
发布时间:2015-07-17 08:37:10

<考研英语大作文--创新>It is universally acknowledged that innovation plays an irreplaceable role in boosting growth of individuals as well as enterprises. Without this quality, one can do nothing but imitate and duplicate others. By no means will they acquire originality and become successful. The trend of copycat product is a case in point.

The spirit of innovation should be massively advocated by various media and responsible educators especially among the youngsters.

<考研英语写作一大作文--诚信>主要包括商业,人际交往和学术,有些素材都是前期讲过的。 不法商人lawbreaking merchants 唯利是图 profit-oriented 不择手段by hook or crook 政策性缺陷 policy bug 损害消费者利益 spoil consumers' interest 阻碍经济发展 hinder/impede economic development

Only when the authorities concerned issue counter laws and regulations, can the vicious trend of incredibility be curbed and can the citizens feel sense of security, which is regarded as an essential need for human beings.

Some businessmen resort to every trick to make profits, which contributes to the emergence of fake and inferior products. Therefore, the interest of consumers has been undermined.

Lack of credibility may lead to failure in every aspect and level. As to an individual, he may lose friends and partners. As to a company, it may lose customers and employees. As to a nation, it may lose attraction and respect.

Credibility precedes a lot of virtues in the sphere of business. Reaping profits at the expense of others is unacceptable, which is bound to cause failure.

<考研英语大作文--道德> 见义勇为never hesitate to do what is right 予人玫瑰,手有余香rose to others, scent left in hand. 传统美德time-honored virtue 帮助弱势群体 offer aid to the underprivileged 慈善事业 cause of charity 义工 voluntary work见死不救 stand aside when someone is in peril. 冷漠indifferent/ unconcerned 缺乏道德:be devoid of morality 害怕承担责任:be afraid of taking responsibility 施救者甚至被起诉:those who offered help gain nothing but being sued.

<考研写作摘要--文化>文化冲撞culture shock 思维方式way of thinking 价值观value 求同思维convergent thinking 求异思维divergent thinking 习俗custom/convention 促进繁荣boost prosperity 增进了解enhance understanding 加速和平accelerate peace 互惠互利mutual benefit 文化多样性culture diversity 全球一体化globalization 全球经济一体化globalization of economy 文化多样性 culture diversity 文化融合culture blending 文化交流culture communication 文化遗产culture heritage 文明civilization

<考研写作摘要--科技> 科技升级upgrading of technology 科技创新innovation of technology 提高效率improve efficiency 网络的普及popularity of internet 无线网络wireless \wifi 有限网络cable 太阳能 solar energy 新能源new energy 在高科技时代in the era of high-tech, 发明创造invention and creation 造福人类benefit human beings 信息技术information technology 尖端科技cutting-edge technology 高科技在医疗方面的应用 application of high-tech in medical treatment

We should take full and proper advantage of cutting-edge technology to benefit us human beings. For example, generalize the utilization of solar energy to reduce pollution, contributing to sustainable development as well as welfare of our offsprings.

Admittedly, technology is conducive to our life. Meanwhile, it also brings us a lot of headaches. Cyber fraud is a case in point, which is not uncommon nowadays.

Apparently, modern technology does bring us convenience and comfort. Human beings are highly dependent on it in a variety of aspects, ranging from daily life to professional research.

<考研写作摘要--教育>辍学drop-out 全体教员faculty 学术氛围academic atmosphere 减轻学生负担relieve the burden on students 剽窃plagiarism 教书育人impart knowledge and educate people 夯实专业知识foster expertise 培养创新精神cultivate spirit of innovation 激发学生潜能stimulate students' potential 促进性格养成facilitate development of personality 学位degree 文凭diploma 证书certification 资格证qualification 学士bachelor 硕士master 本科生undergraduate 研究生postgraduate 教育理念notion of education 应试教育 exam-oriented education 素质教育quality education 传授知识impart knowledge 以学生为中心的教学 student-centered education 以老师为中心的教学teacher-centered education 扩招enrollment expansion 托儿所 nursery 幼儿园kindergarten 义务教育compulsory education 小学 primary school 中等教育 secondary school 高等教育 higher education 职业教育 vocational education 网络教育 online education

Exam-oriented education is prevailing in China. Students are trained to deal with all kinds of exams, aiming to get a high score. They are informed that promising future can be guaranteed by excellent academic performance.

Never before has the quality education been more important than now. If students are educated only to be exam machines, we are bound to reap as what we have sown. The future of both the young generation as well as our nation cannot be well guaranteed.

It goes without saying that education plays an irreplaceable role in our life. The sustainable development and prosperity of a nation depends largely on its cultivation and nourishment of young generation.

The issue of education has always been a concern of the general public. How to educate and cultivate the young generation has haunted parents for years. Without proper notion of education, one can hardly nurture his child well.

<考研写作摘要--经济> 经济衰退economic recession 亏损deficiency 货币currency 养老金pension 预算budget 合同contract 企业enterprise 经济恶化 economic deterioration 美联储Federal Reserve 物价消费指数 CPI 反倾销Anti-dumping 个人所得税 income tax 关税 tariff / duty 国家税收 revenue 垄断monopoly 垄断的monopolistic 通货膨胀inflation 通货紧缩deflation 经济制裁economic sanction 公司合并 merger 汇率 exchange rate 升值 appreciation 贬值 depreciation/ devaluation 进口 import 出口 export 贸易顺差 surplus 贸易逆差 deficit

<考研写作--关于自由>There is no one but thirsts for freedom, which is considered extremely vital for human beings. For freedom, some work with great efforts, some tolerate distress, and some even sacrifice themselves

<考研写作--关于爱心>Let's take the event of derail as an example. Love can always penetrate one's heart, bringing victims hope and strength for their future life and helping soothing their relatives who must be extremely distressed.

It pays to help others because we can always acquire a great deal by offering aids to the needy people. For instance, when doing charity via donation or voluntary work, we obtain a sense of achievement and psychological sooth.

One can always benefit from helping others. Love is like a lamp, which shines more brightly when it's darker. Confronting emergency, love is timely assistance, which is considered extremely vital.

<考研写作--关于梦想>Everyone is endowed with the right to dream. Even living in adversity or below poverty line, one should not give up dreaming, which are wings helping us fly high in the sky. Dreams are like twinkling diamonds, decorating our life and providing us with push and spur. Life without dreams is doomed to be boring and dull.

<考研写作--关于老龄化> In my opinion, it is the government that should assume the responsibility to ensure the interest of aged people. In addition, family and community cannot shun the obligation of taking care of the old, which is needed more by the senior in practice.

The consequences of aging society can be listed as follows. To begin with, there will be shortage of labor which may hinder the economic growth. Secondly, it may bring more financial and caring burden to the family and community.

The aging problem poses a potential and looming menace to our country. If the government cannot formulate a suitable and effective laws and regulations to solve the problem, individuals as well as society will undertake severe aftermath.

<考研写作--关于幸福>As a matter of fact, everyone can approach happiness as long as you determine to acquire it. You can be happy through toiling and moiling for family or helping others and you will also be blessed via contributing to the righteousness of society.

It goes without saying that wealth and fame does bring happiness but it's not sufficient for a happy life. There are more which cannot be obtained by money and privilege such as health and friendship.

Happiness belongs to those who possess a clear understanding of it. Failing to define happiness correctly, one can scarcely approach self-contentment. It doesn't matter how successful they are, they feel unhappy and vacuous in their life.

Opinions towards happiness vary from person to person. Some consider it as high salary and noble social status, some regard it as harmonious interpersonal interaction, while others suppose happiness is a feeling of self-contentment.

<考研写作--关于挫折>Adversity is like a touchstone, which can magnify bravery and cowardice. The strong-willed man becomes tougher, while the craven person slips even to be more fragile.

Adversity may result in admirable virtues like perseverance, patience and so on. Just as a proverb goes, "misfortune is blessing in disguise". Adverse situation contributes to steeling one's mind and polishing one's personality.

Twists and turns are regarded as ingredients of life, resembling highlights and happiness in our life. Only with optimism and maturity, can we smooth away all the setbacks and approach a new success.

No one can deny the fact that adversity occurs occasionally in our life, which cannot be avoided. Once encountering it, we can do nothing but face it with courage and wisdom.

<考研写作--关于压力>There are several ways to release pressure as follows. Initially, try to spend more time with family members or friends to communicate with them or to do sports together. In addition, traveling at intervals contributes to eliminate tiredness and pressure.

Stress from family and society makes some people feel frustrated and depressed. For instance, they worry about the installment of flats, the education of children and supporting their aged parents. Being under enormous pressure, one cannot but stick to it.

According to a survey made by Sina, the majority of citizens complain about exorbitant pressure, who hardly have time to entertain themselves and company their family members.

Enormous pressure of citizens results from fierce competition and pursuing high-quality living standard. Being devoid of sense of security, which is triggered by unsound social security system, people are compelled to work overtime with exhaustion.

With the acceleration of life pace in modern society, people are suffering from unprecedented stress, which poses a potential and looming menace to their health mentally and psychologically.

<考研写作--关于成名> Chasing fame and reputation to excess will definitely lead to distortion of state of mind, which is detrimental to one's psychological health. 过度追求名声注定会导致心态的扭曲,这对于个人的心理健康极为不利。

In an attempt to (试图,为了)be famous, some even get involved in doing things by hook or crook. Becoming celebrities at any cost is devastating. 为了成名,有人甚至不择手段。不计一切代价想要成为名人的后果是毁灭性的。

<考研写作--关于成名> The way of being famous is totally different from that of the past. Owing to the popularity of Internet, some even try to become well-known by smearing and defacing themselves.

<考研写作--精彩词句>His achievement is a very manifestation of his talent.他的成就是他才华的最高证明。Depletion 破坏 Prolonged 长时期的 Supplant 排挤,取而代之 Ethos 气质,民族精神,思潮

<考研写作--经典引用>Diamond cuts diamond.强中自有强中手。 Adversity leads to prosperity.国难兴邦 He who does not advance loses ground.不进则退 Choose an author as you choose a friend.选书如选友。

<考研写作--小词汇大用处>Crystallization of wisdom 智慧的结晶 Full-fledged countries 经济发达的国家 Conflict of interest 利益冲突 It is stipulated in law that 法律明确规定... Thorny 棘手的 Be geared to 调试后迎合

<考研写作--词汇多样性>全面的,全能的:comprehensive, versatile, omnipotent 不平衡,不一致:unbalance, disparity, inequality 缺少,缺乏:lack, shortage, devoid 巨大的:enormous, tremendous, bulky 过分的,过度的:excessive, exorbitant Boons and banes 福音与祸根(利与弊) Optimal opportunity绝佳机会 Cutting-edge technology尖端科技 Ordeal 磨难,煎熬 Bestow marked benefits upon the well-being of human beings 大大造福于人类

<考研写作--精彩小句>The popularity of Internet does not come without drawbacks. 网络的普及不无坏处。(有坏处) The non-biodegradable litter poses a tremendous menace to our environment.不可降解垃圾给我们的环境造成巨大威胁。

<考研写作--小词汇大用处>Resplendent 璀璨的,辉煌的 Culprit 罪魁祸首: Lack of legal awareness is the culprit of this event. Alleviate 缓和,减轻:The pressure of unemployment has been alleviated drastically. Unscrupulous 不择手段的:do things by hook or crook

Hovering crime rate 高犯罪率Discretion 谨慎,小心处理:The problem of income gap should be solved with discretion. Augment income 增加收入 Empirical knowledge 经验 Nurturing parents 含辛茹苦的父母 Loving siblings 情深意重的兄弟姐妹

<考研写作--精彩小句>Drunk driving is perilous and prohibited by law but still a host of drivers were caught off guard, revealing their lack of legal awareness 酒驾危险而且是违法的,但还是有不少人被抓个现行,充分说明他们法律意识的缺失。

This regulation enacted recently is considered, by all accounts, rather effective. 这个最近颁布的规定所有人都认为相当有效。 Taking account of the side effect, the aged should not take the medicine. 考虑到此种药物的副作用,老年人应该禁止服用。

<考研写作--精彩小句>A leopard cannot change its spots.江山易改,本性难移。 It's controversial that one's personality is determined by nature or by nurture. 人的个性是先天形成的还是受后天影响的仍有争议。

<考研写作--小词汇大用处> Peer pressure 来自同辈的压力 be attune to the job market 切合就业市场 All walks of life各行各业 Twilight year 晚年 Rack one's brains 绞尽脑汁 Panacea 灵丹妙药 Restricting private cars is by no means a panacea for reducing pollution.

Sense of inferiority 自卑感 Shun the responsibility of taking care of the elder逃避赡养老人的责任Warn against 警告 Humiliation羞辱,谋耻 Ozone layer 臭氧层

Aging society 老龄化社会 Pension 退休金 the Neets=the neet group啃老族 Striking resemblances between A and B AB一模一样 Snobbish 势利的 Pornography and violence 色情与暴力 Monopoly 垄断

<考研写作--小词汇大用处>Ticket scalpers 黄牛党 Crooked means 不正当手段 Minimize side effects 把副作用降到最低 Oil spills 原油泄漏Humanitarian 人道主义 Hedonism 享乐主义

<考研写作--精彩小句>High achievers can always overcome twists and turns in life with seeming ease.事业有成的人在旁人看来总能轻松战胜生活中的挫折。 Be embedded in Notion of low carbon life should be embedded in citizens' minds. 低碳生活理念应该根植人心。

Entrust: parents don't entrust their kids to schools with bias.家长不放心把小孩托付给有偏见的学校。 Serve as a catalyst: the increasing number of private cars serves as a catalyst in deteriorating our environment.私车数量的不断增加使环境进一步恶化。

<考研写作--经典引用>有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎。 It's a great delight to have friends from afar. (昨天中美贸易谈判中被美方引用的) Absorb knowledge like a sponge. 求知若渴。 谋事在人,成事在天 Man proposes, God disposes.

Mixed-gender group usually yields higher working efficiency.男女搭配,干活不累。 Do as you would be done by.己所不欲,勿施于人。 Treat the senior as your parents and the junior as your children.老吾老以及人之老,幼吾幼以及人之幼。

<考研写作--小词汇大用处>Entail This project entails a lot of effort.这个项目需要付出巨大的努力。 Labor redundancy 劳动力剩余 Monotonous单调乏味的=boring Degradation恶化,下降=deterioration):environmental degradation环境恶化Pharmaceuticals医药品

Live up to (达到标准) It's hard to live up to a great reputation.盛名之下,其实难副。Exorbitant =enormous Exorbitant profits巨大的利益 Be swayed by 被动摇 Comply with 遵守

Subsidize资助 Water down 稀释,削弱 Dilemma左右为难,困境 Superiority of the senior and inferiority of the junior 强者更强,弱者更弱。Drag sb down 拖某人后腿

Censorship审查 Equilibrium平衡(balance) Frugality 节俭 Infra-construction基础设施建设 Nip it in the bud 防患于未然 Hamper阻止(stop)

<考研写作--小词汇大用处>Underprivileged下层社会的,贫穷的(poor/developing) Egoism prevails over Altruism利己主义超过利他主义Conformism盲从:conformism is another primary reason of pursuing various certifications among college students.

Disposable income 可支配收入 Disposable products 一次性产品 Frugal 节俭的 Pristine and lofty纯洁而高尚的 Embrace the varieties and tolerate the intolerable 海纳百川,有容乃大。

<考研写作--小词汇大用处>Perilous危险的: learning without thinking is perilous and vice versa.学而不思则罔,思而不学则怠。Aftermath后果 Ingenuity足智多谋,心灵手巧 Gruel experience 经验欠缺

Lenient仁慈的,宽容的 Prevention is better than cure.未雨绸缪 Diversion of attention注意力转移 Mental edification陶冶情操 Spiritual abundance 内涵

<考研写作--引用加分>You cannot eat the cake and have it too.鱼和熊掌不可兼得。 Good wine needs no bush.好酒不怕巷子深。 Every sword has two edges./ Every rose has thorns.任何事情都有两面

<考研写作--小词汇大用处> Reach an absolute consensus 达成完全一致 Be supported by sound reasons有充分理由支持 Eclipse 遮盖,掩饰: The connivence of using electronic devices cannot be eclipsed by their disadvantages. Slacken vigilance against 放松警惕

<考研写作--引用加分>师者,传道授业解惑也。 It takes a teacher to instill doctrine, impart knowledge and solve doubts. 和教育相关的词: Cram 填鸭,死记硬背 sage 圣人 Confucius孔子 Confucius institute 孔子学院

<考研写作--词汇升级> 污染pollution-contamination 浪费钱a waste of money-a commitment of money 加强strengthen-enhance-foster-consolidate 社会不稳定social instability-social disorder/chaos Spread-disseminate传播,散布Advocate-take the initiative 倡导 Loss-impairment损失,损坏 Enough-sufficient足够的 Threat-menace威胁 Think over-contemplate 深思

<考研写作--精彩小句>At its core 从核心来说 Happiness, at its core, is self-contentment.幸福从本质上来说就是自我满足。Scrape by 勉强度日 People living in remote rural areas scrape by despite the acceleration of society.尽管社会加速发展,生活在偏远农村的人们还是只能勉强维持生计。

<考研写作--小词汇大用处>have a deterring effect on ...有威慑的影响Mutually exclusive 相互排斥的: Accuracy and haste are not always mutually exclusive. 精确和迅速可以并行不悖的。Self-depreciation 妄自菲薄 Play an auxiliary role in 起辅助作用 Be compatible with 兼容的,并存的 Can economic development be compatible with environmental protection. Be in sync with ...一致 His allegation about the event of Yao jiaxin is in sync with mine.

<考研写作--精彩小句>Carve out 开创,开拓 He carved out a promising future for himself in the field of education.他努力为自己在教育领域开创出一个美好未来。 Be divergent from ...不同,有分歧 The western way of thinking is divergent from the eastern one.中西思维方式有所不同。

<考研写作--精彩小句> The issue of global warming-up boils down to increasing human activities.全球气温变暖归根结底是由于人类活动的不断增加。boil down to 归结为 The notion of self-dependence trickles down to youngsters.依靠自己的观念潜移默化影响着年轻人。trickle down to 逐渐影响

<考研写作--词汇升级> Opinion-allegation观点, Love-affection爱, Thank-gratitude感谢, Issue-enact颁布, Huge-enormous巨大的, Picture-portrayal 图画harmful-detrimental. Useful and suitable-expedient. Complain/complaint-grumble. Ease(减轻、缓和)-mitigate

<考研写作--小词汇大用处> 入不敷出 expense exceeds income 利大于弊 advantages exceed disadvantages 不择手段 do things by hook and crook 屡禁不止 sth remains a problem despite repeated orders to ban it.





关于负面现象的考研真题作文 2003 “温室花朵”  2005 “养老足球”  2011 “旅游之余

关于有争议现象的考研真题作文 2002 “美国女孩穿中国服饰” 2006 “小贝头”  2009 “网络的远与近”  2010 “文化火锅


2004 “重点又是新的起点”  2007 “自信”  2008“合作”  2012 “乐观



a. 诚信/承担责任 credibility, undertake responsibility

b. 教育/学习理念 notion of learning or education

c. 老人问题/老龄化社会 aging society/problem

d. 年轻人的生存状态:竞争压力 competition, pressure/stress 啃老族,宅一族,科技影响下的生活

e. 男女平等 gender/sexual equality


a. 创新 innovation

b. 团结/互助/爱心 solidarity/mutual help/love

c. 成功/幸福 success/happiness

d. 选择与机遇 choice/opportunity

e. 梦想/抱负 dream/ambition


1. 模板句(后面的空就是需要填写的素材)

开篇:Not until I see this picture, do I realize the significance of ______.

现状: With the life pace accelerating in modern society, individuals in mounting numbers are inclined to ______. 

成因:Initially, ______ constitutes one of the primacy reasons why a host of citizens ______.

后果:If there is no compelling interference to curb this adverse trend, ______.

建议:From my perspective, ______ should shoulder the due responsibility to ______.

展望:If we can implement as the above mentioned, ______ can be well guaranteed and ______ will be around the corner.

注:thinkverygoodimportantmore and more等词汇尽量不用在写作中,这些单词过于简单,不能体现个人水平。




写作素材: 如果说模板是文章的骨架,素材就是文章的血肉;模板搭建文章的逻辑框架,素材让文章充实,言之有物,言之有理、只有框架没有内容,只会导致低分模板文章



1. 经济发展(Economic development      2. 科技进步(Technologic advance

3. 稳定和谐(Harmony and stability        4. 个人成长(Personal growth

5. 身心健康(Physical and mental health  6. 就业压力(Employment and pressure

7. 成功幸福(Success and happiness      8. 文化交流(Cultural exchange

9. 环境生态(Environmental protection   10. 其他类素材(Other materials 


可用词汇1 educational investmentsustainable development of economyaging probleminnovationoriginalitymoney(profit)-orientedpursue maximum profitimpoverished area

可用词汇2 copycat/unlicensed productguarantee/spoil the interest of consumersstimulate consumptionthe price is soaringblock/hinder economic growthby hook or crookmake profit(fortune)become rich overnightevil/lawbreaking merchant(businessman)

Practice 1 问题的关键是解决不了老龄化问题不利于经济的可持续发展。(分析利弊的模板句)

It is the bottom line that failing in solving the aging problem is detrimental to sustainable development of our economy.

Practice 2 政府一直三令五申禁止生产假冒伪劣产品,但均不见成效。(分析现状的模板句)

The government has repeatedly been giving in junctions on preventing all kinds of copycat products, which, however, turns out to be ineffective.


可用词汇1 general mood of societystability and harmonyfilial pietywealth gapinstabilityfood securityconscience and morality(un)sound social security systemlegal awarenesscrime/unemployment rate

可用词汇2 sufficient pensionlack of responsibilityhold great ambition to one's childrencultivate child according to one's aptitudecram schoolempty-nestersdegree/money-orientedleft-behind children

Practice 1 目前,制定出合适与完善的社会保障体系是很有必要的。(表示建议的模板句)

Currently, it's urgent and imperative to work out suitable and sound social security system.

Practice 2 缺乏诚信和社会责任感是这次毒胶囊事件的主要原因之一,它引起的只是市民的抱怨和失望。(分析原因的模板句)

Lack of credibility and social responsibility constitutes one of the primary reasons for the event of toxic capsule, giving rise to nothing but complaints and disappointment of citizens.


可用词汇1 mutual benefitsdouble winself-contentmentpursue fame and wealthnoble social statusdecent jobshigh achievermultidimensional

可用词汇2 sense of achievementguaranteesponsor/subsidize sb.charitydonationdonate bloodoffer help voluntarilyvictimsdistorted value the underprivilegedpoverty-striken

Practice 1 目前很多人感受不到幸福,主要是由于价值观的扭曲,他们为了获取成功不惜一切代价。(描述现象和分析原因结合的模板句)

At present, a host of people possess no sense of happiness mainly due to their distortion of value, who pursue success at any cost.

Practice 2 毫无疑问,帮助他人是很值得的,不仅仅因为那些被提供帮助的人可以摆脱困境,更因为那些爱心人士将精神上得到嘉奖。(分析原因的模板句)

By all odds, offering assistance to others is worthwhile not only because those who are helped may get out of difficulty but because the love-dedicators will be rewarded spiritually.

Looking at this thought-provoking picture symbolically depicted by the drawer, I do realize how significant it is to be optimistic. Two men perform extremely differently when seeing a bottle of water overturned on the ground, whose facial expressions imply that one is quite gloomy and another is rather composed and confident.

Common as it is at first glance, it is brimming with illumination after your serious pondering. In the age of kaleidoscope, it is inevitable for individuals to encounter twists and turns in their lives. No one will be an exception. Steven Jobs is a case in point. He became an idol of many youngsters and led his corporation to be outstanding when his suffering from cancer. But for optimism, he could never be such a high-achiever. Hence, it pays to be affirmative like the man with smile illustrated in the cartoon. Possessing this quality, one can not only achieve success more easily but also influence others positively. If the vitality of optimism cannot be realized properly and promptly, it may pose a potential menace to one’s sound personal growth.

Accordingly, it is high time that we fostered this state of mind deliberately. For one thing, schools and parents cannot shun their obligation to guide youngsters to be affirmative. For another, the public media should advocate the importance of optimism. Only with positive attitude towards life, can our promising future be well-guaranteed.

