such and so用法区别

发布时间:2019-03-06 20:11:40

Book1 unit 2

 such / so

1) such a (big) fool / such a (poor) family /such an ( honest ) boy

eg: He is such a (big) fool.

2) such (good) things/ such (useful) books


eg:Such things often happen in our daily life.

3such (fine)weather/ such (valuable )time


eg: Such weather is not seen in Wuhan.

4such people are dangerous.



so beautiful/ so popular/ so wonderful

so fast/ so quickly/ so smoothly

eg:She is so clever a girl that we all like her.

   The horse ran so fast that no one could stop it.

1) so后面也可以接名词

so clever a boy/ so useful a book

so+adj+a/an+单数名词  (此句型可与such句型互换,但位置不同 )

such a clever boy/ such a useful book

eg: He is such a clever boy. He is so clever a boy.


so many students / so many flowers/ so many people

so few books /  so few cards


so much knowledge / so much water

so little money / so little time


3)当many,much ,few ,little 单独作为名词使用时,用so

 so much for today

There are so few that I can not give you any more.


I have never seen such a little girl.

The girl is such little that she knows so little.


It is such fine weather that many people are playing in the park.

Jack has read so many novels that he wants to write his own novel.

I don’t understand why such a rich country has so many beggars.

such and so用法区别
