
发布时间:2019-11-26 15:26:36


Unit 1 Hello again!+

Lesson 1 Welcome back

1. A new semester

Hello, Danny! Nice to see you again! Hi, Jenny!

How are you? Fine, thanks. How are you?

Fine! Are you ready for school?

2. A new teacher

Hello! I’m your new teacher!

Hello! My name is Jenny. What’s your name?

You can call me Mr. Wood. Nice to meet you, Mr. Wood!

Hi, Mr. Wood! My name’s Danny. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too.

3. Let’s write.

How are you? Fine, thanks.

Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too.

Lesson 2 Friends

1. Boy and girl

This is Jenny. She is a girl. She is my friend. This is Danny. He is a boy. He is my friend.

2. A new friend

Jenny, this is Steven. He is a new boy in school.

Hello, Steven! How are you? Fine, thanks. And you? Very well, thank you.

Steven, they are my friends.

His name is Danny. Hello, Danny. Hi, Steven.

Her name is Kim. Nice to meet you, Kim. Nice to meet you, Steven.

Let’s be good friends.

3. Talk and write about your friend.

This is my friend.

Her name is Li Xiaoping.

Lesson3 Is this your pencil?

1. What is it?

This is a schoolbag. This is a blackboard. It’s an eraser. This is chalk. This is paper. It’s glue.

2. Whose pencil is this?

Whose pencil is this? Is this your pencil, Jenny?

No, Mr. Wood. It’s not my pencil.

Is it Steven’s pencil? No. It’s not Steven’s pencil. He has a green pencil.

Is it Kim’s pencil? No. It’s not her pencil. Kim is drawing with her pencil.

Is it Danny’s pencil? Yes! It’s his pencil! Where’s my pencil?

3. Group the words.

This is a marker. marker chair desk pencil

This is an apple. apple elephant egg eraser

This is chalk. chalk rice glue paper

Lesson4 Where is it?

1. What are these?

These are pens. These are rulers. They are crayons. They are chairs.

2. Where is it?

Steven is behind Danny. Danny is in front of Steven.

The book is on the desk. Danny is under the desk.

Jenny is beside Kim. Kim is beside Jenny.

Danny is between the desk and the chair.

3. Pair workTalk about the picture.

Where is Danny? He is under the desk.

above below on in under in front of behind beside between across from

Lesson5 How many books do I have?

1. Danny’s game

How many books do I have on my desk, Jenny?

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. You have eight books.

Let’s put eight books on the eight books. How many books are there on my desk?


Let’s put twenty-nine books on the sixteen books. How many books are there?

One book! Oops!

2. Numbers

Let’s learn more numbers!

1 one 2 two 3 three 4 four 5 five 6 six 7 seven 8 eight 9 nine 10 ten

11 eleven 12 twelve 13 thirteen 14 fourteen 15 fifteen 16 sixteen 17 seventeen 18 eighteen 19 nineteen

20 twenty 30 thirty 40 forty 50 fifty 60 sixty 70 seventy 80 eighty 90 ninety 100 one hundred

Lesson 6 Where are they?

1. Where is Danny?

Where is Danny? He is in the library. He is reading a book.

Where is Kim? She is on the playground. She is playing with her skipping rope.

Where is Steven? He is in the gym. He is playing ping-pong.

Where is Mr. Wood? He is in the classroom. He is writing on the blackboard with chalk.

2. Let’s sing a song.

Where is Jenny? Where is Jenny?

She is in the classroom. She is in the classroom.

Where is Danny? Where is Danny?

He is in the library. He is in the library.

3. Letters and sounds

sh ch a

shoe chalk hat

shop chair apple

ship child crab

Lesson 7 Little Zeke

1. Little Zeke is a little, little boy. Emma is a girl. She is Little Zeke’s friend.

2. Emma has many friends. Tom, Nan and Jane are her friends.

3. But Little Zeke has only one friend---Emma. He hides in Emma’s desk.

4. “Where is my eraser?” “Here it is” What does Little Zeke do? He helps Emma.

5. “Emma, is this your apple?” “No. It’s not my apple.”

Sometimes, Little Zeke puts an apple on the teacher’s desk. In the morning, Mrs. Jones finds the apple on the desk.

6. “Hello. My name is Emma. What’s your name?”

A new girl, Tess, comes to Emma’s class. She feels sad and scared. She hides behind her books.

7. Little Zeke wants to help Tess. He wants her to feel happy. He writes a note to her.

8. “Hello!” “Hi!” Tess finds Little Zeke in her desk. She finds him in her pencil case. She is so happy.

9. Now, Little Zeke has two friends---Emma and Tess.

Read and talk

Do you like Little Zeke? Why or why not?

Lesson 8 Again, please!

1. Listen and talk.

Hi, Kim. Where is Danny?

Hi, Danny. This is Steven. He is my new friend. Nice to meet you, Steven. Nice to meet you, too.

What’s this? Is this your toy bus? No, it’s my new pencil case.

What are these? Are they cookies? No, they are my erasers.

2. Listen and circle.

3. Write and say.

Jenny is beside Danny.

The park is across from the school.

The school is between the library and the hotel.

Kim is under the tree.

The birds are above the tree.

The red bicycle is in front of the blue bicycle.

4. Read and match

How are you, Danny? Fine, thanks.

How many books do you have? I have sixteen books.

Where is Kim? She is on the playground.

What are these? They are rulers.

Unit 2 Days and Months

Lesson 9 Months of the year

1. Months of the year

Now, let’s learn the months of the year!

January February March April May June July August September October November December

Can you say this month in English? February

What about this month? It’s September.

2. Group workMake a survey.

When is your birthday? My birthday is in July. My birthday is in December.

3. Let’s playBingo.

July, April, December! Bingo!

Lesson10 First, Second, Third

1. Numbers

This is a race. Li Ming is the first. The girl is the second. The boy in red shorts is the third.

Let’s count!

1 one---first 2 two---second 3 three---third 4 four---fourth 5 five---fifth 6 six---sixth 7 seven---seventh

8 eight---eighth 9 nine---ninth 10 ten---tenth 11 eleven---eleventh 12 twelve---twelfth

2. Days of the week

Let’s say the days of the week.

Sunday is the first day of the week.

Monday is the second.

Tuesday is the third.

Wednesday is the fourth.

Thursday is the fifth.

Friday is the sixth.

Saturday is the seventh.

3. What’s the date?

What’s the date? It’s December twenty-second. It’s March thirtieth.

Lesson 11 When is it?

1. When is New Year’s Day?

January first is New Year’s Day.

When is Spring Festival? It is in January or February.

International Workers’ Day is May first.

This is Children’s Day. It is June first.

Teachers’ Day is September tenth.

When is National Day? October first.

2. Make a personal calendar.

When is your birthday? My birthday is April fifteenth.

Lesson12 Rain and sun

1. What is it?

This is the sun. The sun is hot.

This is a cloud and rain. The cloud is above. The rain is below.

This is wind. The wind is bellowing the leaves off the tree.

This is snow. The snow is cold and white.

2. Let’s sing a song.

January, February, one and two. I like to play in the snow with you.

March, April, three and four. Clouds and rain! Close the door!

May, June, five and six. Flowers bloom for us to look.

July, August, seven and eight. Here’s the beach. The sun is great!

September, October, nine and ten. Leaves and wind, school and friends.

November, December, the year is done. Let’s sing again from number one.

Lesson 13 How’s the weather today?

1. Rainy and sunny

Can you point to the rainy day?

The weather is cold and snowy.

This is a sunny day.

It’s cloudy.

Is it rainy? Yes. It’s rainy.

The weather is windy.

2. How’s the weather?

What day is it, Li Ming? It’s Tuesday, April twelfth!

How’s the weather today? It’s warm and windy.

How’s the weather in December? It’s cold and snowy.

How’s the weather in July? It’s hot and sunny.

3. Pair workTalk about the weather.

How’s the weather in Kunming? It’s rainy.

Lesson 14 What time is it?

1. My day

Good morning, Mum! Good morning, Li Ming!

What time is it? It’s seven o’clock.

How’s the weather today? It’s cloudy and rainy.

I go to school at eight o’clock. What time do you go to school?

I work hard at school. I do my math. I read. I write.

I have lunch at twelve o’clock. What time do you have lunch?

At 4:20 in the afternoon, I go home.

I have dinner with my family at 6:30 in the evening.

2. Pair workTalk about your day.

What time do you have breakfast? At seven ten.

3. Letters and sounds

tr dr e

tree drink bed

truck draw dress

trip dragon net

Lesson 15 Mr. Moon’s birthday

1. A long time ago, the Moon did not have a date for his birthday. He asked the twelve months, “Which month is the best

for my birthday?”

2. “I am the best month,” says January. “I come first.” Then the second month, February, says, “Choose me! Spring

Festival usually comes in February.”

3. “No!” says March, the third month. “I am the best month. The weather is warm and sunny in March.” “Why not me?”

says April, the fourth month, “I bring spring rain. I help plants grow.”

4. “I am the fifth month,” says May. “And I am the best because I bring International Workers’ Day.” “Well, I bring

Children’s Day. I am the best!” says June, the sixth month.

5. “We are the seventh and eighth months. We are always hot and sunny, July and August say together. “Choose one of


6. Then September says, “I make the weather nice and cool. Choose me, please!” “Wait! I change the colours of the

leaves, says October.

7. “We are the eleventh and twelfth months,” say November and December. “We are cold months. We bring snow. It’s fun

to play in the snow on your birthday!”

8. “Hmm…It’s hard to choose one,” says Mr. Moon. “I know! I will have a birthday every month! Once a month I will

become big and round. Then everyone will know it is my birthday.”

Talk and act

Which month do you like best? Why?

Act out the story.

Lesson 16 Again, please!

1. Listen and talk.

Wake up, Danny!

What time is it, Mum? It’s 7:00. Time for school! We don’t go to school today.

Why? What day is it? Wednesday, June 1. It’s Children’s Day.

Mum, how is the weather today? It’s sunny. Oh, I want to go to the park!

2. Listen and tick.

3. Read and write.

National Day is on October 1.

September 10 is Teachers’ Day.

Monday is the first day of the week.

How’s the weather? It’s sunny.

In January, it’s cold and snowy.

What’s the date? It’s November 12.

Unit 3 All about me

Lesson 17 How old are you?

1. How old are you?

How old are you, Danny? I’m nineteen years old.

No, you’re not! You’re eleven years old! Okay, okay! I’m eleven.

How old are you, Steven? I’m ten years old.

When is your birthday? My birthday is on December seventeenth.

When is your birthday, Danny? October fifty-second!

Danny! Okay, okay! My birthday is on July twenty-fifth.

2. Group workTalk and write.

When is your birthday? December seventeenth. September twentieth. March fifteenth.

Steven’s birthday is on December 17th.

Lesson 18 Are you short or tall?

1. How tall are you?

Let’s get to work, class! Kim, you’re first!

How old are you, Kim? I’m twelve years old.

How tall are you? I don’t know!

You’re 1.3 metres tall.

How tall are you? I’m1.3 metres tall.

2. How tall is Danny?

Danny, you’re second. How old are you? I’m eleven years old.

How tall are you?

I’m 3.1 metres tall.

No, Danny. Stand on your feet, please.

Oh. Okay, Mr. Wood.

How tall am I? You’re 1.25 metres tall.

Kim is 1.3 metres tall and Danny is 3.1 metres tall! She is tall and he is taller.

Danny is 1.25 metres tall and Kim is 1.3 metres tall! She is taller and he is shorter.

3. Pair workAsk and answer.

How tall are you? I’m1.34 metres tall. And you?

I’m1.2 metres tall. I am taller. You are shorter.

Lesson 19 What are you wearing?

1. clothes

This is a skirt.

This is a shirt.

This is a cap.

This is a pair of socks.

These are shoes.

These are jeans.

2. Dress it up and talk in pairs.

A: What’s he/she wearing?

B: He/She is wearing…

3. Jenny’s jeans

Hi, Jenny! Hello, Danny! I like your new pants!

They’re not pants, Danny. They’re jeans.

They’re nice! Thanks!

What are you wearing, Danny?

I’m wearing shorts, shoes, gloves, a shirt and a cap. No socks? No!

What’s that? A sweater! My tail is cold! That’s interesting!

Lesson 20 Where do you live?

1. A house and an apartment

This is a house.

This is an apartment. “I live on the second floor.”

“I live on the third floor. Which floor do you live on?”

2. Where do you live?

Can you play with me today, Jenny? Sure! Where do you live?

I live in an apartment far from school. Where do you live? I live in a house near the park.

Let’s go to your house. We can play in the park! Okay!

3. Pair workAsk and answer.

Where do you live? I live in an apartment near the park. Which floor do you live on? The first floor.

Lesson21 What is your address?

1. Roads, streets and avenues

I live on Ninth Avenue. I live on Park Road. My school is on First Street.

2. Pair workAsk and answer.

I live on Zhongshan Road. Where do you live? I live on Xinhua Street.

3. What is your address?

Where do you live, Steven? I live in a house on Ninth Avenue.

Me, too! What’s your address? My address is 135 Ninth Avenue.

Is that near the Happy Hamburger Restaurant? Yes! I live beside it!

That’s my favourite restaurant! It’s my favourite, too!

4. Let’s act.

Excuse me. Yes?

I’m lost. I want to go home. Can you help me? Sure! What’s your address?

It’s 942 Ninth Avenue. Ok. Let me show you.

Lesson 22 Do you walk to school?

1. Where is the bus?

Is this a bus? No! This is a taxi.

Is this a bus? No! It’s a bicycle.

Is this a bus or a truck? It’s a truck.

This isn’t a bus! It’s a car.

Here is the bus.

2. How do you go to school?

How do you go to school, Jenny? I live near the school. So I walk.

Kim, how do you go to school? I go to school by bus. I live far from school.

How do you go to school, Steven? By car. My dad drives me.

Do you walk to school, Danny? No. I ride my bicycle!

3. Let’s chant.

How do you go to school? By bus, by bus.

How do you go to school? By bike, by bike.

How do you go to school? By car, by car.

How do you go to school? On foot, on foot.

4. Letters and sounds.

th th i

third mother pig

thirsty these skip

throw bathe dig

Lesson 23 Maddy the monster

1. Hello. My name is Maddy. I am a girl. I am a monster. I live in a very big house with my big family.

2. This is Anna. She is my friend. She lives in an apartment on Park Road.

3. “Oh! Ninety-nine. That’s old.” “I’m not old. I’m a young monster.”

Anna is eleven years old. I am ninety-nine years old. I am older than Anna. But I am a young monster. All monsters

grow to be very very old.

4. “You’re 5 metres tall? That’s tall! I’m only 1.5 metres tall.” “I’m not tall. You’re short.”

Anna is 1.5 metres tall. I am taller than Anna. All monsters are very very tall.

5. My address is 100 Monster Street. Anna and I live far from school. How do we go to school? I go to school by bus.

Anna goes to school by monster.

6. I sit at my very small desk at school. I read my book. My teacher is Mr. Scott. I listen to my teacher. I am a good


7. I like to play basketball in the gym. It’s easy because I am very tall.

8. Anna likes monsters. She is my best friend.

Complete the chart

How tall is she?

How old is she?

How does she go to school?

Lesson 24 Again, please!

1. Listen and talk.

Hi, Danny. How old are you? I’m 11 years old. When is your birthday? My birthday is on July twenty-fifth.

I’m 1.3 metres tall. How tall are you, Danny? I’m 1.25 metres tall. I’m shorter.

Where do you live? I live on Ninth Avenue. What is your address? My address is 101 Seventh Street.

How do you go to school, Danny? By bicycle.

2. Listen and circle.

three thirty thirteen

1.4 metres 1.5 metres 1.6 metres

shorts blouse skirt

941 Ninth Avenue 491 Second Street 149 Third Road

3. Look and write.

My name is Luo Li.

I am ten years old.

I am 1.4 metres tall.

I go to school by bus.

4. Read and match.

I go to school by bus.

My apartment is near the park.

I am 1.4 metres tall.

She’s wearing jeans.

5. How am I doing?

Unit 4 My favourites

Lesson 25 My favourite colours

1. Where is the white car?

This is a black pen.

These are pink erasers.

Here are two blue chairs.

These are purple grapes.

Is this a white cat? No! It’s a brown monkey..

Here’s the white cat. Look! It’s in the green tree.

2. Let’s sing a song.

Red, yellow, blue and green stand up.

Red, yellow, blue and green turn around.

Green is my.

Red, yellow, blue and green sit down.

Pink, purple, brown and orange stand up.

Pink, purple, brown and orange turn around.

Purple is my favourite colour.

Pink, purple, brown and orange sit down.

3. Favourite colours

What’s your favourite colour?

I like blue. I like blue too. I like green and brown. But my favourite colour is green. Green is my favourite colour, too!

We like the same colour. Our favourite colour is blue.

They like a different colour. Their favourite colour is green.

Lesson26 My favourite clothes

1. Favourite clothes

Do you like shorts, Danny? Yes! Shorts are my favourite clothes!

I like shorts, too!

They like their shorts. Their favourite clothes are shorts.

I like skirts. Me too. We are the same.

Our favourite clothes are skirts. Their favourite clothes are shorts.

They like skirts, but we like shorts.

2. Let’s chant.

I like my green shoe. You like your white glue.

We like our purple socks. They like their brown rocks.

He likes his orange hat. She likes her pink cat.

I, my, you, your. One, two, three, four.

We, our, they, their. Read a book. Sit in a chair.

He, his, she, her. Birds have wings. Cats have fur.

Lesson27 My favourite food

1. Breakfast, lunch and dinner

I have some bread and juice for breakfast.

I have a sandwich and some milk for lunch.

I have pizza and soup for dinner.

I’m hungry! What’s for lunch?

2. What’s your favourite food?

Look Danny! It’s twelve o’clock. Lunch time! Great! I’m hungry!

What’s your favourite food for lunch, Jenny? I like sandwiches and milk for lunch.

I like sandwiches and milk, too. But I don’t like fish. I don’t like fish either.

What’s your favourite food for lunch, Danny?

I like sandwiches, milk, pizza, hamburgers, hot dogs, noodles, soup, fruit, vegetables, chicken, French fries, dumplings,

Cookies, ice cream, donuts…

Lesson28 My favourite subject

1. What subject is it?

Chinese English science math P.E. art music

2. What’s your favourite subject?

Kim, what’s your favourite subject? My favourite subject is Chinese.

Danny, do you like math? No! I like science. It’s interesting.

Steven, what’s your favourite subject? My favourite subject is P.E.

Jenny, do you like P.E.? Sure. I also like to draw pictures. Art is my favourite.

3. Group work: Talk and tick.

What’s your favourite subject? My favourite subject is art.

Lesson29 What do you like to do?

1. What do you like to do?

I like to play basketball with my father and brother.

I like to play ping-pong.

Jenny likes to play basketball, but Steven likes to play ping-pong.

We like to play games, but Kim likes to play with toys.

Kim likes to play with toys…

But Danny likes to play on the computer.

I like to play with my doll and my skipping rope.

I like to play on the computer. I like computer games.

2. Group work: Talk and write.

I like to play on the computer. What do you like to do?

I like to play basketball.

Lesson30 My favourite school work

1. What’s your favourite school work?

I like to draw pictures. Art is my favourite subject.

I like art, too. I also like English. I like to write stories.

My favourite subject is science. I like to work in the lab.

You like science, but I like P.E. I like to play sports.

2. Let’s sing a song.

I’m drawing a picture with my crayons. I like to draw pictures.

I’m writing a story with my pencil. I like to write stories.

I’m reading a good book in the classroom. I like to read good books.

We’re playing a new game. We’re happy. We like to play sports.

3. Letters and sounds.

wh o u

white shop sun

why socks bus

whale frog bug

Lesson 31 The Diffos

1. “That’s not purple. That’s green.” “I know. The dog has my purple sock.”

The Diffos are different. What is their favourite colour? They like purple.

2. “I like to wear hats on my head.” “That’s different!”

Mr. Diffo wears hats on his fingers, but Debbie Diffo wears hats on her nose.

3. Diffo Dog, where’s my sandwich?”

The Diffos eat breakfast in the afternoon. They like sandwiches for breakfast. Their dog likes sandwiches, too.

4. This is our favourite dessert. We like fish with ice cream. Would you like some?”

The Diffos love breakfast and dessert. What is their favourite dessert?

5. “Good boy, Diffo Dog!”

What do they like to do? David Diffo likes to play with his dog.

6. Debbie Diffo likes to fly kites. But she likes to fly them inside the house.

7. This is our favourite song: Purple, purple! Yahoo!.” “We like to sing, but they like to read.”

David and Debbie Diffo go to school/ They like to sing songs in the library.

8. “Read books in the library? That’s different.” “SHHHHH!” “SHHHHH!”

People always get mad at the Diffos. “Please be quiet!” they say.

Read. Write T for true and F for false.

( )1. The Diffos are different.

( )2. Their favourite colour is pink.

( )3. Their favourite dessert is cake with ice cream.

( )4. They like to sing songs in the library.

Lesson 32 Again, please!

1. Listen and talk.

Green is my favourite colour. What’s your favourite colour?

I like shorts. My friend Steven likes shorts, too. Shorts are our favourite clothes. What are your favourite clothes?

I like many foods. Donuts are my favourite food. What’s your favourite food?

My favourite subject is science. I like to work in the lab. What’s your favourite subject?

2. Listen and circle.

3. Fill in the blanks.

_______ likes _______ red dress. (she, her)

_______ like to eat hamburgers. Hamburgers are________ favourite food. (their, they)

_______ likes to play basketball. Basketball is ________ favourite sport. (his, he)

_______ like _______ cap. (you, your)

_______ like green. Green is________ favourite colour. (our, we)

_______ like to play with______ doll. (I, my)

4. Read and write.

Our Favourite

Bob, Jim and Lynn are good friends. But they like different things. Bob likes red. But Jim likes green and Lynn likes

purple. What are their favourite clothes? Lynn likes skirts. But Bob and Jim like shorts. Jim loves donuts. But Lynn likes sandwiches. Bob likes noodles best. In school, they all love math and art.

5. How am I doing?

