

1 未婚的女性的称呼________
A. Mrs. B. Miss 2 Fly like a bird. _________

__ __
_____________A. B. C. ___3 It's yellow. ___A、它是黄色的。 ___B、它是一个黄色的。
____4 一个苹果和两个鸡蛋。应翻译为:_________ ___AOne apple and two eggs. BOne apple and two egg. ____5 —What’s this? __——________. ___AI like it BIt’s a duck. CI’m fine. ____6 a的大写字母由几笔写成?( ___A3 B2 C1 ____7
I want to eat the cake. ______ ___________A. B. ___8 This is orange.

___A. a B. an C. at ___9 弟弟不知道灰色的英文表达,你告诉他:______ ___AGreen. BGrey. ____10- Can I have some water? __- ______________ ___A.Sure, here you are. __B.Yes. __C.No. ___11.当你要问别人的冰箱里有什么,应说:_________ ____AWhat do you have in you fridge? ___BWhat do you have in your fridge? 12Act like a bird.
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_______________ ______ _______________ _______________

13What do you like?
ANice to meet you. B. I like banana. 14.当表示再见时,应该说: ______ A.Hello! B.Hi! I'm Mike. C.Goodbye. 15 Hello, I'm Amy. _________________ AHello, Amy. BGoodbye, Amy. 二、想一想,填一填(填空题)

17Dd Ee ________ 18.写出下列单词的英语单词
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19.看图,根据提示,写出下列单词首字母使单词完整。 q u p m h a d

20.用am, isare填空。 1. This ______ a girl. 2. How ______ you? 3. I ______ fine, thanks. 4. ______ you going to the gym? 5. What ______ your name? 21There ________ be many lions. 22.根据短文意思填空:
My name is _________(孙瑶瑶) .I’m from China.I’m _____ years old .I’m in Class ________ .I go to ___________ School.My teacher is Mr/ Ms _________ .My favourite sport is football. 23.给下列单词分类。
morning apple rabbit
boy orange afternoon . pear cat girl lion dog
fish 3 7

evening night
tiger 1 水果:____________________________________________________________ 2 动物:____________________________________________________________ 3 人物:____________________________________________________________ 4 时间:____________________________________________________________ 24What's y________ sister's name?

a_e a_ y_u y_s n_t r_gh_ g_ _d mor_i_g n_i_ _ li_t_n 9.给下列单词填入所缺的字母,使其完整。(每空只填一个字母) n__ se ora__ge happ__ k__ee
r__d 三、手牵手,找朋友(连线题)
1. I have an eraser. A.
2. Open your book. B.
3. Goodbye! C.
4. Let's play. D.
5. Close your eyes(眼睛). E. 27.中英文匹配。
⑴我们数一数。 A. How do you feel? ⑵我走路去上学。 B. I walk to school. ⑶我有一个尾巴。 C. I have two hands. ⑷我有两只手。 D. Let's count. ⑸你感觉怎么样? E. I have a tail.

28.请给句子选择正确的汉语意思,用线连一连。..Z.X.X.K] 1Hello, I am Daming. A.我很好,谢谢。 2 Good morning. B.你好,我是大明。
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3Goodbye, Amy. C.早上好。 4How are you? D.再见,艾米。 5I’m fine, thank you. E. 你好吗? 29.请将代表下列汉语意思英语单词连线。 蓝色的 brown 白色的 green 棕色的 purple 黄色的 black 紫色的 red 红色的 yellow 黑色的 white 绿色的
blue 30.在B组中找到A组的正确答语,并用线连接起来。 A B
1.Hello! I’m Sam. AI’m fine, thank you. 2How are you? BMy name is Lili. 3Good morning, boys and girls. 4What’s your name?
D. Good morning, Ms Gao. 5GoodbyeLingling.
E. Hello! Sam. 四、我是翻译家(英汉互译)
1. 耳朵 ________________ 2. finger ________________ 3. ________________ 4. arm ________________ 5. ________________ 6. foot ________________ 32.翻译下列句子
1. When is your birthday? ___________________________________________________ 2. My birthday is in March. ___________________________________________________ 3.你什么时候生日?
___________________________________________________ 4.我生日是九月一号
___________________________________________________ 33.争做小翻译家
1That's my brother._____________________________ 2That's my sister._____________________________ 3That's me._____________________________ 34.英汉互译


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2)白色________________ 3)黑板________________ 4)熊猫________________ 5)名字________________ 6dog ________________ 7purple ________________ 8black________________ 9white cap________________ 10black and white________________

(翻译:)________________________ 五、我是小法官(判断题)
)(1A.May l have a 1ook? B.Sure! Here you are. )(2A.Happy birthday to you. B.Happy birthday to you. )(3A.Have some juice. B.Thank you. )(4A.How many cakes? B.Five. )(5A.Who are you? B.I’m John. 37.根据中文意思圈出单词
1.生病的 Awell Bill 2.商店 Ashop Bschool 3.一杯饮料 Adrink Bhamburger 4.冰激凌 Adrink Bice cream 5.糖果 Acake Bsweets 38.大写字母K由两笔写成。 判断对错(

39.将下列单词分类。A表示颜色,B表示动物,C表示数字。 one blue yellow eleven ten cat seven nine eight dog five four panda twelve green black red three two bird
6 7

Hello! My name is D.T. I'm a monster. I'm a boy. I have a big head and a small body. I have one eye, two mouth, three nose and four ears. My face is green.My eyes are blue. I have two arms and three legs. I have three hands and nine fingers. My hands are yellow. I feel very cool. 1D.T. is a monster. 2He has ten fingers.
3His eyes are blue and his face is green. 4He has two legs and three arms. 5He feels very happy. 41.阅读短文,回答问题。
This is my family. My grandpa my grandma my father my mother and I . My grandpa is a doctor. He is 62. My grandma is 60. She is a teacher. My mother is 38. She is a nurse . My father is 40. He is a policeman. My name is Daming. I’m eleven. I’m a pupil. I love my family. 1How old is his grandpa?
A 38 B 62 C40 2How old is his mother? A 38 B 60 C40 3Is his father a doctor? A Yes, he is. BNo, he isn’t. CHe is a teacher. 4How many people(人) are there in the family? ASix BSeven CFive 5What am I ?

Apupil Bpoliceman Cfarmer

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