2013-2015 时代周刊最具影响力人物

发布时间:2016-08-03 09:03:49



  权五铉(Oh-Hyun Kwon)60岁,韩国三星电子首席执行官


吉娜-莱赫特(Gina Rinehart)59岁,铁矿业主、澳大利亚女首富


柳井正(Tadashi Yanai)——日本迅销(优衣库)首席执行官

  萨姆-亚甘(Sam Yagan)——美国婚介网站OkCupid联合创始人


  谢丽尔-桑德博格(Sheryl Sandberg)——Facebook首席运营官


  贝尼格诺-阿基诺三世(Noynoy Aquino)——菲律宾总统

  巴拉克-奥巴马(Barack Obama)——美国总统

  哈桑-谢雷科-穆哈默德(Hassan Sheik Mohamud)——索马里总统哈桑-谢赫-默罕默德(Hassan Sheik Mohamud)57岁,索马里总统


  约翰-布雷南(John Brennan)——美国中情局局长

  朴槿惠(Park Geun-hye)——韩国女总统


  卡马拉-哈里斯(Kamala Harris)——美国加州女检察长


  习近平(Xi Jinping)——中国国家主席

  威尔弗雷德--杰斯(Wilfredo De Jesús)——美国芝加哥新生命盟约教会领袖

  金正恩(Kim Jong Un)——朝鲜最高领导人

  阿卜杜拉-奥贾兰(Abdullah Ocalan)——土耳其库尔德工人党领袖

  恩里克-佩纳-涅托(Enrique Pena Nieto)——墨西哥总统

  艾蕾娜-卡根(Elena Kagan)——美国最高法院法官

  乔-拜登(Joe Biden)——美国副总统

  苏珊娜-马丁内斯(Susana Martinez)——美国新墨西哥州州长

  马里奥-德拉基(Mario Draghi)——意大利中央银行行长、全球央行主席

  乔伊斯-班达(Joyce Banda)——马拉维共和国总统乔伊斯-班达(Joyce Banda)63岁,马拉维总统


  弗朗西斯一世(Pope Francis)——新任教皇

  斯蒂文-斯皮尔伯格(Steven Spielberg)66岁,美国导演



  安德鲁-英格(Andrew Ng)、达芙妮-科勒(Daphne Koller)——免费在线课程网站Coursera创立者

  梅丽莎-梅耶尔(Marissa Mayer)——雅虎实习执行官

  巴瑟姆-尤瑟夫(Bassem Youssef)——埃及电视政治讽刺家

  若阿金-巴尔博萨(Joaquim Barbosa)——巴西最高法院院长

  弗林达-格罗夫(Vrinda Grover)——印度人权律师

  佩里-(Perry Chen)——众募网站Kickstarter首席执行官



  克里斯托弗-法比安(Christopher Fabian)、艾丽卡-科奇(Erica Kochi)——联合国儿童基金会创新部门牵头人




  昂山素季(Aung San SuuKyi)——缅甸反对党领袖,民权领袖昂山素季(Aung San SuuKyi)67岁,缅甸反对派领导人


  贾斯汀-汀布莱克(Justin Timberlake)——美国歌手

  加布里埃尔-吉福兹(Gabrielle Giffords)——美国民主党众议院,遭受枪击案幸存


  丹尼尔--刘易斯(Daniel Day-Lewis)——英国演员,三夺奥斯卡影帝,代表作《林肯》(Lincoln),《血色将至》(There Will Be Blood),《我的左脚》(My Left Foot)

  凯特-米德尔顿(Kate Middleton)——英国王妃

  米歇尔-奥巴马(Michelle Obama)——美国第一夫人


Julian Paul Assange利安·阿桑奇被称为黑客罗宾汉,作为维基解密的创始人,朱利安·阿桑奇认为,透露公共治理机构的秘密文件和信息,对大众来说是件有益的事。9万多份驻阿美军秘密文件的泄密让他足以成为创造历史的人物。39岁(2010年)的阿桑奇,因涉嫌在瑞典强奸及性侵犯2名女性,被

尼古拉·特斯拉Nikola Tesla1856年-1943年),是世界知名的发明家、物理学家、机械工程师电机工程师塞尔维亚血统的他出生在克罗地亚(后并入奥地利帝国)。特斯拉被认为是历史上一位重要的发明家。在19世纪末和20世纪初对电和磁性做出了杰出贡献。专利和理论工作形式依据现代交变电流电力(AC)的系统,包括多相电力分配系统和AC马达,带起第二次工业革命


Tim Cook接替乔布斯成为苹果创始人,并且干的不错,利润更高,责任感更强

Emma Watson常春藤名校联合国妇女署亲善大使娱乐圈的学霸

Laverne Cox美国变性演员

the leaders:Jorge Ramos作家

NarendraModiNarendraDamodardasModi (Gujarati: [nəreːnd̪rə d̪ɑːmoːd̪ərəd̪ɑːs moːd̪iː] (listen), born 17 September 1950) is the 15th and current Prime Minister of India, in office since 26 May 2014莫迪的政治形象广受争议,主要原因在于莫迪带着浓重的民族主义色彩,对曾经印度的种族暴力冲突事件有着不可推卸的责任。[5] 在他政治生涯之初,莫迪曾在多次公开演讲中煽动印度教徒反对穆斯林。他甚至因为2002年的屠杀事件被禁止前往美国。莫迪的政治强人形象还体现在他对于印度政府涉华政策的批评上。2014年年初,莫迪在所谓阿鲁纳恰尔邦(我国藏南地区)造势时宣称,任何超级大国都别想将这一地区从印度手里夺去。[5] 

Angela MerkelBob CorkerRulaGhani

RulaGhani (born RulaSaade; Afghan name: BibiGul[1]) is the current First Lady of Afghanistan and the wife of the incumbent President of Afghanistan, Ashraf Ghani.[2]MuhammaduBuhari穆罕默杜·布哈里 201541日,布哈里战胜人民民主党候选人、现任总统乔纳森,当选新总统,时隔三十年再次登上国家权力顶峰。[2MuhammaduBuhariGCFR (born 17 December 1942) is the President of Nigeria, in office since 29 May 2015. He is a retired Nigerian Armymajor general and was Head of State of Nigeria from 31 December 1983 to 27 August 1985, after taking power in a military coup d'état.[6][7] The term Buharism is ascribed to the Buhari military government.[8][9]

Alexis Tsipras阿莱克斯·齐普拉斯(Alexis Tsipras1974728——),希腊左翼政治家,希腊议会成员,左派和进步联盟党(Coalition for Left and Progress Party)主席[1] ,现任希腊总理。

1974年出生于雅典一个中产阶层家庭,早年就读于雅典国家技术大学,并参与学生运动,2006年开始在政坛崭露头角,2008年当选左派和进步联盟党主席,2015125日当选希腊新一届总理。[2]  2015820日宣布辞去总理职务,并要求提前举行大选。[3] 

2015920日举行的希腊议会选举中,再度当选希腊总理。[4]  70后总理,150年来最年轻的总理。

Vladimir PutinObiageliEzekwesiliElizabeth Warren哈佛法学院的一名女律师Haider Al-Abadi海德尔·阿巴迪

,什叶派穆斯林。201498日当选伊拉克总理[1]HaiderJawadKadhim Al-Abadi (or al-'Ibadi; Arabic: حيدر جواد كاظم العبادي‎, born 25 April[citation needed] 1952) is an Iraqi politician who has been Prime Minister of Iraq since 2014. Previously he served as Minister of Communication from 2003 to 2004, in the first government after Saddam Hussein. 



King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud现任沙特国王 The one-on-one talks between President Obama and Saudi Arabia’s King Salman could not come at a more tumultuous time in the Middle East, as a U.S.-led coalition fights Islamic State militants in Iraq and Syria, and a Saudi-led coalition beats back Iranian-supported Houthi rebels in Yemen. Jeb Bush 布什的弟弟8年的州长生涯,为杰布赢得了良好的口碑。在他的治理下,劳动力人数居美国第四的佛州失业率一直很低,税负减至10年来的最低点。他还被公众称为最容易接近的州长 2016220日,杰布·布什宣布退出2016年美国总统大选。[

Tom Frieden R. Frieden has been since 2009 the Director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention守护纽约,抵抗Ebola

Raul Castro马列拉·卡斯特罗(Mariela Castro),古巴全国性教育中心的主席,是著名的同性恋权利活动家,古巴国务委员会主席劳尔卡斯特罗(Raul Castro)的女儿。她对奥巴马改变看法支持同性恋婚姻表示赞赏,称这是人道和宽容的表现。[1-2] Kim Jong Un

AbubakarShekau阿布巴卡尔·谢考(AbubakarShekau),博科圣地组织的头目,20世纪70年代末出生在尼日尔与尼日利亚交界的一座名为谢考的边境小镇。他是尼日利亚女学生绑架案的幕后主使。Benjamin Netanyahu本雅明·内塔尼亚胡 (Benjamin Netanyahu) 19491021日生于特拉维夫,毕业于美国麻省理工学院,获学士、硕士学位。




Hillary ClintonMartin Dempsey·登普西,陆军四星上将,现任美国参谋长联席会议主席。出生于1952年,毕业于西点军校,后在1995年至1996年就读于国防学院。他迄今34年的军旅生涯大部分在欧洲度过。他2003年至2004年在伊拉克首都巴格达服役,任驻伊美军陆军第一装甲师师长(少将),同时负责陪训和装备伊拉克安全部队。20058月以来,登普西总管伊拉克新军和警察部队的训练任务,20075月成为美国中央司令部副司令,201110月成为美国参谋长联席会议主席。Martin Edward Dempsey (born March 14, 1952), sometimes known as Marty Dempsey, is a retired United States Armygeneral who served as the 18th Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. He previously served as the 37th Chief of Staff of the Army from April 11, 2011, to September 7, 2011. Prior to that, he served as Commanding General, U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command, from December 8, 2008, to April 11, 2011, as Acting Commander, U.S. Central Command, from March 24, 2008, to October 30, 2008, as Deputy Commander, U.S. Central Command, from August 2007 to March 23, 2008, and as Commanding General, Multi-National Security Transition Command – Iraq (MNSTC-I), from August 2005 to August 2007. Dempsey assumed his assignment as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff on October 1, 2011 and stepped down from the Chairmanship on September 25, 2015.[2][3]

BejiCaidEssebsi突尼斯总统Essebsi is the founder of the Nidaa Tounes political party, which won a plurality in the 2014 parliamentary election. In December 2014, he won the first regular presidential election following the Tunisian Revolution, becoming Tunisia's first freely and directly elected president.

Adam Silveris an American lawyer and the commissioner of the National Basketball Association (NBA). He has held this post since February 1, 2014.

Lu Wei国信办主任,中国有14亿人口,其中一半是网民,他掌握了中国互联网发展的钥匙Marine Le Pen巴黎遭遇恐怖袭击三周后,法国126日举行地方选举首轮投票。极右翼的国民阵线赢得了近30%的选票。玛丽娜·勒庞(Marine Le Pen196885- ),是前法国国民阵线主席老勒庞(让·马利·勒庞)之女,法国极右翼政党国民阵线领导人,有法国最危险女人之称。Marine Le Pen (French pronunciation: ​[ma.ʁin lə.pɛn]; born Marion Anne Perrine Le Pen; 5 August 1968) is a French politician who is the president of the National Front (FN), a national-conservativepolitical party inFrance and one of the main political forces. A lawyer by profession, she is the youngest daughter of longtime FN leader Jean-Marie Le Pen. She is the aunt of Marion Maréchal-Le PenBarack ObamaMitch McConnell


201411月,共和党选举肯塔基州联邦参议员米奇·麦康奈尔为国会参议院多数党领袖Addison Mitchell "Mitch" McConnell, Jr. (born February 20, 1942) is the senior United States Senator from Kentucky. A member of the Republican Party, he has been the Majority Leader of the Senate since January 3, 2015. He is the 15th Senate Republican Leader and the second Kentuckian to lead his party in the Senate.[1] He is also the longest-serving U.S. Senator in Kentucky history.[2]

Mohammad JavadZarifan Iraniancareer diplomatJoanne Liu

Joanne Liu is a Canadian doctor and the current International President of Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), or Doctors Without Borders. She was elected President during MSF's International General Assembly in June 2013.[

the icons:Taylor SwiftHaruki Murakami 村上春树

Jerry BrownThomas Pikettya French economist who works on wealth and income He is the author of the best-selling book Capital in the Twenty-First Century (2013),[3] which emphasises the themes of his work on wealth concentrations and distribution over the past 250 years. MalalaYousafzai无论如何她只是个14岁的女生。





实施袭击的恐怖组织称,即使她这次幸存,也不会被饶恕。is a Pakistani activist for female education and the youngest-ever Nobel Prize laureate.[4] She is known mainly for human rights advocacy for education and for women in her native Swat Valley in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province of northwest Pakistan, where the local Taliban had at times banned girls from attending school. Yousafzai's advocacy has since grown into an international movement.

Pope Francis







Hillary Clinton美国的下一位女总统希拉里·克林顿?


leaders:Mary BarratheChief Executive Officer and Chairman of the General Motors Company. She has held the CEO position since January 15, 2014, and she is the first female CEO of a major global automaker.[3John Kerry克里写人物评语的是美国前国务卿、前第一夫人希拉里·克林顿。希拉里称克里为无情的谈判代表。她说,克里作为外交官的后代,很清楚美国的命运与世界其他地区紧密联结。中东问题是美国外交持续性的难题,克里继续秉持着中东和平的梦想。在乌克兰问题上,克里经得起俄罗斯的侵略行径。在叙利亚问题上,他助力协商化学武器的转移,并与伊朗签署了中期核协议。在气候变化问题上,克里也表现出坚毅、有热情以及有远见的品质。Hassan RouhaniScott Walker司各特·沃克(Scott Walker




Vladimir PutinNgoziOkonjo-lwealaa Nigerian economist best known for her two terms as Finance Minister of Nigeria and for her work at the World Bank, including several years as one of its Managing Directors (OryOkollohtheKenya National Commission on Human Rights, and the World Bank.[8][9]Shinzo Abe为日本首相安倍晋三写人物评语的是美国财长杰克·卢。卢评价安倍为勇敢的改革家,他写道,如果日本想告诉世界它计划经济复苏,那么选举出安倍当首相或许就是最好的方式。安倍2007年因身体原因辞去首相职务,现在以安倍经济学等一系列大胆的策略回归政治舞台,助推日本从数十年的经济低迷中走出来。安倍主要依靠打击通货紧缩、促进消费和恢复经济活力这几方面推动日本经济发展。在仅仅20个月后,日本人有理由相信持久的复苏近在眼前。

Abdul Fattah al-Sisi埃及总统Xi JinpingBarack Obama(USi/bəˈrɑːk huːˈseɪn oʊˈbɑːmə/;[3][4] born August 4, 1961) is an American politician serving as the 44thPresident of the United States, the firstAfrican American to hold the office. Born in Honolulu, Hawaii, Obama is a graduate of Columbia University and Harvard Law School, where he served as president of the Harvard Law Review. He was a community organizer in Chicago before earning his law degree. He worked as a civil rights attorney and taught constitutional law at University of Chicago Law School between 1992 and 2004. He served three terms representing the 13th District in the Illinois Senate from 1997 to 2004, and ran unsuccessfully in the Democratic primary for the United States House of Representatives in 2000 against incumbent Bobby Rush.

Withelma "T" Ortiz Walker Pettigew It is very difficult for someone who has suffered sexual abuse and exploitation to stand up and move on with her life, and even more difficult to openly share her experiences for the sake of public awareness. But for Withelma "T" Ortiz Walker Pettigrew, this is no issue. Having endured the devastating experience of being trafficked during her teenage years, Withelma did not allow her circumstances to prevent her from speaking out so other girls may be spared from the same horrible fate.

NarendraModiEric HolderEric Himpton Holder, Jr. (born January 21, 1951) served as the 82ndAttorney General of the United States, from 2009 to 2015. Holder, serving in the administration of President Barack Obama, is the firstAfrican American to hold the position of U.S. Attorney General.[1]

Michelle Bachelet维罗妮卡·米歇尔·巴切莱特·赫里亚(英语:Verónica Michelle BacheletJeria,西班牙语:Verónica Michelle BacheletJeria)(1951929——智利女医生、外交家、政治家、历史上首位女总统。巴切莱特1951年出生于圣地亚哥一军人家庭,1970年前往智利大学医学院进修医学,同年加入智利社会党,1975年遭军政府逮捕,后被驱逐出境,流亡澳大利亚、东德。1979年返回智利,继续在智利大学攻读医学,毕业后成为一名儿科医生,1995年当选为智利社会党中央委员会成员,后前往智利军队政治和战略研究院和美洲防务学校进修军事,1998年担任国防部长顾问,2000年~2002年担任卫生部长,2002年~2004年担任国防部长,是为智利第一位女性国防部长。2006年作为民主联盟候选人当选为智利总统,成为智利首位女性总统,任期4年,2010年卸任,后被联合国秘书长任命为联合国妇女署执行主任,2013年辞去主任职务,2014年再度当选为总统,任期至2018Verónica Michelle BacheletJeria (Spanish pronunciation: [beˈɾonika miˈtʃel βatʃeˈle ˈxeɾja]; born 29 September 1951) is a ChileanSocialist Party politician who has served as the President of Chile since 11 March 2014. She previously served as President from 2006 to 2010, becoming the first woman in her country to do so. After leaving the presidency, she was appointed the first executive director of the newly created United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women). In December 2013, Bachelet was re-elected as President of Chile with over 62% of the vote, bettering the 53.5% she obtained in 2006. She is the first person since 1932 to win the presidency of Chile twice in competitive elections

Andrew Haldane(bank of England) Chief Economist and Executive Director, Monetary Analysis & Statistics

Angela MerkelJerry Brown杰里·布朗(Jerry Brown),美国政治家,美国民主党成员,现任加利福尼亚州州长。1975-1983年曾担任加州州长,期间政绩卓著。2010114日再次当选为加州州长(第39任),于201113日接替阿诺德·施瓦辛格,并成为了加州年龄最大的州长,而且将成为加州任期最长的州长ThuliMadonselaRand Paul美国政治家 House speaker 2012年总统候选人之一Kirsten Gillibrand

United States Senator

from New York


Assumed office

January 26, 2009

Serving with Chuck Schumer

Preceded by

Hillary Clinton

Member of the U.S. House of Representatives

from New York's 20th district

Nicolas Maduro古拉斯·马杜罗,南美委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔共和国的一位政治家,前委内瑞拉社会主义青年团成员,年轻时为加拉加斯地铁司机,并领导此地工会。曾任委内瑞拉外交部长,2012128日被查韦斯宣布为继任者。2013414日,尼古拉斯·马杜罗赢得大选,成为委内瑞拉总统2013717日,尼古拉斯·马杜罗宣布,他已经和塞莉亚·弗洛雷斯履行了所有的法律手续,正式结婚NicolásMaduroMoros (Spanish: [nikoˈlas maˈðuɾo ˈmoɾos]; born 23 November 1962) is a Venezuelan politician who has been President of Venezuela since 2013. Previously he served under President Hugo Chávez as Minister of Foreign Affairs from 2006 to 2013 and as Vice President of Venezuela from 2012 to 2013.

Abdullah Gul阿卜杜拉·居尔 (英语:Abdullah Gul,土耳其语:Abdullah Gül) 土耳其政治家,土耳其正义与发展党副主席,土耳其总统第11届总统。Abdullah Gül,[1]i/ɡuːl/ (Turkish pronunciation: [abduɫˈɫɑh ˈɟyl]; born 29 October 1950) is a Turkish politician who served as the 11thPresident of Turkey, in office from 2007 to 2014. He previously served for four months as Prime Minister from 2002 to 2003, and concurrently served as both Deputy Prime Minister and as Foreign Minister between 2003 and 2007. He is currently a member of the Advisory Panel for the President of the Islamic Development Bank.[

Kim Jong Un在金正恩上任这两年多来,朝鲜这个神秘国家的民众在他的领导下经历了一系列心里交困的演习、阅兵、军演和警戒。2013年,他还在朝鲜半岛进行导弹发射和核武爆破的试验。如今,金正恩似乎已进入到更夸张的阶段,邀请NBA前明星到这个半岛上举行派对,同时拘留美国游客,杀死姑父张成泽,阻挠破坏极其需要的经济合同和外汇。金正恩的这种举动让朝鲜和它的主要盟友中国有所疏远,并导致韩国朴槿惠政权对朝实行强硬路线。更为突出的是,金正恩不顾朝鲜国民贫穷落后的生活。

Abu Du'aAbuDua is the senior leader of the terrorist organization al-Qa‘ida in Iraq (AQI). AbuDua is in charge of overseeing all AQI operations and is currently based in Iraq. AQI was listed by the UN 1267 Committee in 2004 under permanent reference number QE.J.115.04. AbuDua is responsible for managing and directing AQI large-scale operations, such as AQI’s 28 August 2011 attack on the Umm al-Qura mosque in Baghdad which killed prominent Sunni lawmaker Khalid al-Fahdawi.

巴沙尔·阿萨德(阿拉伯语:بشارأسد‎ BaššārʾAsad1965911日-),阿拉伯复兴社会党总书记叙利亚总统、叙利亚武装部队总司令元帅军衔[1] ,是哈菲兹·阿萨德的次子[2] 

1965年出生于大马士革1982年,进入大马士革大学医学院学习,并取得了军籍[2] 1988年,成为一名医生[2] 1994年,进入霍姆斯军事学院,晋升为少校19961月入参谋指挥学院,晋升为上校[2] 20007月,巴沙尔以97%的得票率当选叙利亚总统,并于2007年获得连任[2] 。巴沙尔就任叙利亚总统后,开始改革[2] 。曾一度被誉为大马士革之春[2] 20111月,叙利亚爆发了反政府示威[2] 。巴沙尔·阿萨德表示,叙利亚政府在努力推动叙全国政治对话的同时,将继续打击叙境内旨在破坏国家安全稳定的恐怖主义[3] 。叙利亚当地时间2014716日下午,巴沙尔·阿萨德宣誓就任叙利亚总统,开启第三个7年总统任期。[4] 

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