
发布时间:2013-07-27 20:43:02


一.请听单词,判断下列单词与所听到的单词是否相同,单词只读一遍。相同的在( )内打“√”,不相同的“×”。(5分)

1with 2 food 3)book( ) 4) ball( ) 5)well( )


1A. big B. bag 2A. high B. why ( )3)A.man B.men

( )4) A. nice B. rice ( )5)A. door B. desk

.听对话,判断句子正误. 10分)

( ) 1Yes,she is. 2I want a glass of milk. ( ) 3)yes,I can.

( ) 4) Yes,she doesn’t. 5)It’s ten yuan. 6) how are you?

7)where is my dog. 8) are you feeling sad?.

9) How do you do? 10)I am playing.



1A. father B. mother 2A. ball B. door ( )3)A.for B.or

( ) 4) A. tree B.dress ( )5)A. that B.this


1A. What’s this? B. Who are they?

2A. I’m happy. B. You are sad.

( )3) A. Thank you. B.Sit down,please.

( ) 4)A. We speak Chinese. B.They speak English.

( ) 5) A. Yor are right. B.That’s great.

.请听句子,找出与句子内容相符的图片。 10分)

( ) 1 A B

2 A B

( ) 3)A B

( ) 4)A B

5)A B

