日照题型四 日照真题剖析

发布时间:2020-07-10 21:42:43





41Please ________(归还) my dictionary as soon as possible.

42You shouldn't leave your child in the house ________(单独)

43Mary found great fun working in the small ________(花园)

44I don't think money will ________(解决) all my problems.

45The restaurant offers different kinds of seafood, which ________(品尝) good.

46Man can't live w________ water.

47Let's go to the l________ to borrow some books.

48The manager made no r________ to the questions.

49Let's open the window and have some f________ air in.

50The dancer felt a bit n________ in her first performance.


41return 根据Please可知,这是一个祈使句,动词用原形。

42alone 句子缺少状语,修饰动词leaveleave...alone意思是……单独留下

43garden 根据名词花园前的定冠词the可知,这是特指某个花园,故用单数形式。

44solve 根据句中的助动词will可知,动词用原形,构成一般将来时。

45tastes 句子后半句是一个定语从句,which在句中作主语,后面的good是表语,缺少系动词。which指代的是不可数名词seafood,故动词用第三人称单数形式。

46without 介词短语作状语。句意:人类没有水就不能生活。

47library 根据后面的borrow some books可知,要去图书馆。

48reply 句意:经理对这些问题没做答复。结合后面的to the questions可知,这里应该是答复。

49fresh 句意:我们打开窗户,让新鲜的空气进来。fresh air“新鲜的空气

50nervous 根据后面的in her first performance可知,初次表演感到紧张。句意:舞蹈演员第一次表演时有点紧张。

日照题型四 日照真题剖析
