
发布时间:2019-02-22 08:28:24














在江北的名山大川中,像蒙山瀑布这样的三叠瀑布是不多见的。它在青山层岩间奔腾跳跃,闪转腾掷,从约100多米高的悬崖上一跃而下,中间为断崖阻隔,旋即又腾身直泻,形成了飞流奔涌、轰鸣溅跳的叠式瀑布。水跌落在岩石上发出劈雳般的声响,如银河泻落,溅起团团雪白的水花,光照, 下霰雨纷飞,彩虹时现,美丽非凡,清冽的水气更使人身心顿爽。明朝的公鼐曾作《蒙山瀑布》对之赞美:岂是银河落,飞来万丈余。谪仙如可见,不复问匡庐。清朝的王运晟这样来描写蒙山瀑布:蹑蹬览仙境,流从天半垂。出云偏有隙,停雨境无期。水击石鼓鸣,风披练破丝。至今帘不卷,终古月空览。意思是说:沿着石阶小路寻觅仙境,一条瀑布从半天垂落,水帘象飘动的白云,又象大雨飘落,永不停歇。水流冲击着岩石,发出打鼓一样的声音,风吹瀑布象飘散的丝线,水帘长垂不卷,千百年来,月光徒然照临,伺机穿过水帘,却被永远隔绝。



大家站在观瀑亭上往前看,就会发现,水帘洞瀑布上方的悬崖峭壁上有一个拱形石门,那就是传说中战国时擅长纵横捭阖之术的鬼谷子王禅修炼成仙的地方,所以称作王禅神门。据说这神仙洞府每五百年开启一次,开启的时候,它就是一个洞,关上的时候,它就是一个门。这传说中还有一个故事呢。说得是最初的时候,泰山老母在这里修炼,蒙山是她的地盘,所以她最早是称蒙山老母。后来鬼谷子王禅看到这里景致很美,很有仙气,就想把蒙山据为已有。怎么把蒙山老母挤走呢?鬼谷子眉头一皱,计上心来。他到蒙山水帘洞里找到蒙山老母,说:我生在蒙山,长在蒙山,一直在这水帘洞中修炼,这里本来是我的地盘,你怎么能趁我不备,占了蒙山呢?蒙山老母说:你说你一直在这水帘洞中修炼,但这蒙山的一花一草一木,都是我亲手所栽,我才是真正的蒙山之主呢!王禅说:你说你一直在这水帘洞中修炼,你有什么证据么?蒙山老母说:在这洞中的宝座底下,有我的一双绣花鞋。他们果然在宝座底挖出了一双绣花鞋,蒙山老母说这就是证据。王禅说:你先别得意,在这绣花鞋下面,有我的一本书。他们果然在下边又接着挖出了一本书。王禅便说:什么事都要有个先来后到,我的书在下边,你的绣鞋在上边,说明我比你到这里来得早。蒙山老母无话可说,只好让出了水帘洞,搬到泰山去修炼,改称泰山老母。从此,王禅就在水帘洞中修炼,占据了蒙山。 这儿既是仙人往来之所,周围的山石草木,也大都沾染了仙气。你看,在瀑布下面的那片黑色的水印,多么象一个妙龄少女在瀑布中沐浴嬉戏,那修长的胳膊,秀丽的长发,还有那飘动的;大家再看那二叠瀑布处的中间平台,和瀑布两旁屹立的;(来到观瀑台前)现在我们站的这块大岩石叫做观瀑台;开来看,是不是又很像一对雄狮?所以这座山又被称为;山石之美,主要表现在它的
















urbane famously yimeng mountain area linyi, shandong province is located in the southeast, three over nine county, covers an area of 1.72 square kilometers and a population of 10 million, is the largest area of shandong province, the largest population of the administrative region.

linyi lies in the southeast coast, the geographical position is superior, the geographical advantages, perfect infrastructure. location, on the east of rizhao port, lanshan port and

lianyungang, belong to the euro-asian continental bridge oriental bridgehead category, in shandong and jiangsu two economy in the boundary of the province, the north-south

intersection, the sea land jianji, vast development space. after after the founding of the decades of hard struggle, linyi has laid a good foundation. linyi airport access of ten cities across the country, the beijing-shanghai expressway, on the highway, railway, the euro-asian continental bridge coastal railway passage of linyi in domestic crisscross, constitute a very

convenient land three-dimensional transportation backbone, and constantly improve the modern communication net, make the space and time foreign contact yimeng greatly shorten the

distance, passenger flow, logistics, cash flow, information flow here weft intersection, inside and outside two-way interaction, radiation at home and abroad, and a big, big, big open blending development pattern has initially formed. various types of linyi landscape, including the north scenery and straightforward of the occupied the land of fish and rice charm in a body, the neat graceful, bearing ten thousand party. the north is roll

mountains, the central part is the border of hills, is the vast

expanse of the southern alluvial plain. the northern mengshan, with natural oxygen bar, keeping in good health and longevity is well-known, in which hundreds of, seventy-two peak, 36 land, set risks, mr, quiet, desert, strange, male, show at an organic whole, remote to mount tai, its stunning. winding yihe, such as mosaics of the jade belt, alberta, full of spirit. the presence of the southern plains ebon soil-layers disturbed, white asked, daohua fragrance. beautiful very minor sing out linyi infinite beautiful scenery.

linyi is a piece of history culture details profound land.

hundreds of thousands of years ago on both sides of the yihe is the human activities ancestors, linyi city has 2400 years of history. the world-famous sun tzus and the sun bin art of bamboo slips unearthed here is, with excellent portrait of han stone north village is incorporated in the han national key units to be protected, linyi museum puts cultural relics pieces,

including more than 300 items of national cultural relics. linyi or a generation in the various ge is bright, the holy book of wang xizhi, calligraphers yanzhenqing, suansheng liu hong, and zing zi, kuang heng, the home of the wangxiang, etc. they can is if the stars, illumination century, views the earth the human outstanding earth deities, yimeng nature bestows brilliance. linyi is a famous old revolutionary base areas. the war, the people to fight the foreign aggression yimeng and the victory of chinese revolution made tremendous contributions and sacrifices, thirty thousand children die of yimeng excellent dedication. the wheel rolling zhiqian team, songzi send lang joined the army gongsao tableau, moving story,

well-documented menglianggu campaign took down the glorious revolution performance.

rich resources of linyi city, peoples industrious guileless, is a piece of land full of vitality. comrade mao zedong instructions from the calendar home village, to the first village electrification liu group village, to the arduous struggle the new typical

luozhuang, shenquanzhuang, between nine tents, reflected the linyi peoples bears hardships and stands hard work, the mental outlook of self-improvement. the reform and open policy the spring breeze that the earth yimeng vibrant, fresh, industry, agriculture, business, brigade, transportation, urban

construction, communication, electric power and all-round

progress in all social undertakings, linyi wholesale city is known all over the country, taking the wholesale market third, become lu, sue, henan, and anhui regions largest commodity

distributing center, we are committed to the development of modern logistics form, the construction of the regional modern logistics center, a historic city is with high attitude and new look rapid rise, the development of accomplishment was sit up and take notice.

linyi in shandong province is the tourism resources city. good ecological environment and a long history, changda culture and the old revolutionary base areas for the glorious traditions of linyi city provides rich and colorful high grade of tourism resources. based on the tourism resources, the rapid development of the tourism industry in the linyi city in recent years. in 15 program in the municipal party committee and the characteristic of linyi has established yimeng good scenery strategy, tourism development highlighted green yimeng, red

amorous feelings, wentaowulve three big theme, tourism image and brand yimeng is more and more distinct, more and more outstanding. linyi tomorrow will be better, linyi tourism tomorrow must also will be more beautiful!








,5下面我将从以下几个方面带领大家了解临沂。首先我们一起来欣赏一下临沂美丽的风景。 6这就是前面说到的沂河,沂河是临沂人民的母亲河,是山东省第一长河。



91011121314这就是蒙山,孔子登东山而小鲁中的东山就是指的蒙山。他是山东省第二高山。 15,17,20这是沂水天然地下画廊。







232425说到临沂就不得不提一首家喻户晓的民歌;沂蒙山小调,画面中这位美女叫彭丽媛,她将这首歌唱红了大江南北。另外,她丈夫我们都认识,我们的新领导人,习近平。 26,说一下临沂的食物吧。临沂人的主食是煎饼。在这幅图片中我们能看到煎饼是怎样做的。 2728293031这是临沂的特色小吃;糁,由清朝乾隆皇帝命名。我不知道它是怎么做的,到里面有牛肉之类的,总之,味道特别好。这是光棍鸡。非常好吃,你想吃吗。嘿嘿。 3233343536接下来说一下临沂的名人。临沂有着悠久的历史和文化,在这里诞生了很多名人。这是诸葛亮,鞠躬尽瘁死而后已是他人生的写照。令人骄傲的是,孔子的72个出名的学生,有13个来自临沂,中国古代的24个孝顺的人,有7个来自临沂,比如说王祥。 3738临沂并没有多少明星,大s和小s是台湾人,还好祖籍是临沂,还有周渝民等 39这是范明,一个很搞笑的明星,住的离我家很近。










49奇怪的是,临沂是全国奥迪a6最多的地级市,可能因为这里商人比较多吧。 5051,这是我们临沂的市花,沂州海棠,漂亮吧。





my beautiful hometown - linyi

everybody is good, today i am honored to stand here to introduce my beautiful hometown, shandong linyi.

let us first to see a video.

1, 2 as we see in the map, linyi is located in southeastern shandong province, is the south gate of shandong province.

linyi is a business and tourism industry more developed city, but industry started relatively late, so the overall, economy is not developed. but on the other hand, linyi is a charming city.

3, 4 what you see is the landmark of linyi, we call it ones nobility lasts forever , referring to the mountain, water is a river.

5 the following, i will from the following several aspects: lead you to understand linyi. first, we work together to admire the beautiful scenery of linyi.

6 this is the front of said river, river is linyis mother river, shandong province is the first river.

7 this is the source of the river.

8 this is the yi river bridge.

91011121314 this is the confucius ascended, and small in dongshan dongshan refers to the. he is the second shandong mountain.

15,17,20 this is the yishui natural underground gallery.

in 16, 21 this is yishui snow rainbow valley.

18 this is the yishui underground caverns.

in 19 it was the yishui underground grand canyon.

yishui scenery is very beautiful, because the development and publicity is not enough, a lot of people still do not understand. but i think the scenery here than many of the 5a class scenic spot scenery is more beautiful.

here we see a bit of linyi red history.

22; famous yimeng hong sao, the six sisters, and there is the most famous menglianggu campaign.

232425 said linyi had to put a song of make known to every family folk;

mountain minor, picture this beautiful woman called peng liyuan, she will sing it in red on both sides of the changjiang river. in addition, we all know her husband, our new leader, xi jinping.

in 26, said that linyi s food. linyi is the staple food of pancake. in the picture we can see a pancake is how to do.

2728293031 this is the linyi characteristic snack; grits, named by emperor qian long of the qing dynasty. i dont know how it is done, there are beef, in short, taste particularly good. this is a chicken. very good, you want it. hey. 3233343536 then said about celebrities in linyi. linyi has a long history and culture, born here many celebrities. this is zhu geliang, he died in his life portrayal. proud is the 72 confucius, a famous students, 13 from linyi, 24 ancient chinese filial person, 7 from linyi, for example, wang xiang.

in 37, linyi 38 and not many stars, s and s are taiwanese, but originally from linyi, and zhou yumin.

39 this is ming fan, a funny star, is near my home.

40 this is my, oh.

then said that the traffic in linyi, although linyi is not rich, but traffic is more developed.

41, this is the linyi bus station, asias largest bus station. this is the linyi airport, shandong province the first airport, but is not the biggest, because of the development of slow.

4243 said the economy, linyis business is very developed, is a typical

commercial city, is a shopping paradise. and in recent years, the development speed of linyi has been very quickly.

444546 this is president hu jintao, this is his visit to linyi. next to my house. we can see some interesting things.

47 guinness linyi, this is the first in asia long rubber dam.

48 university of linyi, asias largest university, although he was not known. this is linyi university high school people stadium. speaking of linyi

university, there is an interesting story, live in linyi university south gate of an old grandfather to a live gate granny proposal, was grandmother refused, granny said that; i cannot accept a long-distance relationship.

49 strange is, linyi is the largest prefecture-level city audi a6, probably because here merchants more of it.

5051, this is the city flower of linyi, yizhou begonia, beautiful.

52 this is a hot spring in linyi, linyi has a very famous hot springs, so linyi is also called the town of hot springs. the water temperature of 66 to about 70, is rich in minerals, is conducive to health.

in 535455, linyi is also a land of garlic, honeysuckle town, a town of ginkgo, 56 linyi diamond crop resides the whole nation the second, ever produced the largest diamond.

linyi is developing constantly, i expected him to be a better tomorrow. welcome to linyi. thank you.

my beautiful hometown - linyi

hello, everybody, i am very honored to stand here to tell you about my beautiful hometown, linyi, shandong.

first, let us look at a video of it.

1,2 as we have seen on the map, linyi is located in the southeast of shandong province, shandong province, the southern gate.

linyi is a relatively well-developed commercial and tourism city, but the industry started late, so the overall economy is not developed. but other terms, linyi is a very attractive city.

3,4 you see linyi landmarks, we call it high mountains mountain is mengshan water refers to the yi river.

5 below will lead to understanding of linyi. first of all, we come together to enjoy the the linyi beautiful scenery.

this is said before the yi river, yi river is the mother river of the people in linyi, shandong province, the first long river.

this is the source of the yi river.

this is the yi river bridge.

91011121314 mengshan, confucius teng dongshan rather small lu in dongshan refers mengshan. he is the second mountain, shandong province.

15, 17, 20 this is a the yishui natural underground galleries.

16,21 this is yishui snow mountain rainbow valley.

18 yishui underground cave.

19 this is the grand canyon of the yishui underground.

yishuis very beautiful and scenic areas, due to the development and publicity is not enough, a lot of people do not know. but i think where the scenery is beautiful than the 5a class scenic landscape.

here we take a look at the the linyi red history.

the 22; famous yimeng hong sao six sisters, there most famous menglianggu battle. 23,2425 speaking linyi must mention a well-known folk song; minor yimengshan, the beauty in the picture called peng liyuan, the song she made famous the north and south. in addition, her husband, we are aware of our new leader, xi jinping.

26, said the the linyi food. linyi peoples staple food is pancakes. in this picture, we can see how the pancake is done.

this is 27,28293031 the linyi snacks; grits, named by the qing dynasty emperor qianlong. i do not know how it is done, to beef like there, in short, the taste particularly good. this bachelor chicken. very tasty, you want to eat it. hehe.

3233343536 next linyi celebrities. linyi has a long history and culture, and a lot of celebrities born here. zhuge liang, spared no efforts in dying is a portrayal of his life. proud, confucius, the famous 72 students, 13 from 24 in linyi, china ancient filial 7 from linyi, for example, wang xiang.

37,38 linyi and not the number of stars, s and s is the taiwanese fortunately native of linyi, there vic

39 this is fan, a very funny star, live close to my home.

40 this is me.

next said the transportation of linyi, linyi, though not wealthy, but traffic is still relatively developed.

41, linyi bus station, asias largest bus station. linyi airport, shandong province, the first airport, but not the greatest, because the slow development.

4243 comes to economic, linyi commercial or developed, is a typical commercial city, is a shoppers paradise. in recent years, the pace of development in linyi has been fast. 444,546 president hu jintao, this scene to linyi inspections. in my house next to yo. we look at some interesting things.

47 linyi guinness, which is asias first long rubber dam.

48 linyi university, the largest university in asia, even though he is not well known. linyi high two pitches. speaking of linyi universitys large, there is an interesting story, live in linyi university of south gate, a grandfather to a grandmother living in the north gate to marry him, the grandmother refused, the grandmother said; i can not accept the long distance relationship.

49 strange linyi the national audi a6 up a prefecture-level city, probably more because here businessman it.

5051, we linyi city flower, yizhou begonia, a beautiful bar.

52 linyi spa, a very famous hot springs in linyi, linyi and is known as a spa town. water at 66 to 70 or so, is rich in minerals, is conducive to health.

535455, linyi is also the hometown of garlic, honeysuckle township, ginkgo town

56 linyi diamond production ranks second in the country, has produced over the nations largest diamond.

linyi is constantly developing, i expect him to have a better tomorrow. welcome to linyi. thank you for watching.

