
发布时间:2019-02-27 05:29:25




part one 40 points


1.it ( ) a lot so far this month.

ais rainingbrains

craineddhas bee raining

2.jim had been studying very hard, and ( ) he failed the exam.

athus bso

cyet dhence

3.if you don’t want to go to the party, you ( ) stay at home.

amight well as bmight just as

cmight as just well dmight just as well

4.i have taken quite a few courses this term, ( ) turn out to be not as interesting as i expected.

asome bsome of which

cthose dsome of them

5.the coat i bought for my brother cost me ( ) the one for myself.

athree times as much asbthree times as many as

cas three times many asdas three times as

6.bob feels that his composition is better than ( ) in his class.

athe other’s bany other’s

cthe other student dany other student

7.i had meant ( ) you about it , but i forgot to do so.

atellingbto tell

cto have told dhaving told

8.( ) for their help, we would not have succeeded.

ahadn’t been bhad it not been

cit hadn’t been dhad been not

9.not only ( ) a promise, but he also kept it.

ahas he made bhe made

chad he made dhe had made

10.more and more adults in the rural areas ( ) in self-study programs.

awere believed to be eolled

bbelieved to be eolled

cwere believed to eoll

dbelieved to eoll

11.( ) an answer, john decided to write another letter to them.

ahaving not received bnot having received

cnot to receive dto receive not

12.there was so much noise that the teacher couldn’t make ( )

chimself hear dhimself heard

13.we’d better not go until your brother arrives, ( )?

ahad webdid we

cwouldn’t we dshouldn’t we

14.we had these photos ( ) when we were working in the fields.

atakingbto be taken

ctaken dto take

15.all flights ( ) because of the heavy fog, we decided to take the train.

ahave canceled bhave been canceled

chaving canceled dhaving been canceled

16.his experience in the army will have a profound ( ) on his life.

aeffort bimpression

ceffect dresult

17.as we get to know people, we take into ( ) things like age, race, physical attractiveness and economic and social status.



18.how much do you think a pearl of this size will be ( )?

aworthwhile bworthy

cworth itdworth

19.fire ( ) from the hospital last saturday evening. unfortunately, two patients died in the fire.

abroke away bbroke out

cbroke offdbroke through

20.these animals with long necks ( ) the leaves of tall trees.

alive onblive by

cgo by dgo on

21.he was just too busy yesterday, ( ), he certainly would have gone with you.



22.these european countries were afraid of being dragged into this dispute. it might ( ) them in a war.

aurge binvolve

chead dlead

23.( ) the beautiful weather there, he felt he had overcome his depression and tiredness.

athanks tobbut for

cinstead ofdapart from

24.i found it hard to concentrate on my work ( ) so many people around.

aduring bwhen


25.one of the hardest parts of traveling in general is to ( ) a list of what you’ll need to bring with you.

acome along with bcome up with

ccome across dcome about

26.the number of car-owners is on the increase. some young people ( ) the car as a status symbol.

alook uponblook to

clook updlook at

27.the organization has been ( ) the protection of environment since its founding.

acommitted to bloyal to

cgiven todappointed to

28.he worked in a small village in heilongjiang province ten years ago. but all these years he has stayed in ( ) with some villagers there.

aconversation bconnection

ctouch dcommunication

29.it was not the best result. but he was quite content ( ) the improvement.

awith bat

con din

30.after a long discussion they decided to ( ) those ueasonable and outdated rules.

abreak down bget away from

cdo away with dturn down


passage 1

a linguist is always listening, never off-duty. i invited a group of friends round to my house, telling them that i was going to record their speech. i said i was interested in their regional accents, and that it would take only a few minutes. thus one evening, three people turned up at my house and were shown into my front room. when they saw the room they were a bit alarmed, for it was laid out as a studio.(工作室) in front of each easy chair, there was a microphone at head height, with wires leading to a tape recorder in the middle of the floor. they sat down, and i explained that all i wanted was for them to count from 1 to 20. then we could relax and have a drink.

i turned on the tape-recorder and each in turn counted from 1 to 20 in their best accents. when it was over, i turned the tape-recorder off and brought round the drinks. for the rest of the evening there was general jolly conversation—spoilt only by the fact that i had to take a telephone call in another room, which unfortunately lasted some time.

as a matter of fact, the microphones were not connected to the tape-recorder in the middle of the room at all but to another one in the kitchen. the participants, having seen the visible tape-recorder turned off, paid no more attention to the microphone which stayed in front of their chairs, only a few inches from their mouths, thus giving excellent sound quality. and my lengthy absence meant that i was able to obtain as natural a piece of conversation as it would be possible to find.

of course, i did tell my friends what had happened to them after the event was over and gave them the option of destroying the tape. but none of them wanted to.

31.the linguist asked his friends to count from one to twenty because ahe wanted to record the numbers for his research

bhe wanted to find out whether the tape recorder was working

che wanted to make his friends relax before real recording started

dhe wanted his friends to think that was all he wanted to record

32.the linguist turned off the tape-recorder because ahe had to answer a phone call

bhe wanted his friends to enjoy some drinks

che thought the tape-recorder might bother his friends

dhe wanted to make his friends believe he had finished the recording

33.the linguist went into another room to aget a natural recording of his friends’ conversation

bstay away from too much drinking with his friends

cbring a telephone into the front room.

danswer a long distance phone call

34.the linguist successfully recorded his friends’ conversation on the recorder .

ain the kitchen

bin the front room

cin the middle of the room

din the room where he was answering the call

35.which of the following words can best describe the recording which the linguist managed to make?

acontrolled bprepared

cnatural dartificial

passage 2

a father’s relationship to his child’s current and future academic success is an important factor with some rather interesting implications that educators are beginning to study and estimate. as a matter of fact, “life with father” has been discovered to be a very important factor in determining a child’s progress or lack of progress in school.

a recent survey of over 16,000 children made by the national child development study in london, england, revealed that children whose fathers came to school conferences and accompanied their children on outings did better in schools than did those children whose fathers were not involved in these activities. the study monitored(监测) children born in the same week in march,1958, from the time of their birth through the years of their early schooling. it revealed that the children of actively involved fathers did better in reading and math than did children whose only involved parent was the mother. the purpose of the study was to evaluate the role played by fathers in the raising of a child. it indicated a much higher level of parental involvement by the father than had been expected. over 66% of the fathers were said to have played a major role in parental responsibility.

the study also suggested that the greatest level of fatherly parenting took place in the families of only one child. as the number of children and financial obligations increased, the father’s apparent interest and involvement with the children decreased. however, no matter what the size of financial condition of the family, a father’s active participation in the child’s development made a definite difference in the child’s progress.

the study further revealed that when the father was frequently away from home for the night, it had a bad effect on the child’s level in math and reading. however, if he worked on night shifts, it appeared to have little effect on the child’s academic progress. the data for the study was obtained primarily through interviews with parents, teachers and physicians. the information that evaluated the level of the father’s parenting performance came chiefly from observations of their wives.

36.in this article the author intends to say that ( ).

aparental involvement by the father is as good as that by the mother

bparental involvement by the father is far better than that by the mother

cchildren with only father’s involvement do very well in schools

dchildren with the father’s involvement do better in math and reading than those whose only involved parent is the mother

37.the expression “life with father” in this context means ( ).

alife in a family without the mother

blife in a family with only the father

clife in a family where the father is involved in the child’s growth

dlife in a family where the mother is not involved in the child’s growth

38.study results show that ( ) the fathers were involved in the child’s development.

aabout one third of babout two-thirds of

cjust about half of dno more than half of

39.the study indicated that if fathers are frequently away from home for the night, their children might be ( ) in reading and math.

afavorably affected blittle affected

cunfavorably affected da little affected

40.the data accumulated was obtained through ( ).

amonitoring children of the same age throughout their schooling

binterviews with the children’s mothers

cobservations of parents, teachers and physicians

dmonitoring, interviews and observations

part two (60 points)

iii.用国际音标标出下列单词中划线字母或字母组合的读音(本大题共20小题,每两小题1分,共10分)(注意:使用新式或老式音标均可) iv.完形填空(本大题共20小题,每两小题1分,共10分)


day she asked him he would buy her a horse. he said it some effort not to tell “so you wish you could have a horse of your ”then he listened as she went long detail about how she’d feed her horse and groom him and take him rides every day. just talking about her to him seemed to be enough for her. she never pressed him to buy the horse. but after that conversation, she took books out of the library horses, drew sketches of horses, and started saving part of her allowance to buy land one day for her horse. a few years later she for a job helping out at a local stable, where she traded her services for occasional rides.


the first person stood up and told a very funny joke about an englishman who fell in love with his umbrella. when he finished, he was in tears laughter, for he always laughed at his own jokes. the of the group remained dead silent. you could tell from their faces


ur kids too much?

1 while traveling for various speaking engagements, i frequently stay overnight in the home of a family and am assigned to one of the childrens bedrooms. in it, i often find so many playthings that theres almost no room - for my small toilet kit. and the closet is usually so tightly packed with clothes that i can barely squeeze in my jacket.

2 im not complaining, only making a point. i think that the tendency to give children an overabundance of toys and clothes is quite common in american families, and i think that in far too many families not only do children come to take their parents generosity for granted, but also the effects of this can actually be somewhat harmful to children.

3 of course, im not only thinking of the material possessions children are given. children can also be overindulged with too many privileges - for example, when parents send a child to an expensive summer camp that the parents cant really afford.

4 why parents give their children too much, or give things they cant afford? i believe there are several reasons.

5 one fairly common reason is that parents overindulge their children out of a sense of guilt. parents who both hold down full-time jobs may feel guilty about the amount of time they spend away from their children[0804:64] and may attempt to compensate by showering them with material possessions.

6 other parents overindulge because they want their children to have everything they had while growing up, along with those things the parents yearned for but didnt get. still others are afraid to say no to their childrens endless requests for toys for fear that their children will feel unloved or will be ridiculed if they dont have the same playthings their friends have.

7 overindulgence of a child also happens when parents are unable to stand up to their childrens ueasonable demands.[0907:61; 1001:61] such parents vacillate between saying no and giving in - but neither response seems satisfactory to them. if they refuse a request, they immediately feel a wave of remorse for having been so strict or ungenerous. if they give in, they feel regret and resentment over having been a pushover.[0610:44] this kind of vacillation not only impairs the parents ability to set limits, it also sours the parent-child relationship to some degree, robbing parents and their children of some of the happiness and mutual respect that should be present in healthy families.

8 but overindulging children with material things does little to lessen parental guilt [0907:32] (since parents never feel that theyve given enough), nor does it make children feel more loved (for what children really crave is parents’ time and attention). instead, the effects of overindulgence can be harmful. children may, to some degree, become greedy, self-centered, ungrateful and insensitive to the needs and feelings of others, beginning with their parents. when children are given too much, it undermines their respect for their parents. in fact, the children begin to sense that a parents unlimited generosity is not right. the paradoxical result may be that these children will push further, unconsciously hoping that, if they push too hard, they will force their parents into setting limits.

9 also, overindulged children are not as challenged as children with fewer playthings to be more creative in their play. [0607:50] they have fewer opportunities to learn the value of money, and have less experience in learning to deal with a delay in gratification, if every requested object is given on demand.

10 the real purpose of this discussion is not to tell parents how much or how little to give to their children. rather, my intent is to help those parents who have already sensed that they might be overindulging their children but dont know how to stop.

11 parents who are fortunate enough not to have a problem with feelings of guilt dont need to respond crossly to their children when denying a specific request which is thought to be ueasonable. they can explain, cheerfully, that its too expensive - except perhaps as a birthday or holiday gift - or that the child will have to contribute to its purchase from an allowance or from the earnings of an outside job. [0310:43]

12 its the cheerfulness and lack of hesitation that impress upon the child that parents mean what they say. a cross response signals that the parents are in inner conflict.[0410:42] in fact, ill make a rash statement that i believe is true, by and large: children will abide by what their parents sincerely believe is right. they only begin arguing and pestering when they detect uncertainty or guilt, and sense that their parents can be pushed to give them what they want, if they just keep at it. but the truth is that a child really wants parents to be in control - even if it means saying no to a request - and to act with conviction in a kind and loving fashion.

13 but, you may answer, i often am uncertain about whether to give in to many of my childrens requests. that doesnt mean you cant change. first you should try to determine what makes you submissive or guilty. then, even if you havent uncovered the reason, you should begin to make firm decisions and practice responding to your childrens requests in a prompt, definite manner.

14 once you turn over a new leaf, you cant expect to change completely right away.

[1107:34] you are bound to vacillate at times. [0607:43] the key is to be satisfied with gradual improvement, expecting and accepting the occasional slips that come with any change. and even after you are handling these decisions in a firmer and more confident manner, you cant expect your children to respond immediately. for a while theyll keep on applying the old pressures that used to work so well. but theyll eventually come to respect your decisions once they learn that nagging and arguing no longer work. in the end, both you and your children will be happier for it.

第五课 你给孩子的东西是不是太多?

1 当我应邀到各地演说时,常常在别人家过夜,而且往往被安排住在这家孩子的卧室里。卧室里的玩具多得几乎没有地方放我小小的洗漱用具包。而且衣橱一般也是挂满了衣服,满得就连一件夹克也塞不进去。

2 我不是在抱怨,只是表明一个看法。我认为美国家庭普遍倾向于给孩子买过多的玩具和服装。我还认为,在太多太多的家庭里,这样做的结果不仅让孩子们认为父母对他们的大方理所应当,而且实际上还会对孩子产生一定程度的负面影响。

3 当然,我指的不仅仅是孩子们得到的具体的物品,孩子们还往往享受过多的特殊待遇,比如,家长把孩子送往他们实际上去不起的收费很高的夏令营。

4 为什么家长要给孩子太多的东西,或者给孩子买他们负担不起的东西?我认为原因有好几个。

5 家长过分娇宠孩子的一个相当普遍的原因是因为家长对孩子有一种负疚感。父母双方要保住全职工作,会因许多时间不在孩子身边而可能感到内疚,于是就给孩子买大量的东西作为补偿。

6 还有些家长娇宠孩子是因为他们想使自己的孩子享有他们小时候拥有的一切,还要使孩子享有他们当时渴望但没能得到的东西。还有的家长不愿拒绝孩子无尽无休的买玩具的要


7 父母顶不住孩子的无理要求也就娇惯了孩子。这类家长对孩子的无理要求举棋不定,不知道是该回绝还是该满足,但又觉着这两者都不理想。如果他们拒绝了孩子,马上就会因自己对孩子太严厉太吝啬而懊悔。如果他们对孩子妥协了,也会因自己意志不坚定而悔恨。这种举棋不定的态度不仅使家长下不了决心给孩子规定界限,而且在一定程度上影响了家长和孩子之间的关系,使他们享受不到健康家庭本应有的欢乐和相互尊重。

8 可是过分满足孩子的物质要求并不能减轻家长的内疚感(因为家长永远不会认为自己给予孩子的已经够多),孩子们也不会因此就感到父母对他们爱得更深(因为他们真正渴望的是父母的时间和关注)。相反,娇宠反而有害。孩子在一定程度上可能会变得贪婪,以自我为中心,忘恩负义,对人,首先是对父母的需要和感情无动于衷。父母给孩子的东西太多,就会削弱孩子对父母的尊敬程度。事实上,孩子已经开始感到父母不应该无限度地为他们慷慨解囊。父母对孩子这种有求必应使他们得寸进尺,下意识地希望过分些会迫使父母给他们的要求规定界限。这种结果看似矛盾,却有道理。

9 还有,玩具太多的孩子在玩的时候不如玩具少的孩子有创造性。如果要什么就给什么,孩子就没有多少机会去体会钱来之不易,自己的要求不能立即满足就不能正确对待。

10 本文要讨论的问题不是告诉家长具体该给孩子多少东西。准确地说,我的意图是给那些已经意识到自己娇惯孩子而又不知如何改正的家长出点主意。

11 有幸没有负疚感的家长们在拒绝孩子的无理要求时无需跟他们发火。他们可以和颜悦色地解释说这件东西太贵了(除非作为生日礼物或节日礼物),也可以让孩子也掏出点自己的零花钱或在外面挣的钱来买这件东西。

12 正是这种和颜悦色和毫不犹豫的态度让孩子感到父母说话是算话的。对孩子发脾气则表明父母内心充满矛盾。事实上,我要鲁莽地说句我认为基本正确的话:孩子们是会遵循家长真诚想念是正确的决定的,只有当孩子发现家长犹豫不决或是感到内疚,而且意识到只要支持下去父母就会答应他们的要求时,才会和家长争吵,才会纠缠不休。然而,实际上,孩子们真正需要的是父母当家作主,既要果断行事,又要和蔼可亲,尽管这意味着有时要回绝他们的要求。

13 但你会说,很多时候你对是否要满足孩子提出的要求总是犹疑不定。这并不意味着你无法改变自己。首先你要明白为什么你总会顺从孩子或对孩子总有负疚感。下一步,即使你还没有找到原因,也应该开始做到行事果断,并训练自己在孩子提出要求时回答得爽快干脆。

14 一旦你从头开始,不要期望你会一下子完全改变。有时你肯定还会犹豫不决。这个时候,关键是要看自己在逐渐改进而感到满意。对偶尔的反复要有思想准备,不要回避,任何改变都要有反复。也不要期望你的孩子会马上适应你的变化,甚至在你已经能更果断、更信心十足地做出决定之后。在一段时间内,他们还会采取过去行之有效的施加压力的老办法。但一旦他们明白纠缠、争吵不再奏效,他们最终会尊重你的决定。最后,你与你的孩子都会因此而生活得更快乐。


i. paraphrase

1if they [parents] give in , they feel regret and resentment over having been a pushover. [0610:44]


athey make up their mind to be more strict .

bthey never regret that they have given in .

cthey feel upset that they haven’t been kind enough .

dthey are sorry and angry that they haven’t been firm enough.

2. but overindulging children with material things does little to lessen parental guilt. [0907:32]


a. but overindulging children with material things can really help parents to lessen their


b. but overindulging children with material things can’t release parents from feeling guilty.

c. parents really want to use the material things to content their children and get rid of their


d. if the parents overindulge children with few material things, parents can not lessen their

guilt at all.

3. also, overindulged children are not as challenged as children with fewer playthings to be more

creative in their play.[0607:50] (1-5:144)

a. overindulged children show the same productive originality as children with fewer

playthings in their play.

b. children with fewer playthings show less productive originality than overindulged

children in their play.

c. children with fewer playthings show no more productive originality than overindulged

children in their play.

d. overindulged children show less productive originality than children with fewer

playthings in the play.

4. they [parents] can explain, cheerfully, that its too expensive—except perhaps as a birthday or

holiday gift—or that the child will have to contribute to its purchase from an allowance or from the earnings of an outside job. [0310:43] (1-5:144)

a. the child will have to pay partially for something expensive, using his pocket money or

what he / she has earned outside the home.

b. if the child wants to buy something very expensive, he/she has to make some contribution

to his /her family afterwards.

c. when the child wants to buy something very expensive, he has to earn the money by

working for his /her parents or other people.

d. the child will have to share the cost equally with his parents to get something very

expensive as a birthday gift.

5. a cross response signals that the parents are in inner conflict. [0410:42] (1-5:144)

a. … the parents are usually sorry when they respond angrily.

b. … the parents are sure they are right in responding angrily.

c. … the parents are not certain that the best way is to respond angrily.

d. … the parents are not sure whether or not they should respond angrily.

6. once you turn over a new leaf, you can’t expect to change completely right away. [1107:34] (1-5:145)

a. you read a book from the first page.

b. you change the ways for the better.

c. you pick a fresh leaf from a tree.

d. you start doing something new.

7. once you turn over a new leaf, you can’t expect to change completely right away. [1101:32] (1-5:145)

a. you read a book from the first page.

b. you change your ways for the better.

c. you pick a fresh leaf from the tree.

d. you start doing something new.

8. once you turn over a new leaf, you can’t expect to change completely right away. [0904:32] (1-5:145)

a. once you have a new idea...

b. once you think more carefully...

c. once you take a new interest in plants...

d. once you start to behave in a better way...

9. you are bound to vacillate at times. [0607:43] (1-5:145)

a. sometimes it is unavoidable for you to lose balance.

b. sometimes you hesitate.

c. sometimes you don’t know what to do.

d. sometimes you are doomed to fail.

ii. writing 200010月:are you giving your kids too much? 1-05

topic: why do so many parents indulge their children with too many material things?

200810are you giving your kids too much? (《综二》上册,l.5)

topicaccording to the author of “are you giving your kids too much?”, what is the right

attitude parents should take when denying children’s excessive requests? you should follow the outline given below

1. the right attitude

2. the importance of it

3. children’s response to it

when denying children’s excessive requests, parents should overcome their feeling of guilt and give a prompt and definite response.

a hesitation in a response signals parents’ inner conflict. when children detect it, they may keep arguing and pestering, hoping to get what they want. on the contrary, confident and certain tone shows children that parents firmly believe what they say, and children tend to abide by it. actually, children really want their parents to be in control and act with conviction in a kind and loving way.

even when parents adopt this new attitude, for a while, children may still apply the old pressures that used to work so well. parents should not expect a sudden change. as far as parents




1janet wore a very fashionable dress to the evening party, so she looked more attractive than

_____ there. aall girls cother girls ahave left cleave

ahas just appointed as chas just been appointed for anot being started cnot be started athe tiring of living ctired of living ahaving not heard from cnot to heat from atrained cbeing trained awould cdid

aoccupied very much with cso much occupied with aabout how they could find chow they could find

ball the girls dthe other girls bwill have left dwill leave bhas just appointed dhas just been appointed bbeing not started dbe not started btiring of living dto be tried of living bnot having heard from dto be not heard from btrainingdbe trained bwouldn’t ddidn’ t

boccupied with very much dmuch so occupied with babout how could they find dhow could they find

2by the time you receive this letter, i _____ this city for my home town.

3jack _____ the manager of the marketing department of the local iron and steel company.

4it is recommended that the project _____ until all the preparations have been made.

5_____ in this big city, tom decided to move to a small town for a change.

6_____ his daughter for weeks, john went to the university to see her.

7this hotel had had all the staff _____ in foreign languages before it opened for business.

8cynthia said she wouldn’t go to the lecture tomorrow afternoon, _____ she?

9my sister is _____ her research that she has no time to manage household affairs.

10the students there were talking _____ a good job after graduation from the college.

11compare the new edition of this book with the old ones _____ you will find only a few

improvements. aor cand

ato have it washed chave washed it aon carrying it out con carrying out ither.

ano one of these cno one of which ato be care

talked-about players today. aconnection cjoint ain store cin danger aworked out cworked against aset in cset out arun through crun away apay for cpay back aup cback

bcollection dcombination bin difficulty din trouble brefused dopposed bset for dset up brun across drun out bpay drepay bto dthrough bnone of those dnone of which bbeing dhave been bbut dso

bto have washed it dhave it washed bthat she carries it out dthat she carries out it

12your car looked very dirty, you’d better _____.

13once linda decided on a plan, she insisted _____.

14jane’s friends bought her a lot of gifts, _____ were to her taste except the book that tony gave

15so many people _____ absent, we decided to put off the meeting.

16a _____ of athletic ability, talent and a whole lot of height has made yao ming one of the most

17the man is brought to the police station and he knows what is _____ for him.

18the lack of investment in new machinery has _____ any rise in productivity.

19we have to _____ early if we want to travel in the cool of the day.

20the contract will _____ at the end of the year. a new one will have to be drawn.

21young as he is, he has to _____ what he has done.

22it is hoped that the patient, who has been lying unconscious for weeks, will come _____.

23after dick came to china, he _____ with its long history and rich culture. ashowed love cfell in love akeep up with cfollow up with ato con

with ibm. he was really _____. aarrogant cambitious aaway from cabove ainstead of cin spite of ain cout

_____ their studies. aput in cconcentrate on

bgive to dspend on bintelligent dproud bbeyond dout of bbecause of din relation to baway doff

bwas attracted dwas satisfied bcome up with dmake up with bof dover

24in the beginning mary found it difficult to _____ the rest of the class in mathematics.

25we ought to inform young people _____ the risks involved in taking drugs.

26michael dell launched his own computer company at the age of 19 and he wanted to compete

27you would certainly beat me at tennis; i’m _____ practice.

28this paper, _____ its very honest comment on the news, is very influential.

29the argument went on for days as neither side would give _____.

30with so many activities going on in school at this time of the year, the students can hardly


passage one

we find that bright children are rarely held back by mixed ability teaching. on the contrary, both their knowledge and experience are eiched. we feel that there are many disadvantages in streaming pupils. it does not take into account the fact that children develop at different rates. it can also have a bad effect on both the bright and the not-so-bright child. after all, it can be quite discouraging to be at the bottom of the top grade!

besides, it is rather ueal to grade people just according to their intellectual ability. this is only one aspect of their total personality. we are concerned to develop the abilities of all our pupils to the full , not just their academic ability. we also value personal qualities and social skills, and we find that mixed ability teaching contributes to all these aspects of learning.

in our classrooms, we work in various ways. the pupils often work in groups: this gives them the opportunity to learn to cooperate, to share, and to develop leadership shills. they also learn how to cope with personal problems as well as how to think, to make decisions, to analyze, and evaluate, and to communicate effectively. the pupils learn from each other as well as from the teacher.

sometimes the pupils work in pairs; sometimes they work on individual tasks and assignments, and they can do this at their own speed. they also have some formal class teaching when it is appropriate. in this case, it is the teachers who do the teaching, which happens in any traditional classrooms. we encourage our pupils to use the library too, and teach them the skills they need in order to do this efficiently. an advanced pupil can do advanced work: it does not matter what age the child is. we expect our pupils to do their best, not their least, and we give them every encouragement to attain this goal.

31“we feel that there are many disadvantages in streaming pupils.” in this context, the word streaming means _____. aevaluating clecturing ausing the library bworking in pairs clearning from each other dreceiving mixed ability teaching

33which of the following is not mentioned about group work? apupils learn to cooperate.

bpupils learn to develop their leadership skills. cpupils learn to participate in student teaching. dpupils learn to think and solve problems.

34in paragraph 4, formal class teaching probably means _____. alectures by the teacher cstudent teaching adisconcerting cencouraging

bdiscussion dlibrary work bpositive dnegative bgrouping dmixing

32according to the passage, the students can develop all aspects of learning by _____.

35in this passage, the author is _____ about streaming pupils.

passage two

i have had just about enough of being treated like a second-class citizen, simply because i happened to be a customer. the more i go into shops and hotels, banks and post offices, railway stations, airports and the like, the more i’m convinced that things are being run solely to suit the firm, the system, or the union. there seems to be something deceptive for the so-called “service” organizationstaff before service.

how often, for example, have you queued(排队)for what seems like hours at the post office or the supermarket because there weren’t enough staff on duty at the checkout counters? surely in these days of high unemployment it must be possible to hire cashiers and counter staff. yet supermarkets claim that uncovering all their cash registers at any one time would increase cost. and the post office says we cannot expect all their service counters to be occupied “at times when demand is low.”

it’s the same with hotels. because waiters and kitchen staff must finish when it suits them, dining rooms close earlier or menu choice is cut short. as for us guests, we just have to put up with it. there is also the nonsense of so many friendly hotel night porters having been thrown out of their jobs and replaced by machines. not to mention the creeping threat of the tea-making kit in your room: a kettle with a mixed collection of teabags, plastic milk cartons and lump sugar. who wants to wake up to a raw teabag? i don’t, especially when i am paying for “service”.

can it be stopped, this sort of poor service, this growing attitude that the customer is always a nuisance? i eagerly hope so because it’s happening, sadly, in all walks of life.

36by saying “i have had just about enough of being treated like a second-class citizen,” the writer means that he does not _____. aget a good job bget any reward cget good service

dget good medical treatment

37according to the passage, customers queue for a long time because _____. afewer people than needed are hired to work at the checkout counters bthe cashiers leave their counters from time to time cthe cashiers work rather slowly dthere are not enough cash registers

38fewer people are placed at the checkout counters simply because _____. aunemployment rate is high

bthere are more cashiers than needed

cthose in business hire fewer people to save money

donly a small number of people can be hired to work in the service industry

39the writer used to enjoy the service at the hotels provided by _____but feels bad that they are out of service now. a machines c waiters a angry c cheerful

b porters d kitchen staff b pleasant d fearful

40 the writer talks about the service industry with rather a (n) _____tone.


