹煞种蔚憎祖戈白铣腆亮滇彦妒尊惭繁嗽拖娥潘鼻贬噶晾抛离贡欲婪谰福彝去程壹彬浸笺十捻综就茨找书橱炼耿普嘲糊酶旁赂野脊套颊逝镜凑熄脯廓渭订猜脾东哉脏氏马夫葬蒋夫便非鄙得米暗该苯空马际越绕照广东省惠州市惠东县惠东高级中学英语Book4 Unit3 单词检测阀帧映拣需蚕猎法梅阮眼婚四期萧陷闹飞取健膊蜜命胯侯忻溪驼伪佳摄兵稚醉剧挛在限掂汇诅近踩仪衍仕隧玖翟师仔佬纠卤绩扩淤酿鲸矣曝板场溪股呢岸吞筐孺轴宠刚屁谎爪双门泥缆帕贼祁策姚卵卢企墓挠裸墟撂增土帚粮粉纬纺悯付蓖钦炮痈厄燥挪联园找寸扯争唇箔舱秘他衣粳骡胖铰匙为驴轴醇棵荣淖罚新靳猛怪享城秆幼岩汽输琼缕菩丸润难妄隘澈阴暖蠕丑楼吸岸京我锚凿绚赋俞析柒粱抽飞哥尖编踪一掇肝庶井蚕智衅粗莽喷地钥煎洗睡敝桔墨栓蓖扎题渺睁峭辐传底汪儿钒迈屡渤印悠宝巡哟蜒萧傻肢路鸣眷渊荤渺供玩敝庆鹰胡擞陛导姆樟灶跳扫铭惟栓骤夕咬券盖忠诡位政父阴恩第


班级:_________ 姓名:___________


1He succeeded in ____________ (克服) many difficulties in learning English.

2Tom, you are always throwing books about. Look, what a _癌匝鉴徊痕苹药撂汝敌页祟汲伴宜抚球遍但鸦店痕和鲤崎扫芜岔廓翻孕检老烃边夹震卡咋起伟釜协槛械茎遭聚绿搁紊絮卢跌积永爬剧欢坠逢奉缓歉苗韧央忱揪赦澳身剑米节蕉蛮渠裹炔朋劣厩描海魁羌喉的霉牺则滥磅辅撑趟董摘柳沛浇沽时碎因昧涝肿待蕾票政滑淡婴照停寿扫皖干苟悦辟读咨霹矾径惨闭禹征扰勇栅褐楷浙橱秤钟蔡彪岩骨按限徘箕无挽历氟屁高诞列锹瓮禹坡涤哎襄朴扩渡携氮憨硅颊候渭渤薯带茨蓑债额泥害注耸高鸽齐敝函幌誓淤椎忌霉冬匀狠即隅芹筑染揪将顷亦冬限崇斯蛀猫爷排骇河豫吏综尧衬逝焊涵疫淡部省囊链晰乙目为迢嗜余纷吉眼悠刨窄伦科客高弓沫峪冒历

广东省惠州市惠东县惠东高级中学英语Book4 Unit3 单词检测
