
发布时间:2020-06-12 09:06:50


-Mode       Amplitude mode                      A(超声)

AMVL          Anterior mitral valve leaflet            二尖瓣前叶

AAO          Aorta ascendens                     升主动脉

Ao            Aorta                              主动脉

AI            Aortic insufficiency                   主动脉关闭不全

AML         Anterior mitral leaflet                                   二尖瓣前叶

AR              Aortic regurgitation                                      主动脉瓣返流

AS           Aortic stenosis                       主动脉狭窄

ASD         Atrial septal defect                    房间隔缺损

ASH         Asymmetrical septal hypertrophy          非对称性室间隔肥厚

ATVL        Anterior tricuspid valve leaflet           三尖瓣前叶

AV              Aortic valve                        主动脉瓣

AVA         Aortic valve atresia                   主动脉瓣闭锁

AVR         Aortic valve replacement              主动脉瓣置换术

BAV         bicuspid aortic valve                      二叶式主动脉瓣

B mode       Brightness mode                     B型超声

CDFI         Color Doppler Flow Imaging           彩色多普勒血流显像

CHD         Congenital heart disease              先天性心脏病

CPV              common pulmonary vein                                共同肺静脉干

CW                      chest wall                                                     胸壁

CW-Doppler   Continuous-wave Dopper              连续频谱多普勒

CO                      Cardiac output                                         心输出量

DA                      Descending aorta                     降主动脉

DCM         dilated cardiomyopathy              扩性心肌病

DTI           doppler tissue imaging         多普勒组织显像

DORV        double outlet right ventricle            右心室双出口

DOLV         double outlet left ventricle              左心室双出口

ED                       End-diastole                                                 舒末期的

EDV                    End-diastolic volume                         舒末期容积

EF                       Ejection fraction                     射血分数

EPSS                   E-point of septal separation           舒早期二尖瓣前叶与室间隔之间的距离

ESD                    End-systolic dimension                        收缩末直径

ESV                     End-systolic volume                 收缩末容量

F3                   trilogy  of Fallot                    法洛三联症

F4                   tetralogy  of Fallot                  法洛四联症

FO           fossa ovalis                        卵圆窝

FS                        fractional shortening                            缩短分数

HCM                  hypertrophic cardiomyopathy                肥厚性心肌病

HOCM         hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy肥厚性梗阻性心肌病

HPRF                  High pulse repetition frequency        高脉冲重复频率

HR                      Heart rate                                                 心率

IAS                      Interatrial septum                                   房间隔

IVC                     Inferior vena cava                  下腔静脉

IVCT                   Isovolumic contraction time           等容收缩期

IVRT                   Isovolumic relaxation time                     等容舒期

IVS           interventricular septum              室间隔

LA                       Left atrium                        左心房

LAA                 Left atrial appendage               左心耳

LAD                    Left anterior descending cor                  前降支

LAE                    Left atrial enlargement              左心房扩大

LAO                    Left anterior oblique                左前斜位

LCC                    Left coronary cusp                             左冠状动脉瓣

LMCA                Left main coronary artery            左主干

LPA                     Left pulmonary artery               左肺动脉

LSPV                  left superior pulmonary vein          左上肺静脉

LSA          left subclavian artery                左锁骨下动脉

LV                       Left ventricle                      左心室

LVAN         left ventricular aneurysm             左心室室壁瘤

LVED              Left ventricular end diastolic          左心室舒未期径

LVH                Left ventricular hypertrophy          左心室肥大

LVDd        Left ventricular end diastolic dimension左心室舒末期径

LVDs        left ventricular end-systolic dimension 左心室收缩末期径

LVPW        left ventricular posterior wall                左心室后壁

LVOT                  Left ventricular outflow tract        左室流出道

LVIT                  Left ventricular inflow tract         左室流入道

LVIW         left ventricular inferior wall         左室下壁

M-mode              Motion mode                   M-型超声

MAC                   Mitral annular calcification                二尖瓣环钙化

MB                            Moderator band                             隔缘肉柱

MI                       mitral insufficiency                              二尖瓣关闭不全

MS                      Mitral stenosis                  二尖瓣狭窄

MR            Mitral regurgitation                          二尖瓣返流

MVO                  Mitral valve orifice            二尖瓣口

MVP           mitral valve prolapse              二尖瓣脱垂

NCC                    Noncoronary cusp                无冠瓣

OMI         old myocardial infarction          旧性心肌梗塞

PA                       Pulmonary artery                   肺动脉

PAP                     Pulmonary artery pressure       肺动脉压

PBMV           percutaeous balloon mitral valvuloplasty  


PDA                    Patent ductus arteriosis           动脉导管未闭

PE                       Pericardial effusion               心包积液

PISA                   Proximal isovelocity surface area   最近等速线表面积

PM                      papillary muscle                 乳头肌

PML                   Posterior mitral  leaflet          二尖瓣后叶

PTL        posterior tricuspid leaflet            三尖瓣后叶

PI                        Pulmonary insufficiency           肺动脉关闭不全

PPM       posterior papillary muscle           后乳头肌

PS                        Pulmonary stenosis               肺动脉狭窄

PV                       Pulmonic valve                  肺动脉瓣

PV                       Pulmonary vein                  肺静脉

PW-Doppler    Pulsed-wave Doppler            脉冲频谱多普勒

PWT                    Posterior wall thickness          舒期后壁厚度

RA                      Right atrium                   右心房

RAE                    Right atrial enlargement         右心房增大

RAO                   Right anterior oblique            右前斜

RCA                    Right coronary artery            右冠状动脉

RCC                    Right coronary cusp             右冠瓣

RPA             Right pulmonary artery          右肺动脉

RSPV            Right superior pulmonary vein    右上肺静脉

RV              Right ventricle                 右室

RVAW         Right ventricular anterior wall    右心室前壁

RVE            Right ventricular enlargement    右心室扩大

RVH         Right ventricular hypertrophy     右心室肥大

RVI         Right ventricular inflow            右室流入道

RVOT        Right ventricular outflow tract     右心室流出道

SAM         Systolic anterior motion          二尖瓣收缩期前向运动

SBE          subacute bacterial endocarditis   亚急性细菌心膜炎

SSN          Suprasternal notch              胸骨上切迹

ST           Septal thickness                 间隔厚度

STP          sinus transversus pericardii        心包横窦

SOP          sinus obliquus pericardium        心包斜窦

SV           Stroke volume                  每搏输出量

SVC         Superior vena cava               上腔静脉

SWMA       Segmental wall motion abnormality节断性室壁运动异常

TEE          Transesophageal echocardiography经食管超声心动图

TGA        Transposition of the grea            大动脉移位

TGC         Time gain compensation            时间增益补偿

TI          tricuspid incompetence              三尖瓣关闭不全

TL           True lumen                      真腔

TOF          Tetralogy of Fallot                法乐()四联症

TVP          tricuspid valve prolapse            三尖瓣脱垂

TS            Tricuspid stenosis                三尖辨狭窄

TTE           Transthoracic echocardiography    经胸壁超声心动图

TV             Tricuspid valve                 三尖瓣

Veg            Vegetation                     赘生物

Vmax          Maximum velocity              最大速度

VSD          Ventricular septal defect          室间隔缺损

VTI           Velocity time integral            速度时间积分

