课时提能练11 Festivals around the world

发布时间:2019-03-20 23:39:50




(2019·山西联考)Many Americans spend Thanksgiving with family and friends around a table of roast turkeysweet potatoes and cranberry sauce.

But for othersit's a competition.Across the United Statesthere are contests to see who can eat the most pumpkin(南瓜) pie.These events start in October and continue through Thanksgiving.Elk GroveCalifornia hosts the World Pumpkin Pie Eating Championship.Matt Stonie won in 2014 by eating 20 pounds13 ounces of pumpkin pie in 8 minutes.In other wordsabout 9 and a half kilograms.That was aworld record”reported the Major League Eating(MLE) in New York City.Stonie won $5000.

The MLE website praised StonieLike a silent car at top speed driving past you on the highwaylike a boxer with lightning blowslike a speedskater in a very tight bodysuitlong limbs stretching faster than the clock can tick.The great one makes it look easy.

Some of the pumpkin pie eating contests are turned into gluttony(暴饮暴食)Others have a more light­hearted approach to pumpkin pie eating contests.Students at the Duthie Center for Engineering in LouisvilleKentucky posted their pumpkin pie eating contest on Facebook.It was a friendly social affair.In BroomfieldColoradotheir Turkey Day celebration takes a different approach.They hold a pumpkin pie eating contestbut contestants just have to eat one piece of pie(or about one­sixth of a pie) as fast as possible.There's a 5 kilometer race and a 10 kilometer race afterwardsfor those who want to lose weight.

And at Pumpkin Palooza—a pumpkin pie eating contest in SparksNevada—the organizers note on their website.The winners are chosen by audience applauseso styletalent and humor are the_be­all_and_end­all

【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文主要介绍了美国感恩节各地举办的吃南瓜馅饼的比赛。

1What does MLE website praise Stonie for in Paragraph 3?

AHis easy manner.

BHis effortless speed.

CHis huge eating amount.

DHis dynamic performance.

B [推理判断题。第三段提到像一辆安静的汽车在高速公路上以最快的速度从你身边驶过;像拳击手闪电般地出拳;像速滑运动员穿着非常紧身的赛服速度比时钟嘀嗒作响的速度都快。杰出的选手让它看起来很容易这部分是通过把Stonie吃南瓜馅饼的速度与汽车、拳击手和速滑运动员的速度进行对比来突出Stonie吃得速度以及他给观众的毫不费力的感觉。故选B项。]

2Whose approach is contrary to the light­hearted approach?

AMajor League Eating.

BWorld Pumpkin Pie Eating Championship.

CThe Turkey Day races in BroomfieldColorado.

DPumpkin Palooza in SparksNevada.

B [细节理解题。根据第二段可知World Pumpkin Pie Eating Championship比的是谁吃得最多这当然不会是轻松的(light­hearted)。故选B项。]

3What do people value most in the Turkey Day celebration in Broomfield?

AHealth.        BEnergy.

CCompetition. DSkill.

A [推理判断题。根据第四段中的contestants just have to eat one piece of pie(or about one­sixth of a pie) as fast as possible...for those who want to lose weight可知在这里参加比赛的人只比赛吃一块南瓜馅饼的速度随后的赛跑是为那些想要减轻体重的人准备的故可推知BroomfieldTurkey Day celebration人们最注重健康。故选A]

4Which of the following can replace the underlined phrase?

Arandom Bplayful

Cendless Dvital

D [词义猜测题。根据画线部分前的The winners are chosen by audience applauseso styletalent and humor可知这个比赛的胜者由观众的掌声选出因此可推知参赛者的风格、才能和幽默感很重要vital与画线部分意义相近。故选D]


(2019·南昌联考)In 2014 my best friend's mother died of cancer.It was a tragedybut as usualAlicemy motherused her power of healing and got his family back on their feet.If you asked my friends about my motherthey would say,“That woman has a heart of gold.”I agree one hundred percent.

I think the reason why she is such a wonderful person is that the Holy Spirit lives within her.She is very holy and has persuaded me to go to church with her every Sunday.

About six years ago my mom decided to pursue her lifelong goal of becoming a teacher.She knew it would be hard work raising three kidsdoing housework and studying at the same time.Howevershe believed it would pay off.What my mother didn't realize was that not all things pay off in this unfair world.After four hard years of schoolshe graduated on a warm spring day.It was unbelievable.My aunt drove up from Virginia to celebrate this fantastic day.It was the first time I had ever cried about being happy.

It's strange how fast a life can change.Two months laterthe unpredictable happened.My mother was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis(多发性硬化症)I could not believe this could happen after all the good she had done for people.I was very confused and cried every day.My faith in God just disappeared and so did my mom's dream of becoming a teacher.

ThenI decided I must move on with my life and accept the fact that she might never get better.Since my decisionI have become more matureresponsible and active in school and work.Through the years I have always been able to change negative situations into positive ones.I'm happy with my life now.

【语篇解读】 本文主要讲述了乐观、积极上进的母亲影响作者的故事。

5Which of the following can best describe Alice?

AHonest. BHelpful.

CGreedy. DUnconcerned.

B [推理判断题。根据第一段第二句It was a tragedybut as usualAlicemy motherused her power of healing and got his family back on their feet可知母亲乐于帮助他人故选B项。]

6What else did Alice have to do when studying?

ADrive a car and go to church.

BTeach students and raise kids.

CDo housework and teach at school.

DLook after children and keep the house clean.

D [细节理解题。根据第三段第二句She knew it would be hard work raising three kidsdoing housework and studying at the same time可知母亲在学习的同时还要照顾孩子、做家务故选D]

7According to the textthe author's mother ________

Arecovered from illness

Bno longer had faith in God

Cdidn't realize her dream as a teacher

Dchanged negative situations into positive ones unwillingly

C [细节理解题。根据倒数第二段最后一句My faith in God just disappeared and so did my mom's dream of becoming a teacher可知母亲因为患病成为教师的梦想就破灭了故选C]

8Which of the following is the best title for the text?

AFighting Against Kinds of Diseases

BMother Gave Me Life Experience

CBelief in God Brought Me Good Luck

DHow to Become a Responsible and Active Man

B [标题判断题。根据文章的整体理解可推知本文主要讲述了乐观的母亲对作者的积极影响作者成为一个积极面对生活的人故选B]


(2019·银川质检)When my wifeJaneand I were 16we were in the same class.About a week before Thanksgiving Daywe found out that our teacher Edward was having some __1__ challenges.We wanted to do something to helpso as a class we __2__ to gather foodclothing and gifts to __3__ his family had a good Thanksgiving Day.

When Jane told her family about our planher mother was __4__Together they searched their house for things they could __5__Her mother went to the kitchen__6__ a big turkey and saying,“Thanksgiving Day won't be __7__ without a turkey dinner.”To this dayJane remembers how moved she was by her mother's __8__Before making our __9__we said a prayer of appreciation for the wonderful __10__ to help others.I will never forget the surprised __11__ of our teacher and his wife when they __12__ the doortheir four children gathered around them as we handed out the gifts.It was a cold nightwe all felt warm inside__13__

Last month while I was in a meetingmy secretary informed me.Your high school teacher Mr.Edward is wondering if you could __14__ him a few minutes.He's sitting in your office right now

I left my meeting and went to my office __15__My teacher and I hugged and began to __16__ the last 42 years.He told me he __17__ remembered that cold winter night when we brought the __18__ of Thanksgiving Day to his family.The foodclothing and gifts were certainly __19__but what warmed his heart that night was to see a group of teenagers who understood the __20__ of Thanksgiving Day.

【语篇解读】 本文是一篇记叙文。多年前和同学们一起在感恩节的时候向家庭经济困难的Edward老师捐赠物品和礼物多年之后再次见到Edward老师的时候老师告诉他非常感谢我们当年的帮助并说真正使他感到温暖的是他看到一群十几岁的孩子理解了感恩节的精神。

1A.financial Bpersonal

Cacademic Dtypical

A [根据下文中的We wanted to do something to helpso as a class we ________ to gather foodclothing and gifts to ________ his family had a good Thanksgiving Day可知感恩节来临之前我们收集一些食物、衣服和礼物送给Edward老师说明他家有一些经济上的(financial)困难。]

2A.applied Bdetermined

Cattempted Dpreferred

B [根据上文中的We wanted to do something to help的描述可知此处是对上文的具体描述即全班决定(determined)收集一些食物、衣服和礼物送给Edward老师。]

3A.figure out Bpoint out

Cmake sense Dmake sure

D [所以作为一个班级我们决定收集食物、衣服和礼物以确保(make sure)他一家人过一个美好的感恩节。]

4A.satisfied Bpuzzled

Camazed Dtouched

D [根据空后对Jane的母亲的反应的描述可知Jane告诉她家人他们的计划后她的母亲很感动(touched)]

5A.separate Bdonate

Cdistribute Dcollect

B [根据上文中的We wanted to do something to help...to gather foodclothing and gifts的描述可知我们收集一些食物、衣服及礼物帮助Edward老师所以此处为Jane和母亲寻找能够捐赠(donate)的东西。]

6A.breaking up Bbreaking down

Ctaking out Dpulling down

C [根据空前的Together they searched their house for things they could ________可知此处为Jane的母亲走到厨房拿出(taking out)一只大火鸡。]

7A.traditional Busual

Ccomplete Dbasic

C [没有火鸡大餐感恩节就不完整(complete)了。]

8A.honesty Bgenerosity

Cpity Dcuriosity

B [根据上文Her mother went to the kitchen________ a big turkey and saying.Thanksgiving Day won't be ________ without a turkey dinner.的描述可知Jane的母亲一系列的动作及语言说明她是很慷慨的直到今天Jane还记得她是如何被母亲的慷慨(generosity)所感动的。]

9A.decision Bcontact

Cdelivery Dcontribution

C [根据上文的内容可知我们需要把收集的物资送到Edward老师家中所以此处为在递送(delivery)这些东西之前。]

10A.opportunity Bgift

Cdeal Dmemory

A [在我们递送这些东西之前我们为有这次帮助他人的好机会(opportunity)做了祈祷。]

11A.expression Bsorrow

Cimpression Dlaugh

A [永远不会忘记我们的老师和他的妻子在开门时的惊讶表情(expression)]

12A.pushed Breached

Cdragged Danswered

D [参见上题解析。此处answer the door意为应门()声开门为固定搭配。]

13A.again Banyhow

Cthough Denough

C [根据上文I will never forget the surprised ________ of our teacher and his wife when they ________ the doortheir four children gathered around them as we handed out the gifts的描述可知Edward老师一家接到礼物时温暖的情景与寒冷的天气形成对比所以此处为尽管那天晚上很冷(though)在我们的内心深处却都感到很温暖。]

14A.wait Bspare

Cspend Dsave

B [根据上文Last month while I was in a meeting的描述可知正在开会此处为Edward老师想知道是否能够抽出(spare)几分钟时间。]

15A.hurriedly Bnervously

Cproudly Dworriedly

A [根据上文中的He's sitting in your office right now可知Edward老师正在办公室等着所以匆忙地(hurriedly)离开会议到办公室符合语境。]

16A.come up with Blook back on

Ckeep up with Dget hold of

B [根据下文He told me he ________ remembered that cold winter night when we brought the ________ of Thanksgiving Day to his family的描述可知和老师拥抱并一起回顾(look back on)过去的42年。]

17A.just Bstill

Ceven Dalready

B [他告诉他还(still)记得那个寒冷的冬夜我们给他一家人带去的感恩节的温暖(warmth)]

18A.experience Bexcitement

Cpleasure Dwarmth

D [参见上题解析。]

19A.appreciated Boffered

Caccepted Dconsumed

A [这些食物、衣服和礼物当然是被感激(appreciated)的。]

20A.spirit Bsymbol

Chistory Dintention

A [那天晚上使他感到温暖的是他看到一群十几岁的孩子理解了感恩节的精神(spirit)]

课时提能练11 Festivals around the world
