精编牛津译林版八年级英语上册Unit6 第六单元导学案随堂练习课课练学案

发布时间:2018-10-06 12:12:18

八年级上册 Unit6 Reading1学案

主备: 审核: 日期:

学校:___________ 班级:___________ 姓名:___________ 家长签字:__________



1. 读懂文章,了解扎龙自然保护区的基本情况。

2. 培养学生根据上下文猜测词义的能力。

3. 复习和拓展有关保护野生动物的词汇。

4. 引导,教育学生保护鸟类,保护自然。


1. 掌握和理解上一课所学的语言知识并进行交际运用。

2. 根据文中的提示词简要复述课文。



1. “while” 作连词:------的时候” //“然而;作名词:一会儿

2. 之一:one of +形容词______ +名词____(单/复)

3. prevent意为阻止、预防预防某事译为____________阻止某人做某事译为_____________

4. fewer and fewer 越来越少(__________less and less越来越少(______________

more and more越来越多 ___________

5. “lead to”意为导致lead的过去式是_______,此处的to为介词,所以导致(做)某事可译为_____________

6. in order to 意为以便,为的是以便做某事可译为__________________________


7. provide是及物动词,意为提供;供给提供某人某物译为____________= ____________


1.in north-east china 在中国东北部

2.one of the world’s most important wetlands 世界上最重要的湿地之一

3.provide food and cover for ---提供食物和居所

4all year round 一年到头

5.in order to do 为了做---

6.have more space for 有更多的空间给---

7.less and less space 越来越少的空间

8.make laws to do 制定法律去做

八年级上册 Unit6 Reading1学案

主备: 审核: 日期:

学校:___________ 班级:___________ 姓名:___________ 家长签字:__________


1.喜欢观鸟 2.去市场看鸟 ___________________________

3.在市场上 4.科学老师

5.鼓励某人做某事 6.加入观鸟社团___________________________

7.提供食物和庇护所 8.意识到湿地的重要性


Step 1 Lead-in

1. Have a guess

a special place for birdwatching. There lives a special kind of birds. What are they?

2. Describe a picture

Show a picture with the words: describe, provide, cover and prevent.

1what can you see in it?

2What do we call this kind of land ?

3. Predict about the title

Step 2 Presentation

1. Read Paragraph 1

(1) Find some adjectives or adjective phrases in this paragraph to describe the special place

(2) Predict:

What are the “rare birds” ? What may the writer tell us in next paragraph?

2. Read Paragraph 2

(1) Read this paragraph quickly and find out what the “rare birds” refer to

Why does the writer call cranes “rare birds”? Can you find a sentence to make it clear?

(2) Explain the use of numbers

sometimes numbers speak louder, find some more examples relating to numbers in this paragraph?

(3) Think and discuss in small groups

Do cranes live in Zhalong all year round or just go there for a short stay?

Can you guess when is a good time to watch cranes in Zhalong?

3. Read Paragraph 3

In this paragraph, the writer tells us what ________ Zhalong , the special place, is facing

(2) Read and answer

What do “all these things” mean in the last sentence of this paragraph?



For the first problem, which words describe the serious problem best?

For the second problem, why does the writer use “keep fishing” instead of “fish”?

Which sentence is much better?

How do you feel when you hear about “all these things”? And what you will do?

4. Read Paragraph 4

(1) Read and answer: What does the Birdwatching Society members do?

(2) Think and discuss

If you are a member of the Birdwatching Society, what may the results of your study be?

For example, you will find the types of the birds are becoming ...

What difficulties may you have and what help will you need in your study?

5. Read Paragraph 5

(1) Read and answer: What does this paragraph want to tell us?

(2) Think and discuss

Who do you think “more people” refer to here?

Besides “a lot of tourists”, who else are wanted to join in the activity?

What is the purpose of this writing?

Step 3 Practice

Retelling Useful key words and phrases:

Para 1: A special nature reserve

world's most important / perfect place / rare birds

Para 2: The birds living in Zhalong

many ... all year round / some ... a short stay

not many left / 40 per cent ...live in

Para 3: The dangers of Zhalong

some people ... smaller ... more... / less and less

fishermen keep fishing / not enough food

Para 4: Actions of the Birdwatching Society

once a year / record their types and changes in...

government / make laws ...prevent

Para 5: Need and hope of the Birdwatching Society

invite more people / count and describe

help people know / the importance of ...



1. This book _______________ (提供) useful information about different types of cranes.

3. She planned a short _______________ (停留) in a hotel.

4. She _________________ (记录) everything that happened to her in her diary.

5. We’re living in a time of great _______________ (变化).

6. Zhalong is one of the most important ________________ (wetland) for wildlife.

7. We should do something to protect  and help them out of ________________ (danger).

8. --- How often do you go to the museum? --- __________________ (one) a week.

9. How many _______________ (tour) come to visit Beijing every year?

10. English is very _______, students should know the ________ of the English study (important).

11. He is good at swimming. He swam across the river ______________ (easy) last week

12. Water is important to all ____________ (live) things.

13. Everyone should do everything they can ______________ (protect) rare birds.

14. I often hear her ______________ (sing) in the room.

15. ______________ (save) money, I didn’t go to the market.

16. Every year, a lot of tourists go to Zhalong _____________ (watch) birds

17. I need another two students ______________ (count ) the birds.

18. We need to do something ______________ (help) them protect birds.

19. The park is a perfect place ______________ (meet) friends.

20. The Chinese ________________ (政府) provides money for students in poor areas every year.


( ) 1. Nanjing is one of _______ in China.

A. beautiful city B. more beautiful city

C. the most beautiful city D. the most beautiful cities

( ) 2. My brother is interested in _______ languages.

A. to study B. studying C. study D. studies

( ) 3. I want to provide you _______ food and clothes.

A. to B. for C. against D. with

( ) 4. — Do you think the rain will stop tomorrow?

— ________. It has rained for ten days. It’s too wet everywhere.

A. I hope not B. I’m sure it is C. I’m afraid it will D. I hope so

( ) 5. The words are too small. I can’t see them _______.

A. clear enough B. enough clear C. clearly enough D. enough clearly

( ) 6. He made a fire _______ himself _______ warm.

A. make; to keep B. to make; to keep C. to make; keep D. make; keep

( )7. Jim is good at maths, while his physics is _______.

A. bad B. best C. worse D. better

( ) 8. She did what she could _______ us. Though 3,000 dollars is a lot of money for her.

A. help B. helped C. helping D. to help

( ) 9. We must hurry up. There are few minutes _______.

A. to leave B. leaves C. left D. leave

( ) 10.To protect the environment, supermarket don’t _____ free plastic bags for shoppers.

A. take B. show C. provide D. offer

( ) 11.Laptops are smaller and lighter so that they can be carried very _____.

A. clearly B. regularly   C. easily D. carefully

( ) 12. We _______ more people ______something for birds, and we ____more people ____us.

A. need ;to do; hope; to hope B. need; do; hope; help

C. need; to do; hope; will help D .need; do; hope; to help

( ) 13. There are _________ people on the earth and people have _________ space on it.

A. fewer and fewer; less and less B. more and more; fewer and fewer

C. less and less; fewer and fewer D. more and more; less and less

( ) 14. They went there _________ in the summer holidays.

A.for a short stay B. to a short stay C. on stay D. in stay

( )15. Six ________the students will go sightseeing in Shanghai tomorrow.

A. hundred B. hundreds C. hundred of D. hundreds of


1. I like the parrot because it has colorful feather. (同义句)

I like the parrot _____ ______ _____ colourful feathers.

2. I couldn’t finish the work without her help. (同义句)

I couldn’t finish the work ______ _______ _______ help me.

3. If we do nothing ,there will be no wild animals in the world. (同义句)

If we ______ _______ _______, there will _____ ______ _______ wild animals in the world.

4. Xi Wang weighed about 10 kilograms at four months old.(对划线部分提问)

_______ _______ _______ Xi Wang ________ at four months old ?

5. There are more and more cars on the road . (同义句)

The number of the cars on the road is getting _______ and _______.


Cinderella lives with a very mean (吝啬的) family. She has to do all the housework. She makes the beds. She does the dishes. She 1 the meals. She even takes 2 the garbage.

One day the family goes to a 3 at the prince’s palace. But Cinderella has to stay at home to do so much housework. She is 4 . She says, “ I want to go and dance, too!”

Suddenly a fairy princess comes and says, “I can 5 you.” She gives Cinderella a party dress and a pair of glass 6 . Then she says, “ Come home early. My magic ends at midnight I’m just learning this job.”

Cinderella goes to the party and 7 with the prince. She forgets about 8 . Then she sees a clock. It is almost midnight Cinderella 9 home, but she loses one of her glass shoes on the way.

The prince wants to marry Cinderella, but all he has is the glass shoe. Many women try on the shoe, but it doesn’t fit. The prince 10 , “Everyone has such big feet!” Then one day, Cinderella tries it on, and it fits!

The prince and Cinderella get married, and they live happily ever after.

( ) 1. A. eats B. cooks C. buys D. gives

( ) 2. A. with B. up C. in D. out

( ) 3. A. party B. movie C. picnic D. concert

( ) 4. A. happy B. sad C. excited D. tired

( ) 5. A. see B. take C. help D. brings

( ) 6. A. shoes B. hats C. pants D. gloves

( ) 7. A. sings B. dances C. plays D. talks

( ) 8. A. clothes B. food C. music D. time

( ) 9. A. goes B. walks C. runs D. gets

( ) 10. A. thinks B. hopes C. finds D. knows


The polar bear is white. We call it polar bear because it lives inside the Arctic Circle near the North Polethere are no polar bears at the South Pole.

The polar bear lives in the world of snow and ice. At the North Pole, there is only snow, ice and water. There is not any land. It’s not easy to see the polar bear in the snow because its fur is white. It has a very thick coat of hair since it is very cold in the Arctic Circle.

A polar bear can be 3 metres long and weigh 450 kilograms. It has very wide feet, and it can stand up on its back legs. It can swim 120 kilometres out into the water at a time. It catches fish and sea animals for food. It hides when it is frightened, some people kill the polar bear for its beautiful white coat, the governments of Canada and the USA say that no one can kill polar bears in the two countries now. They hope these beautiful animals won’t die out.

( ) 1. Why do we call this kind of bear “polar bear”?

A. Because it lives outside the Arctic Circle near the South Pole.

B. Because it lived inside the Arctic Circle near the South Pole.

C. Because it lived inside the Arctic Circle near the North Pole.

D. Because it lives outside the Arctic Circle near the North Pole.

( ) 2. What do Polar Bears have for food?

A. Nothing B. Fish and sea animals C. Sea water D. Snow.

( ) 3. In which of the following countries can we see the Polar bear?

A. Japan B. The UK C. China D. Canda

( ) 4. Which of the following is Not true according to the passage?

A. It is very cold in the polar bear’s living area.

B. In the water the polar bear can swim a long way.

C. The polar bear can stand up on its back legs because it doesn’t have front legs.

D. The governments of Canada and the United States abandon the killing of polar bear.

( ) 5. What’s the passage about?

A. The Arctic Circle B. the polar bear

C. The North pole D. Sea animals

Unit6 Reading1答案


provides ,stay, recorded, changes, wetlands,danger, once, tourists,impotant importance, easily, living, to protect, sing, To save, to watch, to count, to help, to meet, government.




Because of its if she didn’t don’t do anything be not any how much did weigh larger larger


1. B cook/make meals 固定搭配,做饭。

2. D take out拿出去。把垃圾拿出去。

3. A根据后面的故事情节,应该可以知道是去参加聚会,而不是看电影、野餐或音乐会。

4. B Cinderella不能参加聚会,感觉很伤心。

5. C —个仙女出现想帮助Cinderella

6. A根据故事情节,应该可以知道仙女给了Cinderella—双玻璃鞋。

7. B Cinderella和王子跳舞,而不是唱歌、玩耍或说话。

8. D Cinderella和王子跳舞而忘记了时间。从后文的她看见钟可以判断出。

9. D get home到家,Cinderella回到家,但是丢了一只玻璃鞋。到家比回家更符合题意。

10. A很多女孩都试穿了玻璃鞋,但都不合适,王子想:每个人的脚都很大。


1C 2B 3D 4C 5B

八年级上册 Unit 6 Reading 2学案

主备: 审核: 日期:

学校:________ 班级:____________ 姓名:__________ 家长签字:_______



1. To get more detailed information about Zhalong Nature Reserve.

2. To analyze the sentences for the students to get a better understanding.

3.To make sure the students know the importance of wetlands and nature reserves.

4.To get more detailed information about Zhalong Nature Reserve.


To analyze the sentences for the students to get a better understanding.



1. Zhalong Nature Reserve is in Heilongjiang Province in north–east China.

in western countries; west of China / western part of China

2. one of +限定词+最高级+名词复数的一个

Mr Wang is one of the best teachers in our school.

3. There are not many cranes left in the world.

过去分词 left“剩下的作后置定语。There is nothing left in the fridge.

4. percent (%)百分之......百分数作主语,以后接名词确定谓语单复数。

80 per cent of the water is clean. / 50 per cent of the apples are red.

5. make “使 make sb / sth + adj. make sb do sth. “......腾出空间”make space forCo

6. Some people want to make the wetlands smaller in order to have space for wildlife.

in order to do sth. / in order that +从句表示目的

I walk to school every day in order that I can keep healthy and live a green life.

八年级上册 Unit 6 Reading 2学案

主备: 审核: 日期:

学校:____________ 班级:____________ 姓名:__________ 家长签字:_______



1) a nature reserve 2) in North-east China

3) the importance of the wetlands 4) all year round

5) more and more birds 6) less and less space

7) 自然保护区 8) 导致

9) 有足够的食物吃 10) 数量上的改变

11)中国政府 12)为他们提供食物和栖息地


Step 1 Leading-in

1. Do you want to know the story about a girl named Xu Xiujuan? She lost her life to save a wounded red-crowned crane Then let’s listen to a song about her.

Step 2 Listening

1. Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks according to the text.

We’re __________ cranes. We like living in _______.We live in Zhalong ____________. Zhalong ______ us enough food and ______. Every year many _______ come to see us. Butsome people want to change our home to make more _____for_______and_______ .This means there will be and _______ space for wildlife and the number of us is getting ______and_____ We are and __________ birds .But many people don’t understand the importance of protecting us. What shall we do? Please help us! Step 3 Language points.

1. It is one of the world’s most important wetlands.

最好的老师之一_______________ 最美丽的城市之一_______________

归纳:one of +形容词______ +名词____(单/复)

2. provide sth for sb = provide sb with sth表示为某人提供某物


The rich person ________ the school ________ a lot of money.

The rich person_________ a lot of money _______ the school.            

3. in north-east China = in the north-east of China = in the north--eastern part of China


China is __________the ___________of Asia and _________the _________of Australia.

其他方位:西北 ___________ 东南 _____________ 西南 ______________

4. make space / room for 表示让出空间,给腾出地方

space un 表示空间、余地”,“宇宙、太空”.


We had to ______ ______ _________ the table in the _________.

in space在太空space前通常不用冠词。

5. less and less +不可数名词

地球上愈来愈少的生活空间________and ______ ________ _________ on the earth

fewer and fewer + 可数名词复数

世界上野生动物愈来愈少了There are ______ ______ _____ _____ animals in the world.


6. While some go there only for a short stay.

stay( v) : stay there for a short time stay (n): go there for a short stay

Miss Liu went to Shanghai for a short stay.=Miss Liu _____________________________.

7. in order to 意为为了,目的是 相当于“to”


We build more wetlands _______ _______ ________ help more wildlife


He sits straight ______ _______ _____ see the blackboard _______.

8. lead to (引起结果等)导致-----------(过去式)___________注意:to 是介词+__________


Cutting down bamboo forests can ______ _______ less and less food for pandas

这场大雨导致了洪水。The heavy rain _______ ________a flood.

9. important, importance

  It’s ___________ to learn English well.

 Do you know the ___________ of learning English?

Step 5 Production

1.Talk about Birdwatching Club

Say ‘if you are a member of the birdwatching club, can you tell us something about your club?’ Get the students to talk about the things Birdwatching Club does / is going to do.

2. Get the students to read the whole passage together loudly again.

Step 6 Exercises & Homework

1. Finish the relative exercises.

2. Write a report about Zhalong to attract more people to protect wildlife



1. People call the areas of land with wet ground w_____________.

2. He _______________ (理解) what I said at last.

3. I can find your home ______________ (easy).

4. Every year, lots of (旅行者) go to the small town to enjoy the wonderful view.

5. Please r____________ what you eat every day. It’s useful to your doctor.

6. Hurry up, Don’t keep Tom __________ (wait).

7. People should share the __________(大自然) with all wild animals.

8. The Chinese _______________ (政府) likes slogans.

9. He is rude and always makes others _______________ (do) something they don‘t want to do.

10. Great Green Wall is in the _______________ (north) part of China.

. 用所给词的适当形式填空

1. The farmers will cut down the forests ______________ (build) roads.

2. The number of tigers _______________ (get) smaller and smaller at present in the world.

3. Listen! The music ______________ (sound) nice.

4. We did everything we could _________________ (protect) animals in danger.

5. I’m sure he will come to see us as soon as he ______________ (come) back tomorrow.

6. This man _____________ (call) Wangwei is my close friend.

7. There are not many red-crowned cranes ______________ (live) in the world.

8. We must do something _______________ (prevent) the weather from ________________ (get) hotter and hotter.

9. Don’t keep me ________________ (wait) for you every time.

10. What _______________ (happen) in Zhenjiang in 100 years?


( ) 1. --- Cranes need more people‘s help.

--- Yes. People working in the reserve are doing something __________ these birds.

A. protect B. protecting C. to protecting D. to protect

( ) 2. If more and more wetlands disappear (消失), there _______ space for plants and animals.

A. will going to be fewer and fewer B. is more and more

C. will be less and less D. is going to be fewer and fewer

( ) 3. The weather in north China __________ hot in summer.

A. must be B. can be C. might be D. mustn‘t be

( ) 4. I hope __________ finish your homework first.

A. you to B. you C. to you D. that

( ) 5. He couldn‘t run __________ to catch up with the cat.

A. enough fast B. quick enough C. fast enough D. enough quickly

( ) 6. My brother and I want to visit __________ at hospital.

A. one of our good friend B. one of our best friend

C. one of our good friends D. one of our best friends

( ) 7. Zhalong is a wonderful home for cranes and __________ birds.

A. another B. other C. the other D. others

( ) 8. The parents __________ food and clothes.

A. provide the children to B. provide the children for

C. provide the children against D. provide the children with

( ) 9. Please tell me the change __________ the number of students in our school.

A. in B. into C. to D. With

( ) 10. ________ shelter and food for _________ animals is very important and necessary.

A. Providing; endanger B. Provide; endanger

C. Providing; endangered D. Provide; endangered.


1. 卧龙自然保护区为大熊猫提供了一个重要的生存区域。.

Wolong Nature Reserve gaint pandas____________________________________________.

2. 建更多的高楼会导致越来越少的耕地。

Building more tall buildings ___________________________________________ farmland.

3. 许多人带手机是为了拍照和听音乐。

Many people take mobile phones _______________________ take photos and listen to music.

4. 小孩子白天总是充满活力。

Little children are always

5. 扎龙的鸟类正面临着许多问题。

The birds in Zhalong Nature Reserve .


Flies usually live in the dirty places. Let‘s look at a fly, and see where it 1 . First it flies out of the window; 2 it stands on 3 dirty things in the street; and third it flies back to the house and walks over your 4 .

When a fly walks on the dirty things in the street, its 5 have got some germs 6

them. When the fly walks on your food with its dirty feet, it 7 the germ on your food.

What can you learn from this?

First, we learn that we 8 leave dirty things in the street or on the ground near 9 .

Second, we learn that all food must be covered 10 flies may not get to it. Third, we learn that flies often carry germs and we must kill them as soon as we see them.

( ) 1. A. walks B. stands C. lives D. flies

( ) 2. A. first B. second C. third D. fourth

( ) 3. A. some B. any C. every D. each

( ) 4. A. food B. drink C. cups D. bowls

( ) 5. A. body B. feet C. eyes D. head

( ) 6. A. in B. to C. from D. over

( ) 7. A. carries B. has C. leaves D. takes

( ) 8. A. must B. can C. may not D. mustn‘t

( ) 9. A. the factory B. our door C. our houses D. a window

( ) 10. A. because B. when C. where D. so that

六、 阅读理解

In Barnes London Wetland Centre, you can enjoy a large number of wild birds and wild animals. Adults‘ fare is 7.95, and children‘s fare is 4.50. But if holding a London pass, you can have free admission (入场).

London Wetland Centre is thought to be the European City‘s best place to contact wild animals. London Wetland Centre is the UK‘s most worthy of showing off, and the most exciting wildlife projects, including 43 hectares of grassland, as well as pools.

Barnes wetlands are located in the Thames. This award-winning centre always interest many scientists. There are many different kinds of animals, Including the cormorant (鸬鹚), the Kingfisher (翠鸟) and the endangered water vole (河鼠).

In London Wetland Centre there are a large number of different habitats. When visiting the centre, Visitors can watch movies through the video to learn more about wetlands and the knowledge of biological species.

For children, London Wetland Centre is a good choice to learn a lot about the knowledge of nature.

There are many other interesting places about wildlife. If you are interested in wildlife, Why not go to London Zoo, Regent’s (丽晶) most beautiful gardens. Holders of London Passes can visit them freely.

( ) 1. The Wetland Centre in the passage is in the __________ .


( ) 2. London Wetland Centre includes __________ hectares of grassland.

A. 4 B.3 C. 43 D. 34

( ) 3. At the __________, visitors can learn more about wetlands and the knowledge of biological species.

A. Tower Bridge B. London Wetland Centre

C. Big Ben D. London Tower

( ) 4. Two children without London Pass want to go into the London Wetland Centre. They will pay __________.

A. 4.50 B. 9.00 C. 7.95 D. 9.95


wetlands understood easily tourists record waiting

Nature government do northern

二、 to build is getting sounds to protect

Comes called living to prevent getting

Waiting will happen





八年级上册 Unit 6 Grammar学案

主备: 审核: 日期:

学校:________ 班级:____________ 姓名:__________ 家长签字:_______



1..学习动词不定式 to do in order to 作状语,表示目的。

2.掌握动词+宾语+动词不定式 to do ” 结构中,动词不定式 to do作宾语补足语。

3. 在语境中运用不定式表示目的状语及宾语补足语的两种用法。


1.using to-infinitives for purpose.

2.using verbs +objects +to-infinitives



1. to do 做状语,表示目的

(1) go to do sth.

(2) in order to do sth. / in order that+从句

2. to do 作宾语补足语

(1)不带to的不定式:have/ let/ make sb. do sth. see/ watch / hear...sb. do sth.

区分:make laws to do sth./ make sb. do sth.

区分:see sb. do sth. / see sb. doing sth.

(2) help sb. (to) do sth.

(3) ask / need / tell / invite...sb. to do sth.

八年级上册 Unit 6 Grammar学案

主备: 审核: 日期:

学校:________ 班级:____________ 姓名:__________ 家长签字:___________



1.带照相机拍鸟的照片___________________ 2.得走很长一段路___________________

3.叫某人不做某事_______________________ 4.使某人做某事_____________________

5.看见某人做了某事_____________________ 6.听见某人在做某事_________________

7.帮助某人做某事______________________ 8.鼓励某人做某事__________________


1. We do some birds r____________ to study the birds well.

2. Different g____________ take different ways to protect animals.

3. Don’t forget to take the c____________ to take photos.

4. Practice makes p___________.

5. Thank you for p___________ us so much help.


Step 1 Grammar 1动词不定式“to+动原表目的

1. Discuss in groups and work out the rule(小组活动)

2. .选择合适的不定式“to+动原补全句子(P73)

Step 2 Grammar 2

A. “in order to +动原也表目的,用法比动词不定式要正式

1. Some people want to make the wetlands smaller __________ (have) more space for farms and buildings.

2. Take a notebook with you ___________ ( write) down what you see.

B. in order to引导的目的状语,既可以置于句尾,也可以置于句首。

1. They started early _____________(get) there in time.

2. ___________ (get) there in time, they started early.

Step 3 Grammar3

A. (动词不定式在句中作宾语补足语结构为:动词+宾格/表人或表动物的名词+to do sth)

1. We are now inviting them _____________ (help) us.

2. We need more people ____________ (count )and ___________ (describe) the birds.

B .动词不定式的否定形式是to前加not.

1. We ask people _______________ (not catch )birds for any reason.

2. My mother tells me _____________ (not play) too much computer games.

C. 动词不定式作宾语补足语,有带to和不带to的两种形式。

() 常跟to的动词不定式作宾语补足语的动词有:ask, tell, order, invite, get, allow, wish, want, encourage, advise, warn, like, love, hate等。

1. The policeman told the boys____________ (not swim) in the river.

2. The teacher asked the students ____________ (finish) the homework on time.

() 常跟不带to的动词不定式作宾语补足语的动词有:感官动词hear, feel, see, watch, notice (注意:感官动词hear, feel, see, watch, notice等也可跟v-ing作宾语补足语);使役动词let, makehave (注意:使役动词get 是带to. get sb to do sth)

1. Max ________ (tell) funny jokes and often _______ (make) me ________ (laugh).

2. She_______ (see) a baby panda __________ (drink) her mother’s milk last week.

3. Millie and Amy__________ (hear) someone ____________ (sing) in the park.

归类: 一感觉:____________________二听:________________________ ,


() 动词help后面的动词不定式可带to,也可不带to

1. She often helps me (to) do the housework. 她常常帮我做家务。

2. We helped him (to) fix his bike. 我们帮他修自行车。



( ) 1. Father often tells me ______ too much time on computer games.

A. don’t spend B. not spend C. not to spend D. not spending

( ) 2. — how do you know that that girl likes singing?

— I often hear her ______ after class.

A. to sing B. sung C. sing D. sings

( ) 3. We must do everything we can ________our earth cleaner and cleaner.

A. make B .to making C. make D .to make

( ) 4. We can make a fire ________ the room warm so that we can chat for a while.

A .to keep B. keeping C .keep D. kept

精编牛津译林版八年级英语上册Unit6 第六单元导学案随堂练习课课练学案
