
发布时间:2010-11-26 10:35:07

人力資源管理學報 2003 冬季號第三卷第四期 PP 025-03725 管理才能評鑑中心評鑑結果與多年度績效之效標關聯效度研究The Study of the Criterion-related Validity between the Assessment Center for Managerial Capability and the Longitudinal Annual Performance陳啟光*陳進財** 李元墩*** 于長禧**** Chi-Kuang Chen,Chin-T sai Chen, Y uan-Duen Lee,Chang-Hsi Y u 92年6月24日收稿,92年12月9日、92年12月15日修改,92年12月15日接受刊登摘要本文主要目的係探討評鑑中心的管理才能評鑑結果與歷年績效間之效標關聯效度。根據過去相關文獻的回顧,我們發現大部分研究皆偏重於評鑑結果與績效總評之關聯效度,有關多項管理才能評鑑結果與多年度績效間之相關性仍未有深入的探討。因此,本研究嘗試以國內某機車製造公司中階主管的管理才能評鑑結果為研究對象,探討多項能力評鑑結果與多年度績效間之相關性,並利用多年度績效進行管理才能變化之過程趨勢分析。根據資料分析結果顯示,中階主管的管理才能評鑑總評與四年績效總評之相關性高達0.841,而管理才能評鑑總評與各年度績效相關性亦分別介於0.679~0.755之間。此外,以授權能力、問題分析力、控制力等三項管理才能可以解釋本研究評鑑總評70.1%的變異量,其代表的涵義為此三項能力對於中階主管的管理才能具有顯著的預測能力。 關鍵字:評鑑中心、管理才能、效標關聯效度、預測效度ABSTRACTThe objective of this paper is to investigate the criterion-related validity between the outcomes of an assessment center and the personal annual performance. Most of the previous studies merely focused on the correlation between the assessment outcomes and their performance. It was lack of a deep analysis to explain the trend between the personal annual performance and the assessment outcomes. In this paper, we adopted the assessment outcomes of middle managers from a motorcycle manufacturer as subjects to study the criterion-related validity. The correlation between the personal annual performance and the managerial capability assessment was carefully examined. The results indicated that the correlation between the assessment outcomes and their overall performance was 0.841, and the correlation between the assessment outcomes and their annual performance ranged from 0.679 to 0.755. Moreover, the three managerial capabilities, which indicated empowering, problem solving, and controlling were able to explain 70.1% of total variance. It implied that the three managerial capabilities were effective predicators to their performance later on.Keywords: assessment center, managerial capability, criterion-related validity,predictive validity*元智大學工業工程與管理研究所副教授**元智大學工業工程與管理研究所碩士 ***長榮大學經營管理研究所教授兼管理學院院長 ****育達商業技術學院企業管理系講師、元智大學工業工程與管理研究所博士生

