2014-2015学年英语7B Unit6短语

发布时间:2015-06-12 07:46:04

7 Unit 6 Outdoor fun 背诵版


Comic strip & Welcome to the unit

1. 户外乐趣 outdoor fun

2. 户外活动 outdoor activities

3. 你抱怨太多 You complain too much.

I'm going to complain ____ the manager ____ this. 

A. for; with B. to; about

C. \;\ D. with; of

4. 去骑马/野营/骑自行车/慢跑/滑冰 go riding/ camping/ cycling / skating

5. 关于野营,你喜欢什么 What do you like about camping?

6. 给我拿着 carry it for me

7. 快点,赶快 hurry up

a) Hurry up, ____ you’ll miss the bus.

A. and B. or C. for D. so

b) Hurry up, ____ you’ll catch the bus.

A. and B. or C. for D. so

c) He hurried _______(open) the door.

d) He opened the door ______(hurry).

8. 包不是那么重。 The bag isn’t ________(that, this, the) heavy.

The bag is too heavy __________ (carry).

9. 我太累了。 I’m too tired.

10. 你想尝试什么户外活动? What outdoor activity would you like to try?


11. 掉进兔子洞 down the rabbit hole

12. 阳光明媚的一天 one ________(sun) day

She went hiking _____ a sunny day.

A. in B. on C. at

13. 坐在河旁 sit by a river

14. 抬头看,向上看;查找(单词) look up

We _____ the new words in the dictionary when reading newspapers.

A. look up C. look for C. look down D. look at

15. 看到穿着衣服的兔子经过 She saw a white rabbit __________(in/wear) a coat _________(pass) by.

16. 经过 (动词/介词) pass / past

穿过(动词/介词) cross/ across

a) I saw a post office __________ (cross/ across) the street.

b) He ___________ (pass / past ) me without a word

c) He walked __________ (pass / past ) me without a word.

17. A中拿出B took B out of A[来源:Zxxk.Com]

18. 多么令人惊奇呀! How amazing!

We are __________(amaze) at the _________(amaze) news.

19. 跟着兔子跑过田野 run __________(across/cross) the field after the rabbit

偶然碰见 run across

20. 跳进了一个大大的洞里 jump down a big hole

21. 离开;逃脱 get away

She did not want _________(let) the rabbit ________(get) away

22. 碰到地面 hit the ground

23. 她发现独自一人在又长又低矮的大厅里 She found herself _________(along/alone/lonely) in a long, low hall

24. 门都锁着 The doors _______________(lock)

25. 但它(钥匙)打不开任何一扇门 But it did not fit any of the doors.

26. 在另一边 on the other side

27. 尝试穿过门 go ____________(across/ cross/ through) the door

28. Alice花了她很长时间才撞到洞的地面上 It took Alicea long time to hit the ground in the hole.

29. 在洞里和兔子谈话 talked to the rabbit in the hole

30. Alice用钥匙打开了那扇门(2种) Alice opened a small door with the key.

=Alice used the key to open the door.

31. 发现大厅里空无一人 see no one in the hall

( ) Who’s in the room? A. none B. no one

( ) How many students are there in the room?

A. none B. no one

32. 接下来发生了什么? What happened next?

What happened _______(to/ in/ at) her?

33. 追赶 run after


34. 听到了声音 hear a sound

35. 在家 be at home

36. 度过了一段美好的时光 I had a good time.

37. 和他的朋友们练习打排球 He practiced playing volleyball with his friends

38. 买些东西 do some shopping

39. 待在家里读书 stay at home and read some books

40. 在湖边支起了帐篷 put up a tent near a lake

41. put up 举起;搭建;张贴

42. put on 穿上

43. put in 安装

44. put away 把…收起;放好

45. 你们整晚都待在外面吗? Did you stay outside all night?

46. 我们还在湖上划船了。 We also rowed a boat on the lake.

Integrated skills &study skills

47. 让西方人了解风筝 let people in the west know about the kites

48. 发现了一种造纸的心方法 find a new way to make paper

49. 用竹子制作风筝 use bamboo to make kites

50. 用木材制作鸟 make a bird out of wood

51. 风筝在中国有着悠久的历史 Kites has a long history in China

52. 2000多年前 over 2000 years ago

53. 放风筝成为非常流行的户外活动 Kite flying became a very popular outdoor activity

54. 从那时起 from then on

55. 因为而出名 be famous for…

56. 去野餐 have a picnic

57. 我是如此的兴奋 I’m so excited

58. 恐怕不能 I’m afraid not

59. 记得带着你的移动电话 remember to take your mobile phone

She remembers __________(see) him leave an hour ago.

60. 现在一切准备就绪 Now everything is ready.

61. 在湖里游泳很危险。 It’s dangerous ____________(swim) in the lake.


62. 感兴趣 be interested in

63. Alice不知道做什么 Alice did not know __________(what/how) to do.

64. 回到桌子那 went back to the table=return back to the table

65. 瓶子上的字条 a note on the bottle

66. 它尝起来像果汁。 It tastes like fruit juice.

67. 向下看 look down

68. 变得越来越小 became smaller and smaller

69. 过了一会 after a while

70. 决定去做某事 decide to do something

71. 她忘记钥匙了 She forgot about the key.

She found that she ____________her bag on the bus.

A. forgot B. left C. forget D. leave

72. 她太小了够不到钥匙 She was too small __________(reach) the key.

73. 在那之后,她会发生什么? What will happen to her after that?

7 Unit 6 Outdoor fun默写版


Comic strip & Welcome to the unit

74. 户外乐趣 outdoor fun

75. 户外活动 outdoor activities

76. 你抱怨太多 You complain too much.

I'm going to complain ____ the manager ____ this. 

A. for; with B. to; about

C. \;\ D. with; of

77. 去骑马/野营/骑自行车/慢跑/滑冰 go riding/ camping/ cycling / skating

78. 关于野营,你喜欢什么 What do you like about camping?

79. 给我拿着 carry it for me

80. 快点,赶快 hurry up[来源:学科网]

e) Hurry up, ____ you’ll miss the bus.

A. and B. or C. for D. so

f) Hurry up, ____ you’ll catch the bus.

A. and B. or C. for D. so

g) He hurried _______(open) the door.

h) He opened the door ______(hurry).

81. 包不是那么重。 The bag isn’t ________(that, this, the) heavy.

The bag is too heavy __________ (carry).

82. 我太累了。 I’m tired.

83. 你想尝试什么户外活动? What outdoor activity would you like to try?


84. 掉进兔子洞 down the rabbit hole

85. 阳光明媚的一天 one ________(sun) day

She went hiking _____ a sunny day.

A. in B. on C. at

86. 坐在河旁 sit by a river

87. 抬头看,向上看;查找(单词) look up[来源:Zxxk.Com]

We _____ the new words in the dictionary when reading newspapers.

A. look up C. look for C. look down D. look at

88. 看到穿着衣服的兔子经过 She saw a white rabbit __________(in/wear) a coat _________(pass) by.

89. 经过 (动词/介词) pass / past

穿过(动词/介词) cross/ across

d) I saw a post office __________ (cross/ across) the street.

e) He ___________ (pass / past ) me without a word

f) He walked __________ (pass / past ) me without a word.

90. A中拿出B took B out of A

91. 多么令人惊奇呀! How amazing!

We are __________(amaze) at the _________(amaze) news.

92. 跟着兔子跑过田野 run __________(across/cross) the field after the rabbit

偶然碰见 run across

93. 跳进了一个大大的洞里 jump down a big hole

94. 离开;逃脱 get away

She did not want _________(let) the rabbit ________(get) away

95. 碰到地面 hit the ground

96. 她发现独自一人在又长又低矮的大厅里 She found herself _________(along/alone/lonely) in a long, low hall

97. 门都锁着 The doors _______________(lock)

98. 但它(钥匙)打不开任何一扇门 But it did not fit any of the doors.

99. 在另一边 on the other side

100. 尝试穿过门 go ____________(across/ cross/ through) the door

101. Alice花了她很长时间才撞到洞的地面上 It took Alicea long time to hit the ground in the hole.

102. 在洞里和兔子谈话 talked to the rabbit in the hole

103. Alice用钥匙打开了那扇门(2种) Alice opened a small door with the key.

=Alice used the key to open the door.

104. 发现大厅里空无一人 see no one in the hall

( ) Who’s in the room? A. none B. no one

( ) How many students are there in the room?

A. none B. no one

105. 接下来发生了什么? What happened next?

What happened _______(to/ in/ at) her?

106. 追赶 run after


107. 听到了声音 hear a sound

108. 在家 be at home

109. 度过了一段美好的时光 I had a good time.

110. 和他的朋友们练习打排球 He practiced playing volleyball with his friends

111. 买些东西 do some shopping

112. 待在家里读书 stay at home and read some books

113. 在湖边支起了帐篷 put up a tent near a lake

114. put up 举起;搭建;张贴

115. put on 穿上

116. put in 安装

117. put away 把…收起;放好

118. 你们整晚都待在外面吗? Did you stay outside all night?

119. 我们还在湖上划船了。 We also rowed a boat on the lake.

Integrated skills &study skills

120. 让西方人了解风筝 let people in the west know about the kites

121. 发现了一种造纸的心方法 find a new way to make paper

122. 用竹子制作风筝 use bamboo to make kites

123. 用木材制作鸟 make a bird out of wood

124. 风筝在中国有着悠久的历史 Kites has a long history in China

125. 2000多年前 over 2000 years ago

126. 放风筝成为非常流行的户外活动 Kite flying became a very popular outdoor activity

127. 从那时起 from then on

128. 因为而出名 be famous for…

129. 去野餐 have a picnic

130. 我是如此的兴奋 I’m so excited

131. 恐怕不能 I’m afraid not

132. 记得带着你的移动电话 remember to take your mobile phone

She remembers __________(see) him leave an hour ago.[来源:学科网ZXXK]

133. 现在一切准备就绪 Now everything is ready.

134. 在湖里游泳很危险。 It’s dangerous ____________(swim) in the lake.


135. 感兴趣 be interested in

136. Alice不知道做什么 Alice did not know __________(what/how) to do.

137. 回到桌子那 went back to the table=return back to the table

138. 瓶子上的字条 a note on the bottle

139. 它尝起来像果汁。 It tastes like fruit juice.

140. 向下看 look down

141. 变得越来越小 became smaller and smaller

142. 过了一会 after a while

143. 决定去做某事 decide to do something

144. 她忘记钥匙了 She forgot about the key.

She found that she ____________her bag on the bus.

A. forgot B. left C. forget D. leave

145. 她太小了够不到钥匙 She was too small __________(reach) the key.

146. 在那之后,她会发生什么? What will happen to her after that?[来源:学科网ZXXK]

2014-2015学年英语7B Unit6短语
