人教版英语七年级下册教案:Unit5 Why do you like pandas? SectionA(1a-2c)

发布时间:2019-05-25 02:28:14

Unit5 SectionA1a-2c)名师教案

1.0 Teaching Analysis教情分析

1.1 Teaching Objectives 教学目标   

1.1.1 Language goals 语言目标 Key Words and Chunks For applying: panda, zoo, tiger, elephant, lion, giraffe, animal, cute, lazy, smart, beautiful, kind, kind of, Australia, south, South Africa For comprehending: koala, scary Sentence Structures

1) Let’s see the panda first.

2) Why do you want to see them?

3) Because they’re interesting.

4) Because they’re kind of interesting.

5) Why don’t you like them?

6) Where are they from?

6) They are from China.

7) I don’t like lions. Grammar Focus For applying:

1) 形容词的基本用法

作定语,放在名词之前。 Becky is a beautiful giraffe.

做表语,放在系动词之后。 Mr Smith’s dog is cute and friendly.

做宾语补足语,放在宾语之后。Nice music makes me relaxing.

2) why引导的特殊疑问句及回答

why 引导的特殊疑问句,用来询问原因或者理由,一般由because引导的状语从句回答。

—Why don’t you tigers?

—Because they are really scary.

3) where 引导的特殊疑问句

where 引导的特殊疑问句,用来对人、事物所处的地点或者来源提问。

—Excuse me ,where do the pandas come from?

—They come from China. For comprehending:

1) Let’s +动词原形,表示提出建议去做...

Let’s see the pandas first.

2) kind of+形容词,表示有点...

—Why don’t you like the cat?

—Because I think she is kind of boring.

1.1.2 Ability goals 能力目标 教会学生运用目标语言描述相关动物。 教会学生能够运用目标语言谈论动物及自己对某种动物喜好的原因 教会学生听力技巧,引导学生基本听懂含有课本重点词汇和目标语言的听力材料。初步了解听前的预测技巧,并在听的过程中做到有目的地获取有效信息。

1.1.3 Emotional goals 情感目标

由于本课时主要围绕动物园的动物这个话题来展开的,教师可以引导学生认识到动物和人类都生活在同一星球上,动物是我们的朋友,引导学生学会关爱,保护动物。 由动物园动物的几次伤人事件,教师可以引导学生在游览参观动物园时注意安全,同时做一个文明的游客。

1.1.4 Important and difficult teaching points教学重难点  why, where, what引导的特殊疑问句和because 引导表达原因的句子。 描述动物特征形容词的正确运用。 表达对动物的喜爱或者不喜欢,并且说明理由。

2.0 Student analysis学情分析

2.1 Fundamental State基本情况

活动1a-1b是一个基于话题的重点词汇和基本句型引入活动,通过图文观察和听说活动,引领学生进入参观动物园情景,目的在于让学生了解各种动物的英文名称,并能运用英语简单谈论动物的喜好和原因。还通过例句初步感知基本句型:“Why...? Because...”1c是引导学生在话题和功能的基本输入后,能够简单、机械的模仿输出,在学生进行口语模仿输出时重点评价学生是否能够使用1a 1b 输入的话题核心词汇和句型进行较为准确的输出。2a部分在谈论对动物的喜好并陈述原因的基础上增加了谈论动物产地。三个听力任务层次清晰,先要求学生听清动物名称,而后关注描述这些动物的词汇,再次了解动物的产地。2c要求学生能够根据听的内容进行设空问答,在关注培养学生听力策略的同时,还通过对话再现促进学生能通过模仿转语言输入为语言输出。

2.2 Knowledge Reserve知识储

学生此前已经学过有why, where, what特殊疑问句句型,并且对because导表原因的句子也能完理解。初一上还学习过很多描述性形容词,这些都为学生学习本单元知识的提供了认知前提。

2.3 Class data本班实际


1.0 Teaching methods教法建议

1.1 task-based teaching method任务型教学法

1.2 communicative approach交际法

1.3 discussion method 讨论法

1.4 situational teaching approach情景教学法

2.0 教学辅助

blackboard and chalk, computer or iPad

5.0 Teaching procedures 教学进程

5.1 Leading-in and warming-up 引入与激趣活动

1Revise some names of animals by asking questions: What animals do you know?/ What animals do you like?

2) Play the song “Old Macdonald had a farm”. Ask students to say what animals they hear on his farm. Guide students to see more animals in the zoo.

5.2 New points input 新知输入(贴标签)

5.2.1 Language presentation

1. Ask Ss to look at the picture in 1a and match the words with the animals in the picture.

2. Check the answers.

3. Ask Some of the students what their favorite animals are and give the reasons to the others.

4. Get Ss to describe some animals, express preferences, and give the reasons in groups, and then in class.

5.3 Listening practice 听力训练

5.3.1 Activity 1b Work on 1b Pre-listening听前指导

1) Get the students to look at the picture and tell them that a boy and a girl want to see the animals in the zoo.

2) Let Ss describe the animals in 1a with the adjectives: interesting, cute, smart, beautiful... While-listening. 听中任务

1) Play the recording. Listen and check the animals they hear in 1a.

2) Listen again. Get Ss to answer the questions:

What animals does the girl like?

Why does the boy want to see the giraffes

Does the girl think pandas are cute? Post-listening. 听后任务

Ask the Ss to read the listening materials after the recording.

5.3.2 Activity 1c

Work on 1c

1) Ask the students to imagine “ We are in the zoo, there are many kinds of animals here.”

 Then ask a student to do the model with you:

— Let’s see the lions.

—Why do you want to see them?

—Because they are interesting.

2) Ss work with their partners to practice the conversation using the animals in 1a.

5.3.3 Activity 2a-2b P re-listening. 听前指导

1) Ask Some students to list the adjectives to describe animals.

2) Show some pictures of pandas, koalas, lions, and get Ss to describe the animals with adjectives and guess where the animals are from. While-listening. 听中任务

1) Get Ss to listen to the conversation carefully. Then write the names of the animals you hear on these lines.

2) Play the recording again. Get Ss to draw a line from the animals to the adjectives and the countries they are from .

3) Listen again and complete the conversation in 2b. Post-listening. 听后任务

1) Ask some questions about the recording.

Where do the pandas come from?

What animals come from Australia?

Why doesn’t Julie like lions?

2) Read the listening materials aloud.

5.4 Oral Output-work on 2c

1. Ask two students to role-play the conversation in 2b to the class.

2. Ss practice the conversation in pairs.

3. Practice the other two conversations in 2a.

5.5 Sentence Interpretation 难句理解

5.5. 1 Let’s see the pandas first. 让我们先去看熊猫吧。

let’s 这里是表示提出建议,一起干某事,Let’s+动词原形。)

5.5. 2 Why do you want to see them? 为什么你想去看它们?

(why 引导的特殊疑问句用来询问原因。)

5.5. 3 Because they’re kind of interesting.因为它们有点儿有趣。


5.5. 4 Where are they from?

(句用来询问人/物来自于哪里回答时用句型 sb/sth am/are/is/ come/comes from…)

5.6 Sentence Applying 好句运用


【仿写造句】Why do/does sb. want to see..?


5.6.2 Because they’re kind of interesting. P25


【仿写造句】Because it’s/ they’re...


5.6.3 Where are they from? P26


【仿写造句】Where are/ is... from?


5.7 Summary

5.7.1 Guide Ss to work in groups and talk about:

Q1: What have you learnt in this period?

Q2: What problem do you still have with?

Q3: How will you work out the problems?

5.7.2 Get the Group leader (GL) to make a report about their summary. Put some key points on the Bd to form a clear mind map.

6.0 Homework 课后作业

1) Work in pairs and have a discussion on their favorite animals after class.

2) Read the listening materials in 1b and 2a.

3) Finish the exercises about Section A (1a-2c) in the exercise book.

人教版英语七年级下册教案:Unit5 Why do you like pandas? SectionA(1a-2c)
