
发布时间:2019-10-12 09:15:56





I、听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息。 (共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)

( )1Aseat Bmeat Cmeal

( )2A97.9FM B107.9FM C970FM

( )3APlays a game Bplays a joke Cplays a role

( )4ASusan feeds a bird.

BSusan never tries paragliding

CSusan likes paragliding

( )5APeter is more outgoing than Paul

BPeter is less outgoing than Paul

CPaul is as outgoing as Peter.

II、听句子,选出该句的最佳答语。 (共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)

( )6AYes, I do. BOf course. CNo, I wasnt

( )7AAfter school. BWith his friends. CEvery day.

( )8AYes. Im quieter. BNo. Hes quieter. CYes, he is.

( )9AOh, I cant stand them. BSure. CGood luck.

( )10ANo, thanks. BThanks for telling me. CYoure welcome.


( )11What does Henry want to watch now?


( )12Where did Li Lei go last Saturday?


( )13What does Rick look like?

AHe is taller than Mark.

BHis hair is shorter than Marks

CHe is thinner than Mark

( )14Which subject does Rick like?

AEnglish BP.E. CMath

( )15When did Jeff call Jill?

AYesterday morning. BYesterday evening CThis afternoon

( )16Who did Jill go to the movies with?

AHer parents. BJeff CHer friend.

( )17Why does Jill think Blue Movie Theater is the best in her town?

ABecause it has the newest movies and the biggest screens.

BBecause it has the newest movies and the best service.

CBecause it has the cheapest tickets and biggest screens.

( )18When did Jill get home?

AAt 9:00 p.m. BAt 9:30 p.m. CAt 9:40 p.m.


( )19How old is Tony?

AThirteen. BFourteen CFifteen.

( )20What does Nick think of Tony?

ATony is quiet. BTony is still very shy now. CTony is taller than him.

( )21Which subject is Tony good at?

AScience BMusic CEnglish

( )22Where is Joe from?

AAmerica. BCanada. CChina.

( )23How often does Joe watch TV?

ATwice a week BThree times a week CEvery evening

( )24What does Joe think of game shows?

ABoring BInteresting CSerious

( )25What does Joe never watch?

ASoap Operas. BGame shows CSports shows.



( )26James is ________ boy.

Aa 18-month-old   Ba 18 months old      

Can 18-month-old  Dan 18-months-old

( )27----- The soccer game was so _____.

----- Yes, I felt _____ with it.

Abored; boring Bboring; bored Cbored; bored Dboring; boring

( )28—How often do you drink milk?

—I don’t like it, so I _____drink it.

Aalways Busually Chardly ever Doften

( )29Tina is _____ better at physics than Tara.

Amore     Bmuch   Cvery   Da lot of

( )30Staying with family and friends is one of ________________ things in the world.

Athe happiest Bhappier Cthe happy Dhappiest

( )31All these talent shows have one thing ________________ common.

Aon Bin Cat Dfor

( )32The movie is boring. He ___________ it. So he goes home.

Acan’t stand Bloves Cdoesn’t mind Dlikes

( )33---What do you want to do when you are in American?

    ---I expect ____________ English well.

    Alearn       Bto learn      Clearning      Dlearned  

( )34— Don’t you think there are too many cars in our city

    —I really think so. If there are ______ people driving, there will be ______ noise.

Aless; less      Bfewer; fewer        Cless; fewer   Dfewer; less

( )35----Thanks for telling me everything.


AHere you are BGood idea CThats right DNo problem


Paul is from America.He is a 13-year-old boy.He likes 36 on weekends.There are many TV shows every day.What 37 TV shows does Paul like and what does he think of them?

Well, Paul’s favorite TV shows are Sports News and Animal World.He often watches them 38 he goes to bed.Paul’s favorite 39 is P.E.at school.He likes playing basketball very much.Paul loves Sports News.He thinks it is very 40 because he can see a lot of famous 41 .Paul also likes Animal World.He thinks the show is very interesting,and he can 42 a lot about animals from it.Pandas and koalas are Paul’s favorite animals.Paul hopes to go to Australia to 43 koalas one day.

As for Healthy Living,Paul 44 it.He watches it when there isn’t Sports News or Animal World.But Paul can’t stand soap operas.He thinks they’re 45 .He never watches them.

( )36Agoing swimming Bgoing shopping Cwatching TV Ddoing some reading

( )37Asize of Bkind of Cbowl of Dgroup of

( )38Aso Bbefore Cafter Dif

( )39Ateacher Bcolor Clanguage Dsubject

( )40Adangerous Bquiet Cexciting Ddifficult

( )41Aplayers Bsingers Cactors Ddoctors

( )42Alearn Btake Cgive Dmind

( )43Aread Bwrite Csee Dplay

( )44Adislikes Blikes Ccan’t stand Ddoesn’t mind

( )45Ainteresting Bboring Cfun Dcool



Dear Kasey,

Let me tell you how I spend my free time. I like playing ball games, such as basketball and volleyball. I join the sports club. I go there three times a week. In the evening, I watch TV for an hour. After that, I read books for half an hour. I often go swimming on Saturday. On Sunday, I usually go to the museum with my friend Bob.

I wonder what you like to do in your free time. Please write to me.



Dear Tom,

I’m glad to hear from you. I’m in the swimming club. I go there on Tuesday and Thursday. In the evening, I practice the guitar for an hour. I hardly ever watch TV because I think it’s boring. My favorite sport is badminton. I always play badminton with my sister on Saturday. I sometimes go shopping on Sunday.

  Yours                                                                               Kasey

( )46Tom goes to the sports club ______ a week.

Aonce Btwice Cthree times Dfour times

( )47Tom often goes swimming on ________.

ASunday BSaturday CFriday DTuesday

( )48Kasey likes playing ______ best.

Abasketball Btennis Cvolleyball Dbadminton

( )49Kasey thinks watching TV is ________.

Aboring Binteresting Ccool Drelaxing

( )50Which of the following is TRUE?

ATom watches TV for half an hour in the evening.

BBob and Tom usually go to the cinema on Sunday.

CKasey goes to the swimming club twice a week.

DKasey sometimes goes shopping on Saturday.


Do you have a friend for life? I have one. My friend is an outgoing girl. Her name is Cicy. She tells me that Cicy means a little princess(公主) in English. I think shes a real princess. It has been over six years since she became my best friend. And now she is studying in Hangzhou.

She is a little fatter than me. She is much taller than me. Her hair is a little curly and long. I think she is a pretty girl.

I still remember the day when she left. I stood in front of her house and saw her taking her bag to the car. I coughed(咳嗽) uneasily. Cicy turned toward me with a sad smile. I am leaving for Hangzhou in ten minutes, She said. I know. I was afraid to see her eyes so I did not look at her. I was so angry at myself for being weak. I wanted to cry but I knew I must be brave. I hope you can get better grades during the following term.After seeing the sad look on my face, she quickly added, Ill be back soon.I tried to say something to thank her but I found I couldnt say anything. Its always better to keep quiet if youre about to cry. Oh, wellbye. My tears nearly came out. So did hers.

I remember the day on which she cried sadly on my shoulder. I remember the day on which she took off her clothes when I felt cold. I remember the day

( )51.“Cicy mean _______ in English.

Aa lovely girl BA king Ca good friend DA little princess

( )52Which of the following is TRUE?

ACicy is my neighbor. BCicy is a princess from England

CCicy is in Hangzhou now. DCicy is a little thin.

( )53If you want to cry, youd better _______ according to the passage.

Acough Bkeep silent Csmile Dtalk

( )54When I felt cold, what did Cicy do?

AShe cried sadly. BShe took off her clothes.

CShe said nothing. DShe did nothing.

( )55What is the best title of the passage?

ACicy--a little princess BA friend for life

CMy friend left me DI said goodbye to my friend


My favorite place is W5 Lab. It’s a science place where you can do lots of experiments (实验) and find things out. It’s really fun and you can learn lots of things every time you go there.


I love to go to Forestside. It’s a big shopping center. I love buying computer games there. The things there are quite good and cheap. I often go there with my friends


Well, I like my house because I can do all the things I want to do. I like the living room because I like sitting down on the sofa and watching TV. My favorite place is the study room. I like reading books and drawing there.


My favorite place is Wall Gym. The players of a football team often play there. And they’re really good at playing football! I love watching them play. Though they lost the city’s match last year, now they’re doing really, really well. I think they can win the match this year.


( )56You can shop at _______.

AW5 Lab BForestside CWall Gym DJohn’s house

( )57Who likes staying at home?

ANiamey . BDamon. CJohn. DMatthew.

( )58The underlined word "lost" means "_______"in Chinese.

A参加 B赢得 C错过 D输掉

( )59Which of the following is NOT mentioned in this passage?

ANiamey likes going to a science place.

BDamon likes going shopping with his friends.

CJohn likes reading books.

DMatthew often plays football.

( )60These children are mainly talking about their __________.

Afavorite places Bhobbies Cfavorite sports Dsubjects




Information Sheet


61A quiet girl and kind of ____________.

62Her dream is to be an ______________.


63A little _____________than Carol.

64A funny girl and more_____________than Carol.

65She wants to be a ____________.



How do you spend your spare time There will be different answers to it . Most people in Poland (波兰)have their own ways of spending free time. Sometimes they just want to take a rest, but they try to do something more pleasant most of the time. They have many different hobbies, which help them to get away from their everyday problems and spend their free time happily.

Many Polish (波兰的) people like traveling. They look for new places that they have never been to and add new and exciting experiences to their journey. Some of them like to climb mountains, others like to go to the sea or a lake to swim, because these can make them get exercise and are good for their health.

Many Polish people also like to do sports in their free time . They are usually crazy about football , and football is regarded as the Polish national sport. Many football fans may support a certain team, so they go to watch every match of the team they support, and they buy many things that have any relation with the team. Watching sports and doing them are both good ways to relax.

In addition, doctors say that doing sports is very good for the health. Many people in town , especially young men, often go to the gym to attend the exercise classes to keep it.

Besides these ways, Polish people have many other ways to spend their free time. And they really enjoy their free time.


66____________help Polish people to get away from their everyday problems and spend their free time happily.

67Polish people regard _____________as their national sport.

68What do doctors advise young people to do to keep fit?






Last Saturday, I went to Happy Park with my sister by bus. Thats a 71w_______ park in our city. We got there at 9:00 in the morning. There we saw many different kinds of animals, such as tigers, elephants and wild(野的)72p_______. We took some pictures of them. Then we started to take part in some73 _____________(activity) for fun. I was interested in the roller coaster, so I decided to try it. I 74________(wait) for a moment, and then I sat on a train. Sometimes it went up 75_______ sometimes it went down. It 76 s_______ that I was like a bird. Then we went to the Kids Land. We went on the merry-go-round. It was so 77_______(excite) that we were very happy. After that, we went to the Water World. We 78________(try) the drifting games there. It started to rain when we were drifting on the water, but we didnt take an umbrella with us, so we got 79 w__________all over. At last, we watched 4-D movies in the cinema. At 4:50 p.m., we took a taxi 80b__________ home.

I felt very tired, but I was very happy. I really want to go there again.




81museum, we, to, visit, decided, the


82do, exercise, often, you, how


83my, music, in, is, sister, talented


84than, Im, my, outgoing, sister, more


85. do, of, talk shows, what, think, you



86.根据表格中提供的信息,以“My best friend”为题,写一篇英语短文,介绍你的好朋友吉姆的相同和不同之处。80词左右。











My best friend









