
发布时间:2016-01-06 15:23:28







(考试时间:90分钟 满分:100分)


1题:beach( )

A.head   B.great   C.break    D.seaman


讲解:【解析】beach [i:] A [e] B[ei] C [ei] D [i:]

2题:A. showed B. writes C. shows D. show



3题:The teacher was famous for his ______.

A. kindness B. knowledge C. patience D. questions


讲解:细节理解题,根据文中语句“Long ago ,there lived in Greece a learned man. He was so well known for his good knowledge of almost everything that lots of people from all over the country came to learn from him.”理解可知。B

4题:A.season B. beach C. read D. great


讲解: A./i:/ B./i:/ C./i:/ D./eɪ/ 选D

5题:A. place B. school C. way D. road



6题:下列有关文学常识的表述,不正确的一组是( )




7题:What is the price for students with a student card to enter the pool?

A. Two dollars. B. One dollar forty. C. Two dollars sixty. D. One dollar.


讲解:There is a special cheap price for students with a student card. The price is one dollar forty. But you must bring your student card with you.选B

8题:What did the author learn from the story?

A. One should devote himself to his dream. B. The old man was foolish not to stop begging.C. What the headmaster taught was very important.D. People must have a plan before taking action.


讲解:【解析】文章最后一句We learn nothing from this story other than staying focused on the things we enjoy doing.可知我们从故事中学到了要专注于我们喜欢做的事情,也就是我们的梦想。

9题: Passage A Every morning, the newspaper chief editor(主编) holds a meeting with the reporters. They discuss the main events(事件) of the day. Reporters are then sent to cover the events. As soon as the reporters know what to write about, they get down to work. They telephone people and fix a time for a face-to-face interview with them. Sometimes they do telephone interviews. 、Checking information is very important. They go to the newspaper's own library to look up any information that they need. This is called 《doing one's homework》. At the same time, the picture editor decides which photographs will be used for the next day's paper. All the people who work on a newspaper must be able to work fast. Reporters have to stop working on one story and start working at once on the important new one. They must find out the new information as quickly as possible. Later in the day, everything is put together at the news desk. Reporters return, type their stories into the computer and hand them to the editor. The chief editor decides which will be the most important story on the front page. Sometimes this will have to be changed if something more important happens late in the day. Other editors read the stories which the reporters have written and make any necessary changes. Finally, there is no more time left for adding new stories, and the time for printing(印刷) the newspaper has come. This is done on fast-moving printing machines. The newspapers are then delivered(发送) by truck, plane or rail. Speed is important. People want to buy the latest newspaper; nobody wants to buy yesterday's. What is the work in a newspaper office like?

A. Interesting and confusingB. Important and patient.C. Particular and necessary.D. Fast and busy.


讲解:D 推理判断题。结合As soon as At the same time as quickly as possible 和no more time left等词可知报社办公室内的工作是高速而繁忙的。

10题:In those days, the old woman sit at the gate for hours, waiting for her son to return from the front.

A. could B. would C. might D. should



11题:下列各组句子中,画线的词的意义和用法不相同的一组是 ( )

A.而纲独埋其车轮于洛阳都亭 事不目见耳闻而臆断其有无 B.思以爵禄相荣 以乱易整,不武 C.公其深计之 与尔三矢,尔其无忘乃父之志 D.使游泳于,非逆非顺之交 惧其不已,告之于帝



12题:下列说法有错误的一项是( )

A.《论语》是记录孔子及其弟子的言行的书,《孟子》是记录孟子及其弟子思想观点和政治活动的书。 B.《我的叔叔于勒》中的克拉丽丝,《范进中举》中的胡屠户,都和契诃夫笔下的奥楚蔑洛夫一样具有“变色龙”的特点。 C.《紫藤萝瀑布》和《海燕》都是状物抒情的散文,都表达了作者积极向上的健康情怀。 D.《汤姆索亚历险记》《竞选州长》的作者都是美国的马克·吐温,《松鼠》《最后一课》的作者分别是法国的布丰、都德。



13题:下列句子的横线处应填入的词语正确的一组是(  )①张局长从位置上下来没过几天 日子,又被单位给请了回去,说是当顾问。②想象不是无本之木无源之水,据科学家研究,所有的想象都是记忆力高度 的结晶。③近年来,随着对外文化经济交流的发展,汉语受到忽视成为一种正在发生和 的现实。

A.清净 爆发 蔓延 B.清静 暴发 曼延C.清静 暴发 蔓延 D.清净 爆发 曼延


讲解:近义词辨析,注意仔细辨析每一个词。清净:心境洁净,不受外扰;安定,不纷扰。清静:安静;不嘈杂。 爆发:突然发作;突然发生。 暴发:着重指突然而且猛烈发作,多半由外部条件促成,多用于与水有关的具体的自然物,用于人时,常与非份地突然发财或得势的人和事连用。 蔓延:意思为如蔓草滋生,连绵不断。引申为延伸,扩展。曼延:指线性伸展延长,一般用于具体的事物。


A. complete B. compare C. comfortable D. thoughtful



15题:下列词语中每对读音都不相同的一组是( )

A.朴素/返璞归真 浩然/皓首穷经 喝彩/和衷共济B.勉强/强辩   横行/纵横四海  弹道/弹冠相庆C.颤抖/颤栗   省心/不省人事  落魄/丢三落四D.纤绳/纤维   抹布/转弯抹角  没落/没齿难忘


讲解:A 一二组相同pǔ hào B第二组相同 héng D第三组相同mò

16题:根据原文内容,下列推断不正确的一项是( )




17题:It is common sense that animals which adapt quickly ______ changes of environment can survive.

A.on B. to C. from D. For


讲解:which引导的定语从句中,adapt to 表示适应

18题:If you want to learn about computers and the same time you want to improve your typing, how much will you pay for it?

A.$75. B.$150. C.$235 D.$250



19题:When you are in a state of sub-health, you should _______.

A. stay home and have a good rest B. go to see a doctor and take some medicine C. take a careful physical examination in a big hospitalD. find out the reason and try to get rid of bad living habits



20题:A. in front of B. in the front of C. behind D. beside


讲解:in front of《在……(外部)的前面》;in the front of《在……(内部)的前面》;behind《在……后面》;beside《在……旁边》,根据后句可知,应是《她在一所漂亮的房子的前面停下来》,故选A。

