
发布时间:2020-11-08 01:35:53


【摘 要】【摘 要】交谈是人类传递信息和获得信息的重要交际手段。在日常生活的会话中,人们有时直截了当地说出自己要表达的意思;有时含蓄地表达自己的意思,即Grice提出的"会话含义"理论。戏剧语言作为会话的一种,在人物的对话中往往运用了不少会话含义的技巧。通过对萧伯纳戏剧《皮格马利翁》文本的研究,本文作者试图探索剧作家所特意勾画出的人物的态度和性格中会话含义的作用。




【关键词】【关键词】会话 会话含义 戏剧 《皮格马利翁》

1.IntroductionGrice’s theory of conversational implicature

It is wellknown that through listening and speaking all human beings begin to learn their first language.The history of spoken language is much longer than that of the written form.Daily communications among people are based largely on the oral way of speaking.Here we can see that conversation is a very important tool for people to exchange information.But the participants in communication often do not express what they want to way directlythey would rather choose another way of implicit messages.

