
发布时间:2011-04-25 07:56:57



1. fast food 快餐 2. take-away food外卖 3. restaurant 餐馆 4. menu 菜单 5. waiter 服务生 6. waitress 女服务生

7order the food 点菜 8. serve the dish 上菜 9. McDonald’s麦当劳 10. make a toast 举杯/干杯


1. This way, please 请这边.

2. How many persons, please? 总共有几位?

3. I’ll show you to your table. 我来为你领位吧.

4. Where would you prefer to sit? 你喜欢坐在哪里?

5. How about this table? 这张桌子怎么样/可以吗?

6. Do you have a reservation? 请问你有预定吗?

7. I’m afraid this table is reserved. 不好意思这张桌子已经有人定了.

8. Could you wait for another five minutes, please? 你可不可以再等五分钟呢?

9. We can seat you very soon. 我们很快就会安排你入座的.

10. I’m sorry to have kept you waiting. 很抱歉让你久等了.

11. Would you like a high chair for your child? 要不要给你的孩子拿一张高椅呢?


1. May I take your order now, Sir? 我能给你下单了吗?先生.

2. It’s tender and tasty. 这道菜又鲜又嫩.

3. Which flavor would you prefersweet or chili? 你喜欢哪一种口味, 是甜的还是辣的?

4. Maybe Cantonese cuisine will suit you. 或许粤菜很适合你的口味.

5. Would you like to try our House Specialty ?你想尝尝我们的招牌菜吗?

6. What would you like to drink? 请问你想喝什么饮料?

7. It’s very popular with our guests. 它很受客人的欢迎.

8. It looks good, smells good and tastes good. 这道菜色,香,味俱全.

9. It’s a well-known delicacy in Chinese cuisine. 这是一道有名的中餐.


1. What is today’s special? 今天有什么特色菜?

2. Good, I’ll take it. 哦,我这要这道菜就好了.

3. I’d like to have some fried rice. 我想要一些炒饭.

4. Ok, I’ll take that. Thank you. 好的,我试试这道菜吧,谢谢你.


1. Here is your hot towel. 这是你的热毛巾.

2. May I serve it to you? 我可以上菜了吗?

3Your steak, salad, and red wine, sir. 先生,这是你的牛排,色拉和红酒.

4. Please enjoy it. 请慢用.

5. Excuse me, May I take your plate? 打扰一下,我可以把盘子收走吗?

6. This is very hot. Please be careful. 这道菜很烫,请你们小心.

7. Would you like some dessert? 你还要点甜点吗?

8May I show you the dessert menu? 你要不要看一下甜点菜单吗?

9. This food best eaten while hot.这道菜趁热吃最好.

10. May I portion this fish for you? 我替你把鱼分一下吧?

11. Here is your food. Please enjoy it. 这是你点的菜. 请慢慢用.

12Shall I change this plate with a smaller one?我可以给你换成小的碟子吗?

13. May I clear the table for you? 我可以为你收拾桌子了吗?


1. Please serve the food now all the guests have arrived.客人都到齐了,请上菜吧.

2. Please hold the food, we still have one friend coming.


3. Would you please separate the fish for us? 麻烦你把鱼分一下可以吗?



1. How is everything? 一切都还满意吗?

2. How is your meal? 你吃的合意吗?

3It’s complimentary. 这是免费赠送的.

4. Did you enjoy your meal? 你觉得还满意吧?

5Please accept out apology. 请接收我们的道歉.

6. It is free of charge. 这个是不收费的.

() 客人说的话.

1. Can I cancel it? 我可以把这道菜取消吗?

2Can I change the dish?我能不能换成这道菜?

3I like the steak 我喜欢牛排.

4. The dishes are very delicious. 菜的味道不错.

5. The steak is very fresh and just to my taste.牛排很新鲜,而且正好合我的口味.

6. Fine, thank you. 太好了.谢谢你.

7. Yes, it’s great. 是的,这道菜太棒了.

8. That was delicious. 真的很好吃呀。

9How much longer shall I wait for my steak?

10. I didn’t order this fish. 我没有点鱼呀.

11. This is taking too long. 我们等的太久了.

12. The meat is too tough. 这道肉太硬了.

13. The chicken was overdone. 这鸡肉太老了.


1May I have the bill, please? 把账单给我好吗?

2. I’d like to settle my bill. 我想结账了.

3. How much is it? 多少钱?

4. There is no charge for green tea.绿茶是免费招待的.

5. Your bill comes to 150.一共是150美元.

6.You may pay at your table, sir.先生,你可以在座位上付款?

7.Would you like to pay by cash or by credit card?



1Have a nice day, sir. 先生,祝你过得愉快.

2. Have a nice evening, sir. 先生,祝你过一个美好的夜晚.

3. Thank you for dining with us. 谢谢你前来用餐.

4. Please come again. 欢迎再次光临.



2. preserved vegetables腌菜.

3. main dish主食.

4. side dish.副食

5. delicacy山珍海味

6. fried egg.煎蛋

7. scrambled egg 炒蛋

8. boiled egg 煮蛋

9roast chicken 烤鸡

10roast beef 烤牛肉

11roast turkey 烤火鸡

12roast duck 烤鸭

13steak 牛排

14pork chop 猪排

15fried chicken 炸鸡

16beef stew 炖牛肉

17bacon //腊肉

18mutton 羊肉

19braised fish 红烧鱼

20trout 鳟鱼

21salmon 鲑鱼

22. tuna 吞拿鱼

23eel 鳗鱼

24sardine 沙丁鱼

25scallop 扇贝

26octopus 章鱼

27 oyster 牡蛎

28lobster 龙虾

29. crabs 螃蟹

30. drinks 饮料

31fresh milk 鲜牛奶

32. coke 可乐

33. apple juice 苹果汁

34. coffee 咖啡


36beer 啤酒

37Whiskey 威士忌

38. Brandy 白兰地

39 cocktail 鸡尾酒

40. champagne 香槟

41dessert 甜点

42 thick soup 浓汤

43 clear soup 清汤

44 green salad 青菜色拉

45. seafood salad 海鲜色拉

46 French fries/chips 炸薯条

47hamburger 汉堡包

48. pizza 比萨饼

49 Spaghetti 意大利面

50 apple pie 苹果派

51Pumpkin pie 南瓜派

52hot dog 热狗

53toasted bread 烤面包

54doughnut 甜甜圈

55egg tart 蛋挞

56chewing gum 口香糖

57. popcorn 爆米花

58. jelly 果冻

59pudding 布丁

60. biscuit/ cookie 饼干

61something hot/spicy 辛辣的东西

62. sweet 甜的

63salty 咸的

64bitter 苦的

65sour 酸的

66tasty 好吃的

