安徽省2019年中考英语总复习教材考点精讲第8课时八上Units4 - 6练习(含答案)

发布时间:2018-10-30 20:50:25


8课时 八年级上册Units 46


1(2018·重庆A)—I have a bad cold.

—Sorry to hear that. You'd better go to see a at once.

Adoctor Bcook Cwriter Dfarmer

2(2018·广东汕头龙湖模拟)—The story is so amazing! It's the most interesting story I've ever read.

—But I'm afraid it won't be liked by .

Aeverybody Bsomebody

Canybody Dnobody

3(2019·预测)He was late this morning, because the bus was too for him to get on.

Aquiet Btidy

Ccrowded Dnoisy

4(2018·安徽合肥三模)—You know what? John has invented a walking machine for the old.

—Really? He is so .

Aconfident Bfriendly

Cfunny Dcreative

5(2018·山东临沂中考)Of all the blue holes in the world, Sansha Yongle Blue Hole in the South China Sea is now . It is 300.89 meters deep.

Adeeper Bvery deep

Cas deep as Dthe deepest

6(2018·吉林长春月考)After the rebuilding, our school is becoming .

Amore and more beautiful

Bmore beautiful and beautiful

Cbeautiful and beautiful

Dthe more beautiful

7(2018·上海奉贤二模)According to my brother, fishing is an excellent hobby to .

Apick up Btake up

Cput up Dturn up

8(2019·原创)—Daisy, I want to give my friend a surprise on her birthday. Can you give me some advice?

—Sure. You can a special gift for her.

Agive Bchoose Cshare Dafford

9(2019·原创)After the we decided to have a party for Mr. Smith on Sunday.

Amirror Bgrade

Ccharacter Ddiscussion

10(2019·预测)Jack is dishonest. He always some excuses for doing something wrong.

Amakes up Bsets up

Ctakes up Dstays up



A picture of a boy arriving at a classroom with his hair and eyebrows fully covered with frost went viral(走红) on the Chinese Internet.

安徽省2019年中考英语总复习教材考点精讲第8课时八上Units4 - 6练习(含答案)
