
发布时间:2012-11-02 07:57:42

Put the following sentences into Chinese, using the technique of conversion.

1. The commission of certain acts such as armed attack, naval blockades was considered as a form of aggression.

从事诸如武装斗争 海上封锁的活动都被视为是侵略

2. He has long been an enemy of stilted and pretentious English.


3. The American people hailed the program for greater Sino-US trade.


4. He missed his children sadly every morning.


5. Out of all the glorious tales written about the U.S. revolution for independence from Britain the fact is hardly known that a black man was the first to die for American independence.


Put the following sentences into English, using the technique of conversion.

1. 汉语的特点之一是动词占优势

One of the characteristics of the Chinese is the superiority of the verb.

2. 不知道他们要干什么。

I don’t know what they want to do

3. 能吃能睡能说,就是不能干

He is good at eating, sleeping and speaking, but without doing

4. 这台计算机具有很高的灵敏度。

This sensitivity of the computer is very high

5. 许多大师的经历说明,学不好母语的人,也不可能真正学好外语。

Many master point out that if the bad mother tongue is also the bad foreign language

