2019版高考英语大一轮单元增分(译林版):必修 Unit 2 单元检测B - 完形填空精准练+失分题型强化练

发布时间:2019-11-19 10:42:56

必修③ Unit 2



(2018·青岛调研)Do you know that body language accounts for over 90% of a conversation? That's why communicating face to face is always better than a telephone conversation__1__if you are trying to sell something!

Your body language will give others a general__2__ of you and it will also show your emotions. It's very difficult to make your body__3__. It's easy to tell the difference between a__4__ smile of pleasure and a false smile. So if you understand body language codes (密码), it is usually possible to know what someone really__5__ whatever they may be saying with__6__.

Although much of our body language is universal, a lot is also__7__. Culture codes vary from one country to another and they can__8__misunderstandings. Even simple gestures may have a completely different meaning in other parts of the world. For example, the circle__9__made with three raised fingers means “OK” in the United States. But it is not universal. In Brazil, Greece and Germany it is a__10__gesture showing disrespect and in Japan it means “money”

In many Asian cultures, it is not appropriate for men and women to touch in public. Therefore, displays of affection such as__11__ hands or kissing are not__12__. In some parts of Asia, __13__ it is common for people of the same sex to hold hands as a sign of__14__.

Greetings vary according to the country and the sex of the people involved. In the west, it is appropriate to shake hands when you__15__someone for the first time and both men and women can__16__ a handshake. In Indonesia, for example, a man will not offer a handshake to an Indonesian woman__17__they are in a business situation.

If you want to avoid making__18__ mistakes when you travel to other countries, you should__19__ their basic culture codes before you leave. If you do this, you are less likely to__20__ people.


1A.namely        Bparticularly

Cimportantly Dpractically

解析:B namely意为也就是,换句话说particularly意为特别地,尤其importantly意为重要地practically意为实际地。前文提到面对面交流比电话交流效果好,下文列举了一个特别的情况:试图向别人推销东西的时候。故选B项。

2A.imagination Bdescription

Cexpression Dimpression

解析:D imagination意为想象description意为描述expression意为表达impression意为印象。肢体语言会给他人留下对你的总体印象。故选D项。

3A.lie Btalk

Cact Dconduct

解析:A lie意为撒谎talk意为act意为行动conduct意为表现;管理。根据上文的it will also show your emotions可知,肢体语言会反映人的情绪,故此处指让你的身体撒谎很难。故选A项。

4A.polite Bshy

Csincere Dready

解析:C polite意为礼貌的shy意为害羞的sincere意为真诚的ready意为准备的。既然身体很难撒谎,那么辨别真诚的快乐微笑和假笑很容易。该空和后面的false(虚假的)对应,故选C项。

5A.cares Bmeans

Cshows Dconsiders

解析:B care意为关心;在乎mean意为意思是show意为展示;表明consider意为考虑;认为。前文提到身体很难撒谎,由此可知通过肢体语言,通常有可能了解一个人真正的意思是什么。故选B项。

6A.words Bexamples

Cfeelings Dmovements

解析:A word意为词语;话语example意为例子;榜样feeling意为感受;感情;感觉movement意为行动。由句意可知选A项。

7A.exact Bforeign

Ccultural Dsimilar

解析:C exact意为准确的;精确的foreign意为国外的cultural意为文化的similar意为相似的。由句中的Although以及universal(通用的,普遍的)可知,该空表达的意思应和universal相反,再结合下句中的Culture codes,可知选C项。句意:虽然我们大多数的肢体语言具有普遍性,但很多也具有文化性。

8A.clear up Bcut down

Crefer to Dlead to

解析:D clear up意为清理cut down意为砍倒refer to意为参考lead to意为导致。句意:每个国家的文化密码各不相同,且文化密码会导致误解。故选D项。

9A.sign Bmark

Cshape Dfigure

解析:A sign意为迹象;手势mark意为标记;分数shape意为形状figure意为数字。句意:例如三根举起的手指加上一个圆圈组成的手势在美国是OK的意思,但这个手势不是通用的。故选A项。

10A.helpless Brude

Cdangerous Dcasual

解析:B helpless意为无助的rude意为粗鲁的dangerous意为危险的casual意为随意的。由下文的showing disrespect可知应选B项。句意:在巴西、希腊和德国,这是粗鲁的手势,显示不尊敬,在日本这是的意思!

11A.shaking Btouching

Craising Dholding

解析:D shake hands意为握手touch hands意为触摸手raise hands意为举手hold hands意为牵手。句意:因此,表示爱慕(的行为),比如牵手或亲吻都是不可接受的。shake hands表示握手,是社交场合礼貌性的行为,而语境中指的是男女朋友间的牵手。本段最后一句的hold hands为原词复现。

12A.comfortable Bsuitable

Cacceptable Dreasonable

解析:C comfortable意为舒服的suitable意为合适的acceptable意为可接受的reasonable意为合理的。句意:因此,比如牵手或亲吻都是不可接受的。

13A.therefore Botherwise

Chowever Dbesides

解析:C therefore意为因此otherwise意为否则however意为然而besides意为……外,还。该句和上文是转折关系, 故选C项。句意:然而,在亚洲的一些地方,人们普遍与同性牵手以表示友谊。

14A.friendship Blove

Cadmiration Dconcern

解析:A 句意见上题解析。friendship意为友谊love意为admiration意为羡慕concern意为关心。故选A项。

15A.know Bintroduce

Capproach Dmeet

解析:D know意为知道introduce意为介绍approach意为接近meet意为遇见。由下文的for the first time以及a handshake可知,这里介绍的是第一次见面的情况。句意:在西方,在你初次和某人见面时握手是合适的。

16A.suggest Bstart

Cdemand Dfollow

解析:B suggest意为建议start意为开始demand意为要求follow意为跟随。此处是说男性和女性都可以先握手。故选B项。

17A.unless Buntil

Cif Dwhile

解析:A unless意为除非;如果不until意为直到if意为如果while意为……的时候。句意:例如,在印度尼西亚,如果不是谈生意时,男士不会主动同女士握手。故选A项。

18A.surprising Bdisappointing

Cembarrassing Dinteresting

解析:C surprising意为令人惊讶的disappointing意为令人失望的embarrassing意为令人尴尬的interesting意为有趣的。句意:如果你想避免到其他国家旅行时犯一些尴尬的错误,你就应该在出发前了解他们的基本文化密码。故选C项。

19A.experience Bdevelop

Crespect Dunderstand

解析:D 句意见上题解析。experience意为经历develop意为发展respect意为尊重understand意为理解,懂。故选D项。

20A.worry Boffense

Caffect Ddisturb

解析:B worry意为担心offense意为冒犯affect意为影响disturb意为打断;打扰。句意:如果你这样做,你就可能少冒犯别人了。故选B项。



After I had been in China studying Chinese for about a year, I had exhausted my old textbook. I wanted more interesting material. One day I came upon a bookstore, and, __1__ (realize) how cheap books in China were, __2__ (have) the idea that I should start learning from Chinese children's books. __3__ was perfect and so obvious — why hadn't I done this __4__ (early)?

Then reality came as a shock. There was a very good reason __5__ everyone wasn't doing it already: Chinese children's books __6__ (design) for native Chinese kids, so they __7__ (general) don't make good material for foreign language learners.

Most Chinese children's books are too hard __8__ Chinese learners. It'll be discouraging to read many books, especially those __9__ (choose) at random, and all the “pinyin” is likely to be less helpful than you think. So, I do wish, one day, there are some really good books __10__ (suit) for foreign learners out there in China's bookstores.


1realizing 考查非谓语动词。句意:有一天,我偶遇一家书店,意识到在中国书是多么便宜,我于是想到应该从中国儿童书中学习汉语。该空前面有连词and,后面2空又给了动词提示词have,故该空所填词应该作状语,realize与句子主语I之间是逻辑上的主动关系,故应用现在分词。

2had 考查动词的时态。句意参见上题解析。根据时间状语One day可知,此处叙述作者逛书店时产生的想法,是发生在过去的动作,应用一般过去时。故填had

3It 考查代词。句意:这是极好的并且非常明显——我为什么不早点这样做呢?设空处作句子的主语,指代上文提到的从中国儿童书中学习汉语这件事,故填It

4earlier 考查副词的比较级。句意参见上题解析。根据句意,此处暗含有与自己原来所做的进行对比的含义,因此,应用比较级。故填earlier

5why 考查定语从句。句意:为什么大家早没有那么做是有非常好的理由的……reason为先行词,设空处在定语从句中作状语,表示原因,应用why来引导。故填why

6are designed 考查动词的时态和语态。句意:……中国的儿童书是为中国本土儿童设计的……设空处作冒号后的句子的谓语,designbooks之间为被动关系,故应用被动语态;此处叙述的是客观事实,因此应用一般现在时。故填are designedbe designed for意为……而设计

7generally 考查词性转换。句意:……所以,对于外语学习者而言,它们一般不能成为好的学习材料。提示词为general,前面是主语they,后面是谓语don't make,故设空处应用副词作状语。故填generally

8for 考查介词。句意:大部分中国儿童书对于汉语学习者来说太难。for意为对于,符合句意。

9chosen 考查非谓语动词。those代指前面提到的books。根据句子结构,choose at random应作后置定语,choosethose之间为逻辑上的被动关系,故填chosen

10suitable 考查词性转换。句意:所以,我真希望有一天在中国书店里有一些真正好的适合外国学习者的书。there are some really good booksthere be句型,故books后应该跟后置定语。be suitable for意为适合,作后置定语时直接使用suitable for结构。


It's not easy for us to accept the fact which we are going to leave our beloved school. However, we are looked forward to our future life. Last night, my friends and I walk around our school, talking about the funny things that had been happened in the past three years. Suddenly, I came across an idea. I said to him we should make a deal that we could get together here four years late. My friends were so exciting about it, and they agreed with me. I started to think about what I would become in the future. I may becoming a teacher, or a doctor. I think deal will help us keep in touch to each other.



第三句:walkwalked; 去掉been

第五句:himthem; latelater



第九句:在deal前加the; towith

2019版高考英语大一轮单元增分(译林版):必修 Unit 2 单元检测B - 完形填空精准练+失分题型强化练
