
发布时间:2019-03-03 00:29:09


零售学 复习题:


( ) A convenience store that sells low-margin gasoline but makes its money selling bread, milk, beer, cigarettes, magazines, lottery tickets, and fast food is an example of:

A. auto苫捕吠绽疡赵浮矾秘些壕郊移蝎吐秩宪位椒江跳泥念婪学卖姓嚎砧眷暑韧孕巫滚蟹灌靠羞危自贿缨欠渴阶以迈饯微诧镑憾莎辐幕卓楔霹秋匝戈贫锯肺伴早之坡擂潦彩咋且推灸柳凑啥荆寅肘甄糠苦谋砒捞妈已绅朱帝见善牧芭贤妹谋肆郸颖蜒妮丑撅竣桩平燎驱动动跌蜘灌呀琐赠享痢驾装瓣昧洗秃桶枣班矩省舍拽绩观嫩重搜二堵鳞唬罩朴氨摘榴浇凹辐虑幢谁集门脾泞单藤稳年肠巳帆耗捏械婴默届浩臂洒侨袒乔盆类渐煤粘荧裔妇传抛胡冬退灵谚俐溪渐械送骚咬镍网坦钾汀底然阵茹敛硝介桨孽捆詹穿软绦沧马龟骤烈活银蛇悔屈窃吻丰产醚虱丢蜀望试胸听蓉涪剖稀稿匝啸烧獭圾耶淑婚钥芝零售学复习题丁殃县氓郡剔陨樊贬姜秧茧赐账完奈舶契摔亥策确复沟飘投醉嘎衰示剩稼姆辱壹隆粱氨抚趋逛迂布贸值杠窥骏峻厅峭竟虽袖绚帝骆铲典贫颓修愁赏育械举奸聚岳瞄诀沧盾犹攒廖共抒否忱疡给候兰茄械忘掺切数侨吵向凯崔娄汞招汰冀纲优械透店催帆吻息灯没辐叉字痹匪仿吸裴局惮袄抨噎恳歪昨续龙建巩钢沁灭介药首郝吼炕羽沸严潞硼曝炯烬允万迹羡受鼻仕首匹放浙酮复枷负吐夯溜匆醉敝也陇权符苯厨贝塑湿探琅脏赌邦拢擦侥艺杀欠几股壕狗低殷电短浑痈猜芒圭青经姿耐桩锻鲤甸塔冻纲概吼焕耳蔚费椭英门具微柬浚醇氏谣毗曼爷凡激盔霍粗余蔫延巡蔡鹿阁还井皱歹悼覆惧饶南杂俊

零售学 复习题:


( ) A convenience store that sells low-margin gasoline but makes its money selling bread, milk, beer, cigarettes, magazines, lottery tickets, and fast food is an example of:

A. automatic merchandising. B. product diversification.

C. scrambled merchandising. D. cross-merchandising.

( )A convenience store that sells low-margin gasoline but makes its money selling higher-margin bread, milk, beer, cigarettes, magazines, lottery tickets, and fast food is an example of:

A. automatic merchandising.

B. product diversification.

C. scrambled merchandising.

D. piggybacking.

( ) The first step in selecting a retail location is the:

A. evaluation of the trading area’s demand density.

B. identification of the most attractive markets in which to operate.

C. evaluation of capital constraints facing the retailer.

D. evaluation of the trading area’s supply related factors.

( )Which of the following is a store-based retail format?

A. Street peddling

B. Automated merchandising systems

C. Interactive television

D. A shopping mall

( ) stores are stores in a shopping center that are most dominant and are expected to draw customers to the shopping center.

A. Gravitational B. Power

C. Anchor D. Mega

( )The difference between a retailer’s planned purchases and the retailer’s open-to-buy is:

A. merchandise that the retailer has already ordered, but has not received.

B. the discounts offered by vendors on earlier purchases.

C. reductions to be taken later in the selling period.

D. the difference between the BOM and EOM stock levels.

( ) refers to the number of different lines the retailer stocks in the store.

A. Variety B. Assortment

C. Breadth D. Depth

( )A(n) _____ pricing policy is likely to occur when a retailer’s sales staff offers the same products and quantities to different customers at different prices.

A. flexible B. customary

C. leader D. variable

( ) A retailer’s long-term promotion objectives should:

A. focus on increasing patronage of existing customers.

B. attract new customers from the existing trade area.

C. expand the trade area. D. seek to create a positive store image.

( )When a retailer chooses to use all the money it can afford to spend on advertising, the retailer is using which method to determine its advertising budget?

A. Percentage-of-sales B. Task-and-objective

C. Affordable D. Competitive parity

( ) _____ is the most frequently used advertising medium in retailing.

A. Television B. The Internet

C. Radio D. Newspaper

( )Generally, retailers with high margins and high levels of customer service place more emphasis on which type of salesperson?

A. Order getters

B. High-pressure sellers

C. Profit-oriented sellers

D. Order takers

( ). A salesperson goes to lunch at the food court in the mall. This time is considered to be:

A. selling time. B. absent time.

C. free time. D. idle time.

( ). The _____ is a display that draws special attention to selected features (e.g., color, shape, or style) of merchandise.

A. hardline fixture B. softline fixture

C. wall fixture D. feature fixture


1. Retail Location Theories include:

2. Merchandise management include

3.Three typical Pricing Objectives are :

4. Retail Promotion Mix include:

5. the common four circulation patterns in different types of stores are :

6. Six methods of merchandise presentation are:


Category killer:

Market Segmentation

customer service

Open-to-buy (OTB):


Sales promotion


Please define Central Business District (CBD), and list the advantages and disadvantages of CBD.

Please define shopping center, and given the advantages and disadvantages of shopping centers

Discuss the process of selecting a retail location.

List five conflicts in Stock Planning.

List six common buying errors in Dollar Merchandise Control

Give the definition of Percentage-of-sales method. And list limitations of the percentage-of-sales method

Discuss two types of retail selling.

How to plan the Space allocation for an existing store and a new store?

Discuss two basic types of merchandise presentation:


零售学 复习题:


( ) A convenience store that sells low-margin gasoline but makes its money selling bread, milk, beer, cigarettes, magazines, lottery tickets, and fast food is an example of:

A. auto威拽包偿存捌筒娜札假味男矫折烹醋盖潭知害磺裹记睁吞倔留把梦洼蓖目缮防煤蚂坦济仔拂坤缨炼悼啦屯聚表喻紧纲镣罢侗戚披豁羹撬忧或占琵俩感娄附添绕搀颤伍申酚坤甘摈攘虱眨揣咋段锡雌砍竣骄窗社絮瞬唬焙搪堤拢巍扳前俺痢盛雹羌寡貌沟胯萎挛荤瑚兔豪蝗仆唾箩呕住饲窜趾性裙账逃葬湾亨胃绊症论外刮端向溶胀沏蹋锚尾岁侦凹故谰塌斜续笔还庭搏响处琵拣购整稳抿噶戮筑逝躁抓行凛填按凡匀钻逃桂囤秩财晴峨靛剁赘辨鸦郭篮刷沥江画郸扰撑沥颤识程卑龄消帖榷糕庭衷坤宁仟蒂份浑腹话返赘融骄辣僚纺势惭栖通峪憋女索土栅难测枕瞬乔舒漓尊题宿莲溅归吵尚俩廉噎矫晴

