
发布时间:2018-06-28 02:17:06


课堂导入:Hello你好 hi你好 I’m Miss Wang我是王老师

class begins上课sit down please请坐下 good morning早上好

good afternoon中午好 how are you你好吗

I’m finethank you我很好谢谢 let’s sing a song让我们一起唱歌吧

what’s your name你叫什么名字 nice to meet you见到你很高兴

nice to meet you,too见到你我也很高兴

评价语:Good very good非常好

great棒极了 wonderful太棒了

well done干得不错 good job做得好、

good good very good棒棒你真棒 good good I’m good棒棒我真棒、

课堂用语:Who can try谁能试一试 put up your hands举起你的手

be quite安静 listen carefully认真听

the train is coming开火车了 what’s the meaning什么意思

pair work同桌合作 group work小组合作

show me your book给我看看你的书 clap your hands鼓鼓掌

look at me看着我 ready go预备开始

read after me跟着我读 once again再一次

open your book and turn to page one打开你的书翻到第一页

one two three一二三(学生说three two one后马上安静)

show me your fingers手指伸出来指着 speak it in English用英语说

close your books把书合上 are you clear清楚了吗

any different opinions有不同意见吗 follow me跟着我做

part one number one第一大题第一小题 introduce yourself介绍你自己

单词操练方法:开火车读 手心读手背不读

手指出示几读几遍 唱反调(我大声你小声读)

放到句子里操练 编口诀操练(常用两只老虎版本)

歌曲操练 分小组竞赛朗读



课堂结束语:Class is over下课 goodbye再见

bye再见 see you再见

have a rest休息 time is up下课

