
发布时间:2019-11-23 05:23:23

4、“体验化” 消费大学生购买力有限,即决定了要求商品能价廉物美,但更注重的还是在购买过程中对精神文化爱好的追求,满足心理需求。When we talk about globalization ,most people may feel that it is easier to buy some foreign goods which are considered to be high quality. As a matter of fact ,globalization have influence on the world we live .

上海市劳动和社会保障局所辖的促进就业基金,还专门为大学生创业提供担保,贷款最高上限达到5万元。It is widening the gap between the rich and the poor, causing great social conflicts. Besides,not every country has the same chance to develop as some developed countries have more rights to make the rules and have advantages of economic technology and management .But the challenges can also accelerate the progress of development .Because the globalization provides a bigger market for every member to get stronger.


4 创新能力薄弱在大学生对DIY手工艺品价位调查中,发现有46% 的女生认为在十元以下的价位是可以接受;48% 的认为在10-15元;6% 的则认为50-100元能接受。如图1-2所示In addition ,globalization makes the world smaller like a village where villagers have more opportunities to get to each other and admire the beauty of other differernt cultures. At the same time ,it will also smooth out the diversity among the community ,leading to the loss of cultures.

1DIY手工艺市场状况分析As time goes by ,the influence of globalization on our daily life will be more vivid and specific.As far as i am concerned , what we should do is not deny it but be more ready for it .


4 创新能力薄弱

