Module 6 Unit 1 What do you do on Sundays?教案 1-公开课-优质课(外研新标准版一年级起点二上精品)

发布时间:2016-08-30 11:34:30

Module 6 Unit 1 What do you do on Sundays?



1. 知识目标:

能听懂、会说:go swimming, play football, sleep, ride my bike, watch TV, on Sundays, in the morning, in the afternoon.

2. 技能目标:

能听懂、会说句子:What do you do ....? 及回答I play football /sleep/ride my bike/watch TV on Sundays/in the morning/ in the afternoon.

3. 情感目标:



能运用What do you do...? 询问对方做了什么,并回答。


录音机、课本、PPT 、单词卡片


Step 1 Warm up

1. Greetings

Good morning/Good afternoon等问候语跟学生打招呼。

2. Read and chant.

3. Review

A. 利用课件复习词组:play football, play basketball, play table tennis, ride my bike, go swimming, watch TV

B. 复习检查学生Module 5课文学习情况。

C. Play a game: 火眼金睛

复习句型:I go swimming on Saturdays. 并引出Sunday, in the morning, in the afternoon.

Step 2 Lead in

老师出示幸运52”的图标。问学生由这两个数字能想到什么(提示学生一周游7天)。问学生把一周分为5天和2天,5天代表(从星期一到星期五),这五天你在哪里?引出短语“at school”。另外2天代表(星期六和星期天)。我们还把这两天称作周末,教授单词“weekend”


活动2:让学生把这些活动按in the morning/ afternoon进行分类:

四人一小组,三人猜,一人答,猜对,奖励一个小星星,看谁得的小星星多。练习句型:Do you …in the morning/ in the afternoon? Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.

活动3:双簧表演:S1: What do you do in the morning? S2:(做打篮球的动作)S3: I play basketball in the morning.

学生问老师What do you do in the morning? 老师做睡觉的动作教授I sleep in the morning. 

Step 3 learning

1. 老师读课文,学生跟读。

2. 问学生Which do you like at school or the weekend? 根据学生的回答分两种情况。大部分学生会回答the weekendIf you like the weekend, what do you do at the weekend? (先鼓励学生自己说,再出示图片练习)

I watch TV/go swimming/do the morning exercise/skip/play basketball/football/table tennis /run/ride a bike.利用Sunday引出新句型What do you do on Sundays? 及回答I .....on Sundays

in the morning/in the afternoon练习新句型。

3. 同桌之间相互练习。

4. 抽学生进行分角色朗读并表演课文。

5. Play a game:听短文,做动作

Step 5 Summary



Module 6 Unit 1 What do you do on Sundays?教案 1-公开课-优质课(外研新标准版一年级起点二上精品)
