
发布时间:2015-12-10 11:21:05




2. 少男少女们离开父母的家,住进自己的房子


4. 演出前几分钟,老师走到我面前,递给我一朵蒲公英

5. 在相隔遥远的地域突然出现了成就最为卓著的一批发明家和革命家


好莱坞并不真正是一座城市,而是洛杉矶市的一部分。这个地方也代表着一种思维方式,一种生活方式。第一批电影是在洛杉矶市西区摄制的。当时那里遍地都是 / 漫山遍野是一种状似冬青的树林(英语中“冬青林”念“好莱坞”)。“好莱坞”由此而得名。

电影业始于1911年前后,随后迅速发展。到1920年,电影业成了洛杉矶市的一种重要产业。最初的 / 首批 / 第一批电影很短。这些影片没有声音,所以放映时影院里有人弹钢琴或风琴(伴奏)。对白放映/ 投射在银幕上。塞西尔·B·德米尔摄制了第一部大型史诗(影)片/史诗大片《一个国家的诞生》。1928年,沃尔特·迪斯尼的米老鼠在卡通片《威利号轮船》中首次露面 / 亮相 / 同观众见面。第一部有声片《爵士歌手》一夜之间大获成功。第一部全彩卡通片是迪斯尼于1932年摄制的《花草树木》/《花与树》 // 1932年摄制了第一部全彩卡通片,即迪斯尼的《花草树木》 / 《花与树》。不久,摄制了许多有声彩色影片。



好莱坞仍然以其魅力吸引着人们,但如今好莱坞摄制的影片已经不多了。许多老制片厂现在用来制作电视节目。然而人们仍然怀念好莱坞的鼎盛时期 / 辉煌时期,常去参观马恩中国式剧院,踏进电影明星的混土脚印里,装一会儿电影明星 / 过一回明星瘾。


1. Mt.Tianzi has / boasts / enjoys beautiful scenery and a pleasant climate.

2. Each stone is more than 1000 kg in weight / weighs more than 1000 kg.

3. Out of the living-room walked an old gentleman in a western suit.

4. He put on his jacket hastily and walked out with a hoe on his shoulder.

5. (You) buy some fruit with this money to take to the hospital. / This money you use to buy some fruit to take to the hospital.

Wonders in India

I arrived in India / came to India by plane / by air. It was a novel place.

Throughout the year, there was always a wide variety of flowers. Sometimes even the locals couldn’t tell the names of the flowers. One day, I saw a lot of very big fruit hanging in a big tree. When I took a closer / more careful look, it turned out to be a flock of bats. During the night, when they spread out their wings, they were / looked / appeared as big as basins.

To the southwest of Delhi was a beautiful ancient city (which was) called Jaipur. The buildings of the whole city were painted pink, so it was also known as the City of Roses. In fact, we might as well call it the Land of Peacocks / In fact, it might as well be called the Land of Peacocks. The peacocks there were surprisingly numerous / There were surprisingly numerous peacocks there. Early in the morning, you could see a few peacocks dancing in the flowering shrubs. Every evening, they came out to look for food. They wondered around / about in threes and fours / in small groups. They never avoided people.

There were elephants as well / too. They were prettily decked out / up all over. Their keepers called them “Miss Elephant.” Well, they also enjoyed listening to music. When climbing the hill, I rode on an elephant’s back. There was someone ringing a bell behind / Someone was ringing a bell behind. “Miss Elephant” rocked from side to side to the rhythm. After I got down / climbed down from the elephant’s back, the keeper said, “Please give Miss Elephant a little money to buy sweets with (to eat).” The elephant stretched out her trunk to me. I stuffed a coin into her nostril. She flung / threw her trunk back, and passed the coin into her master’s hand. Very cute / smart / clever she was indeed.


1. () 在一个小镇上长大() 镇上的小学到我家,只要步行十分钟

2. 我们沐浴着中午和煦的阳光,共进午餐。

3. 简担心孩子们适应不了这种新情况

4. 计算器在教室里使用得越来越多,多得难以置信。

5. 她思想井然有序,缜密精确, 他们第一次见面的时候,就给他留下了深刻的印象。

克莱尔·李·陈纳德将军(18931958) 青少年时期



克莱尔·李小时候曾两次遭受丧亲之痛。他五岁时母亲就死了/ 他五岁时就死了母亲。十年之后,他的继母,即他原来的老师洛蒂·巴恩斯, 也去世了。他成了独来独往的人。

克莱尔·李才十五岁/ 年方十五 /年仅十五就上了路易斯安那州立大学。他怀念少年时期打猎捕鱼的岁月,每到春天,就设法让校方开除他,他就可以回家去,一连几天、几个星期野营、打猎、捕鱼。最后,他离开了路州大学 / 路大,转入一所州立师范学院。

1911年,克莱尔·李初婚,娶了腾萨斯教区沃特普鲁夫镇的内尔·汤普森。他们最后共生了八名子女 / 八个儿女。第一次世界大战爆发时,克莱尔·李上了军官训练学校,但他还没来得及参加战斗,战争就结束了。最后,他为一所飞行训练学校所录取。


1. Greater Panama has a population of 695,000, accounting for / which accounts for more than one third the country’s total.

2. Last summer vacation I went with my parents on a sightseeing tour along it, which / and that is still fresh in my memory.

3. Panama City has a hot and humid climate, with / as it has an annual average temperature of 26.9 and an average annual rainfall of 1903 mm.

4. When news of her failure came, Madame Curie still smiled, without showing the slightest pain or unease, as if it had never happened.

5. It’s true that we have been leading a difficult life, for we need not only to be under various external pressures, but also to face internal perplexities.

Wang Mian

However / In spite of that, at the end of the Yuan Dynasty was born an extraordinary man / a man of a unique character, who was named / was called / went by the name of Wang Mian, and (who) lived in a village in Zhuji County, Zhejiang // whose name was Wang Mian, and who lived in a village in Zhuji County, Zhejiang // who, by the name of Wang Mian, lived in a village in Zhuji County, Zhejiang. When he was seven his father died / At seven he lost his father, so / but / and his mother took in sewing so that he could study at the village school. Soon three years had passed and Wang Mian was ten (years old) / ten years of age / aged ten. His mother called him to her and said, “Son / Child / Boy, it’s not that I want to stand in your way / to hold you back. But since your father died, leaving / and left me a widow // since your father’s death, leaving / which left me a widow, I have had nothing coming in / no income. The harvest is bad, and fuel and rice (are) expensive. Some of our few old clothes and few pieces of old furniture have been pawned, and others of them (have been) sold / Our few old clothes and few pieces of old furniture have been pawned or sold. How can I pay for your schooling / pay your tuition / send you to school with nothing but what / the money that I make / earn by sewing for others? Now I have no choice / no alternative // Now there is nothing for it but to hire you out to our neighbour to graze his buffalo. You’ll be making a little money every month, and you’ll have free meals to eat too / get free meals too. You start / begin right tomorrow.”

“Yes / Ok / All right, Mother,” said Wang Mian. “I feel bored (when / while) sitting in school anyway / I find it boring sitting in school anyway. It’s more pleasant grazing a buffalo / I’d rather graze a buffalo / I prefer to graze a buffalo. If I want to study, I can take a few books along to read all the same.” So that very night the matter was decided.

The next morning his mother took him to Old Qin’s next door. He gave them breakfast, and when they had finished, he led out a water buffalo and made it over to Wang Mian.

From then on, Wang Mian looked after the Qins’ buffalo single-mindedly; and every evening he went home to sleep. Sometimes, when the Qins gave /cooked him salted fish or bacon to eat, he would wrap it up in a lotus leaf and take it home to his mother. He didn’t buy snacks to eat with each day’s snack money either // He also saved each day’s snack money / the snack money he was given each day, and every month or so (he) would seize an opportunity to go to the village school to buy / where he would buy a few old / secondhand books from the book vendor making his rounds. Every day, when he had tethered the buffalo, he would sit down in the shade of / under/ beneath the willows to read / and read // he would sit in the shade of the willows reading / and read.


1. 他长得一表人材,举止彬彬有礼。

2. 母亲死得早,她很小就失去了母爱。

3. 他心灵手巧,大家认为他是厂里第一把好手。

4. 雇主热情地接待了这位先生,恭喜他拥有一个这么有价值的奴隶。

5. 他突然要求把乔治的工资拿给他,宣布自己打算把乔治带回家去,厂主和在场的工人听了大吃一惊。


多么奇特 / 奇异、多么可怜的海岛!可是似乎谁也没有觉察到这一点。上帝把他们安置在四面环海的岩石上,因此上帝有意 / 上帝的意图是要他们呆在那里!谁敢对上帝的智慧说半个不字? 这里土质坚硬,无钱可赚,但是人们可以到英格兰,苏格兰这些外国去赚钱。这些国家,也好由天意 / 上帝的意旨决定了似的,坐船只要短短几个小时就到了 / 位于坐船只要短短几个小时就能到达的地方。


这些女人和都市里娇滴滴 / 娇气的女子属于两个不同的世界。眼看着在艰苦生活的折磨下,美貌明显地早早凋谢 / 凋零,实在令人痛心。这里的女人三十而老,四十而衰。都市女子领略 / 体验过的舒适和关怀,她们不知(其)为何物 / 根本没有体验过。人到老年,就像船只进港,有了特权,可以叉着双手 / 十指交叉环顾四周享清福了,可是她们一生中似乎没有这样一个阶段 // 她们到了老年,本来就像船只进港,有了特权,可以叉着双手 / 十指交叉环顾四周享清福了,可是实际上她们一生中似乎没有这样一个阶段。你会看到妇女在田间劳动,骡马一样驮着东西沿路走来,可都是弯腰驼背,满脸皱纹,根本看不出她们多大年纪了。满脸皱纹”。

然而阿基尔充满了欢声笑语。少女们一边赶着鹅群越过岩石一边格格地笑;她们一边背着筐子 / 篓子翻过低矮的石墙一边格格地笑;她们一边叫开似乎要一口吞下陌生来客的恶狗一边格格地笑;有人告诉我说 / 我听说,她们笑得最开心 / 最欢的时候,是舞会期间的晚上,这时男人们已从海外归来,小提琴屋檐下的鸟雀一样,在阿基尔岛群山中到处啁啾。


1. Ever since I began to work in a bookstore, my obsession with books has been very much on the decline / worn away.

2. Books can be bought without being read and just left on a shelf.

3. Most of them choose long-distance running, the kind of exercise which few real sports enthusiasts like.

4. As many as over 3000 residents and wounded and sick soldiers perished in the conflagration.

5. But even I myself have little idea /am unsure which book is to be read or leafed through again at what time. It is all subject to / all depends on the whims of the moment.

The Miao Dragon Boat Festival (II)

The Miao Dragon Boat Festival is different from / differs from the Hans’ / that of the Hans / the Han celebration. Apart from / Besides / In addition to a different date of celebration from that of the Hans’ (which takes place / happens / is celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month) , it generally does not include a dragon boat race, but (it) chiefly (includes) visits to friends and relatives in other villages instead. The dragon boat begins its voyage along the river early in the morning / in the early morning, and is received by friends and relatives wherever / at any place where it stops / arrives.

When it approaches / comes near a village, an iron blaster is set off to announce its arrival / inform friends and relatives (of its arrival). Villagers on the bank respond with firecrackers / set off firecrackers in response and come to meet it. The hosts present two cups of rice wine to each oarsman / present each oarsman with two cups of rice wine and then tie / fasten gifts—ducks, geese, and colored silks—(on) to the head of the dragon. Gifts for close relatives, like / such as sons-in-law or cousins, are pigs or goats.

At about 4 p.m. the boat stops alongside the river bank. The people on the boat eat, with their fingers / without using bowls and chopsticks, meat and glutinous rice balls (which are) placed on the sides of the boat. Women and children on the bank come to “beg” the boatmen for food. Legend had it that if one ate food from a dragon boat, he would be free from disaster and have all his wishes fulfilled, / eating food from a dragon boat would protect one from disaster and fulfill all one’s wishes, which / and that later became a tradition / traditional custom.

On the banks of the river are also held / there are also the Miaos’ traditional horse races, bullfights and drum dances. Girls in holiday clothes / holiday attire / holiday array / their holiday best dance to (the accompaniment of) (log) drums / (log) drum beats. Young men and women sing antiphonally all through the festival nights; they get to know each other / get acquainted with each other thereby, and often get married / become man and wife later.


1. 当时人们并不住在可以锁门闭户的构造坚固的房子里。

2. 她德才皆优,教学效果很好,一向受到学生和同事的称赞和尊敬

3. 即使当时父亲知道别人已经取代了他(的位置),也从未显露出来。

4. 最后,我的邮箱换上了乡村的地址。亲手送糖和卡片的事就交给了美国邮政公司。

5. 的确,我的外祖父风华正茂之时就去世了/ 夭折了,年仅六十七岁。(作者的其他祖先都活到了八九十岁,所以把六十七岁去世的外祖父风趣地说成年轻人夭折。)


大本钟是伦敦最有名的地标之一,也是世界上最大的四钟面时钟之一。1856410日铸造了一口重16吨的报时钟,这个名字最初是给予那口钟的。这口钟从未正式命名,但是钟上的铭文记载,下订单的是工程局局长本杰明·霍尔爵士 / 是工程局局长本杰明·霍尔爵士下的订单;另一种猜测是,这口钟可能是根据当时走红的重量级拳击手本杰明·考恩特命名的。还有一种传说是,这口钟本来打算命名为“维多利亚”,向维多利亚女王表示敬意,但是举行仪式时的演说没完没了,有个爱开玩笑的人喊道:“啊,就管它叫大本,别罗嗦了!”这个名字就粘上了 / 甩不掉了。

当时钟楼尚未完工 / 竣工,这口钟安放在新王宫院内,但钟在钟槌的敲击下裂开了,其金属重铸为如今使用的重15.17吨的钟 / 其金属重铸为另一口钟,重15.17吨,如今仍在使用。新钟于1859同四口报刻钟一道安放于钟楼之内。

18341016晚,原来的威斯特敏斯特宫毁于火灾,钟楼是作为查尔斯·巴利设计的新王宫的一部分而建造的。按维多利亚时代的哥特式风格设计,高316英尺(合96)。由于自建成以来就存在的地面状况,钟楼稍向西北倾斜,大约8.66英寸 (220毫米)

钟面嵌在一个直径21英尺(合7米)的铁制框架中,框架支撑着576块乳白玻璃,很像一个彩色玻璃窗。有些玻璃可以卸下来 / 拆下来检查指针。分针长14英尺(合4.25米),数字高2英尺(合0.6米)。议会开会期间,钟面上方亮起灯光。到了晚上,四个钟面都照亮了,这座钟就成了一道异常壮观的景象。

英国国民要登上钟楼,可 / 呼叫020·7219·3000进行预约。国外游客要求游览,可在预定参观之前至少3个月发函至:英国伦敦SW1A 2JN,坎南路1, 议会公共工程设施局钟楼游览处。


1. Picking Betel Nuts, (which is) a Hunan folk song with simple words and a beautiful melody, expresses the pure love between young men and women.

2. Aerodromes on the prairie have no runways. Planes glide on the grass when taking off or landing.

3. 把家作为独处之所的这种观念正在我的祖国形成。在那里,年轻人纷纷离开父母家独立生活

4. 她热爱学生,关心学生,耐心地教学生,而且教得很好

5. 他去世时享年88岁。40岁时就被认为痼疾在身,对于这样一个人来说,这真是了不起的高龄了

Zhangjiajie Forest Park

Zhangjiajie Forest Park is located / is situated / finds itself within the boundaries of Zhangjiajie City in northwestern Hunan /, northwestern Hunan. Founded in 1982, this forest park / This forest park, founded in 1982, was included by the United Nations in The World Natural Heritage Directory in Dec., 1992, and listed as a world geopark in Feb., 2004.

It is China’s first national forest park, and boasts a peculiar sandstone needle karst landform. / (As) China’s first national forest park, it boasts a peculiar sandstone needle karst landform / It is China’s first national forest park, boasting / with a peculiar sandstone needle karst landform. There are here / It has numerous fantastic peaks and rocks, all shrouded in clouds and mist whether it is clear or rainy, making the place look like a dreamland. // The place looks like a dreamland as there are here / as it has / with numerous fantastic peaks and rocks, all shrouded in clouds and mist whether it is clear or rainy.

With lofty peaks and dense primeval forests, it has species of the world’s five families of plants, more than twice as many as / double / doubling those in Europe as a whole, and many of which are rare survivors of ancient species. It is also a favorable natural habitat for various kinds of rare birds and animals, among which the locally called “water-carrying bird”, in particular, is a fowl very rare indeed in the world.

Huangshizhai is the top attraction of Zhangjiajie where the best sights in the place are concentrated // with / boasting / embracing the best sights in the place. There is the local saying: “From coming to Huangshizhai you refrain, and your trip to Zhangjiajie is in vain.” There the tourist can enjoy to his heart’s content / can feast his eyes on a marvelous fairyland of fantastic peaks and rocks, streams and forests, rare birds and animals, and sunrises above clouds..


1. 前总统布什沿袭白宫老规矩 / 惯例,在椭圆办公室给奥巴马总统留下一张便条。

2. 岁月可能让皮肤长出皱纹,丧失热情则会让心灵长出皱纹 / 衰老

3. 只有那些具有不屈不挠的意志和大无畏精神的人才能奋斗到底,直到最后胜利。

4. 忧虑、恐惧、缺乏自信只会让人意气消沉变成行尸走肉

5. 有志者事竟成。这句话的意思是,你真的下定决心去做某件事,不管有多难,都会最终找到把事情办好的方法。


印度的核试验反过来又为巴基斯坦核武器鼓吹者提供了进行核试验的完美借口。在巴基斯坦,宗教极端分子也鼓吹进行核试验。与此同时,军方谋求研制核武器,以对抗 / 抗衡(规模)大得多的印度武装力量 / 武装部队。

印度进行核试验之后,美中两国的外交努力部分地抵消了这种呼声。此外,一些分析家和活动家还列举了经济制裁可能产生的不良影响,因为 / 说任何核试验后经济制裁必定随之而来。他们建议,巴基斯坦不要步印度后尘 / 效法印度——让印度独自面对国际社会的愤怒,但无济于事。印度进行核试验三周后,巴基斯坦也进行了自己的核试验。

虽然双方都夸大其词,但两国的核试验引起的地震信号微弱,(这就)让人怀疑它们宣布的核爆炸当量。印度武器研究部门公布的支持其声言的数据严重不足 / 印度武器研究部门公布了一些数据支持其声言,但(数据)严重不足,例如,一张据说表明核辐射副产品当量的曲线图坐标轴上没有单位。独立科学家一直无法核实两国的确引爆了各自宣称的那么多装置。

不管具体情况如何,两国核试验大大改变了南亚的军事局势。这些试验刺激两国研制更先进的武器、导弹、潜艇、反弹道导弹系统和指挥控制系统。19998月,《印度核原则草案》要求部署“由飞机、地面移动导弹和海上发射 / 海基导弹”构成的三合一力量来投放核武器。这样的系统将耗资约80亿美元。今年1月,印度政府宣布将部署新的远程导弹。一个月后,巴基斯坦海军副参谋长也宣布,巴基斯坦正考虑至少在一艘潜艇上部署导弹核导弹 / 至少为一艘潜艇装备核导弹。


1. China has a population of more than 1.3 billion, and its land natural resources per capita are lower than the world’s average.

2. In an emergency, timing, organization and expertise are critical.

3. I am not a man of letters, nor do I belong to any particular school. Thus I am not restricted in any way.

4. They are white poplars. Though very common in Northwest China, they are no ordinary trees!

5. I went in to have a look. All I remember now is / Now I only remember that the guards at the entrance were Swiss soldiers in yellow uniforms.

China Declares National Mourning; Rescues (Still) Continue (II)

But rescuers still haven’t given up hope. Over the weekend, soldiers / troops opened a road into this town in the mountains of central Sichuan, allowing / permitting essential supplies and equipment to start flowing / coming in to rescuers and survivors and providing an escape route for those fleeing the destruction.

That puts Yingxiu, (located) about 60 miles (to the) west of Chengdu, at / That made Yingxiu, about 60 miles (to the) west of Chengdu, the center of one of / what is one of the largest disaster-relief operations in Chinese history. Tens of thousands of soldiers / troops, paramilitary police, rescuers, civilian officials and volunteers have joined / thrown themselves into / plunged into the effort.

Firefighters / Firemen from Qingdao in eastern China began to tunnel into / dig a tunnel into the wreckage / ruins of a collapsed office building in the early hours of the morning Sunday, trying to extricate / save / rescue as many as / up to four people believed to be alive after they had been trapped for nearly a week.

At least one of the people, a 44-year-old woman whose legs were pinned (down), was still able to talk to the rescuers and received food and water, said / according to a firefighter involved in / taking part in / participating in / who had joined in the rescue..

But when an aftershock measuring magnitude 6.1 / a magnitude-6.1 aftershock hit / struck and rain turned into a downpour, making the building even more unstable, the firemen had to / were forced to / were compelled to suspend the search. They resumed work / the rescue at dawn / after daybreak.

The woman, (named / called / by the name of) Yu Jinhua, was (successfully) rescued at 8:10 p.m. Sunday, Xinhua reported. She had been buried for (as long as) 150 hours. Rescuers spent 56 hours trying to get her out / rescue her / extricate her, the report said.


1. 英国的足球运动让外国人最感意外的情况之一就是,这种运动连最小的男孩也似乎了如指掌

2. 在英国,大多数学校都重视足球——欧洲大陆几乎所有的学校都重视得多。

3. 当地村民,透露村庄名字为条件,给我们提供了详细情况。

4. 他们被招募为这些战斗人员炸出新的洞穴群。

5. 这些表明,些为美国提供情报在耍两面派。


本世纪,在确定人类与地球关系的物质现实状况的两个因素方面发生了重大变化:一是人口突然惊人地增长——每十年增加相当于一个中国的人口;二是科学技术革命突然加速 / 突飞猛进,几乎难以想象地扩展了我们以焚烧、砍伐、挖掘、搬运、和转化构成地球的物质的方式来影响周围世界的能力 / 扩展了我们影响周围世界的能力,方式是焚烧、砍伐、挖掘、搬运和转化构成地球的物质。

人口剧增既是人类与地球关系发生变化的原因之一,又是显示 / 说明这一变化之惊人最显著的事例之一,从历史背景来看,尤其如此。自20万年前现代人出现到裘利斯·撒时代,地球上生活的人类还不到二亿五千万。1500年后,克里斯托弗·哥伦布扬帆启航去寻找新世界时,地球上大约有5亿人口。到1776年托马斯·杰斐逊起草《独立宣言》时,人口又翻了番,到了10亿。到本世纪中叶,第二次世界大战结束时,人口刚好超过20亿。

同人口爆炸的情形一样,在18世纪,科技革命开始缓缓加速。这场不断发展的革命也突然以翻番的方式加速进行了。例如,现在许多科学领域有一句公论:近十年重大的发现比以往整个科学史上还要多。诚然,任何单一的新发现对于人类和地球的关系所造成的影响都不及 / 比不上核武器对人类和战争的关系所造成的影响那么深远。然而,这些科学发现合在一起,就从根本上改变了人类开发地球以求生存的累积的能力,使得不加节制的开发的后果不堪设想,同不加节制的核战争的后果毫无二致 / 一模一样 / 如出一辙。这是千真万确的。


1. 青春是生命之深处的一股清新。

2. 旁白这个角色和公主那个角色完全一样重要。

3. 简对自己的家庭主妇的角色感到厌倦与无奈,想更多地参与到家庭以外的社会生活中去。

4. 我读三年级时,有一天的午餐(情景)我会终生难忘 / 永远难以怀忘

5. 无论我在家里背台词多么容易,一上舞台就一个字也记不起来了。

Greening Our Future (II)

Ancient Chinese philosophers repeatedly / time and again / over and over again emphasized / stressed man’s integration with nature as a supreme virtue / that man’s integration with nature was a supreme virtue. Some advocated the golden mean / the doctrine of the (golden) mean / the middle road, and others (advocated) peacefulness with the world. These sparks of wisdom, unfortunately, / It is unfortunate that these sparks of wisdom have been obscured by history for two thousand years. Now it is time to convert / transform / change / turn these ideas into action // put these ideas into practice.

Before I came to Britain, I read in the paper that, to prevent further soil erosion / the soil (from) being further eroded, local governments in western China have prohibited / forbidden felling and provided new jobs for former timber cutters. I felt / was relieved to read that. But, at the same time, I was concerned / worried that many people still ignored / turned a blind eye to the destruction of nature / the destruction that nature suffered. The environmental issue is ultimately a social issue. / In the final analysis, the environmental issue is a social issue. As long as / So long as there are people who pursue / seek short-term benefits at the expense of nature / at the cost of sacrificing nature, nature will continue to suffer. We should have long-term plans to use technology to restore nature / to restore nature by technological means instead of robbing / plundering her // rather than rob / plunder her; we should show greater care and love for Mother Nature and for all her children.

I was born in a province in western China, where I once met a retired timber cutter. He told me that, before his retirement / before he retired, he was awarded a medal as the first man in China to cut 100,000 trees. After his retirement, however, he made up his mind to plant / that he would plant twice as many trees as // twice / double the trees he had cut down. Up to now, he has been planting trees for a dozen years or so. I can still recall / call to mind his weather-beaten face, and his big, coarse hands. I wish him to be still healthy. I wish the trees he has planted to be thriving / flourishing / luxuriant. And most of all / above all / most importantly, I hope that, just as this old man has been doing, all of us will give nature back / pay nature back / repay nature twice as much as we take from her. Working with our own hands, we will green our future.


1. 这种气质往往见于60岁的老人 / ,而不大见于20岁的小伙子 / 后生

2. 我的一位曾祖母活到92岁,直到临终都(是)令儿孙望而生畏(的人)

3. 我有七十二个孙儿孙女,要是每离开一个都要难过,我的日子就惨了。

4. 另一件需要避免的事就是老想和年轻人呆在一起,希望从青年的活力中汲取力量。

5. 大约一年半以前,吉姆额头上长了个肿块,做手术把它切除了。


这就是说 / 这意味着,在从十五世纪至十九世纪末的四百年中,非洲因被抓去当奴隶或被屠杀而丧失了约六千五百万至七千五百万人;而且,这些人是非洲人中的精华,因为在通常情况下,人们不会把老弱病残抓去当奴隶。非洲各国人民能在这场空前的浩劫中幸存下来,而且今天比以前任何时候人数都更多,组织得更好,甚至即将获得彻底的民族解放,确实是人类历史的一大奇迹。

但是,非洲对欧洲资本主义、美洲殖民地以及美国资本主义的发展做出的最主要贡献,当然不在于奴隶贸易本身——尽管那是有利可图的——而在于奴隶制,在于上千万的黑人在长达两个多世纪的时间里被迫从事的无偿劳动 / 无偿的强迫劳动。

在说明美国资本主义发展迅速、规模巨大的原因时,史学家们指出了几个因素,这是正确的:一是美国幅员辽阔,资源极其丰富;二是远离 / 没有遭受欧洲那种连续不断的毁灭性战乱,战乱使美国的竞争对手倒退,而美国资产阶级却从中获取暴利;三是好几代人的时间里,欧洲人、亚洲人和拉丁美洲人移居美国,带来了技术和体力(还带来了种族差异,统治和剥削他们也因此而更加容易)。四是长期存在着资产阶级民主共和国这种适合资本主义早期发展和成熟的理想的政权形式 / 存在着资产阶级民主共和国,这是适合资本主义早期发展和成熟的理想的政权形式。所有这些因素都具有重大的意义。


1. We must live up to / be worthy of the expectations of our families and society.

2. He had no choice but to / could do nothing but pull up his car, waiting for the train to pass.

3. You are to answer for that.

4. I could tell something from the tone of his voice

5. A tremendous weight has been lifted from my mind

The May 4th Movement

After World War I, the imperialists intensified / stepped up their aggression against China while / and the Northern Warlord government resorted to compromise and capitulation externally / to foreign powers and to ruthless / cruel oppression of the people internally / at home, // the Northern Warlord government compromised and capitulated externally / to foreign powers and ruthlessly / cruelly oppressed the people internally / at home, plunging / throwing China into a serious / grave national crisis. China’s diplomatic failure at the 1919 Paris Peace Conference aroused great indignation among the Chinese people // China failed diplomatically at the 1919 Paris Peace Conference, arousing / evoking great indignation among the Chinese people. On May 4, over / more than 3,000 Beijing students / students in Beijing gathered / assembled / rallied on Tian An Men Square and held a demonstration / demonstrated, shouting such slogans as / slogans, such as / slogans, like “Defend our sovereignty; punish the traitors!” and “Abolish the Twenty-one Demands!” They demanded the punishment of / that the government punish the traitors Cao Rulin, Lu Zongyu and Zhang Zongxiang, and set fire to Cao’s house and gave Zhang a sound beating / beat Zhang soundly. The government called out troops and police to suppress the movement and over thirty students were arrested / with over thirty students arrested // to suppress the students, more than thirty of whom were arrested.

On June 3, Beijing students organized speech teams to engage in / carry on large-scale propaganda. The government intensified its suppression of the students, arresting 170 or so of them // The suppression of the students by the government went from bad to worse / became even worse / was intensified, and 170 or so of them were arrested / with 170 or so of them arrested. After the June 3rd Incident, the patriotic May 4th Movement, participated in chiefly by young students, developed / grew / snowballed into a nationwide revolutionary movement participated in jointly by the proletariat, the petty bourgeoisie and the national bourgeoisie. The proletariat became the main force of the movement. Workers in Shanghai, Tangshan, Changxindian and Jiujiang went successively on strike and demonstrated / held demonstrations. For the first time, the Chinese working class emerged on the political arena / mounted the political stage as a conscious independent political force, displaying / exhibiting // and displayed / exhibited its great strength.

Under the pressure of the nation’s patriotic anti-imperialist struggle, the Northern Warlord government was forced / compelled to release the arrested students, to remove / dismiss the three traitors from office // to deprive / strip the three traitors of their offices, and to refuse to sign the “peace treaty” with Germany. A preliminary / An initial victory had been won in the anti-imperialist and anti-feudal struggle.

The May 4th Movement, a thorough and uncompromising revolutionary movement against imperialism and feudalism, which promoted the integration of the Chinese workers’ movement with Marxism and paved the way / prepared ideologically and in the matter of cadres for the founding of the Chinese Communist Party, is / was the beginning of China’s new-democratic revolution.


1. 我们管它叫阿黄这名儿有那么两层意思。

2. 开头它让我很是光火,真想把它给了。


4. 这就是说,那个喜欢自封自由公正世界领袖的国家/美国可以蔑视日内瓦公约和其它协定。

5. 戏班班主坐在台上幕前,放眼集市,眺望这熙熙攘攘的去处,一阵深沉的悲凉不禁袭上心头。



我已向参加新政府的各位大臣说过,在此再向各位议员说:我能奉献的,只有热血、辛劳、眼泪和汗水。我们面临着一场最严峻的考验 / 最严重的磨难。我们面临着月复一月年复一年的斗争与苦难。





1. We hate to see any country or group of countries pushing hegemony and power politics.

2. World multi-polarization and economic globalization are developing despite twists and turns.

3. With the rapid extinction of many wild species, more and more people are gradually realizing the great significance of wildlife protection.

4. 妊娠期,男性胎儿多于女性胎儿,比例约为110100

5. 现在人们能够登录,在以计算机扬声器“播放”分类音乐的许多站点中进行选择。

Make Joint Efforts to Advance Man’s Lofty Cause of Peace and Development

—2008 New Year Message by Hu Jintao (II)

At present, the overall international situation is / remains stable // the international situation as a whole is / remains stable // the international situation is / remains stable on the whole, but at the same time, with (global) economic imbalance growing / growing more serious / deteriorating (globally) and the international security situation becoming more complicated, man is faced with / is confronted with / is facing an increase in troubles / difficulties and challenges. Sharing the opportunities for development, meeting / responding to / facing / confronting the challenges together / jointly and pushing forward man’s lofty cause of peace and development are the common wishes of people in all countries. Here I would like to avail myself of / take advantage of this opportunity to reiterate that China will hold high the banner of peace, development and cooperation and make unremitting efforts to follow the road of peace and development and to implement the opening-up strategy which brings mutual benefit and double(-)win / win-win. She will continue to commit / devote / apply herself to pushing forward the democratization of international relations, to helping economic globalization develop in the direction of balance, universal benefit and double win, to promoting exchange and mutual learning between different human civilizations, to protecting / taking care of man’s home—the earth—on which he depends / relies for survival, and to safeguarding / preserving / maintaining world peace and stability.

At this moment, we are deeply / greatly concerned about / over / with people suffering from war / the flames of war, poverty, disease, and disaster. We Chinese people are sincerely deeply / profoundly sympathetic with them in their misfortune / (painful) experiences and willing to do our utmost / our best / everything in our power / everything possible to help // spare no efforts in helping them out of / to extricate themselves from their plight / misery as early as possible. And we sincerely hope that people of all nations will live in freedom, equality, harmony, and happiness under the same blue sky, sharing the fruits of man’s peace and development.

In 2008, the 29th Summer Olympic Games and Paralympics will be held in Beijing. We, as host, will spare no effort and enthusiasm in trying to turn the two occasions into grand gatherings that will enhance / boost the mutual understanding and friendly cooperation between the Chinese people and people of the rest of the world. We warmly welcome athletes from all nations to China to participate in the Olympics and Paralympics, and welcome friends from around the world as well to this country to watch the games.

Finally, from Beijing, I wish you all a new year of happiness and good health / the best of health // I wish you happiness and good health / the best of health in the new year!


1. 他们计划把尼亚加拉瀑布黄石公园包括在旅游路线之中。

2. 纽约警察局西奥多·宾厄姆陆军上将派遣佩特罗西诺西西里执行任务,结果让他丢了性命。

3. 穆尔在上星期五与印尼国防部长维兰托举行会谈之后,前天又在泗水哈比比举行会谈。

4. Then, on December twenty-third, a committee of experts at Seoul National University announced the results of an investigation.

5. Tigress called him out of the room. “Here’s money to buy brooms with first. Get bamboo ones, easier to sweep snow with.”



阿米莉亚离开这小小的屋子只不过九天,却觉得告别家门是遥远的往事了。她和往昔的生活之间隔了一条多么宽阔的鸿沟。她可从目前的立足点回首往事,几乎以旁观者的身份凝视着那痴情的闺中少女。那少女只盯着一个特定的目标;受到父母的宠爱,即使不是恩将仇报,至少也是无动于衷仿佛那是她理所当然的权利——一心一意想着的只是满足自己的愿望。那些日子刚刚过去,可是显得那么遥远,她回顾起来,觉得羞愧难当;父母慈祥的神态 / 模样,让她心中充满了亲情与悔恨。人生极乐这件奖品已经到手,而奖品得主是不是还没有把握,还不满足?男女主人公通过了结婚这个障碍,小说家通常就降下幕布;仿佛戏文已经演完,人生的疑虑与斗争宣告终结:似乎一旦踏上婚后的国度,就处处绿草如茵,风景宜人;夫妻什么也不必做,只需手挽着手,一边开心而尽情地欣赏美景,一边缓缓漫步下山,走向晚年。但咱们的小阿米莉亚还刚刚踏上新国度的河岸,却已经在焦急地回头眺望悲哀的亲人的身影,他们从遥远的河对岸在向她挥手告别。


1. Both Old Li and Little Li are quiet and shy. Like father, like son.

2. Whatever happens, we'll be in the same boat.

3. If we insist on plotting the future by the past, it’s getting ourselves entangled in our own web like a spider and inviting failure.

4. Stop fighting each other. If the shepherds quarrel, the wolf has a winning game.

5. My house used to be crowded visitors, but now it’s almost deserted.

The Rabbits and the Cat (Excerpt)

Lu Xun

In summer, Third Mistress (who lived) in our back courtyard, bought a pair of white rabbits for her children to play with / to amuse her children.

Apparently these rabbits had not left // These rabbits did not seem / appear to have left their mother for long. Although they were a different species, their carefree innocence was evident / could be easily seen // one could easily see their carefree innocence. But they also erected / lifted / raised their long, small / small, long crimson / scarlet ears, wrinkled their noses and showed a rather surprised and suspicious look / a look of surprised suspicion in their eyes. Probably, after all, they felt this place and the people here strange / unfamiliar with this place and the people here, and (so) were less at ease here than / not so at ease here as in their old home. Creatures like these / Such creatures, if you went to a temple fair yourself to buy them, cost no more than two strings of cash / coppers apiece / each // cost only two strings of cash / coppers apiece / each at most; but Third Mistress had spent a (silver) dollar, because she (had) sent a servant to a shop to buy them.

The children, naturally, were overjoyed / It was natural that the children were overjoyed and crowded round boisterously / noisily for a look / to have a look. The grown-ups crowded round too. A puppy called S also came running over. Dashing up to sniff at them, he sneezed, / He dashed up to sniff at them, sneezed and (then) backed away a couple of paces. Third Mistress cried / shouted / snapped, “Listen, S! You’re not (allowed) to bite them!” then she slapped him / gave him a slap on the head, so (that) S ran off / away, and after that he never bit them.

These rabbits were shut up / kept most of the time in the small courtyard behind the back window. We were told / heard this was because // , which, we were told / heard, was because they were too fond of tearing the wallpaper and nibbling at / gnawing at the legs of furniture. In this little courtyard grew a wild mulberry tree. When the mulberries fell, they liked eating them most (of all), // They liked eating the fallen mulberries most (of all), and (they) wouldn’t eat / would pass over / would refuse to eat even the spinach given them. When crows and magpies wanted to fly down, they would, with humped / hunched backs // hunching / humping their backs // their backs hunched / humped, stamp their hind feet hard on the ground and—whoosh!—bound / bounce straight up like flying snowballs // and bound / bounce straight up with a whoosh like flying snowballs. The frightened birds promptly took flight / flew away promptly, // The birds were so frightened that they took prompt flight / flew away promptly, and after several repetitions of this / and after this had been repeated several times they no longer dared come near. Third Mistress said crows and magpies didn’t matter, at most they would snatch / they would do no more than snatch a little food; the hateful thing / the cursed thing / the real menace was a big black cat, which often watched malevolently / viciously from the top of the wall—that must be guarded against. Fortunately, / It was fortunate that S and that cat were enemies, so perhaps there would be no trouble / nothing after all.


1. 一燕不成夏。不要相信你看见的第一个迹象。

2. 你像外国人所说的狗,只吠不咬

3. 我知道你损失相当大。但肯定不会就此罢手 / 就此洗手不干了吧?

4. 佩格的演出为什么能博得满场喝彩?

5. 他们的工资勉强够维持生活



产生羞怯的最常见的原因莫过于对我们自己的重要性估计 / 评价过高。一个人,假如想象着聚会者一心想着他的才德,满怀期望而喘息难平,心无旁骛而鸦雀无声,就很容易因担心让众人失望而惊恐不安,于是搜索枯肠想出恰当言行,证明自己是实至名归,并非浪得虚名。他以为,自己的一言一行人们都将永远铭记;只言片语都(是)毁誉攸关;自己随口说出的一切都应该经得起时间的检验。这样惴惴不安,谁还能怀疑他已经方寸大乱 / 心慌意乱,而且由于勉强进行种种力不从心的尝试,很快就陷入萎靡沮丧之中呢?

良药往往苦口。那些为名声所累的人,即使听别人说他们的担忧是多余的,大概也不会感到心安。但事实是,谁也不会受到世人多少关注。一个人如果想想自己对别人的情况注意得多么少,就知道自己吸引别人的注意力也是多么少。看见面前川流不息经过的人群,其中看来值得注意或激起同情的人,也许一个也没有,这时我们就应当记住,自己也同样会消失在这同一人群中;应当记住,碰巧投向我们的目光片刻之间就会转向身后的人;应当记住,我们能合情合理地希望或担心的,充其量是闲聊一通打发 / 消磨一段空闲时光,然后被人遗忘。


1. Bon appetite. (饭前说) / Hope you’ve enjoyed yourself. (饭后说)

2. This is a gift for your memory. Hope you like it.

3. “You’ve found a better job, haven’t you?” “Not at all. I am still in my old trade.”

4. 我失陪一会儿。

5. “今晚如果有空,你可以和我们一起块去看电影。”“到时候再说吧!”

Endurance (2)

The camel conquers the desert while the pigeon conquers the air / and the pigeon (conquers) the air.

The camel cannot run as fast as the horse, nor can the pigeon fly with as much agility / as agilely as the petrel. But both camel and pigeon are hardy / have endurance. Their endurance is so great / such that both the raging sandstorm and the violent typhoon lose countenance in their presence / as to put to shame both the raging sandstorm and the violent typhoon.

Their great endurance enables them to get to any place / any destination they want to. Seldom is any camel found to have dropped dead in the midst of a desert, nor is any pigeon discovered to have fallen halfway across the sea.

Both camel and pigeon are gentleness itself / very gentle, // Neither camel nor pigeon is fierce, (with) their eyes always twinkling timidly / with timidity. But their eyes are never blinded by any sandstorm, and can always endure / bear / stand the lashing of a furious tempest.

The camel’s hump is (like) an arch bridge linking up the cultures of (the) East and (the) West, and the jingling of its bell is the most reliable courier / messenger and the most exciting message.

The pigeon is a most trustworthy / loyal messenger, who can deliver secret intelligence to a military commander with (unerring) accuracy / accurately.

The pigeon whistle is ringing again overhead / over my head. To me, however, the sound does not seem faint, but instead / rather the whole firmament seems to be paling / fading into insignificance // to be becoming insignificant in comparison with it…


1. A teacher is a person by whom doctrine is imparted, professions taught and perplexities cleared up.

2. Since men are not born with knowledge, who can be free from / be without perplexities?

3. I will study under him who was born later than me as long as he learned doctrine before me.

4. Since what I learn is doctrine, why should I care if he was born later than me?

5. Sages of ancient times were far superior to ordinary people, yet they studied under and consulted their teachers.

Stone Beasts in the River

Ji Yun

On / Close to the bank of a river south of Cangzhou was located a temple, whose gate collapsed and tumbled / fell into the river, (with) the two stone beasts sunken together. A dozen years after / afterwards // After a dozen years, the monks collected a sum of money with which to restore / rebuild the gate. They searched in the water for the two stone beasts, but surprisingly (they) could not find them; then it struck them that the beasts must have been washed downstream / down the river. So they rowed several small boats dragging iron rakes down the riverbed for about a dozen li, without finding / but did not find a trace of them. A pedant teaching in the temple learned about it / heard about it and said with a sneer, “You’re unable to inquire into / are ignorant of the ways of things. These aren’t wood chips; how can they have been carried away by floods? The fact is that stone is solid and heavy in nature while sand is loose and mobile. Buried in the sand they sink deeper and deeper. Isn’t it insane / mad / absurd (of you) to search for them downstream?” Everybody was convinced that it was a conclusive argument.

A veteran dyke-protection soldier heard this talk and also said with a sneer, “All stones fallen into a river must be looked for upstream. Since stone is solid and heavy while sand is loose and mobile, water can’t wash a stone away. But the force of the rebounding water is certain to / will certainly scoop a pit by eroding the sand beneath it where it’s exposed to / it faces the water. The pit becomes deeper and deeper with the rebounding of the water / as the water rebounds // The more the water rebounds, the deeper the pit becomes, and when it’s as deep as half the height of the stone / half as deep as the stone is high, the latter overturns into the former. The erosion of the sand repeats itself in this way / The water erodes the sand in this way again and gives / , which gives /, giving the stone another turn //, so that the stone overturns once more. As it turns over and over again, the stone travels / moves against the current up the river. To be sure, it’s insane / mad / absurd to search for it downstream, but isn’t it more so to look for it in the riverbed right where it fell?” Acting upon his reasoning / Doing as he said, sure enough, the monks did find the stone beasts several li upstream. But there are many (natural) phenomena in the world of which one sees only one aspect and fails to see others. Will it do to / Can one make judgments from mere speculations?


1. Stones with a loud and clear sound are found / exist everywhere.

2. But / Yet this theory in particular I doubt all the more.

3. Huge rocks rose hundreds of feet by the riverside, like savage beasts and weird ghosts in terrible gestures of striking at people.

4. What Li Daoyuan saw and heard was quite similar to my experiences indeed, only he did not give a detailed account of it.

5. The ancients did not deceive me!

The Small Rocky Pool

Liu Zongyuan

We walked some hundred and twenty paces westward from the knoll / hill to a bamboo grove // A walk of some one hundred and twenty paces westward from the knoll / hill brought us to a bamboo grove, through which we heard, to our joy, the sound of water tinkling like (that of) jade pendants knocking against each other. We opened a path by cutting the bamboos / We cut a path through the bamboos, revealing a small pool below, which was unusually limpid / clear. A whole / An unbroken rock made up / constituted its bottom, which, closer to the bank, rolled up above the water to form flat and rugged islets, cliffs and caves. Green trees were wrapped and entwined in verdant / emerald green vines, which, varied in length, interlocked and swung in the wind.

There were some one hundred fish / one hundred or so fish in the pool, all of which looked / all looking as if (they were) swimming unsupported in a void. As the sunlight penetrated (into / through) the water, the fish cast their motionless shadows on the rocky bottom. Suddenly they disappeared into the distance, and then scudded / darted to and fro, as if / as though playing with us visitors.

Looking southwest from the pool, we could see the stream meander / In a southwesterly direction from the pool, the stream meandered in a serpentine / snakelike manner, (with) some parts (of it) visible and others hidden from view. Its banks were ragged in shape / ragged-shaped like a dog’s teeth, denying us any inkling as to its source / so that we didn’t know its source / didn’t have an inkling as to its source.

We sat by the pool, which, (as it was) enclosed / surrounded by trees and bamboos, was still and deserted, melancholy and bone-chilling, and bleak and profoundly secluded. As the place was too desolate / The place being too desolate for us to stay long, we went away / left after I made a note of it. My fellow travellers were Wu Wuling, Gong Gu and my cousin Liu Zongxuan. Attendants accompanying us were two youngsters of a Cui family, one called Shuyi and the other Fengyi.

