(衡水万卷)2016届高三英语二轮复习高考作业卷 作业十九 Word版含解析

发布时间:2016-03-21 14:02:34






It was summer vacation. Our 12-year-old son, Jack, felt free. I let him 1this Im-on-vacation

feeling for several days. I was happy for him.

But before long, I couldnt help noticing that weeds were growing in the garden, dishes 2

up. With a little baby and horses to care for, it is really 3for me to manage all the things. So one morning, I told Jack that he had to work two hours a day to help me, Ill 4you, but you have to do it. He got quite 5. I dont think I should have to work if I dont feel like it! Im only a kid! 6, I insisted two hours a day wasnt too much to ask of a 12-year-old.

After that, each morning I gave him 7about what needed to be done around the yard. The work became part of his daily routine, but he didnt spare any 8on it.

Halfway through the 9, the $1 and $5 bills began to pile up in Jacks drawer. About this time he came to me for 10work. He figured out if he worked extra, he might be able to buy a 11___by the end of the summer. Surprised and happy, I thought of another task for him. 12August heat, he worked happily with his goal in his mind.

One day I went out to inspect his 13and praised him for the nice job he was doing-- the messy old farmhouse turned into a beautiful view at the 14of Jack.

Yeah, this place is starting to look good. He said 15, as sweat dripped from his dirty face. A few minutes later, he said to himself, I wonder what it 16like to win the lottery (彩票).

Its not 17him to be dreaming of winning the lottery. For a minute I worried that his 18had changed. But my worry was gone.

I bet it doesnt feel that good, he answered himself, because you wouldnt have 19it.

Hearing this, I came to realize something unexpected 20happen——Jacks work had given him something much more precious than that new drum, something more valuable than a jackpot (大奖).

A. express B. contain C. enjoy D. overcome

A. piling B. staying C. bringing D. getting

A. urgent B. impossible C. convenient D. suitable

A. praise B. defend C. pay D. award

A. satisfied B. delighted C. bored D. annoyed

A. However B. Therefore C. Meanwhile D. Besides

(衡水万卷)2016届高三英语二轮复习高考作业卷 作业十九 Word版含解析
