
发布时间:2011-03-18 21:41:15

+20000目录...Vocabulary 10000Lesson 01A monument was built to commemorate the victory.纪念碑被建立用于纪念战争的胜利。The children huddled together for warmth.孩子们拥挤在一起取暖。Censure is sometimes harder to bear than punishment. 谴责有时候比惩罚更难承受。The new vaccine eradicated all traces of the disease within three months.新的疫苗能在三个月内清除疾病的所有痕迹。The barbarians defiled the church by using it as a stable.野蛮的人亵渎了教堂,把教堂当作马厩使用。The pregnant woman has an enlarged abdomen.怀孕的女人有个很大的腹部。The lost hikers were bereft of hope when the rescue plane did not see them.当营救飞机没有发现他时,迷失的徒步旅行者被剥夺了希望。The children were bereaved by the death of their parents.因为父母的死去,孩子们也被剥夺了。This battlefield is consecrated to the memory of the soldiers who died here.对死在战场的士兵而言,在他们记忆中战场是最神圣的地方。A good joke does not necessarily evoke a hearty laugh.一个好的玩笑没有必要唤起亲切的笑声。Wheels left grooves in a muddy dirt road.左车轮陷进泥泞的路上。The old car jolted its passengers badly as it went over the rough road.当旧的汽车在粗糙的路上行使时,将乘客剧烈的摇晃。Bowing to greet a lady is now an obsolete custom.向一个女士鞠躬问候现在是个过时的风俗。Many wild animals prowl at night looking for something to eat.许多野生动物在夜里巡游以寻找食物。The children scooped holes in the sand.孩子们在沙滩上挖洞。Diplomats are interested in the status of world affairs.外交官比较感兴趣世界事务的情势。The farmer sued the railroad station because his cow was killed by the train.农民的牛因火车而死,因此农民控告了铁路局。The counter of the sink has many grooves along which the water will run off.水池计数器有许多的凹槽,水能从凹槽内流出。The cat prowled around the cellar looking for mice.猫在地窖里巡游寻找老鼠。We all sympathized with the husband who was bereaved of his beloved wife.我们都同情丈夫,他丧失了他心爱的妻子。Her singing evoked admiration from the public.她的歌声博得了公众的钦佩。We still use this machine though it is obsolete.我们仍然用这台机器尽管它已经陈旧。The bandit in a typical Western movie rides a horse and goes armed. either alone or in a group.在典型的西方电影里面强盗都骑着马并配着武器,要么独自一个人要么成群。Christmas commemorates the birth of Jesus Christ.圣诞节是纪念耶稣救世主的诞生。

