

Chapter 19 Organizational Change and Stress Management
MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. An example of change in the nature of the work force is an increase in_____. a. college attendance b. mergers and consolidations c. capital equipment d. divorce rates e. cultural diversity of employees Forces For Change 2. Which of the following is not a primary force for change in organizations? a. technology b. economic shocks c. decreasing skill sets d. social trends e. the nature of the workforce 3. Phrases such as “more cultural diversity,” “many new entrants with inadequate skills,” and “increase in aging workers” are all examples of what force for change?
a. technology b. world politics c. nature of the work force d. social trends e. competition 4. An example of change in the nature of competition is _____. a. growth of e-commerce b. collapse of Enron Corporation c. IraqU.S. war d. increased interest in urban living e. a decrease in interest rates Managing Planned Change 5. Change activities that _____ are and goal oriented are termed planned change. a. intentional b. discretionary c. random d. reflexive e. restorative 6. If an organization used an outside consultant as opposed to an insider as a change agent, the result would probably be more _____. a. conservative and risk averse b. reflective of the organization’s history and culture c. objective d. reflective of the fact that change agents must live with the consequences of their actions e. prone to bias 7. Which factor in choosing an outside consultant as change agent is likely to result in more drastic changes? a. the cost b. internal members’ resistance to outsiders c. the lack of repercussions after the change d. an objective perspective e. all of the above 8. If an organization used an insider as a change agent, as opposed to an outside consultant, the

change would _____. a. probably be more cautious b. probably be more drastic c. probably be more objective d. most likely be second order e. most likely be tertiary Resistance to Change 9. Resistance to change can be positive because _____. a. it provides a degree of stability to behavior and productivity b. without some resistance, OB would take on characteristics of chaotic randomness c. resistance can be a source of functional conflict d. all of the above e. none of the above 10. It is easiest for management to deal with resistance when it is _____. a. covert b. deferred c. passive d. implicit e. overt 11. Managing resistance to change that is _____ is extremely challenging. a. passive b. resolute c. deferred d. explicit e. overt 12. An example of a source of individual resistance to change is _____. a. inertia b. structural inertia c. a habit d. threat to expertise e. a policy conflict 13. Which of the following is not a source of individual resistance to change? a. habit b. security c. fear of the unknown d. inertia e. economic factors 14. All of the following are sources of organizational resistance to change except _____. a. structural inertia b. security c. limited focus of change d. threat to established power relationships e. group inertia 15. _____ is a source of organizational resistance. a. structural motion b. security c. unlimited focus of change d. support of established power relationships e. threat to resource allocations 16. Which one of the following is not listed as a tactic for dealing with resistance to change? a. acceleration b. manipulation c. participation


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d. cooptation e. education Which tactic for overcoming resistance to change basically assumes that the source of resistance lies in misinformation? a. training and development b. facilitation and support c. education and communication d. teaching and advancement e. cooptation and manipulation Exchanging something of value for a lessening of resistance to change is best defined by which of the following tactics? a. conciliation b. negotiation c. cooptation d. manipulation e. reifying Which tactic to overcome resistance to change is a relatively easy way to gain the support of adversaries, but may backfire if the targets become aware of the tactic? a. negotiation b. conciliation c. manipulation d. coercion e. cooptation If individuals resisting change are included in making change decisions in an attempt to gain their support, this approach is called _____. a. cooptation b. exploitation c. manipulation d. coercion e. education Using covert influence to overcome resistance to change is called _____. a. negotiation b. cooptation c. education d. coercion e. manipulation The application of direct threats or force upon resisters is called _____. a. exploitation b. cooptation c. manipulation d. coercion e. destruction Politics suggest that the impetus for change is more likely to come from _____. a. outside change agents b. employees who are new to the organization c. managers slightly removed from the main power structure. d. all of the above e. none of the above Managers who have spent their entire careers with an organization and are high in the hierarchy are _____. a. good change agents b. generally the impetus for change c. often impediments to change d. usually focused on radical change 396

e. none of the above Approaches to Managing Organizational Change 25. _____ is one way to achieve unfreezing of an organization’s status quo. a. Increasing the driving forces directing behavior away from the status quo b. Decreasing the restraining forces which hinder movement from inequality c. Increasing employee investment in the status quo d. Decreasing management’s investment in change e. Increasing the rigidity of the organizational hierarchy 26. Who developed a three-step model for change that included unfreezing, movement, and refreezing? a. John Kotter b. David McClelland c. Douglas Surber d. Lawrence Summers e. Kurt Lewin 27. Who built upon the three-step model to create a more detailed approach for implementing change? a. John Kotter b. David McClelland c. Douglas Surber d. Lawrence Summers e. Kurt Lewin 28. To move from equilibrium, Lewin suggests _____ forces. a. decreasing restraining b. increasing compelling c. decreasing driving d. all of the above e. none of the above 29. _____ is a change process based on systematic collection of data and selection of a change action based on what the analyzed data indicate. a. Organizational development b. Action research c. Planned change d. Process consultation e. Organizational restructuring 30. The step in the action research process where information is gathered about problems, concerns, and needed changes is known as the _____ stage. a. feedback b. evaluation c. diagnosis d. action e. prognosis 31. All of the following are steps in the process of action research except _____. a. diagnosis b. forming c. feedback d. action e. evaluation 32. The action research process closely resembles _____. a. political research b. the scientific method c. organizational development d. appreciative inquiry e. an economic paradigm

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In the process of action research, diagnosis is followed by _____. a. feedback b. analysis c. action d. evaluation e. re-evaluation Which of the following is considered a benefit of action research for an organization? a. Employees can carry out the specific actions to correct the problems identified. b. It is problem focused. c. It is solution centered. d. It is simple to implement. e. It has no financial costs associated with it. _____ encompasses a collection of planned-change interventions built on humanistic-democratic values that seek to improve organizational effectiveness and employee well-being. a. Organizational development b. Reflected change c. Process consultation d. Action research e. Economic validity Which of the following is not considered an underlying value in organizational development? a. participation b. confrontation c. implementation d. respect e. trust The de-emphasis of hierarchical authority and control in organizational development is referred to as _____. a. participation b. power equalization c. trust and support d. respect for people e. vertical blending Which of the following is not true of organizational development? a. Problems should be condensed. b. Problems should be openly confronted. c. Effective organizations are characterized by trust. d. People should be treated with dignity and respect. e. All of the above are true. T-groups are also known as _____. a. action research teams b. appreciative inquiry training groups c. team building groups d. sensitivity training groups e. focus groups _____ is a method of changing behavior through unstructured group interaction. a. Action research b. Planned change c. Process consultation d. Sensitivity training e. Psychoanalysis _____ is a tool for assessing attitudes held by organizational members, identifying discrepancies among member perceptions, and solving these differences. a. Sensitivity training b. Survey feedback 398

42. c. Process consultation d. Intergroup development e. MBWA The purpose of _____ is for an outside consultant to assist a client, usually a manager, to perceive, understand, and act upon process events with which the manager must deal. a. a change agent b. survey feedback c. process consultation d. action research e. social reinforcement 43. The activities included in team building include all of the following except _____. a. goal setting b. personal development c. team process analysis d. role analysis e. defining priorities 44. Rather than looking for problems, _____ seeks to identify the unique qualities and special strengths of an organization, which can then be built upon to improve performance. a. appreciative inquiry b. action research c. team building d. process consultation e. social reinforcement 45. Which of the following is not a step in the appreciative inquiry process? a. discovery b. dreaming c. devising d. destiny e. design Contemporary Change Issues for Today’s Managers 46. _____ is a new idea applied to initiating or improving a product, process, or service. a. A continuous improvement process b. Double-loop learning c. Innovation d. Process reengineering e. Organizational streaming 47. Which of the following has been the most studied potential source of innovation? a. cultural variables b. structural variables c. human resource factors d. champions e. brainstorming 48. An organization that has developed the continuous capacity to adapt and change is termed a(n _____. a. maladapted mechanism b. continuous improvement process c. innovative organization d. double-loop learning organization e. learning organization 49. _____ involves correcting errors using past routines and present policies. a. Process reengineering b. Single-loop learning c. Double-loop learning


50. d. Continuous improvement process e. Organizational reaction Errors that are corrected by modifying the organization’s objectives, policies, and standard routines are part of _____. a. single-loop learning b. double-loop learning c. process reengineering d. the continuous improvement process e. tertiary continuance 51. Which of the following is a characteristic of a learning organization? Its employees _____. a. have standard ways of doing their jobs b. pursue projects of interest c. focus on breaking down barriers created by hierarchical levels d. think in terms of independent relationships e. have high levels of technical knowledge 52. Which of the following is not a characteristic of a learning organization? a. There is a shared vision upon which everyone agrees. b. People sublimate their personal self-interest to work together to achieve the organization’s shared vision. c. Members integrate old ways of thinking with new ideas. d. People openly communicate with each other. e. There is consensus on the direction of the organization. 53. Which is not a strategy for managers to make their firms learning organizations? a. Establish a strategy that makes management’s commitment to innovation explicit.
b. Redesign the organization’s structure by flattening the structure and increasing the use of cross-functional teams. c. Reshape the organization’s culture by emphasizing risk taking and openness.
d. Systematically collect data and then select a change action based on the analyzed data. e. Make it clear that people high in the organization are behind any proposed change. Work Stress and Its Management 54. For potential stress to become actual stress, _____ and _____ must be present. a. people; organizations b. ambiguity; importance c. uncertainty; risk d. importance; uncertainty e. longing; loss 55. Which of the following is most likely to turn potential stress into actual stress? a. An outcome is difficult to achieve. b. The situation is complex. c. An outcome is uncertain. d. The situation involves competition. e. Failure is certain. 56. Which of the following is not an organizational factor related to stress? a. economic conditions b. task demands c. role demands d. interpersonal demands e. none of the above 57. Political uncertainties, economic uncertainties, and technological change are examples of which category of potential sources of stress? a. economic b. environmental c. organizational

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66. d. group e. social Family issues, economic problems, and personality characteristics are examples of the _____ factor of potential stress. a. social b. environmental c. personnel d. psychological e. personal Consequences of stress can surface as _____ symptoms. a. physiological b. psychological c. behavioral d. all of the above e. none of the above Which of the following characteristics is most likely to be associated with high stress? a. considerable job experience b. external locus of control c. a high sense of competence d. type B behavior e. a positive outlook Symptoms of stress such as increased blood pressure and increased heart rate are _____ symptoms. a. psychological b. physiological c. behavioral d. personal e. reactive Which of the following is not a psychological consequence of stress? a. anxiety b. low self-esteem c. frustration d. high blood pressure e. a mood disorder Excessive smoking, substance abuse, accident proneness, and appetite disorders are all examples of _____ consequences of stress. a. personal b. psychological c. behavioral d. physiological e. pathological The most widely studied pattern in the stress-performance literature is the _____ relationship. a. self-efficacy b. reverse-inverted c. inverted-U d. double-loop e. single-loop _____ is an example of an individual approach to stress reduction. a. Selection and placement b. Redesigning jobs c. Goal setting d. Relaxation training e. all of the above Organizationally supported programs that focus on the employee’s total physical and mental 401

condition are called _____ programs. a. job redesign b. relaxation c. employee involvement d. organizational development e. wellness


