


课题:8b unit1comic strips welcome to the unit1课时 一、教学目标:
● to introduce the concept of situations that started in the past and are continuing at present
● to introduce the grammatical concept of the present perfect tense by focusing on a timeline. 二、教学重点难点:
教学重点:transport at different times present perfect tense
教学难点:the grammatical concept of the present perfect tense by focusing on a timeline. 三、教学准备: a tape recorder
multimedia courseware 四、教学过程:
step 1 having a brainstorming
how do you come to school every day? i come by bike. /by bus /by car. how does your father go to work?
he goes to work by car. /he takes a car to work. step 2 presenting forms of transport read and answer:
1 how did millie’s dad go to school when he was a student? 2 why didn’t he take a bus?
3 how did millie go to school? why? used to 用法:过去常常做某事 eg: he used to be a teacher they used to live here.
step 3listening to and reading a dialogue
in the past, people took the bus to work. but at present, more and more
people can take the taxi /underground to work. the transport has changed a lot.

what about our old friends eddie and hobo? have they changed a lot?
let’s go on to listen to and read the dialogue on page 6 between eddie and
hobo. then answer the following questions:
1. where’s hobo’s food? is it in the bowl now? why not? (because eddie has eaten it.
2. why has eddie eaten his food? (because eddie was hungry. 3. what did hobo think of eddie in the past? (hobo thought eddie was kind in the past.
4. what does he think of eddie now? (hobo thinks eddie is bad now.
so he doesn’t want to play with him any more.
5. why does eddie say that hobo has changed a lot, too? (because hobo
wanted to play with him in the past, but now he doesn’t. step 4 listening and reading aloud
listen to the tape, and try to read aloud the dialogue on page 6 to the tape.
step 5 finding and writing expressions
you are to go over page 6 and 7 again to find out and write down all the
useful expressions. make sentences of your own with them after class.
step 6 acting out the dialogue in pairs act out the dialogue. step 7 doing homework
a. read the comic strips and try to recite it.
b. try to revise the phrase and sentences in this period. c. do translation: c.汉译英。
_______ you_______my english book? 2.我迟到是因为我起床太迟了。
i was late_______i______________too late. 3.我常和他合打一把伞。
i often _______one_______ _______him.

can you tell me the_______ in beijing_______ _______ _______ _______ years?
in english class,i _______ _______ _______ chinese, but now i_______ _______
_______ _______ english 五、板书设计
unit1 welcome to the unit see- saw- seen eatate--eaten
changechanged--changed 备课人:使用日期:
课题:8b unit1 reading12课时 20 月日 一、教学目标:
● to recognize types of questions used in interview ● to recognize extended answers to raise questions
● to infer general meaning from the title and the context ● to guess meanings of specific words from the context ● to identify true or false statements based on the reading passage
教学重点:times have changed 教学难点: since /over的用法 present perfect tense 三、教学准备: a tape recorder
multimedia courseware 四、教学过程:
step 1 having a revision
talk about the transport at different times. step 2 talking about pictures
(show two pictures to the students.
picture 1: a small town with some restaurants, shops, a small post office and
an old cinema. near the river, there was a steel factory
talk about the picture, and teach the new words: restaurant, cinema, steel

what do you think of the steel factory?
the factory often threw away useless things into the river in the past. (the
factory used to dump the waste into the river. the waste made the river dirty.
(the waste polluted the river. the government got to know the danger and it
took action to get rid of the pollution to protect the river. (the government
realized it was a serious problem and took action to improve the situation
it has changed a lot.
picture 2: a town with a large shopping mall, a theater and a central park.
what do you think of the park?
step 3 reading to find out the new words
there are some new words in the dialogue on page 8. but don’t be worried about their meaning. just read the dialogue for the
first time to find out and circle all the words you don’t know. now guess the meaning of the words from the context. now go to page 10 to finish part b in pairs.
read the passage again, and then tell if the sentences in part c on page 10 are true or false. step 4 finding and writing expressions
go over page 8 and 9 again to find out and write down all the useful expressions. make sentences of your own with them after class.
step 5 listening and reading
listen to the tape and read aloud the dialogue to the tape, and then try to help millie complete sentences in part d on page 11. (keys: 1. moved 2. see 3. lonely 4. cards 5. chess 6. park 7. open 8. gardens
step 6 filling and retelling
go to page 8 to read the dialogue, finding out the changes to sunshine town and filling in the table below. (英汉互译)。
1. northern adj._______2married adj._______ 3.wife n._______ 4.improve vt.&.vi._______

5_______ n污染;污染物 6_______ n.工厂
7_______ n.废料;废品 8_______ vt. vi.意识到;实现 9_______ n.形势,情况 10._______ adj.孤独的,寂寞的 11_______ n.丈夫12._______ n.采访;会见
13turn…into…_______14.in some ways______________
15. from time to time_______ 16. all ones life______________ 17. ______________结婚 18.______________变化很大
19______________多年来 20. ______________感到有点儿寂寞 五、板书设计 unit1 reading1
i’ve lived here since i was born. have you ever moved house?
has the town changed a lot over the years? 课题:unit1 reading2 3课时 20 月日 一、教学目标:
● to figure out the structure of each passage
● to understand and use the expressions in the text 备课人:使用日期:
● to practice the main language points of the context
● to retell the passage in their own words, following the structure of the passages 二、教学重点难点:
教学重点:retell the passage in their own words, following the structure of the passages 教学难点:practice the main language points of the context 三、教学准备: a tape recorder
multimedia courseware
四、教学过程: step 1 reading the passages aloud to begin with, turn to page 8 and read the passage aloud again to the tape.
step 2 having a revision
1. what was the sunshinetown like in the past?
they h________ some small restaurants, shops and markets stalls. there
once was a steel p________ near sunshineriver. the poison k________ fish and plants and p________ the river. the p________ was a very serious

2. what about the sunshinetown now?
now, there is a large shopping mall and a theatre in the town and the town
has t________ into a park. people often m________ their friends there. and
the government took action to r________ the pollution, and the river is
b________ clean again.
3. what about mr. chen’s life now?
it’s better in some w________. it’s nice to have o________ space and pretty gardens. however, many of his old friends have m________ to other areas.
he f________ a bit lonely from time to time. but it’s great that sometimes
they come b________ to see him.
step 3 explaining the language points 1. i’ve lived here since i was born.
3. has sunshine town changed/ a lot?
4. the factory used to put the waste/ into the river.
5. the government took action/ to improve the situation 6. i feel a bit lonely/ from time to time. step 4 doing practices
first fill in the blanks on page 11 in part c. then make a similar dialogue in

牛津英语8b unit1教案
comic strip and welcome to the unit (1 教学目标:
识记北京不同时代的交通工具。 介绍现在完成时的语法概念。 教学内容: 四会
词汇:past, present, since
词组:not…any more, play with
句型:eddie, have you seen my food? i’ve just eaten it. 教学步骤:

通过free talk1. what time is it? 2. are you hungry?
3. would you like something to eat?
4. which is your favourite food? 导入到comic strips的教学。 step2
请学生合上书,听磁带,回答问题。 1. where was hobo’s food? 2. what did eddie do? why?
3. what does hobo think of eddie now? step3
分角色朗读并表演对话。 step4
合上书,让同学完成下面的小短文,巩固、加深对话内容的理解。 hobo psome food in his b and went away. when he c back, the food wasn’t there any m . so he asked eddie,“ have you s my
food?” eddie told him, “ i have just e it. “ hobo became very a . he
thought eddie was kin the past, but now he is very b . he doesn’t want
to p with him any more. step5
记忆有关单词和短语 背诵comic strips
comic strip and welcome to the unit (2 教学目标:
识记北京不同时代的交通工具。 介绍现在完成时的语法概念。 教学内容: 四会
词汇:past, present, since
词组:not…any more, play with
句型:eddie, have you seen my food? i’ve just eaten it. 教学步骤: step1

通过free talk
1how do you usually go to school?
2how does your father/mother go to work?
3 if you want to travel this holiday, how do you want to go there? why?
复习以前学习过的五种交通工具,bus, taxi, plane, train, underground step2
给出一组交通工具的图片(包括即将要介绍的三种交通工具coach, double-decker, light rail,让学生分小组提问回答。 make a dialogue like this: a: what’s this/that? b: it’s a …
a: have you seen it before? b: yes, i have. /no, i haven’t.
a: when and where did you see it? b: oh,… step3
教师带读生词;让学生完成p7a部分练习;猜谜语,巩固交通工具的表达法。 step4
完成p7b部分的练习,让学生分小组提问回答, 引出时间概念。 make a short dialogue like this:
a: when did people begin to use buses in beijing?
b: people began to use them in 1935. buses have been in use since 1935. step5
根据p7 b部分内容,每个同学造5句话。 reading(1 教学目标:
学会对比某地过去和现在的情况,并描述发生的变化。 了解采访城市变化时用到的问题种类。 教学内容: 四会

词汇:southern, till, married, wife, over, cinema, turn, factory, waste, pollute, realize, reduce, open, lonely, throw, husband, interview
词组:get married, a lot, over the years, turn into, used to, take action, reduce the pollution, in some ways, open space, feel a bit lonely, from time to time, throw away
句型:i moved here with my family when i was two years old and have lived here since then.
we lived together till 1965, when i got married.
the factory used to dump its waste into the river.
later, the government realized it was a very serious problem and took action to reduce the pollution.
it’s nice to have open space and pretty gardens. 教学步骤: step1
通过free talk
where is your hometown? has it changed a lot?
can you tell us something about the changes to your hometown?
导入reading部分内容。 step2
fast reading
1. 回答下面的问题
what’ s main idea of the passage?
2.让学生找出陌生的单词,教师讲解,带读生词并完成p10 b部分的练习。 step3
read the passage and answer the following questions. 1.when did mr. chen’s family move to sunshine town? 2. where did mr. chen live before 1965?
3. how many people lived in the sunshine town in the past? 4. why did mr. chen move last year?
5. were there any shops in the sunshine town in the past? 6. what did people say about the shoe factory? 7. does mr. chen think life is better now? why? step4
listen to the tape. fill the following table. in the past at present

what we have there water pollution step5
完成p10 c1c2部分的练习。 整理将下面短语翻译成英文。 1)对……了解 2)结婚 3)搬出 4)水污染 5)在中心 6)感到孤独 7)变成 8)不时地
9)过去常常做…... 10)在某种程度上 3. 熟读课文。 reading(2 教学目标:
学会对比某地过去和现在的情况,并描述发生的变化。 了解采访城市变化时用到的问题种类。 教学内容: 四会
词汇:southern, till, married, wife, over, cinema, turn, factory, waste, pollute, realize, reduce, open, lonely, throw, husband, interview
词组:get married, a lot, over the years, turn into, used to, take action, reduce the pollution, in some ways, open space, feel a bit lonely, from time to time, throw away
句型:i moved here with my family when i was two years old and have lived here since then. we lived together till 1965, when i got married.
the factory used to dump its waste into the river.
later, the government realized it was a very serious problem and took action to reduce the pollution.

it’s nice to have open space and pretty gardens. 教学步骤: step1
复习检查学生对reading部分的掌握情况。 默写重点短语和句型。
daniel’s grandpa, mr. chen knows sunshine town _______. he _____ there since
he was two years old. he first lived in the _______ part of the town with his parents.
when he ______ in 1965, he moved to another flat ________ town. last year, his _______ bought a new flat for him, so he moved again.
sunshine town _____________. in the past, there were about 30,000 people living
there. there were their own shops, small restaurants and ________. there was an old cinema and a small post office. now, the place _________ a park. mr. chen missed his old friends very much. so he and his old friends meet in the new park __________and chinese chess. it’s very _________ for them.
there was once a _________ near sunshine river. the factory used to dump its
______________to the river. it killed ___________________ and _______the water. it was a really problem. now, the water is much ________ because the government ______________ to reduce the pollution. step2
播放磁带,学生跟读,教师讲解文章中的重要短语和句型。 1. i know the place well.
2. my wife and i moved to another flat in the center of town. in the center of 意为….中心
3. now, the government turned the place into a park. turn into (连系动词在本句中的意思为变成 4. it was very pleasant
pleasant 是形容词,意为使人感到愉快(满意),一般用作定语。如果主语是物, 也可以作表语。

(2 pleased 是过去分词,意为感到高兴(满意),其作用相当于形容词,常与be动词连用,后面可以接介词at, with,还可以接动词不定式
5. the factory use d to dump its waste into the river.
used to do sth. 表示过去存在但现在已经不存在的情况或习惯。to为动词不定式符号,后面 跟动词原形。 6. i feel a bit lonely from time to time.
(2 alone 是形容词,只作表语,意为单独的独个儿的,只是陈述一种客观事实。 step3 exercise
完成p11 d部分练习 step4
记忆有关短语、句型。 背诵课文。 补充作业:
1、我的父母是在1990年结婚的。 2、你对我们的学校有多了解?
5、我爷爷过去经常早上溜狗。现在,他喜欢钓鱼了。 vocabulary 教学目标: 理解反义词
在具体的语言环境中正确恰当的使用形容词。 教学内容: 四会
词汇:unhealthy, unlucky, unpleasant 教学步骤: step1

核对作业p11 d部分
提问:do you think people’s lives are better now? why do you think so? step2
【篇三:8b unit 1 教案】

unit 1教案
unit 1 the 1st period
content: comic strip welcome to the unit teaching aims:
1 to introduce the concept of situations that started in the past and are continuing in the present
2 to in introduce the grammatical concept of the present perfect tense by focusing on a timeline and ordering information chronologically. teaching procedures:
step 1: dictate new words from ― past‖ to ―lonely‖. step 2: review the present perfect tense
1 translate some sentences (oral practice 1.我已经看过这部电影了
2.李叔叔自从3天前就来到北京了。 3.米利已经去过香港很多次了。 2 correct mistakes
1 he has come back for two hours
2 jimmy wrote to me since last week. 3 they got married since 10 years ago.
4 kate has joined the league for three years. 5 we have never gone to japan.
6 how long has he gone there? since last friday.
7 he has written two books since he has worked here. 8 how long did you go to the usa? five years ago. step 3: warm-up activities
1listen to a short dialogue and think about the following questions:
a what did eddie do?why? b how has eddie changed? c how has hobo changed? then check the answers .
2 listen to the dialogue again and try to repeat after the tape

3 read the dialogue together and understand the meaning of the dialogue.
e.g.: i’ve eaten it -- i haven’t eaten it .---
have you eaten it? yes, i have /no, i haven’t. 4 read it again and try to recite it . step 4: welcome to the unit
revise five transport :bus , taxi ,train ,plane , underground learn a transport at different times
write the correct names under the pictures. bback to the past complete the timeline. make sentences according to the time table
e.g.: a. the peak tram has been in service since 1890/for 25 years.
b. people began to use the peak tram in 1890. step 5 games
老师事先准备几张纸条,每张上写好一种交通工具的名称,允许同学们问问题,但老师只能回答“yes‖ ―no‖,看哪些同学猜的最多,猜中的有小奖品。
unit 1 the 2nd period content: reading (teaching aims:
1 to recognize types of questions used in interviews. 2 to recognize extended answers to open questions. 3 to infer general meaning from title and context. important and difficult points:
the understanding of the reading some useful expressions teaching procedures:
step 1: dictate some past participles. step 2: review the dialogue .
step 3: read the text and find the answer the following questions.
1 how long has mr. dong known the kowloon walled city ? 2 when did they move out of it ? why? 3 how has the place changed?
4 what was a problem before the closing of the old airport? 5how does he think about the life now? checkanswers .and try to recite them.

step 4: do the exercise on page 10 c1 and correct the false statement.
step 5: learn the first half of the text and explain some useful expressions.
(line 1 to line 18
1 used to do/be ;过去常常做-/――e.g.: he used to be a teacher.
be/get used to doing现在习惯于做――
e.g.: he is used to having noodles for breakfast.
2 in fact . i thought this answer was right .in fact ,it’s wrong. 3 live in a block live together/there live on the fifth floor 4 get married to sb = marry sb . 与某人结婚。
e.g.: tom got married to mary last year =tom married mary last year.
they got married last year.
5 until 直到――not ---until 直到――――
e.g. : he did his homework until 7 o’clock yesterday evening. he didn’t do his homework until 7 o’clock yesterday evening. 6 actually adv. adj-actual 真实的 ,实际的 e.g. ; what were his actual words? what did he actually say? 7 change a lot
change :v. our city has changed a lot .
change n. great changes have taken place in our city . ( the changes to the kowloon walled city , the answer to the key tothe entrance to-- 8 turn into 变成――
e.g.. water turns into ice when it freezesthe shop has turned into a hotel 9 own
v. 拥有 e.g.: i own a shop
adj 自己的 i have my own shop. / of one’s own: i have a shop of my own on one’s own =by oneself =alone 独立、单独 he has worked on his own for three years. step 6 listen to the tape and read the learned part of the text . step 7 do the exercise on page 6 b
match the words on the right with the meanings on the right. step 8 checkout
read these phrases after the teacher

step 9 学生开展两人小组活动,编写对话谈论自己所在的城市的变化。
一个扮演记者,一个扮演当地人。限时5分钟,然后叫两到三组来表演对话, 表现好的将给以奖励。 unit 1 the 3rd period content: reading (teaching aims:
1 to grasp some useful expressions 2 to retell the main idea of the text
3 to understand the use of some words through the exercises. important and difficult points: alone lonely
teaching procedures
step 1: review the first part of the text a important phrases
bask and answer according to the text crecite some part of the text step 2 learn the rest of the text 1 useful expressions. 1 miss 想念
e.g.: i miss my old friends very much.错过
e.g.: he missed the early bus this morning.(miss doing --
2 pleasant :指环境,地方,行程的舒适愉快。多用于修饰事物。 e.g.: the weather is usually pleasant here in may . the trip is pleasant.
pleased :指感到愉快。通常描述人。
be pleased with—e.g.: i’m pleased with your work.
the teacher is pleased with us. 同根词--pleasure. with pleasure /it’s my pleasure. 3 take off 起飞 the plane has taken off. /脱下 take off your coat. it’s hot here. 4 safely adv. land safelysafe adj. the place is safe . safety n. take him to safety. 5 way 1)方面,方式,方法。in this way /that/another way
in some ways 在某些方面,在某种程度上 a new way of teaching 一种新的教法。
2)路 on one’s way to--- on his way to school /by the way 便问一下
6 lonely adj.指人,表示寂寞孤独,指物,表示荒凉,无人居住的 e.g.: he feels lonely without friends./ this is a lonely house.

alone adj./adv. 独自的(地) he lives alone . 7 from time to time =sometimes=at times
8 it’s adj ( for sb to do---- it’s nice to have open space it’s interesting for us to fly kites.
it has become more difficult to see my old friends .step 3 finish the exercises on page 11 c2 and d . 将全班学生分成两组,分角色朗读c2部分的对话 step 4 activities
四到六人一组,找好自己的搭档,请一组学生离开教室,其他学生调换位置或者让某学生戴上眼镜,或者把黑板上的字擦掉,现在要求出去的同学描述他现在所看见的情形变化,再让下一组离开,找出变化最多的那组就是获胜的。 step 5 exercises
read the whole text and finish the table below step 6 homework
1 熟读课文,背诵记忆课文中的重点句子和词组
2 了解本地过去和现在的变化,学会描述已经发生的变化(字数在50字上)
unit 1 the 4th period content: grammar (teaching aims:
1. to learn some new words.
2. to learn the use of the present perfect tense.
3.to understand the difference between the present perfect tense and the simple past tense. important and difficult points:
the use if the perfect tense: have/ has +p.p. teaching procedures:
step1.teach the new words from p13 to p17. step 2.lead in the present perfect tense. t: when did you have breakfast? s:i had breakfast an hour ago.
t: he had breakfast an hour ago. he has had breakfast.(bb t: where did you study english last term?
s: we studied english in zhouzhuang middle school.
t: yes. you studied english in zhouzhuang middle school. you have studied here for about two years.(bb

我们用一般过去时谈论过去发生的动作,但当过去发生的动作和现在有联系有影响时,我们用现在完成时态.(refer to p13 →structure: have/has+v(p.p.
step 3.how we form the past participles of verbs p14 (add the simple past forms
add: have---had---had hear---heard---heardbuy---bought---bought
go---went---gone do---did----done eat---ate---eaten
forget---forgot---forgotten cut---cut---cut read---read---read refer to p121
step 4.explain the use of the present perfect tense. ( 基本用法:
1. 到现在为止这段时间已发生的情况.动作从过去延续到现在. e.g.. she has been ill for three days. (she’s been? we have learned 2,000 english words. (we’ve ?
2. 某个动作虽是过去发生,但其后果和影响及于现在,或者还有可能继续延续下去。
e.g.. thanks you. i’ve had my supper. (现在用不着吃 tom has seen the film.(对这部电影有所了解 ( 特定的时间状语:
already, yet(,, since, ever, never, just, before(句尾, for+间段, recently, …times, how many times, how long, during the past / last 3 years
e.g.. she has already finished her work. i have ever heard about it.
step 5.change the above sentence patterns to general questions, negative sentences and question the

