
发布时间:2018-01-20 21:39:18

Book3, Module2 Developing and Developed Countries

Period one: Vocabulary and Introduction

Learning objectives:

1. Master the words on p11-17.

2. Get to know something about developing and developed countries.

Learning procedures:

Step one: warm-up

What do you think of China? Is it a developing or developed country?

If you have a chance to choose, which country will you want to live in?

e.g. Switzerland

Step one: get to know more continents and countries (part 1, page11)

Step three: words related to a country’s development

1.饥饿________________ 2.收入___________________3.贫穷__________________

4.________________ 5.数字;身材_______________6. goal__________________

7.测量(v.)______________ 措施(n.)________________ 8.采取措施________________



11.life expectancy_____________ 12.location_____________13.position_______________

14.tour_______________ tourist _______________ tourism_______________

15.transport___________ 16.industry_____________industrial______________

17.pollute_____________ pollution_________polluted______________


一. 完成句子。

1._______________________________随着经济的发展),more and more people are moving out of poverty.

2.Germany is a _____________ (发达的)countrywhile China is a _____________ (发展中)one.

3.Could you help me_____________________(算出)how much the trip cost?

4.To be well__________, he decided to go abroad for further_____________.(educate)

5.His ability shouldn’t be__________by exam results;__________should be taken to improve his confidence. (measure)

6.To achieve the g_______ of Education for All, the government and its people are trying their best.

Book3, Module2, Developing and Developed Countries

Period three: language points from The Human Development Report

Learning objectives: 1.key phrases 2.key sentences patterns


1.2000______the year of 2000 2. 同意做某事agree ______________

3.从三方面_______three ways 4.预期寿命 life ________________

5.多久 how_____________ 6.顶部at the ______ of 7

7.中间 _____the middle of 8.底部at the ______ of

9.确信,确定 __________________ 10.直到11_______the age of 11

11.鼓励某人做某事encourage sb_______ 12.增加了 increase_______________

13.脱贫move____________poverty 14.取得进步make________________

15.做出努力 make___________________


1. From this agreement_________________________________________________




_____________________________________ a strange voice.

2.The Uk is in the thirteenth position,_____________________________________

英国 排名13 而中国则在名单的中间。

★句型小结:while ____________词,表示对比,意思是“_____________


I was doing housework_______________________________________________.

3. Water now is mostly _____________________________________.


★句型小结:主语 + be +___________+_______________


The question _______________________.

4.The bottom ten countries are all African countries,________________________________


句型小结:with 的复合结构,在句子中作__________语。

结构为:________ +__________+_________________


1.这本书很难理解。(主语+be+adj+to do)



He walked into the dark street__________________________________


I like the Voice of China,_______________________________Where Are We Going, Dad



5.To ________________(确保) he could catch up with his classmates, his teachers____________

_____________(同意帮助) him with his lesson after class.

6.You should__________________________ (采取措施) to improve your working conditions.

7.Last term, he was _____________________(顶部) the exam list.

8.He is _________________________(努力) to be admitted into a key university.


1 Look! At the top of the hill stood a tower.

2.It’s up on you to give us a talk.

3.We can do it better as long as we make effort.

4.With all the things she needed buying, she went home happily.

5.With the teacher’s help, he has made many progress in English.

Book3, Module2, Developing and Developed Countries

Period four: cultural corner: Town Twinning

Learning objectives:

1.get to know sth about town twinning and town twinning agreement

2.learn to use the key words and sentence structures

Learning procedures:

1.read the passage and finish the exercise on p25《创新方案》

2.language points


1). entertainment___________entertaining____________entertain____________

2).中等大小的_____________________ 3)靠近,接近be close _____

4).有相似的大小和年代________similar size and age 5)例如 such_____

6)鼓励某人做某事encourage sb_________ 7)练习做某事practise__________

8) 一到两周one____ two weeks 9) 结果as a ____________


It’s an agreement between towns or cities of___________________________ and_______________________such as tourism, industry, culture and entertainment.

这是一项两个大小相似或历史长短相似的镇或城市之间的协议,这些镇或者城市有相似的特点,比如说旅 游业,工业和娱乐。


一. 翻译

1. 这几本旧书是没用的 (of+n.)


2. 我每天练习打篮球。(practice doing sth)


3.徒步旅行帮助我们亲近大自然(be/get close to


Book3, Module2 Developing and Developed Countries周清试卷



1.饥饿____________ 2.收入______________ 3.贫穷____________

4.发展(n.)_____________5.旅游业___________ 6.测量___________

9.教育(v)____________ 10.不幸的___________ 11.industral______________

12.transport____________13.inhabitant____________ 14.entertainment___________


18.figure_____________ 19.similarity_______________20.expectancy___________


1.在顶端 ______ the top of 2.努力做make____________to do

3.算出figure_____________ 4. 采取措施 take _______________

5.确信make_____________ 6. 增加了 increase _____________

7.取得进步make_____________ 8. 脱贫 move_____________ poverty

9.直到up_______ 10.截止到2015 ________2015

11.同意做___________to do 12.中间 _____the middle of

13.鼓励某人做 encourage sb________ 14.从三方面_______three ways

15.随着的发展 ___________the development of


1.We can do it better as long as we make effort.

2.With the teacher’s help, he has made many progress in English.

3.You should take measure to improve your working conditions.

4.1 Look! At the top of the hill stood a tower.

5. With all the things she needed buying, she went home happily.



I was doing housework_______________________________________________.

2. 这本书很难理解。



He walked into the dark street__________________________________

4. 一个奇怪的声音从演讲者那儿传来。

_____________________________________ a strange voice.

