
发布时间:2013-05-04 12:12:02



宽容是一种美,当你做到了,你就是美的化身. 一个人能否以宽容的心去对待周围的一切,是一种素质与修养的体现.大多数人都希望得到别人的宽容和谅解,可是自己却做不到这一点,因为总是把别人的缺点和错误看成烦恼与怨恨.常言道:"世界上最宽阔的是海洋,比海洋宽阔的是天空,比天空更宽阔的是人的胸怀." 如果人人有这样宽阔的胸怀,人类就会多一份理解,多一份善美,多一份珍重,生活中的酸舔苦辣也将化作五彩的乐章.天空宽容了云雾,于是拥有了神韵;人生宽容了遗憾,我们便拥有了未来.

The world's oceans are wide, wider than the ocean is the sky, wider than the sky is the human mind. -- Hugo method.

Once, the barber was shaving to Premier Zhou Enlai, the prime minister suddenly coughed, knife to scratch the face immediately. The barber is very nervous, be at a loss what to do, but to his surprise, Premier Zhou did not blame him, but kindly said to him: " this is not blame you, I did not cough to greet you before, how do you know I have to move? " although this is a trivial matter, it makes us see the Premier Zhou Virtues -- tolerance.

Tolerance is a kind of beauty, and when you do, you are the embodiment of beauty. All one can to tolerance of the heart to treat all around, is a manifestation of quality and self-cultivation. Most people want to get other people's tolerance and understanding, but I can not do this, because there is always someone else the shortcomings and mistakes as worry and resentment. As the saying goes: " the world's oceans are wide, wide ocean is the sky, wider than the sky is the human mind. " if everyone has such a broad mind, humans would be a more understanding, more of a good, a treasure, life acid lick bitter also will be a colorful movement. The sky clouds so tolerant, has the charm; tolerance of regret in life, we will have the future.

