

文档来源为:从网络收集整理.word版本可编辑.欢迎下载支持. 求职信的基本结构
如果你对写好求职信感到信心不足或不知所措,那就把信分解成不同的部分,每次专门对付一个部分。 1. 开头
开头部分你要交代清楚你是谁,你为什么写此信或你对此公司的了解程度。在“你是谁”部分,用以下一句话简单介绍一下你自己:"我是某某大学大四的学生,在五月毕业,专业是计算机等...只要把最重要、也是与未来雇主最有关的信息写清楚就可以了。只要你写清楚谋求的职位或职业目标,告诉他们你对此企业了解的情况,你可以说:“我在某某学校的职业发展部办公室看到你们招聘一个纺织设计员的广告”、或者说:“在《某某》杂志上我读到了你们某某的计划,很感兴趣,想加入你们的企业中。” 2. 自我推销
在这一部分,要直奔主题。这一部分的目标就是或用段落或提示号的方式把为何你的读者要雇佣你的理由陈列出来,最好先把你的资历来个总括,然后再具体的说,加以实例。一个典型的开头可以这样写:“我的专业是政治科学,在美国国会实习过,我获得过以下的成就,具有以下的技能等等。 3.客套话
在这部分里,你要对此企业赞赏一番,让他们知道你很愿意在此服务,你可以提一提企业的名声、销售成绩、公司文化、管理宗旨或任何其他他们感到骄傲的东西。雇主们通常想知道为什么此企业是你的目标,而不是你一下发了许多求职信中的公司中的普通一个。对每一个企业,你要用不同的客套话,以表达你对他们的公司有所了解。 4.进一步行动的要求
一些人认为此部分是求职信的结尾部分,其实不然。结尾部分不仅仅只是对你的雇主花时间读你的信表示感谢,这里是开启另一扇门的地方,这里你可以建议如何进一步联络,或打电话或发email。最重要的事是你以积极肯定的语气结束,并主动采取行动。 完整的求职信格式应该包括标题、称呼、正文、附件、落款五部分。 1、标题
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这是对主送单位或收件人的呼语。如用人单位明确,可直接写上单位名称,前用“尊敬的”加以修饰,后以领导职务或统称“领导”落笔,如单位不明确,则用统称“尊敬的贵单位(公司或学校)领导”领起,最好不要直接冠以最高领导职务,这样容易引起第一读者的反感,反而难达目的。 3、正文
结语一般在正文之后按书信格式写上祝语或“此致,敬礼”“恭候佳音”之类语名。 4、附件
求职自荐信附件主要包括个人简历,证书及文章复制件、需要附录说明的材料,也可作为附件一一列出,一些公司招聘时忌讳用附件,在读招聘信息中要留意这一点。 5、落款
落款处要写上"自荐人 的字样,并标注规范体公元纪年和月日。随文处要说明回函的联系方式、邮政编码、地址、信箱号、电话号码及呼机号等。署名处如打印复制件则要留下空白,由求职人亲自签名,以示郑重和敬意。
自荐信写作虽有一定的自由度,但务必要注意文明礼貌,诚朴雅致,特别要注意突出才艺与专长的个体特征,注意展现经验、业绩和成果,精心设计装帧,讲求格式美观雅致、追求庄重秀美,使其象一只报春的轻燕,飞进千家万户,为你带来佳音。 第二篇:求职信的结构
文档来源为:从网络收集整理.word版本可编辑.欢迎下载支持. 如果你对写好此信仍感信心不足或不知所措,那就把信分解成不同的部分,每次专门对付一个部分。 1 开头 开头部分你要交代清楚你是谁,你为什么写此信或你对此公司的了解程度。在你是谁部分,用以下一句话简单介绍一下你自己:我是xyz大学大四的学生,在五月毕业,专业是生物等。只要把最重要、也是与未来雇主最有关的信息写清楚就可以了。在为什么你写此信部分,你写清楚谋求的职位或职业目标,告诉他们你对此企业了解的情况,你可以说:我在rhode岛设计学校的职业发展部办公室看到你们招聘一个纺织设计员的广告。或者在《时代》杂志上我读到了你们东扩的计划,很感兴趣,想加入你们的企业中。 2 自我推销 在这一部分,要直奔主题。这一部分的目标就是或用段落或提示号的方式把为何你的读者要雇佣你的理由陈列出来,最好先把你的资历来个总括,然后再具体的说,加以实例。一个典型的开头可以这样写:我的专业是政治科学,在美国国会实习过,我获得过以下的成就,具有以下的技能。 3 客套话 在这部分里,你要对此企业赞赏一番,让他们知道你很愿意在此服务,你可以提一提洗企业的名声、销售成绩、公司文化、管理宗旨或任何其他他们感到骄傲的东西。雇主们通常想知道为什么此企业是你的目标,而不是你一下发了许多求职信中的公司中的普通一个。对每一个企业,你要用不同的客套话,以表达你对他们的公司有所了解。 4 进一步行动的要求 一些人认为此部分是求职信的结尾部分,其实不然。结尾部分不仅仅只是对你的雇主花时间读你的信表示感谢,这里是开启另一扇门的地方,这里你可以建议如何进一步联络,或打电话或发email。最重要的事是你以积极肯定的语气结束,并主动采取行动。 第三篇:求职信的基本结构 求职信的基本结构
第二段:主要介绍个人情况,包括教育背景,工作经历,个人爱好和性格等。 第三段:希望对方能考虑自己的申请,给予面试机会,留下联系方式,感谢对方的考虑。 example: a tourist agency is recruiting a tourist guide. now write a letter to apply for it. 某旅行社招聘导游,写信去应征。. 3
文档来源为:从网络收集整理.word版本可编辑.欢迎下载支持. dear sir or madam, i learn from your advertisement in guangzhou morning post that your travel agency is looking for a tourist guide. i take great interest in this position and l believe that i can fill the post. therefore i am writing to apply for it. four years ago, i graduated from the tourism management institute of jinan university with a bachelor’s degree. during my four-year study at jinan university , i studied very hard and was among the ten top students in my department. i did very well in most of the courses i took and have a good command of two foreign languages(english and japanese . in summer and winter vacations, i took up part-time jobs at (更多请搜索 travel agencies based on guangzhou and therefore have accumulated a fair knowledge and rich experience in the tourism sector.. after graduation, i was employed by star tourism company as an interpreter and guide. i was in charge of guangzhou one-day tour for i an very familiar with guangzhou’s tradition and scenic spots. two years later, i transferred to another company named new era as a tourist guide. my major responsibility was to organize trips to provinces of northern china. now i am with global ring. i believe that i have accumulated relevant knowledge and experience . apart from my work experience, i have a pleasant personality and excellent interpersonal skills.i am good at communicating with customers and always ready to help them with my professional service. i think i am qualified for the position you offer. i shall be very grateful if you could consider my application and offer me an interview. i am available for an interview every morning and you may contact me at 6403998. i look forward to an early and favorable reply from you . yours sincerely li ming sentence pattern 1.表明信息来源和写信目的:
i learn from your advertisement, and i believe that i can fill the post. therefore i am writing to apply for it.
文档来源为:从网络收集整理.word版本可编辑.欢迎下载支持. 可供选择的句型: (1.i have read your advertisement in…of…for a…, and i am very interested in it. (2i wish to apply for the position of …which you advertised in yesterday’s…
(3i read with great interest your advertisement which appeared in…and would like to take up the challenge as a … with your school.. (4 i am now seeking a job as a … and i would like to know whether there is a job opening available in your factory. (5.i am very excited and delighted over the good news that you are recruiting a…
(6i have learned from a friend of mine that your firm is looking for a …and i would like to apply for this job. 2.个人情况介绍
i graduated from the tourism management institute of jinan university with a bachlor’s degree.
(1i graduated from department of…university with a bachelor’s degree in…(year
(2born in.. in…, i graduated from …university majoring in… i have been working in… since my graduation, and have therefore attained a fair knowledge and experience in this field. (3my four-year study at …university enables me to work in my field with the necessary skills and knowledge. (4after completing my four-year course at…university in 1995, i was employed by… company as a…
(5 i shall be glad to furnish you with any further information concerning my education and professional experience. (6 i believe that i am well prepared , both psychologically and academically, for the post. 5
文档来源为:从网络收集整理.word版本可编辑.欢迎下载支持. (7 my years in the …company qualify me for a position as… (8 i believe i have the appropriate qualifications and experience for this post, and therefore her i am enclosing my curriculum vitae. (9upon graduation, i first worked as …the following job was…,and currently i am working for…
(10i am experienced in operating computers. i have a fair mastery of three computer languages. (11i have a pleasant personality.
(12 i am a rational, dutiful and diligent young man. (13 the salary i should require would be …per month as a start. (14 i am quite willing to start with a monthly salary of…
(15 with the kind of experience i have accumulated , i would expect a salary of not less than $.. (16 i shall be much obliges if you will accord me an opportunity for an interview. 3提出面试请求,表示感谢
i shall be very grateful if you could consider my application and offer me an interview . i am available for an interview every morning and you may contact me at…
(1i am available for an interview every afternoon . please contact me at…
(2 if you have any position available,please allow me to have an interview with you. thank
you for your time and consideration.
文档来源为:从网络收集整理.word版本可编辑.欢迎下载支持. (3 may i have an appointment for an interview with you to discuss my qualifications in detail. (4 i can come for an interview at any time convenient to you. (5 i would appreciate it if you could grant me an interview so that i could explain in more detail in person the relevance of my background and training. i look forward to seeing you. (6 i hope that after reviewing my enclosed resume you will kindly give me an interview so that i can elaborate on my studies and working experience. (7 i hope you would consider my application favorably and grant me an interview. (8 if you are interested in my application, i would be glad for an interview. exercise: for this part you are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter of 150 words in application for the job advertised in the xinmin evening news on november 28,2014. your letter should be based on the following ad. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> with the rapid growing of business in shanghai, shanghai epson electronics co.ltd is looking for qualified applicants to join us for the following position. specialist in marketing and sales of electronics components:---university graduate ---male, age above 28 ---fluency in both spoken and written english ---minimum 2-year experience of related jobs in electronics components field 7
文档来源为:从网络收集整理.word版本可编辑.欢迎下载支持. ---preferably with e.e background please apply in 7 days with full resume, recent photo, expected salary , available date and contact telephone number to our company. all documents are not returnable. 4f ,guijing rd. caohejing shanghai china post code:2014233 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> example: dear sir: i was pleases to see your ad in the xinmin evening news on november 28,2014 for a sale engineer .in july i will receive my bachelor’s degree in electronic engineering from fudan university, and i would like to be considered for the post. i believe i could do satisfactory work for your company because both my education and work experience have been in line with the duties you outlined in your ad. as indicated in my attached resume, my main degree course is concerned with basic electronic topics. but i also have taken such course as marketing, consumer behavior strategies and psychology, and all available opportunities to increase my knowledge in both fields. the fact that i ‘m qualified for your job is substantiated not only by my academic achievement but also by the moderate amount of experience i gained in participation in an electronic project last summer. as for my english ability, i have already passed thatnational cet(band 4 with excellent results and i have even worked two summers as an english interpreters at shanghai travel service. i would welcome an opportunity to join your staff because your work is the kind i have been preparing to do and because the conditions under which it is carried out would help to express my abilities . if you also feel that i might fit your requirements i would be available for an interview any time at your convenience. i would greatly appreciate any word you might send me regarding my application. 8
文档来源为:从网络收集整理.word版本可编辑.欢迎下载支持. sincerely li ming 第四篇:求职信的结构和写法
求职信的结构和写法,关键词是求职信,写法,结构, 自从网站招聘流行以来,企业招聘与求职者应聘都变得非常方便,企业将招聘广告登在招聘网站,就会有大批的求职者投简历,企业可以从容的招聘自己满意的员工,求职者呢,如果有想跳槽的意愿,就在网站上找个企业,发简历过去,等通知面试就行。由此以来企业与求职者的成本都急剧下降。但正是这种成本的下降,使得二者在招聘行为上都缺少了责任心,使二者均出现了信用危机。
网络招聘虽然使招聘应聘变得极为容易,但却实际上增加了企业招聘难度,也增加了求职者找工作的难度。企业网络招聘的付费的方式,使得多数企业都将招聘广告长时间刊登在网上,而不再关心实际人员需求,更有甚者竞有人把这种方式当做了变相广告。求职者由于发出的简历很少有回音,故而只要见到企业就发应聘邮件,一发就是 5 8 封,,这样一来企业招聘信箱的应聘信息数以千记,使得企业只能粗粗的浏览。这样的结果是招聘企业招不上员工,求职者得不到面试机会。如何才能使自己脱 * 而出呢,下面我们从求职者的角度加以说明,希望对大家有所帮助。
1 、想得到面试机会,最先的一步就是你的简历要被阅读,企业招聘信箱中有几千封求职信,你如何才能获得注意呢,我想应该做到以下几点,在没有得到面试邀请前,如果对一个企业感兴趣,可以在发简历后的几天,再重发一次,避免企业由于自身的原因(出差等,使得你痛失面试机会。
每次发求职信时,可以同时发两次,以增加企业的注意力,也为点击方便,但不要太多,太多容易使人生厌,发两封可以归结为网络不好,有原谅的理由。这样无论按名称排序,还是日期排序,简历阅读的可能性都增加。 当然你把信件通过邮局发出,其阅读的可能性就最大了。
2 、格式的清晰,语言的简练,会使阅读人员心情愉悦,这些愉悦会带给你好运气。
求职邮件必须要在主题栏写上应聘的职位,最简洁有效的写法表明求职方向,如“应聘 软件工程师”,“软件工程师”是对方在招聘广告中所写的职位名称,如果你想在突出自己的优秀,也不妨在某次发送的主题上,再附加上一个9
文档来源为:从网络收集整理.word版本可编辑.欢迎下载支持. 附注:如“应聘 软件工程师 -- 一个极为优秀的工程师”。注意不要两次都这么写,因为这样在排序查找时,使你单独归于一类,这时你被阅读的及率几乎为零。
如果你做到了这些,相信我对你说的话就只有预祝面试成功了,值得提醒的是不要滥发求职邮件,虽然自己是普通人,但来点隐私权还是应该的,为什么要把自己的底细满天下扬呢。 麦档网[] 第五篇:求职信结构的写作要点
求职信结构的写作要点是什么?好范文总结如下,供参考: 一,开头: 开头一定要开门见山的写明你对公司有兴趣并想担任他们空缺的职位,以及你是如何得知该职位的招聘信息的。这样会使你的求职信显得有针性和条理性,同时使人事经理更好了解各种招聘途径的效果,会让招聘公司立即对你产生好感。
信的第二部分要简短地叙述自己的才能,特别是这些才能将满足公司的需要。没有必要时具体陈述,因为履历表将负责这些。这部分你强调你的将会有益于公司的发展。不要在信中表示你会因聘用而收益多少,面对桌上一大堆履历表和许多空缺职位,招聘经理关心的不会是你的个人成就。尽可能地少用人称代词“我”,要让人感到你想表达的是“我怎样才能帮你。” 三、要点:联系方式写清楚
文档来源为:从网络收集整理.word版本可编辑.欢迎下载支持. 在示职信中给出你电话预约面试的可能时间范围,或表明你希望迅速得到回音,并标明与你联系的最佳方式。

