
发布时间:2019-02-17 01:54:00



living in big cities have advantages and disadvantages


first,there are more ways to spend leisure time in the city.there are many places i can go to meet friends and have fun.

lastly,and most importantly,the city offers more educational and career opportunities.the city often attracts the best teachers and the best companies.there is also a wider choice of jobs so it is easier to move up the career ladder.


first of all, the most obvious problem is traffic. in big cities, traffic jam is quite common everywhere, especially in the rush time. and a large number of people have to spend a great deal of time in going to work and coming back from work. in addition, traffic accident is another threat.

second, with the increase of cars and buses in big cities, air pollution has become another disadvantage of living in big cities. besides, a growing number of factory have also accounted for air pollution in big cities. consequently, many diseases caused by air pollution are emerging in an endless stream.

in a word, living in big cities has many advantages but also disadvantages. and living in big cities or countryside should depend on our personal preference and needs.



describle these questions with your classmates and write.

describle a special place in the city where you are now.

describle a special place in another city or town you know.

what city or place do you want to visit one day?say why.

shanghai is an international city.it is in east china.peoplessquare is a beautiful place.there are a fountain,some pigons.it is a large open area of green grass.

if you visit hangzhou,you will see west lake.it is nice.there are some flowers around the lake.

when i grow up,i will visit beijing.because it is our capitle and many places.i will visit tiananmen square,the great wall and the summer palace,ect.



a beautiful city

do you know nanjing? i went to nanjing on the holidays. if you don t know it, i ll tell you something about the beautiful city.

nanjing is very large. there are many tall buildings, and lots of flowers and trees. it takes 30 minutes to get to the center by car. when you go there, you must be very excited.

