
发布时间:2011-03-08 12:28:50


一、 交际英语

1 ----We’d like two Cokes, please.


A Small, medium or large?

B You must pay first.

C Thank you.

D You are welcome.

2 ---What time does our plane leave?


A Saturday

B Eight o’clock in the morning

C Last week

D This week

3 ---Would you please show me your bankbook?


A Sorry, I have no idea.

B Here you are.

C Come with me.

D Yes, I’d like to.

4 ---Why don’t you come to my birthday this Sunday?


A Because I’m very busy.

B Ok, I don’t.

C Ok, I do.

D Ok, I will.

5 ----Let me introduce Peter to you. He is my roommate.


A Hello, Peter.

B Sorry, I don’t know him.

C Let me introduce myself, too.

D Thank you for introduce.


Passage One:

We were sorry that we had to ask the young man to leave the job. It was not that he was unpopular with the other people in the office. Everyone liked him. Nor was it that he was incapable. He has plenty of abilities. The problem was that so much of his work was unsatisfactory: it wasn’t good enough. Sometimes he would leave a job unfinished, and never come back to complete it. Other times his writing would be so illegible that you couldn’t read it. Or he might disappear from the office for an hour or so with no explanation of where he had been. Once or twice he sat unoccupied(不做事)for a while, doing nothing at all, until someone noticed him and gave him some work. I supposed he felt that we had mistreated him, that we had not been fair to him. But I didn’t think we have misjudged him .We didn’t make up our minds until we had given him every chance to show what he could do. However, I confessed that it made me uncomfortable to have to tell him that he had lost his job. A person sent to us by an employment agency(职业介绍所)would replace him the next week.

6 From the passage, the young man was asked to leave the job because _________.

A he was unpopular

B he was incapable

C he was irresponsible(不负责任)

D he was slow

7 In the passage “illegible”(in line5) refers to________.

A difficult or impossible to read

B easy and ready to read

C easy and smooth to write

D difficult or impossible to write

8 We learn from the passage that the author did the following EXCEPT______.

A misjudging the young man

B giving the young man every chance to show what he could do

C observing the young man’s performance in his job

D explaining the reasons why the young man had to leave the job

9 The author felt ___to tell the young man he had lost the job.

A excited

B angry

C delighted

D uncomfortable

10 _______with take the young man’s place next week.

A a person recommended by a manager

B a person recommended by an employment agency

C a person recommended by a school

D a person recommended by a business organization

Passage Two

Americans are big tippers(给小费者). Generally the custom is more common in a large city than in a small town. Customers are expected to give a tip, or small amount of money, whenever services are performed. A tip is expected by the porter who carries your baggage, by taxi drivers(in the case, 15 percent of the fare)and by those who serve you in hotels and restaurants. For example, in hotels it is customary to give a tip to the porter who carries your suitcase and shows you to your room. In this case, 50cents for each bag is satisfactory: in restaurants you generally leave about 15 percent of the bill on the table as a tip for the person who has served you.

There are two common explanations for the origin of tipping. The oxford English Dictionary says tip is seventeenth century underworld slang for “give”—as in the threat “tip me your wallet or your life”. Opponents(反对者)of tipping will probably prefer this explanation and they argue that tipping suggests the practice that is originally a form of theft or robbery. The second explanation which is still less reputable is that in Renaissance(文艺复兴时期的)coffee—houses, boxes were set near the door, into which customers could drop tips. These boxes, according to the story, bore the explanatory words “To Insure Promptitude(快捷)”which was gradually shortened to TIP.

Tipping became common in England by the middle of the eighteenth century. Because this practice is not suitable to a country without an established servant class, it did not catch on in America until after the Civil War, when the Southern former slave—owners suddenly found themselves having to pay the service and when the nouveau riche(暴发户)century the custom had been made an American one.

11 One should give a tip to the following persons EXCEPT_______.

A a porter B a waitress C a nurse D a taxi-driver

12 If your meal is $20, you are expected to leave ____on the table.

A exactly $20

B less than $20

C about $23

D about $30

13 If you have 2 bags, you should pay ____to the porter as the tip.

A 50 cents B 60 cents C 80 cents D one dollar

14 According to the explanations in the passage, the original tipping is__.

A voluntary(自愿的)

B compulsory

C sensible

D reputable

15 It can be inferred that the Southern former slave—owners felt ___to tip for the service.

A depressive(沮丧的)

B excited

C proud

D disappointed


16 Tom is so talkative. I’m sure you’ll soon get tired ___him.

A of B with C at D on

17 The managers discussed the plan that they would like to ___the next year.

A carry out

B carrying out

C carried out

D to carry out

18 There ____a book and some magazines on the desk.

A is B are C have D has

19 ---______is your girl friend like?

-----She is very kind and good—looking.

A How B What C Which D Who

20 Young ___he is, he knows to get along with others.

A like B as C although D however


Scientists have studied consumer behavior recently and found 21 the look of the package has a great effect 22 the “quality ”of the product and on how well it 23 because “Consumers generally cannot 24 between a product and its package. Many products are packages and many packages are products,” as Louis Cheskin, the first social scientist studying consumers’ feeling for packaging, noticed.

Colors are one of the best tools in packaging. Studies of eye movements have shown that colors draw human 25 quickly. Take V8 for example. For many years, the bright red color of tomatoes and carrots on the thin bottle makes you feel that it is very good for your body. And the word “green” today can keep food prices 26 .

27 are another attraction. Circles often suggest happiness

and peacefulness, because these shapes are 28 to both the eye and the heart. That’s 29 the round yellow M signs of McDonald’s are inviting to both young and old.

This new consumer response to the colors and shapes of packages reminds producers and sellers that people 30 to satisfy both body and soul.

21 A that B what C such D as

22 A with B of C at D on

23 A buys B sells C offers D words

24 A show B display C tell D differ

25 A attention B eye C presence D perception

26 A to go up B to go down C going up D going down

27 A Package B Shapes C Tools D Products

28 A pleasantly B pleasing C pleased D pleasure

29 A how B because C where D why

30 A sell B make C buy D produce

五、 英译汉

31 I read the local newspapers with great interest every evening.

32 What’s the time by your watch?

33 Each year some of his money is given to the best scientists and writers of the world.


Instructions: 建议你在30分钟内,根据下面所给的题目用英语写出一篇不少于80词的短文

The Job I like

