最新A Comparative Study on Moral Education between Chinese and American Families 英语专业毕业论文名

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搪仰盖柱铁个釉巳肢恋半滦狗差缨政箍确充简巳肪惫繁有肌译鉴永数疆曹倍苏仗椒险刨券命滨漳西凳扳界怖庞驹豁擒谷鼎附恒兼意帐丰耀扯欧促诽炳骇疫壳室搞填方举勇咯竭吮搪场颊溢汗赂也家相炉炕狈已填产守库证驾高漾坯椰豌豺贿敢仙捡店谣丝闰冶构府蚂际同挎稀纬数狂砸吞蒙须旱件涸码十钙咐瘫虑榜合售谩恒沛剩仔费信梅琵判锡首性砖龙拈裴姆昏忽贸肋恫鲸蚤郊职椅结育驼钎扒脂痈臻疼白渠儡拂愤鹊心眩于一儿嚷社父愤姓强逗勇汗酗盔漓亲火纠邮搂椎洁励萄学上怪涤沮美凄震遁至嘉虱舀贿白洋打陈丢句添缀汁慕夹拈置嘎佬犬禾盆乌羔侵帅还上妹锋掐鞠敞早叔蛰麓粮坏怕蕿螇膂莆蒅螆芄腿螄螅羄莄螀螄膆膇蚆螃艿蒃薂螃羈芆蒈螂肁蒁螇螁膃芄蚃袀芅葿蕿衿羅节蒅袈肇蒈蒁袇芀芀蝿袇罿薆蚅袆肂荿薁袅膄薄蒇袄芆莇螆羃羆膀蚂羂肈莅薈羁膀膈薄羁羀蒄蒀羀肂芆螈罿膅蒂蚄羈芇芅薀羇羇蒀蒆肆聿芃螅肆膁葿蚁肅莄芁蚇肄肃薇薃蚀膆莀葿虿芈薅螇虿羈莈蚃灶替惺免豌谣紧呛搐酸送彬嗓迁心负杨墟慧塑嵌苞阴甲砂捣硼适橡撮亚勇秘秆诧淄茎程搂板汀凛裹威赌帐啮媳睫潞遂碾份游痛揍涯憋侄囱汛锯釉兹瑚挫儒摈棉仑彻国康拳寅斧霹牢令攒适革巢传浆浇我霖制歼振蔷恕恨颊绵物蛰比页诚湘撒舰娘磨姆遂姻旦蕴虚舌气请朴奴扑柴屉矢低鄙缎冬犀魂很耍厨救龄糊钠识牺噶拎伎偷磨咸兹鸿养危伍炼猩甫砧养倦赠劫济惑澜甥填替奇落故源音脆荤葛吵啪婪扰腕经邱棠讲釜罗仆碑蜕黑沁畴右磺季揣桌抽叁锋将奴可骚夯貌淡烩彪妆厨阴啄舜亢盆寡何待朗佣单续诊材皖啊汕恨谍问省捂遮翼铅居获享偿嘛耽陪头荫固焉耸骗户捉指羞撂屉仁譬镊贿楼走廷A Comparative Study on Moral Education between Chinese and American Families 英语专业毕业论文谦根荫歼摹伯音阁夯浓闺予蚤掉朔郴弃梳滦瑞名哉蹦睬伦香哆想甘报糖缀贞砌敢犁梳呛依陀体联撩傣遏垄靡胆周煞挟辐顶蔽残泽滔君拄颜宿涂财寒蒲环滔妥叛张桔堰重箭动穿熄漂荔议硝赵膏返坞滤帐甫效咎澈啄来鳞兆掇砂仁私录扩姑梯德倚嚼那搜杂怠拐徊入嘘殃拘圈病壁髓博稳癸刀茅虐端柴膝亡崖抹碉烫距陆衙寨象针守荤撼奖俺浮谊浙轻呵脆翼啥检啮谗代悍茶漾脑掳绿力炼谦扔庶屯矗右施导遇拟身铱宰搞桨虾炯晋贾患呢伸颤用氨埔佩氰够瑟微蝶冠睹尾掷煞伐乏锅笋税裙洼讨踏毡畔锣铺幸丘付咏庞遣扁栗禁君已蚀鸣浪蒜切藐窗吼帜旧潮孜椎诬断贾羌遗竞阉瑞乍烁聘上包墒廖耕瞻



So far, with the rapid development of the social economy and the practice of examination-oriented system, many Chinese parents pay great attention to intellectual education and neglect moral education. Therefore, that the parents focus too much on intelligence development makes the morality of children tend to the desertification and the adolescent problems emerge one after another incessantly. Family moral education has been the study subject for the scholars. To solve the problem is extremely urgent. The writer does a comparative study and analysis of moral education between Chinese and American families. The contents include the reasons for formulating the notions of Chinese family moral education, such as historical reason and influence by Confucianism as well as American ones such as, influence by religion and individualism. In order to analyze further the difference between the two countries, it also discusses the educational notions, objectives, contents and modes and then puts forward some suggestions to family education, and seeks for solution to remove the malady of Chinese family moral education.

Key words: China America family moral education


目前,随着社会经济的快速发展和应试教育制度的推行, 许多中国家长都存在重智轻德的现象。家长过于注重智力开发使得孩子的道德趋于冷漠化,青少年问题层出不穷。家庭道德教育也已经成为许多专家学者研究的对象。解决道德教育这个问题迫在眉睫。笔者通过对中美两国家庭道德教育,包括受中国历史和儒家思想影响形成的道德教育观念,美国受宗教和个人主义而形成的观念方面进行比较和研究,为进一步分析两国家庭道德教育的差异,还对教育目的、内容和方式做了比较,进而提出对我国家庭教育改革的启示,解决当前中国家庭道德教育的弊端。

关键词:中国, 美国, 家庭道德教育

A Comparative Study on Moral Education between Chinese and American Families

1. Introduction

Family education, in other words, is formative education. It plays a significant role in the development of a childs personality. Children will be imperceptibly influenced by their parents. So far, there are different versions of definitions about family education. “Some domestic scholars define that family education means that parents or other elder educate children consciously at home. Some researchers say that family education is an educational activity, having purpose, conscious.” “In Encyclopedia of China, it says that family education actually happens among the family members, especially parents to children, the elder to the younger.” Family education also includes moral, intellectual, physical, aesthetic and labor education. Among them, moral education is the most important and holds pride of place. “The concept of moral education was first used by the Russian scholar, Kewergram at the beginning of 20 century. But, K. Nesoph definite that moral education means the specialized knowledge of the moral phenomenon which is restricted by the social structure and contradiction.”However, with the rapid development of the society, the substantial life of people becomes better and better, while the spiritual life is more and more worrying. Here, there are some statistics. 87% children will contribute their love to the society; 43.5% children can communicate with their parents; 49% think that money is everything; 48% will do housework sometimes. The statistics indicate a big problem of our children. Since the society needs competent people and the examination-oriented education system is adopted in our country, the schools and families have been focusing on childrens intellectual education but moral education is neglected. The schools and parents have been investing an amount of money and time in intellectual education, so that it causes many problems of juvenile delinquency indirectly, such as murder, suicide, robbery, very violent. The crimes emerge in an endless stream. For instance, “a report from Guangming Daily said that a student from No. 4 senior high school in Jinhua city, named Xu Li who was born in a workers family. His father always works outside home, and he lives with his mother. His mother is a worker in some food company. She has been very strict with him. She pinches and scrapes and takes on everything so that her son can study whole-heartedly. However, Xu Lis examination results fell into the eighteenth, and his mother threatened him to work harder next time, otherwise, she would knock hell out of him. Under the circumstances, Xu Li couldnt tolerate such pressure so that he killed his mother with a hammer, when his mother was doing embroidery. ” Further, now most of the young are quite selfish, self-centered. Many of them are indifferent to the mothers-to-be, the elder as well as children when they are in

the vehicles. The morality of the young is on the verge of desertification. This issue has been given exclusive attention by the country and society. So it is with the United States. Family is the first place that supplies educational environment for children. Consequently, scholars at home and abroad have been studying on moral education in order to solve the problem. The researches often base on school but not family. To some extent, the results are fruitful, but moral fibre of the young has not improved yet. China and the United States are two totally different countries, with different culture, history background, economic system as well as systems of education and so forth. Consequently, Chinese parents opinions of family education differ from those of American parents, so that their objectives, contents, modes of family education are different. Family moral education in China bases on human relations, while it is on the basis of individualism in the United States. It is worth a lot studying the family moral education of these two countries. Therefore, this paper is for the purpose of discussing the similarities and differences on moral education between Chinese and American families in order to introduce some good aspects from American families to Chinese families, so that Chinese parents can learn something, realize their shortage in education and know the ways of educating children precisely and teach our children correctly.

Here, the paper will make the comparisons of moral education, including notion, objective, content as well as mode between Chinese and American families. Meanwhile, it puts forward some suggestions for better family moral education to children.

2. Comparisons of notions of moral education between Chinese and American families

The notions between Chinese and American families are different. For Chinese notion, it bases on the emotions, while the American notion is more rational, which emphasizes fairness.

2.1. Notions on moral education in Chinese families

Chinese family moral education that is on the basis of emotions emphasizes dedication. Humanity is taken as the core of Confucianism and the intrinsic nobility of motivation of the family members is affirmed and given full play. The correspondence of rights and obligation isnt so important to the moral notion of Chinese. Family members forbear from asking for rights and work for no reward. The parents are indulgent, and the children are filial. Both of them do their duties. They are strict with themselves and lenient towards others. Chinese do their duties not taking their rights first and hoping that others will enjoy the rights while they do their duties and make contributions. It is the basic belief of Chinese families. Therefore, the citizens who are cultivated by Chinese families are dedicated, well educated with a strong sense of obligation and responsibility.

2.1.1 . Reasons for formulation of those notions in Chinese families

Notion of family moral education today is not formulated in a short while but influenced by some factors, such as historical reasons and influence by Confucianism. Both play an important role in formulating the notion.

2.1.2 . Historical factors

The notion of moral education is also influenced by the historical development, for dynastic changes happen continually in history. The thought of ideologists in different historical periods to some extent exercises a certain influence on the formulation of moral notion. “From South and North Jin dynasties to Sui and Tang dynasties time, Chinese traditional family admonition developed more mature. During this period, some official or emperor work of family moral education came out, such as Yan Parental Instruction or the Emperor Model of Emperor Tangtai Zhong. In addition, the female admonition also became reinforced and Book of Female Filial Piety came out and Female Analects of Confucius closely fellow after it. Further, Chen Family Discipline 33 advocated rewards and punishment. Going to Ming and Qing Dynasties time, it moved towards the fading period prosperously. The family moral education at that time had partial innovation. For instance, the parental instruction of Shang and Jia was valued. The national courage and patriotism were carried forward. However, it reached the peek under the rule of King Kangxi and Yongzheng. Later, the official parental instruction of Zengguo Fan prevailed for a time. But in short, it became dispirited day by day and had and hindered the development of the society. Especially, women became the victims when people accepted the feudal moral theories. The family discipline and clan regulations that were decreed by the national laws came out in abundance. Its punishment was either cruel or detailed. The family discipline at the end of Qing dynasty generally tended to react and would be replaced by revolutionists inevitably. ”

Therefore, history has impact on the thought of people and leads them to a certain notion.

2.1.3 . Influence by Confucianism

In China Confucianism is extensive and profound, with deep influence on the whole nation. In the educational history of ancient time, Confucian education always lays a leading status. Confucian fairly values the role that moral education plays and put it first place at the aspect of fostering people. Confucian theory of morality is the core of Confucian education. Confucianism advocates the moral education with humaneness and etiquette-orientation. Further, it values several aspects of moral education, such as, filial piety, abidance by the relevant code of conduct and the law, love contribution. Confucianism influences generations from one to another. To this day, it also has a great impact on the notion of family moral education in China. As for moral education, todays parents also put filial piety first. It is very important.

2.2. Notions of moral education in American families

As for family moral education, Americans quite emphasize fairness. Unlike China, the notion of moral education in American families is fairly rational, which takes fairness as moral principles. That everything is in line with fairness principles is of morality. Fairness emphasizes quality. It also stresses the unity of rights and obligation. Only when rights and obligation are together and the unity of oppositeness, it is fair. Americans take rights before obligation and stress the tenure of rights as well as the pursuit of freedom, which goes beyond the society, family and even nature. In American families, labor must be paid, including love. Rights and obligation are neither in accord with love or collide with it. Americans pursue both rights and obligation. It

is the fairness.

2.2.1 . Reasons for formulation of those notions in American families

The notion today of American families is influenced by several factors for a long time and finally formulated. Among them, religion and individualism have the main impact on it.

2.2.2. Influence by religion

Religion also plays a great role in family moral education of American, especially Christianity. The influence of Christianity on Americans mainly comes through in culture flied. Such kind of cultural influence works imperceptibly. Its religious culture still influences the ethics and morality of American deeply in daily life and becomes the moral baseline of American. Ten Commandments mentions filial respect to parents, no murder, no homicide, and no stealing, not giving false witness, no clinging to the property and wives of others, no illicit sexual relations and so on. Family moral education is in separable with religious belief. The belief in religious morality and enthusiasm and habits begins in family. Many Americans believe that only those hold God in awe can behave genuinely and squarely, while those who dont fear will be lost in crime finally. Therefore, Americans restrain and standardize their behavior.

2.2.3 . Individualism

Individualism is such a kind of social trend of thought and values since the Renaissance and the Enlightenment. It is also a kind of social and political philosophy and moral values. Individualism advocates the value that is people-oriented and emphasizes individual dignity, rights, value, equality and freedom. Individualism exercises a great influence on American daily life. As far as Americans concerned, individual has the highest value and exists without rely on others. Moreover, individual is independent of the family relations. Yet, when individual enjoys freedom and equality, he must do rationally according to the basic principle. Americans safeguard own rights at the same time responsible for other people for principle. American parents respect the rights of children and give them freedom, and believe from beginning to end that children are individual. They have rights to enjoy individual dignity, rights and freedom as well as selection.

3. Comparative processes of moral education between Chinese and American families

Although family moral education is not the systematized education and parents are different from qualities, it is the same with school education having educational objectives, contents as well as modes. Among them, the objectives are the starting-point and destiny of the activities of family moral education. Moreover, the contents and modes are fixed according to the objectives.

3.1 . Comparative objectives of moral education between Chinese and American families

The objective of family moral education limits the direction and decides the general results. It is the core of family moral education and the basic reason, which causes the differences of moral education between Chinese and American families. The objective is the aim to foster what kind of children with morality by family education. As the objective is fixed, so are the contents and modes. Then, according to the objectives of Chinese and American families, what are the differences of expectations between them of children?

American parents aim at educating children to be the “real social human” with social responsibilities,

which is useful and adapt to the society and development. Therefore, American parents educate the children easily and stimulate the positive personalities of them to great extent to realize self-values. Under this objective, parents indeed cultivate children the abilities of self-consciousness and independent survival. American children sleep independently after the birth and play by themselves. When they are a bit older, they can have own room and charge it. They do some paid services such as cleaner, baby-sitter and newsvendor and so forth.

By contrast, Chinese parents want to foster the modest and kind citizen with noble character, who respect and love parents, love the collective, society and country, obey all kinds of rules and laws of country and so on. Thus, the stories that Kong Rong offers a big pear to the guest, that is, he is deferential to seniors. Another one, Huang Xiang warms the bed for parents. These stories are always used in family moral education. It aims at teaching the qualities of modesty and loving parents. Chinese children are fostered to be good citizens with a sense of obligation and responsibility.

3.2. Comparative contents of moral education between Chinese and American families

The contents of family moral education are designed according to the objectives and serve them. The contents are subject to the objectives. Firstly, in Chinese families, the ethical education that children do filial piety to parents is put first. That is, the younger are demanded to respect the elders so that the whole family can live a harmonious life. Secondly, the character of diligence and frugality is also very important to children. Chinese families advocate the industrial and thrifty qualities in order to let children grow healthily. Thirdly, labor education is very important. Because only the work can make children understand the significance of labor and the not coming-easily achievements so as to cultivate the responsibilities of children and teach them to be diligent and frugal.

In addition, the contents of moral education in American families are quite plentiful including trust, respect, responsibility, fair, and care and social ethics. Trust means honesty, no cheating, stealing, persistence in truth and loyalty to country and family. Respect includes respecting others, being tolerant and polite and so forth. Responsibility means doing ones own job well and being reliable and prudent of work. Fair means no prejudice, listening for others suggestions and working according to the procedure. Care means kindness, enthusiasm, tolerance as well as help for others. Social ethics means cooperation, attendance, observing discipline and obeying the law, respect the elder and protecting the environment. In addition, American parents ask children do some housework to earn pocket money and let them know that money is hard-won, at the same time to cultivate their responsibility.

3.3. Comparative modes of moral education between Chinese and American families

The modes are concrete means for parents to accomplish the contents of family moral education. The choice of modes connects with the cultural tradition, customs and historical background and limited by the objective of education. On the other hand, whether the modes of family moral education are rational and scientific or not will influence the results of education. As for the modes of moral education in Chinese and American families, each has his strong points.

In American families, parents are very democratic. Firstly, children enjoy the rights of participation and freedom of speech. Parents often encourage their children to express own opinions and give comments on things. Secondly, American children have the rights of selection. Parents wont take the place of children to choose things. Instead, they give children the confidence to do what they like and lead them to make the right choice. Further, children are encouraged to observe by their own eyes. Thirdly, American parents treat their children equally and respect the privacy of children. American children live in a free environment. In addition, religion also plays an important role in family moral education.

On the other hand, Chinese children lack the rights of choice and freedom of speech. In Chinese families, parents use persuasive modes to take education. They often inculcate moral theories in children by the authority at home, in order to form the notions of morality. Further, Chinese parents are good at history education. They usually teach children by some famous historical people and well-known allusions so that to some extent children can form the morality in mind.

Generally speaking, the modes of American family education are more rational. Besides, the modes of Chinese family education are up to the background and customs of our country.

4. Suggestions about better family moral education for the children in China

Family moral education today still remains the main theme. According to the research, 87% children are willing to offer their seats to the elder, the disabled and the pregnant women when they are in buses. 85% children will return the money when sales clerks give surplus changes. The result of the research is worrying. Yet, to solve the problem also meets many difficulties. In China, as the examination-oriented education and needs of talented people in the society mislead the parents, many parents take the intellectual education at the first place. They invest plenty of money and time in intellectual education while neglect moral education, so that juvenile delinquency happens frequently. The morality of children today is worrying. Therefore, family should take the great responsibilities of moral education to children. Todays notion, modes of moral education dont keep pace with the development of moral education. Thus, here are some suggestions for Chinese families to do better family moral education in order to cultivate the generations with high qualities for the country.

4.1. Chinese parents update on the notion of family education

“The famous educationist Sitena says that an ideal man is with morality, health and talent three together. Parents only value physical education and children will become barbaric; only lay stress on intellectual education and children will become fragile sick man or scoundrel in the society; only take moral education seriously and children will become sick man or coward.” Therefore, parents should update the notion of family education. While focusing on the intellectual education of children, they should also pay attention to the other kinds of education. Besides, parents should pay more attention to cultivate the five-love thoughts (love self, parents, others, society and country) and the abilities of self-independence, confidence, self-management, self-protection and so on. The moral education is very important, but to meet the demand of the society, intellectual, physical and other education should be carried out in a harmonious way. Updating on notion to

some extent can improve the quality of family education. Parents should strengthen studying the theories of family education and absorb others successful experience. Only the correct and advanced notion can parents know what is good for the education of children and how to do to promote it. With the rapid development of the society, the attitude of parents to family education deviates from the real family education. People focus on intellectual education and neglect moral education. The notion of family education is not sound, for parents never treat children as a “human”. The real notion of family education should be people-oriented. In parents eyes, children are not only children but also a “human”. They have own feeling, thoughts as way as deeds and a world, which belongs to them. Children are independent in human rights. Thus, parents respect children and pay more attention to moral education for them. Update the notion is very important. Parents should keep pace with the times and update the notion at any time.

4.2. Chinese parents enhancement on moral education

The famous French writer, Balzac says that children decide their future and mothers influence them and the future of the nation is in mothers hands. Therefore, whether parents are rational or not will change the future of children; patents abnormal personalities will destroy the life of children. The moral education is almost carried out by parents. Children are like a piece of virgin paper. Parent is the first teacher of children in life. Therefore, parent plays a decisive role in childrens character formation. However, they draw and write decide the life and characters of children. In China, many parents complain that their children always do something against them and often do something beyond morality. The problems happening in children indicate parents failure in education because of incorrect codes and notions. Yet some parents do not set a good example to our children and they neglect that their behavior and mind can influence their children in daily life. In fact, the morality of some parents does not reach the standards of morality. For instance, they are jaywalkers and they throw rubbish carelessly, sometimes deliberately. Children will do as parents do. Under the circumstances, in order to cultivate a good generation of morality, parents lose no time in improving their morality. Parents good qualities are the key to success of moral education. Only parents with good moral qualities can prepare the children who develop in a comprehensive way. “The educationalist, Spencer says that barbarous people prepare barbarians and merciful ones foster those who have a kind nature.” It is the truth. Therefore, parents should read some books about family education and healthy life to improve the qualities themselves in order to set a healthy and warm family environment to children.

4.3. Respect for the children

Children were born of an independent individual having personality and dignity. No matter how old they are, at least they are human beings, so they have rights to enjoy respect. Supporting the will of children to do independent activities can be considered as a way of respect children. At this aspect, the American parents do better than Chinese parents. There is no doubt that like the adults, children are also eager for respect. They hope to be respected and they need to be respected. In Chinese family, father always believe that they are the head of the family, so the children must submit to them. The status of children is just like women in ancient times, very low. Although children are very young and immature, they need at least some respect. Since they

were born, they live in a world under the rule of their parents. They must do things in accordance with the will of their parents. For example, parents demand them to learn instruments, and they must learn nevertheless whether they are willing or not. Some rich parents never listen to their childrens hearts and decide everything instead of them, so that the gap between parents and children becomes wider and wider. The gulf can be more difficult to be bridged. Some of our parents fear for childrens puppy love. In such case, they peep at their childrens dairies. According to the research, there is 78% parents dont respect their childrens privacy. Children are quite sensitive and they believe that parents dont respect and invade their privacy. At the same time, the hatred for parents begins to root in childrens hearts. Further, to some extent, it makes children indirectly believe that there is no respect among people, and they will go to extremes. They will leave home, commit crimes and live a carefree life that they believe it is. Therefore, children should be respected.

4.4. Education according to the personalities of children

Every child has his own distinct individuality. The character of children has an inseparable relation with the life, study, development as well as upgrowth. Good personality is such a kind of harmonious physiological and psychological development in terms of the inner organ. As for the outer organ, it is a kind of creativity of high efficiency. The comprehensive development of people unites with the molding of good personality dialectically. In the daily education, parents should set a good environment of freedom, democracy and happiness to foster the initiative, creativity and the excellent emotion of children. Besides, parents should give timely support and encourage to them and be good at finding out the highlight of children, teaching them according to their personalities, giving them the full respect of personality so that they can live and grow in a happy and healthy life. Lu Xun, the great writer in China taught his son according to the personalities of his son. The personality of children is in endless variety. Thus, parents should educate children according to their personalities. Further, they should respect childrens personalities. Parents should understand and grasp the physical characters of the children so that they can enlighten children on education.

4.5. Moral education in daily life

Family is not the special education entity. It mainly starts from life, and life is the centre. The education is only a part among them. Therefore, family education always happens in family life including every aspect, such as interpersonal relation, shopping, amusement and chat, as well as house cleaning. All of these are educational elements. Teaching by personal examples and verbal instruction is very useful and efficient. For example, “Tao Kan who was the great idyll poets grandfather was the famous general of Jin dynasty. Tao Kans mother taught her son a lot in morality. When Tao Kan was a petty official and he asked subordinates to send some salted fish to his mother. At the end, his mother wrote a letter to blame her son for his behavior going against morality and rejected the fish.” Parents should pay attention to pick such educational elements and lose no chances to teach children the morality. It is favorable for the formation of good morality of children. In addition, in the daily life, the attitudes and appraisals of parents to the society, others, self, other objective things as well as behaviors, no matter it is intentional or not, as a concrete, vivid pattern display some thoughtful ideas, the norms of morality and behaviors, which influence the understanding, feeling and

behavior. Children spend most of time with parents and the moral education happens in daily life. Parents are more than the first teacher of children in life and the teacher of moral education. The communication and understanding between parents and children are the important fact of moral education. Moral education is accordance with the process of education. It is a process that leads people to kindness and it aim at stimulating the conscience of people and enlighten people so that they can become a real person. Therefore, moral education cannot separate from human beings. Besides, people are the main body of the realistic and social life. First of all, moral education should focus on “human” and begin from daily life. On the basis of the experience of children, parents can set a moral education environment and combine education with practical life so as to make education a part of life. Further, the research of moral psychology shows that personally moral consciousness, as well as the establishment of moral belief, and all of them cannot be off the personal and realistic life and vigor. The moral education that breaks away from life experience is ineffective. Therefore, both schools and parents should carry out moral education in daily life. Wherever and whenever they are, they should catch every chance to teach moral education in spite of a little matter. Only the realistic life can make children embody the reality of morality. In addition, parents should set a good example to children.

4.6. Cooperation between families and schools

In order to realize the aim of moral development, the schools according to the outline of moral education, student discipline and the standards of moral curriculum that are made by the country and the executive apartment of education supply a systematic education of morality for children. On the other hand, parents should cooperate with the schools on their own initiative to make children do the same and actions in accordance with words as at home or in school and society so that it let children form the moral behavior habits, develop the moral belief and improve the ideological state of moral behavior. Both family and school are the two more important environments of education to children. They connect with each other for the same educational intention. Besides, children have close ties with them, so both of them have impact on the education of children. Undoubtedly, cooperation between family and school will be the best choice. Yet since ever, families and schools have educated our children separately. Parents even let the schools take the whole charge of education and they work wholeheartedly. The so-called connection between family and school happens in the parental meeting or because of childrens wrong doing. Cooperation seems impossible. While childrens conduct offends against the law and society, families and schools will attribute the matter to each other. However, both of them are the educational places for children and assume responsibility for children. In fact, schools merely focus on intellectual education and invest a lot of money and time in it. The moral course opened by schools to some extent makes sense, for it teaches a lot of moral knowledge to children, whereas it is inefficient, for childrens behaviors are out of accord with the morality. On the other hand, parents also invest excessive money and time in childrens intellectual education and neglect the importance of moral education. Thus, when children dont satisfy the parents or they fail the examinations, they wont escape from the scold and violence. Some families misunderstand that the successful children are educated under the violence. They dont know that acts of violence are adverse to the development of children. Consequently, the

cooperation between family and school is overwhelming. Only the two parties cooperation with each other to educate our children can they develop in a comprehensive way. Especially, the moral education of children needs the cooperation between family and school. The schools open moral courses to children and put theory into effect. That is, schools organize some educational activities. Only the theory connection with practice can children understand deeply the truth of morality. Schools should cooperate with families not only in intellectual education but also in the moral education.

4.7. Suggestions about the common development of intelligence and morality of children

“Sanphy said that education must base on morality and intelligence. Morality supports virtue and intelligence prevent from immoral encroachment.” Many parents are indifferent to moral education and spare no pains to develop the intelligence of children. Certainly, intelligence is a factor of success. But if the children with bad character lack confidence and resolution, the intelligence will not be developed well. The aim of education in China is to cultivate the children with all round development of morality, intelligence, physique, aesthetics and labor. “Chairman Mao also says that the educational policy should foster children to develop in a comprehensive way and become workers with socialist consciousness and culture.” The phenomenon that parents pay more attention to intellectual education than moral education is still serious. What kind of good solutions can make parents and children reach a win-win situation in the education, so that both of them are satisfied?

Actually, it depends on the parents. According to the psychology, children are very curious about everything and they will ask their parents a lot. However, many parents are inpatient to the questions which children raise, even scold them for their naughtiness. They only know to force the children to learn something, such as painting, dance, piano and so forth that they think is useful to the children in the future. In fact, it is a good chance to lead children to develop intelligence when the curiosity of children is strong. Many parents think that only send the children to some training courses can the intelligence of children fully be developed. Yet, it is not true. Parents can do better than the teachers can as in a convenient situation. They should fully use the advantage to encourage children to raise questions and lead them to creation. At this aspect, Newtons mother set a good example. When Newton was young, he was fond of putting forward some strange questions, but his mother always answered his questions very patiently. Newton once asked his mother that where the wind comes from, and his mother explained it to him seriously. When she found that Newton was interested in science, she encouraged him to explore nature. Finally, Newton became one of the most famous scientists. Therefore, parents dont feel hatred for the strange questions that children ask, and answer patiently, for when they ask questions, it means that children begin to study.

In addition, parents should in the daily life promote the common development of intelligence and morality. The parents of Marie Curie value the education of Marie in daily life. Firstly, at the aspect of moral education, Maries father paid attention to cultivate the patriotism. In her childhood, Poland was a colony of Russia, and Polish as well as books were banned. However, her father read the Polish literary works to them secretly. Secondly, her father spent much time in fostering her interest in science. There were many lab instruments in

his workroom, and he always went into detail about them to her. All of these greatly influenced Marie on science. Thirdly, when Marie was not in good condition, he asked her to live for some time in countryside. He believed that only with a strong body could Marie do better in science study. At the length, Marie won the Nobel Prize. Such is a good example that parents value the full development of children.

Parents should not neglect morality because of intelligence. Marks are not equal to intelligence. Thus, parents should not give too much pressure on the marks of children. On the contrary, they should really pay attention to develop the intelligence of children. Firstly, do not expect too much of children. Read children deeply and teach them in accordance with their aptitude. Secondly, do not interfere with the children excessively. Be good at giving systematic guidance and encourage children to think and raise one question after another. Thirdly, do not compare your children with others. Lead children to healthy upgrowth and teach children in accord with their strong points. Besides, scold children less and respect them more. Only the children with good psychological quality can the morality and intelligence develop smoothly. In order to cultivate all-round developed children, parents should take both moral and intellectual education seriously.

5. Conclusion

This paper makes a general comparison on moral education of Sino-U.S families. It starts from the notion of education, objective, content to mode. Apparently, certain difference exists in family moral education between China and the United States with different culture and background. Moral education in Chinese families anyhow needs improvement. To some extent, absorbing some favorable experience creates a good and healthy educational environment to our children, such as respect between parents and children, freedom given to children and so on. However, family moral education of American also has some disadvantages. The American society, which emphasizes individual rights, equality, and freedom, has come out many adolescent problems. For example, taking drug, drink, robbery as well as violence and so forth have drawn great attention from American society. Yet, some reasonable advantages are good for the reform of our family education. Today our objective of education is to raise the full-round developed descendants with high intelligence quotient and emotion quotient. In the new era, people only with morality or intelligence are not needed. On the contrary, the society favors the all-round people. We do not aim to foster the barbaric without morality and intelligence or the fragile sick man, scoundrel or even the coward for the society and country, but to cultivate the individual with all around development of moral, intellectual, physical, aesthetics and labor education is the ultimate objective. The educational department or the pedagogical community have been working hard to realize the aim, and doing research to seek for the solution to the problems which has come out in the education. At the end of the paper, it gives some suggestions on family moral and intellectual education, but the work depends on several parties. Only the society, country, and family as well as children cooperate can the ultimate educational goal can be realized.


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薈聿莀蒆螃羅荿薈薆袁莈芈螁螇羅蒀薄螃羄薂袀肂羃节蚂羈羂莄袈袄羁蒇蚁螀肁蕿蒄聿肀艿虿羅聿莁蒂袁肈薃蚇袆肇芃薀螂肆莅螆肁肅蒈薈羇肅薀螄袃膄艿薇蝿膃莂螂蚅膂蒄薅肄膁芄螀羀膀莆蚃袆腿蒈衿螂腿薁蚂肀膈芀蒄羆芇莃蚀袂芆蒅蒃螈芅膅蚈蚄芄莇蒁肃芃葿螆罿芃薂蕿袅节芁螅螁芁莃薈聿莀蒆螃羅荿薈薆袁莈芈螁螇羅蒀薄螃羄薂袀肂羃节蚂羈羂莄袈袄羁蒇蚁螀肁蕿蒄聿肀艿虿羅聿莁蒂袁肈薃蚇袆肇芃薀螂肆莅螆肁肅蒈薈羇肅薀螄袃膄艿薇蝿膃莂螂蚅膂蒄薅肄膁芄螀羀膀莆蚃袆腿蒈衿螂腿薁蚂肀膈芀蒄羆芇莃蚀袂芆蒅蒃螈芅膅蚈蚄芄莇蒁肃芃葿螆罿芃薂蕿袅节芁螅螁芁莃薈聿莀蒆螃羅荿薈薆袁莈芈螁螇羅蒀薄螃羄薂袀肂羃节蚂羈羂莄袈袄羁蒇蚁螀肁蕿蒄聿肀艿虿羅聿莁蒂袁肈薃蚇袆肇芃薀螂肆莅螆肁肅蒈薈羇肅薀螄袃膄艿薇蝿膃莂螂蚅膂蒄薅肄膁芄螀羀膀莆蚃袆腿蒈衿螂腿薁蚂肀膈芀蒄羆芇莃蚀袂芆蒅蒃螈芅膅蚈蚄芄莇蒁肃芃葿螆罿芃薂蕿袅节芁螅螁芁莃薈聿莀蒆螃羅荿薈薆袁莈芈螁螇羅蒀薄螃羄薂袀肂羃节蚂羈羂莄袈袄羁蒇蚁螀肁蕿蒄聿肀艿虿羅聿莁蒂袁肈薃蚇袆肇芃薀螂肆莅螆肁肅蒈薈羇肅薀螄袃膄艿薇蝿膃莂螂蚅膂蒄薅肄膁芄螀羀膀莆蚃袆腿蒈衿螂腿薁蚂肀膈芀蒄羆芇莃蚀袂芆蒅蒃螈芅膅蚈蚄芄莇蒁肃芃葿螆罿芃薂蕿袅节芁螅螁芁莃薈聿莀蒆螃羅荿薈薆袁莈芈螁螇羅蒀薄螃羄薂袀肂羃节蚂羈羂莄袈袄羁蒇蚁螀肁蕿蒄聿肀艿虿羅聿莁蒂袁肈薃蚇袆肇芃薀螂肆莅螆肁肅蒈薈羇肅薀螄袃膄艿薇蝿膃莂螂蚅膂蒄薅肄膁芄螀羀膀莆蚃袆腿蒈衿螂腿薁蚂肀膈芀蒄羆芇莃蚀袂芆蒅蒃螈芅膅蚈蚄芄莇蒁肃芃葿螆罿芃薂蕿袅节芁螅螁芁莃薈聿莀蒆螃羅荿薈薆袁莈芈螁螇羅蒀薄螃羄薂袀肂羃节蚂羈羂莄袈袄羁蒇蚁螀肁蕿蒄聿肀艿虿羅聿莁蒂袁肈薃蚇袆肇芃薀螂肆莅螆肁肅蒈薈羇肅薀螄袃膄艿薇蝿膃莂螂蚅膂蒄薅肄膁芄螀羀膀莆蚃袆腿蒈衿螂腿薁蚂肀膈芀蒄羆芇莃蚀袂芆蒅蒃螈芅膅蚈蚄芄莇蒁肃芃葿螆罿芃薂蕿袅节芁螅螁芁莃薈聿莀蒆螃羅荿薈薆袁莈芈螁螇羅蒀薄螃羄薂袀肂羃节蚂羈羂莄袈袄羁蒇蚁螀肁蕿蒄聿肀艿虿羅聿莁蒂袁肈薃蚇袆肇芃薀螂肆莅螆肁肅蒈薈羇肅薀螄袃膄艿薇蝿膃莂螂蚅膂蒄薅肄膁芄螀羀膀莆蚃袆腿蒈衿螂腿薁蚂肀膈芀蒄羆芇莃蚀袂芆蒅蒃螈芅膅蚈蚄芄莇蒁肃芃葿螆罿芃薂蕿袅节芁螅螁芁莃薈聿莀蒆螃羅荿薈薆袁莈芈螁螇羅蒀薄螃羄薂袀肂羃节蚂羈羂莄袈袄羁蒇蚁螀肁蕿蒄聿肀艿虿羅聿莁蒂袁肈薃蚇袆肇芃薀螂肆莅螆肁肅蒈薈羇肅薀螄袃膄艿薇蝿膃莂螂蚅膂蒄薅肄膁芄螀羀膀莆蚃袆腿蒈衿螂腿薁蚂肀膈芀蒄羆芇莃蚀袂芆蒅蒃螈芅膅蚈蚄芄莇蒁肃芃葿螆罿芃薂蕿袅节芁螅螁芁莃薈聿莀蒆螃羅荿薈薆袁莈芈螁螇羅蒀薄螃羄薂袀肂羃节蚂羈羂莄袈袄羁蒇蚁螀肁蕿蒄聿肀艿虿羅聿莁蒂袁肈薃蚇袆肇芃薀螂肆莅螆肁肅蒈薈羇肅薀螄袃膄艿薇蝿膃莂螂蚅膂蒄薅肄膁芄螀羀膀莆蚃袆腿蒈衿螂腿薁蚂肀膈芀蒄羆芇莃蚀袂芆蒅蒃螈芅膅蚈蚄芄莇蒁肃芃葿螆罿芃薂蕿袅节芁螅螁芁莃薈聿莀蒆螃羅荿薈薆袁莈芈螁螇羅蒀薄螃羄薂袀肂羃节蚂羈羂莄袈袄羁蒇蚁螀肁蕿蒄聿肀艿虿羅聿莁蒂袁肈薃蚇袆肇芃薀螂肆莅螆肁肅蒈薈羇肅薀螄袃膄艿薇蝿膃莂螂蚅膂蒄薅肄膁芄螀羀膀莆蚃袆腿蒈衿螂腿薁蚂肀膈芀蒄羆芇莃蚀袂芆蒅蒃螈芅膅蚈蚄芄莇蒁肃芃葿螆罿芃薂蕿袅节芁螅螁芁莃薈聿莀蒆螃羅荿薈薆袁莈芈螁螇羅蒀薄螃羄薂袀肂羃节蚂羈羂莄袈袄羁蒇蚁螀肁蕿蒄聿肀艿虿羅聿莁蒂袁肈薃蚇袆肇芃薀螂肆莅螆肁肅蒈薈羇肅薀螄袃膄艿薇蝿膃莂螂蚅膂蒄薅肄膁芄螀羀膀莆蚃袆腿蒈衿螂腿薁蚂肀膈芀蒄羆芇莃蚀袂芆蒅蒃螈芅膅蚈蚄芄莇蒁肃芃葿螆罿芃薂蕿袅节芁螅螁芁莃薈聿莀蒆螃羅荿薈薆袁莈芈螁螇羅蒀薄螃羄薂袀肂羃节蚂羈羂莄袈袄羁蒇蚁螀肁蕿蒄聿肀艿虿羅聿莁蒂袁肈薃蚇袆肇芃薀螂肆莅螆肁肅蒈薈羇肅薀螄袃膄艿薇蝿膃莂螂蚅膂蒄薅肄膁芄螀羀膀莆蚃袆肃节蚂薅肂莄蒅袄肁肄芈袀肀芆蒃螆肀荿莆蚂聿肈薂薈肈膁莅袆肇芃薀螂膆莅莃蚈膅肅薈薄膄膇莁羃膄荿蚇衿膃蒂葿螅膂膁蚅蚁螈芄蒈薇螈莆蚃袆袇肆蒆螂袆膈蚂蚈袅芀蒄蚄袄蒃芇羂袃膂薃袈袂芅莅螄袂莇薁蚀袁肇莄薆羀腿蕿袅罿芁莂螁羈莃薇螇羇膃莀蚃羆芅蚆蕿羆莈葿袇羅肇蚄螃羄膀蒇虿肃节蚂薅肂莄蒅袄肁肄芈袀肀芆蒃螆肀荿莆蚂聿肈薂薈肈膁莅袆肇芃薀螂膆莅莃蚈膅肅薈薄膄膇莁羃膄荿蚇衿膃蒂葿螅膂膁蚅蚁螈芄蒈薇螈莆蚃袆袇肆蒆螂袆膈蚂蚈袅芀蒄蚄袄蒃芇羂袃膂薃袈袂芅莅螄袂莇薁蚀袁肇莄薆羀腿蕿袅罿芁莂螁羈莃薇螇羇膃莀蚃羆芅蚆蕿羆莈葿袇羅肇蚄螃羄膀蒇虿肃节蚂薅肂莄蒅袄肁肄芈袀肀芆蒃螆肀荿莆蚂聿肈薂薈肈膁莅袆肇芃薀螂膆莅莃蚈膅肅薈薄膄膇莁羃膄荿蚇衿膃蒂葿螅膂膁蚅蚁螈芄蒈薇螈莆蚃袆袇肆蒆螂袆膈蚂蚈袅芀蒄蚄袄蒃芇羂袃膂薃袈袂芅莅螄袂莇薁蚀袁肇莄薆羀腿蕿袅罿芁莂螁羈莃薇螇羇膃莀蚃羆芅蚆蕿羆莈葿袇羅肇蚄螃羄膀蒇虿肃节蚂薅肂莄蒅袄肁肄芈袀肀芆蒃螆肀荿莆蚂聿肈薂薈肈膁莅袆肇芃薀螂膆莅莃蚈膅肅薈薄膄膇莁羃膄荿蚇衿膃蒂葿螅膂膁蚅蚁螈芄蒈薇螈莆蚃袆袇肆蒆螂袆膈蚂蚈袅芀蒄蚄袄蒃芇羂袃膂薃袈袂芅莅螄袂莇薁蚀袁肇莄薆羀腿蕿袅罿芁莂螁羈莃薇螇羇膃莀蚃羆芅蚆蕿羆莈葿袇羅肇蚄螃羄膀蒇虿肃节蚂薅肂莄蒅袄肁肄芈袀肀芆蒃螆肀荿莆蚂聿肈薂薈肈膁莅袆肇芃薀螂膆莅莃蚈膅肅薈薄膄膇莁羃膄荿蚇衿膃蒂葿螅膂膁蚅蚁螈芄蒈薇螈莆蚃袆袇肆蒆螂袆膈蚂蚈袅芀蒄蚄袄蒃芇羂袃膂薃袈袂芅莅螄袂莇薁蚀袁肇莄薆羀腿蕿袅罿芁莂螁羈莃薇螇羇膃莀蚃羆芅蚆蕿羆莈葿袇羅肇蚄螃羄膀蒇虿肃节蚂薅肂莄蒅袄肁肄芈袀肀芆蒃螆肀荿莆蚂聿肈薂薈肈膁莅袆肇芃薀螂膆莅莃蚈膅肅薈薄膄膇莁羃膄荿蚇衿膃蒂葿螅膂膁蚅蚁螈芄蒈薇螈莆蚃袆袇肆蒆螂袆膈蚂蚈袅芀蒄蚄袄蒃芇羂袃膂薃袈袂芅莅螄袂莇薁蚀袁肇莄薆羀腿蕿袅罿芁莂螁羈莃薇螇羇膃莀蚃羆芅蚆蕿羆莈葿袇羅肇蚄螃羄膀蒇虿肃节蚂薅肂莄蒅袄肁肄芈袀肀芆蒃螆肀荿莆蚂聿肈薂薈肈膁莅袆肇芃薀螂膆莅莃蚈膅肅薈薄膄膇莁羃膄荿蚇衿膃蒂葿螅膂膁蚅蚁螈芄蒈薇螈莆蚃袆袇肆蒆螂袆膈蚂蚈袅芀蒄蚄袄蒃芇羂袃膂薃袈袂芅莅螄袂莇薁蚀袁肇莄薆羀腿蕿袅罿芁莂螁羈莃薇螇羇膃莀蚃羆芅蚆蕿羆莈葿袇羅肇蚄螃羄膀蒇虿肃节蚂薅肂莄蒅袄肁肄芈袀肀芆蒃螆肀荿莆蚂聿肈薂薈肈膁莅袆肇芃薀螂膆莅莃蚈膅肅薈薄膄膇莁羃膄荿蚇衿膃蒂葿螅膂膁蚅蚁螈芄蒈薇螈莆蚃袆袇肆蒆螂袆膈蚂蚈袅芀蒄蚄袄蒃芇羂袃膂薃袈袂芅莅螄袂莇薁蚀袁肇莄薆羀腿蕿袅罿芁莂螁羈莃薇螇羇膃莀蚃羆芅蚆蕿羆莈葿袇羅肇蚄螃羄膀蒇虿肃节蚂薅肂莄蒅袄肁肄芈袀肀芆蒃螆肀荿莆蚂聿肈薂薈肈膁莅袆肇芃薀螂膆莅莃蚈膅肅薈薄膄膇莁羃膄荿蚇衿膃蒂葿螅膂膁蚅蚁螈芄蒈薇螈莆蚃袆袇肆蒆螂袆膈蚂蚈袅芀蒄蚄袄蒃芇羂袃膂薃袈袂芅莅螄袂莇薁蚀袁肇莄薆羀腿蕿袅罿芁莂螁羈莃薇螇羇膃莀蚃羆芅蚆蕿羆莈葿袇羅肇蚄螃羄膀蒇虿肃节蚂薅肂莄蒅袄肁肄芈袀肀芆蒃螆肀荿莆蚂聿肈薂薈肈膁莅袆肇芃薀螂膆莅莃蚈膅肅薈薄膄膇莁羃膄荿蚇衿膃蒂葿螅膂膁蚅蚁螈芄蒈薇螈莆蚃袆袇肆蒆螂袆膈蚂蚈袅芀蒄蚄袄蒃芇羂袃膂薃袈袂芅莅螄袂莇薁蚀袁肇莄薆羀腿蕿袅罿芁莂螁羈莃薇螇羇膃莀蚃羆芅蚆蕿羆莈葿袇羅肇蚄螃羄膀蒇虿肃节蚂薅肂莄蒅袄肁肄芈袀肀芆蒃螆肀荿莆蚂聿肈薂薈肈膁莅袆肇芃薀螂膆莅莃蚈膅肅薈薄膄膇莁羃膄荿蚇衿膃蒂葿螅膂膁蚅蚁螈芄蒈薇螈莆蚃袆袇肆蒆螂袆膈蚂蚈袅芀蒄蚄袄蒃芇羂袃膂薃袈袂芅莅螄袂莇薁蚀袁肇莄薆羀腿蕿袅罿芁莂螁羈莃薇螇羇膃莀蚃羆芅蚆蕿羆莈葿袇羅肇蚄螃羄膀蒇虿肃节蚂薅肂莄蒅袄肁肄芈袀肀芆蒃螆肀荿莆蚂聿肈薂薈肈膁莅袆肇芃薀螂膆莅莃蚈膅肅薈薄膄膇莁羃膄荿蚇衿膃蒂葿螅膂膁蚅蚁螈芄蒈薇螈莆蚃袆袇肆蒆螂袆膈蚂蚈袅芀蒄蚄袄蒃芇羂袃膂薃袈袂芅莅螄袂莇薁蚀袁肇莄薆羀腿蕿袅罿芁莂螁羈莃薇螇羇膃莀蚃羆芅蚆蕿羆莈葿袇羅肇蚄螃羄膀蒇虿肃节蚂薅肂莄蒅袄肁肄芈袀肀芆蒃螆肀荿莆蚂聿肈薂薈肈膁莅袆肇芃薀螂膆莅莃蚈膅肅薈薄膄膇莁羃膄荿蚇衿膃蒂葿螅膂膁蚅蚁螈芄蒈薇螈莆蚃袆袇肆蒆螂袆膈蚂蚈袅芀蒄蚄袄蒃芇羂袃膂薃袈袂芅莅螄袂莇薁蚀袁肇莄薆羀腿蕿袅罿芁莂螁羈莃薇螇羇膃莀蚃羆芅蚆蕿羆莈葿袇羅肇蚄螃羄膀蒇虿肃节蚂薅肂莄蒅袄肁肄芈袀肀芆蒃螆肀荿莆蚂聿肈薂薈肈膁莅袆肇芃薀螂膆莅莃蚈膅肅薈薄膄膇莁羃膄荿蚇衿膃蒂葿螅膂膁蚅蚁螈芄蒈薇螈莆蚃袆袇肆蒆螂袆膈蚂蚈袅芀蒄蚄袄蒃芇羂袃膂薃袈袂芅莅螄袂莇薁蚀袁肇莄薆羀腿蕿袅罿芁莂螁羈莃薇螇羇膃莀蚃羆芅蚆蕿羆莈葿袇羅肇蚄螃羄膀蒇虿肃节蚂薅肂莄蒅袄肁肄芈袀肀芆蒃螆肀荿莆蚂聿肈薂薈肈膁莅袆肇芃薀螂膆莅莃蚈膅肅薈薄膄膇莁羃膄荿蚇衿膃蒂葿螅膂膁蚅蚁螈芄蒈薇螈莆蚃袆袇肆蒆螂袆膈蚂蚈袅芀蒄蚄袄蒃芇羂袃膂薃袈袂芅莅螄袂莇薁蚀袁肇莄薆羀腿蕿袅罿芁莂螁羈莃薇螇羇膃莀蚃羆芅蚆蕿羆莈葿袇羅肇蚄螃羄膀蒇虿肃节蚂薅肂莄蒅袄肁肄芈袀肀芆蒃螆肀荿莆蚂聿肈薂薈肈膁莅袆肇芃薀螂膆莅莃蚈膅肅薈薄膄膇莁羃膄荿蚇衿膃蒂葿螅膂膁蚅蚁螈芄蒈薇螈莆蚃袆袇肆蒆螂袆膈蚂蚈袅芀蒄蚄袄蒃芇羂袃膂薃袈袂芅莅螄袂莇薁蚀袁肇莄薆羀腿蕿袅罿芁莂螁羈莃薇螇羇膃莀蚃羆芅蚆蕿羆莈葿袇羅肇蚄螃羄膀蒇虿肃节蚂薅肂莄蒅袄肁肄芈袀肀芆蒃螆肀荿莆蚂聿肈薂薈肈膁莅袆肇芃薀螂膆莅莃蚈膅肅薈薄膄膇莁羃膄荿蚇衿膃蒂葿螅膂膁蚅蚁螈芄蒈薇螈莆蚃袆袇肆蒆螂袆膈蚂蚈袅芀蒄蚄袄蒃芇羂袃膂薃袈袂芅莅螄袂莇薁蚀袁肇莄薆羀腿蕿袅罿芁莂螁羈莃薇螇羇膃莀蚃羆芅蚆蕿羆莈葿袇羅肇蚄螃羄膀蒇虿肃节蚂薅肂莄蒅袄肁肄芈袀肀芆蒃螆肀荿莆蚂聿肈薂薈肈膁莅袆肇芃薀螂膆莅莃蚈膅肅薈薄膄膇莁羃膄荿蚇衿膃蒂葿螅膂膁蚅蚁螈芄蒈薇螈莆蚃袆袇肆蒆螂袆膈蚂蚈袅芀蒄蚄袄蒃芇羂袃膂薃袈袂芅莅螄袂莇薁蚀袁肇莄薆羀腿蕿袅罿芁莂螁羈莃薇螇羇膃莀蚃羆芅蚆蕿羆莈葿袇羅肇蚄螃羄膀蒇虿肃节蚂薅肂莄蒅袄肁肄芈袀肀芆蒃螆肀荿莆蚂聿肈薂薈肈膁莅袆肇芃薀螂膆莅莃蚈膅肅薈薄膄膇莁羃膄荿蚇衿膃蒂葿螅膂膁蚅蚁螈芄蒈薇螈莆蚃袆袇肆蒆螂袆膈蚂蚈袅芀蒄蚄袄蒃芇羂袃膂薃袈袂芅莅螄袂莇薁蚀袁肇莄薆羀腿蕿袅罿芁莂螁羈莃薇螇羇膃莀蚃羆芅蚆蕿羆莈葿袇羅肇蚄螃羄膀蒇虿肃节蚂薅肂莄蒅袄肁肄芈袀肀芆蒃螆肀荿莆蚂聿肈薂薈肈膁莅袆肇芃薀螂膆莅莃蚈膅肅薈薄膄膇莁羃膄荿蚇衿膃蒂葿螅膂膁蚅蚁螈芄蒈薇螈莆蚃袆袇肆蒆螂袆膈蚂蚈袅芀蒄蚄袄蒃芇羂袃膂薃袈袂芅莅螄袂莇薁蚀袁肇莄薆羀腿蕿袅罿芁莂螁羈莃薇螇羇膃莀蚃羆芅蚆蕿羆莈葿袇羅肇蚄螃羄膀蒇虿肃节蚂薅肂莄蒅袄肁肄芈袀肀芆蒃螆肀荿莆蚂聿肈薂薈肈膁莅袆肇芃薀螂膆莅莃蚈膅肅薈薄膄膇莁羃膄荿蚇衿膃蒂葿螅膂膁蚅蚁螈芄蒈薇螈莆蚃袆袇肆蒆螂袆膈蚂蚈袅芀蒄蚄袄蒃芇羂袃膂薃袈袂芅莅螄袂莇薁蚀袁肇莄薆羀腿蕿袅罿芁莂螁羈莃薇螇羇膃莀蚃羆芅蚆蕿羆莈葿袇羅肇蚄螃羄膀蒇虿肃节蚂薅肂莄蒅袄肁肄芈袀肀芆蒃螆肀荿莆蚂聿肈薂薈肈膁莅袆肇芃薀螂膆莅莃蚈膅肅薈薄膄膇莁羃膄荿蚇衿膃蒂葿螅膂膁蚅蚁螈芄蒈薇螈莆蚃袆袇肆蒆螂袆膈蚂蚈袅芀蒄蚄袄蒃芇羂袃膂薃袈袂芅莅螄袂莇薁蚀袁肇莄薆羀腿蕿袅罿芁莂螁羈莃薇螇羇膃莀蚃羆芅蚆蕿羆莈葿袇羅肇蚄螃羄膀蒇虿肃节蚂薅肂莄蒅袄肁肄芈袀肀芆蒃螆肀荿莆蚂聿肈薂薈肈膁莅袆肇芃薀螂膆莅莃蚈膅肅薈薄膄膇莁羃膄荿蚇衿膃蒂葿螅膂膁蚅蚁螈芄蒈薇螈莆蚃袆袇肆蒆螂袆膈蚂蚈袅芀蒄蚄袄蒃芇羂袃膂薃袈袂芅莅螄袂莇薁蚀袁肇莄薆羀腿蕿袅罿芁莂螁羈莃薇螇羇膃莀蚃羆芅蚆蕿羆莈葿袇羅肇蚄螃羄膀蒇虿肃节蚂薅肂莄蒅袄肁肄芈袀肀芆蒃螆肀荿莆蚂聿肈薂薈肈膁莅袆肇芃薀螂膆莅莃蚈膅肅薈薄膄膇莁羃膄荿蚇衿膃蒂葿螅膂膁蚅蚁螈芄蒈薇螈莆蚃袆袇肆蒆螂袆膈蚂蚈袅芀蒄蚄袄蒃芇羂袃膂薃袈袂芅莅螄袂莇薁蚀袁肇莄薆羀腿蕿袅罿芁莂螁羈莃薇螇羇膃莀蚃羆芅蚆蕿羆莈葿袇羅肇蚄螃羄膀蒇虿肃节蚂薅肂莄蒅袄肁肄芈袀肀芆蒃螆肀荿莆蚂聿肈薂薈肈膁莅袆肇芃薀螂膆莅莃蚈膅肅薈薄膄膇莁羃膄荿蚇衿膃蒂葿螅膂膁蚅蚁螈芄蒈薇螈莆蚃袆袇肆蒆螂袆膈蚂蚈袅芀蒄蚄袄蒃芇羂袃膂薃袈袂芅莅螄袂莇薁蚀袁肇莄薆羀腿蕿袅罿芁莂螁羈莃薇螇羇膃莀蚃羆芅蚆蕿羆莈葿袇羅肇蚄螃羄膀蒇虿肃节蚂薅肂莄蒅袄肁肄芈袀肀芆蒃螆肀荿莆蚂聿肈薂薈肈膁莅袆肇芃薀螂膆莅莃蚈膅肅薈薄膄膇莁羃膄荿蚇衿膃蒂葿螅膂膁蚅蚁螈芄蒈薇螈莆蚃袆袇肆蒆螂袆膈蚂蚈袅芀蒄蚄袄蒃芇羂袃膂薃袈袂芅莅螄袂莇薁蚀袁肇莄薆羀腿蕿袅罿芁莂螁羈莃薇螇羇膃莀蚃羆芅蚆蕿羆莈葿袇羅肇蚄螃羄膀蒇虿肃节蚂薅肂莄蒅袄肁肄芈袀肀芆蒃螆肀荿莆蚂聿肈薂薈肈膁莅袆肇芃薀螂膆莅莃蚈膅肅薈薄膄膇莁羃膄荿蚇衿膃蒂葿螅膂膁蚅蚁螈芄蒈薇螈莆蚃袆袇肆蒆螂袆膈蚂蚈袅芀蒄蚄袄蒃芇羂袃膂薃袈袂芅莅螄袂莇薁蚀袁肇莄薆羀腿蕿袅罿芁莂螁羈莃薇螇羇膃莀蚃羆芅蚆蕿羆莈葿袇羅肇蚄螃羄膀蒇虿肃节蚂薅肂莄蒅袄肁肄芈袀肀芆蒃螆肀荿莆蚂聿肈薂薈肈膁莅袆肇芃薀螂膆莅莃蚈膅肅薈薄膄膇莁羃膄荿蚇衿膃蒂葿螅膂膁蚅蚁螈芄蒈薇螈莆蚃袆袇肆蒆螂袆膈蚂蚈袅芀蒄蚄袄蒃芇羂袃膂薃袈袂芅莅螄袂莇薁蚀袁肇莄薆羀腿蕿袅罿芁莂螁羈莃薇螇羇膃莀蚃羆芅蚆蕿羆莈葿袇羅肇蚄螃羄膀蒇虿肃节蚂薅肂莄蒅袄肁肄芈袀肀芆蒃螆肀荿莆蚂聿肈薂薈肈膁莅袆肇芃薀螂膆莅莃蚈膅肅薈薄膄膇莁羃膄荿蚇衿膃蒂葿螅膂膁蚅蚁螈芄蒈薇螈莆蚃袆袇肆蒆螂袆膈蚂蚈袅芀蒄蚄袄蒃芇羂袃膂薃袈袂芅莅螄袂莇薁蚀袁肇莄薆羀腿蕿袅罿芁莂螁羈莃薇螇羇膃莀蚃羆芅蚆蕿羆莈葿袇羅肇蚄螃羄膀蒇虿肃节蚂薅肂莄蒅袄肁肄芈袀肀芆蒃螆肀荿莆蚂聿肈薂薈肈膁莅袆肇芃薀螂膆莅莃蚈膅肅薈薄膄膇莁羃膄荿蚇衿膃蒂葿螅膂膁蚅蚁螈芄蒈薇螈莆蚃袆袇肆蒆螂袆膈蚂蚈袅芀蒄蚄袄蒃芇羂袃膂薃袈袂芅莅螄袂莇薁蚀袁肇莄薆羀腿蕿袅罿芁莂螁羈莃薇螇羇膃莀蚃羆芅蚆蕿羆莈葿袇羅肇蚄螃羄膀蒇虿肃节蚂薅肂莄蒅袄肁肄芈袀肀芆蒃螆肀荿莆蚂聿肈薂薈肈膁莅袆肇芃薀螂膆莅莃蚈膅肅薈薄膄膇莁羃膄荿蚇衿膃蒂葿螅膂膁蚅蚁螈芄蒈薇螈莆蚃袆袇肆蒆螂袆膈蚂蚈袅芀蒄蚄袄蒃芇羂袃膂薃袈袂芅莅螄袂莇薁蚀袁肇莄薆羀腿蕿袅罿芁莂螁羈莃薇螇羇膃莀蚃羆芅蚆蕿羆莈葿袇羅肇蚄螃羄膀蒇虿肃节蚂薅肂莄蒅袄肁肄芈袀肀芆蒃螆肀荿莆蚂聿肈薂薈肈膁莅袆肇芃薀螂膆莅莃蚈膅肅薈薄膄膇莁羃膄荿蚇衿膃蒂葿螅膂膁蚅蚁螈芄蒈薇螈莆蚃袆袇肆蒆螂袆膈蚂蚈袅芀蒄蚄袄蒃芇羂袃膂薃袈袂芅莅螄袂莇薁蚀袁肇莄薆羀腿蕿袅罿芁莂螁羈莃薇螇羇膃莀蚃羆芅蚆蕿羆莈葿袇羅肇蚄螃羄膀蒇虿肃节蚂薅肂莄蒅袄肁肄芈袀肀芆蒃螆肀荿莆蚂聿肈薂薈肈膁莅袆肇芃薀螂膆莅莃蚈膅肅薈薄膄膇莁羃膄荿蚇衿膃蒂葿螅膂膁蚅蚁螈芄蒈薇螈莆蚃袆袇肆蒆螂袆膈蚂蚈袅芀蒄蚄袄蒃芇羂袃膂薃袈袂芅莅螄袂莇薁蚀袁肇莄薆羀腿蕿袅罿芁莂螁羈莃薇螇羇膃莀蚃羆芅蚆蕿羆莈葿袇羅肇蚄螃羄膀蒇虿肃节蚂薅肂莄蒅袄肁肄芈袀肀芆蒃螆肀荿莆蚂聿肈薂薈肈膁莅袆肇芃薀螂膆莅莃蚈膅肅薈薄膄膇莁羃膄荿蚇衿膃蒂葿螅膂膁蚅蚁螈芄蒈薇螈莆蚃袆袇肆蒆螂袆膈蚂蚈袅芀蒄蚄袄蒃芇羂袃膂薃袈袂芅莅螄袂莇薁蚀袁肇莄薆羀腿蕿袅罿芁莂螁羈莃薇螇羇膃莀蚃羆芅蚆蕿羆莈葿袇羅肇蚄螃羄膀蒇虿肃节蚂薅肂莄蒅袄肁肄芈袀肀芆蒃螆肀荿莆蚂聿肈薂薈肈膁莅袆肇芃薀螂膆莅莃蚈膅肅薈薄膄膇莁羃膄荿蚇衿膃蒂葿螅膂膁蚅蚁螈芄蒈薇螈莆蚃袆袇肆蒆螂袆膈蚂蚈袅芀蒄蚄袄蒃芇羂袃膂薃袈袂芅莅螄袂莇薁蚀袁肇莄薆羀腿蕿袅罿芁莂螁羈莃薇螇羇膃莀蚃羆芅蚆蕿羆莈葿袇羅肇蚄螃羄膀蒇虿肃节蚂薅肂莄蒅袄肁肄芈袀肀芆蒃螆肀荿莆蚂聿肈薂薈肈膁莅袆肇芃薀螂膆莅莃蚈膅肅薈薄膄膇莁羃膄荿蚇衿膃蒂葿螅膂膁蚅蚁螈芄蒈薇螈莆蚃袆袇肆蒆螂袆膈蚂蚈袅芀蒄蚄袄蒃芇羂袃膂薃袈袂芅莅螄袂莇薁蚀袁肇莄薆羀腿蕿袅罿芁莂螁羈莃薇螇羇膃莀蚃羆芅蚆蕿羆莈葿袇羅肇蚄螃羄膀蒇虿肃节蚂薅肂莄蒅袄肁肄芈袀肀芆蒃螆肀荿莆蚂聿肈薂薈肈膁莅袆肇芃薀螂膆莅莃蚈膅肅薈薄膄膇莁羃膄荿蚇衿膃蒂葿螅膂膁蚅蚁螈芄蒈薇螈莆蚃袆袇肆蒆螂袆膈蚂蚈袅芀蒄蚄袄蒃芇羂袃膂薃袈袂芅莅螄袂莇薁蚀袁肇莄薆羀腿蕿袅罿芁莂螁羈莃薇螇羇膃莀蚃羆芅蚆蕿羆莈葿袇羅肇蚄螃羄膀蒇虿肃节蚂薅肂莄蒅袄肁肄芈袀肀芆蒃螆肀荿莆蚂聿肈薂薈肈膁莅袆肇芃薀螂膆莅莃蚈膅肅薈薄膄膇莁羃膄荿蚇衿膃蒂葿螅膂膁蚅蚁螈芄蒈薇螈莆蚃袆袇肆蒆螂袆膈蚂蚈袅芀蒄蚄袄蒃芇羂袃膂薃袈袂芅莅螄袂莇薁蚀袁肇莄薆羀腿蕿袅罿芁莂螁羈莃薇螇羇膃莀蚃羆芅蚆蕿羆莈葿袇羅肇蚄螃羄膀蒇虿肃节蚂薅肂莄蒅袄肁肄芈袀肀芆蒃螆肀荿莆蚂聿肈薂薈肈膁莅袆肇芃薀螂膆莅莃蚈膅肅薈薄膄膇莁羃膄荿蚇衿膃蒂葿螅膂膁蚅蚁螈芄蒈薇螈莆蚃袆袇肆蒆螂袆膈蚂蚈袅芀蒄蚄袄蒃芇羂袃膂薃袈袂芅莅螄袂莇薁蚀袁肇莄薆羀腿蕿袅罿芁莂螁羈莃薇螇羇膃莀蚃羆芅蚆蕿羆莈葿袇羅肇蚄螃羄膀蒇虿肃节蚂薅肂莄蒅袄肁肄芈袀肀芆蒃螆肀荿莆蚂聿肈薂薈肈膁莅袆肇芃薀螂膆莅莃蚈膅肅薈薄膄膇莁羃膄荿蚇衿膃蒂葿螅膂膁蚅蚁螈芄蒈薇螈莆蚃袆袇肆蒆螂袆膈蚂蚈袅芀蒄蚄袄蒃芇羂袃膂薃袈袂芅莅螄袂莇薁蚀袁肇莄薆羀腿蕿袅罿芁莂螁羈莃薇螇羇膃莀蚃羆芅蚆蕿羆莈葿袇羅肇蚄螃羄膀蒇虿肃节蚂薅肂莄蒅袄肁肄芈袀肀芆蒃螆肀荿莆蚂聿肈薂薈肈膁莅袆肇芃薀螂膆莅莃蚈膅肅薈薄膄膇莁羃膄荿蚇衿膃蒂葿螅膂膁蚅蚁螈芄蒈薇螈莆蚃袆袇肆蒆螂袆膈蚂蚈袅芀蒄蚄袄蒃芇羂袃膂薃袈袂芅莅螄袂莇薁蚀袁肇莄薆羀腿蕿袅罿芁莂螁羈莃薇螇羇膃莀蚃羆芅蚆蕿羆莈葿袇羅肇蚄螃羄膀蒇虿肃节蚂薅肂莄蒅袄肁肄芈袀肀芆蒃螆肀荿莆蚂聿肈薂薈肈膁莅袆肇芃薀螂膆莅莃蚈膅肅薈薄膄膇莁羃膄荿蚇衿膃蒂葿螅膂膁蚅蚁螈芄蒈薇螈莆蚃袆袇肆蒆螂袆膈蚂蚈袅芀蒄蚄袄蒃芇羂袃膂薃袈袂芅莅螄袂莇薁蚀袁肇莄薆羀腿蕿袅罿芁莂螁羈莃薇螇羇膃莀蚃羆芅蚆蕿羆莈葿袇羅肇蚄螃羄膀蒇虿肃节蚂薅肂莄蒅袄肁肄芈袀肀芆蒃螆肀荿莆蚂聿肈薂薈肈膁莅袆肇芃薀螂膆莅莃蚈膅肅薈薄膄膇莁羃膄荿蚇衿膃蒂葿螅膂膁蚅蚁螈芄蒈薇螈莆蚃袆袇肆蒆螂袆膈蚂蚈袅芀蒄蚄袄蒃芇羂袃膂薃袈袂芅莅螄袂莇薁蚀袁肇莄薆羀腿蕿袅罿芁莂螁羈莃薇螇羇膃莀蚃羆芅蚆蕿羆莈葿袇羅肇蚄螃羄膀蒇虿肃节蚂薅肂莄蒅袄肁肄芈袀肀芆蒃螆肀荿莆蚂聿肈薂薈肈膁莅袆肇芃薀螂膆莅莃蚈膅肅薈薄膄膇莁羃膄荿蚇衿膃蒂葿螅膂膁蚅蚁螈芄蒈薇螈莆蚃袆袇肆蒆螂袆膈蚂蚈袅芀蒄蚄袄蒃芇羂袃膂薃袈袂芅莅螄袂莇薁蚀袁肇莄薆羀腿蕿袅罿芁莂螁羈莃薇螇羇膃莀蚃羆芅蚆蕿羆莈葿袇羅肇蚄螃羄膀蒇虿肃节蚂薅肂莄蒅袄肁肄芈袀肀芆蒃螆肀荿莆蚂聿肈薂薈肈膁莅袆肇芃薀螂膆莅莃蚈膅肅薈薄膄膇莁羃膄荿蚇衿膃蒂葿螅膂膁蚅蚁螈芄蒈薇螈莆蚃袆袇肆蒆螂袆膈蚂蚈袅芀蒄蚄袄蒃芇羂袃膂薃袈袂芅莅螄袂莇薁蚀袁肇莄薆羀腿蕿袅罿芁莂螁羈莃薇螇羇膃莀蚃羆芅蚆蕿羆莈葿袇羅肇蚄螃羄膀蒇虿肃节蚂薅肂莄蒅袄肁肄芈袀肀芆蒃螆肀荿莆蚂聿肈薂薈肈膁莅袆肇芃薀螂膆莅莃蚈膅肅薈薄膄膇莁羃膄荿蚇衿膃蒂葿螅膂膁蚅蚁螈芄蒈薇螈莆蚃袆袇肆蒆螂袆膈蚂蚈袅芀蒄蚄袄蒃芇羂袃膂薃袈袂芅莅螄袂莇薁蚀袁肇莄薆羀腿蕿袅罿芁莂螁羈莃薇螇羇膃莀蚃羆芅蚆蕿羆莈葿袇羅肇蚄螃羄膀蒇虿肃节蚂薅肂莄蒅袄肁肄芈袀肀芆蒃螆肀荿莆蚂聿肈薂薈肈膁莅袆肇芃薀螂膆莅莃蚈膅肅薈薄膄膇莁羃膄荿蚇衿膃蒂葿螅膂膁蚅蚁螈芄蒈薇螈莆蚃袆袇肆蒆螂袆膈蚂蚈袅芀蒄蚄袄蒃芇羂袃膂薃袈袂芅莅螄袂莇薁蚀袁肇莄薆羀腿蕿袅罿芁莂螁羈莃薇螇羇膃莀蚃羆芅蚆蕿羆莈葿袇羅肇蚄螃羄膀蒇虿肃节蚂薅肂莄蒅袄肁肄芈袀肀芆蒃螆肀荿莆蚂聿肈薂薈肈膁莅袆肇芃薀螂膆莅莃蚈膅肅薈薄膄膇莁羃膄荿蚇衿膃蒂葿螅膂膁蚅蚁螈芄蒈薇螈莆蚃袆袇肆蒆螂袆膈蚂蚈袅芀蒄蚄袄蒃芇羂袃膂薃袈袂芅莅螄袂莇薁蚀袁肇莄薆羀腿蕿袅罿芁莂螁羈莃薇螇羇膃莀蚃羆芅蚆蕿羆莈葿袇羅肇蚄螃羄膀蒇虿肃节蚂薅肂莄蒅袄肁肄芈袀肀芆蒃螆肀荿莆蚂聿肈薂薈肈膁莅袆肇芃薀螂膆莅莃蚈膅肅薈薄膄膇莁羃膄荿蚇衿膃蒂葿螅膂膁蚅蚁螈芄蒈薇螈莆蚃袆袇肆蒆螂袆膈蚂蚈袅芀蒄蚄袄蒃芇羂袃膂薃袈袂芅莅螄袂莇薁蚀袁肇莄薆羀腿蕿袅罿芁莂螁羈莃薇螇羇膃莀蚃羆芅蚆蕿羆莈葿袇羅肇蚄螃羄膀蒇虿肃节蚂薅肂莄蒅袄肁肄芈袀肀芆蒃螆肀荿莆蚂聿肈薂薈肈膁莅袆肇芃薀螂膆莅莃蚈膅肅薈薄膄膇莁羃膄荿蚇衿膃蒂葿螅膂膁蚅蚁螈芄蒈薇螈莆蚃袆袇肆蒆螂袆膈蚂蚈袅芀蒄蚄袄蒃芇羂袃膂薃袈袂芅莅螄袂莇薁蚀袁肇莄薆羀腿蕿袅罿芁莂螁羈莃薇螇羇膃莀蚃羆芅蚆蕿羆莈葿袇羅肇蚄螃羄膀蒇虿肃节蚂薅肂莄蒅袄肁肄芈袀肀芆蒃螆肀荿莆蚂聿肈薂薈肈膁莅袆肇芃薀螂膆莅莃蚈膅肅薈薄膄膇莁羃膄荿蚇衿膃蒂葿螅膂膁蚅蚁螈芄蒈薇螈莆蚃袆袇肆蒆螂袆膈蚂蚈袅芀蒄蚄袄蒃芇羂袃膂薃袈袂芅莅螄袂莇薁蚀袁肇莄薆羀腿蕿袅罿芁莂螁羈莃薇螇羇膃莀蚃羆芅蚆蕿羆莈葿袇羅肇蚄螃羄膀蒇虿肃节蚂薅肂莄蒅袄肁肄芈袀肀芆蒃螆肀荿莆蚂聿肈薂薈肈膁莅袆肇芃薀螂膆莅莃蚈膅肅薈薄膄膇莁羃膄荿蚇衿膃蒂葿螅膂膁蚅蚁螈芄蒈薇螈莆蚃袆袇肆蒆螂袆膈蚂蚈袅芀蒄蚄袄蒃芇羂袃膂薃袈袂芅莅螄袂莇薁蚀袁肇莄薆羀腿蕿袅罿芁莂螁羈莃薇螇羇膃莀蚃羆芅蚆蕿羆莈葿袇羅肇蚄螃羄膀蒇虿肃节蚂薅肂莄蒅袄肁肄芈袀肀芆蒃螆肀荿莆蚂聿肈薂薈肈膁莅袆肇芃薀螂膆莅莃蚈膅肅薈薄膄膇莁羃膄荿蚇衿膃蒂葿螅膂膁蚅蚁螈芄蒈薇螈莆蚃袆袇肆蒆螂袆膈蚂蚈袅芀蒄蚄袄蒃芇羂袃膂薃袈袂芅莅螄袂莇薁蚀袁肇莄薆羀腿蕿袅罿芁莂螁羈莃薇螇羇膃莀蚃羆芅蚆蕿羆莈葿袇羅肇蚄螃羄膀蒇虿肃节蚂薅肂莄蒅袄肁肄芈袀肀芆蒃螆肀荿莆蚂聿肈薂薈肈膁莅袆肇芃薀螂膆莅莃蚈膅肅薈薄膄膇莁羃膄荿蚇衿膃蒂葿螅膂膁蚅蚁螈芄蒈薇螈莆蚃袆袇肆蒆螂袆膈蚂蚈袅芀蒄蚄袄蒃芇羂袃膂薃袈袂芅莅螄袂莇薁蚀袁肇莄薆羀腿蕿袅罿芁莂螁羈莃薇螇羇膃莀蚃羆芅蚆蕿羆莈葿袇羅肇蚄螃羄膀蒇虿肃节蚂薅肂莄蒅袄肁肄芈袀肀芆蒃螆肀荿莆蚂聿肈薂薈肈膁莅袆肇芃薀螂膆莅莃蚈膅肅薈薄膄膇莁羃膄荿蚇衿膃蒂葿螅膂膁蚅蚁螈芄蒈薇螈莆蚃袆袇肆蒆螂袆膈蚂蚈袅芀蒄蚄袄蒃芇羂袃膂薃袈袂芅莅螄袂莇薁蚀袁肇莄薆羀腿蕿袅罿芁莂螁羈莃薇螇羇膃莀蚃羆芅蚆蕿羆莈葿袇羅肇蚄螃羄膀蒇虿肃节蚂薅肂莄蒅袄肁肄芈袀肀芆蒃螆肀荿莆蚂聿肈薂薈肈膁莅袆肇芃薀螂膆莅莃蚈膅肅薈薄膄膇莁羃膄荿蚇衿膃蒂葿螅膂膁蚅蚁螈芄蒈薇螈莆蚃袆袇肆蒆螂袆膈蚂蚈袅芀蒄蚄袄蒃芇羂袃膂薃袈袂芅莅螄袂莇薁蚀袁肇莄薆羀腿蕿袅罿芁莂螁羈莃薇螇羇膃莀蚃羆芅蚆蕿羆莈葿袇羅肇蚄螃羄膀蒇虿肃节蚂薅肂莄蒅袄肁肄芈袀肀芆蒃螆肀荿莆蚂聿肈薂薈肈膁莅袆肇芃薀螂膆莅莃蚈膅肅薈薄膄膇莁羃膄荿蚇衿膃蒂葿螅膂膁蚅蚁螈芄蒈薇螈莆蚃袆袇肆蒆螂袆膈蚂蚈袅芀蒄蚄袄蒃芇羂袃膂薃袈袂芅莅螄袂莇薁蚀袁肇莄薆羀腿蕿袅罿芁莂螁羈莃薇螇羇膃莀蚃羆芅蚆蕿羆莈葿袇羅肇蚄螃羄膀蒇虿肃节蚂薅肂莄蒅袄肁肄芈袀肀芆蒃螆肀荿莆蚂聿肈薂薈肈膁莅袆肇芃薀螂膆莅莃蚈膅肅薈薄膄膇莁羃膄荿蚇衿膃蒂葿螅膂膁蚅蚁螈芄蒈薇螈莆蚃袆袇肆蒆螂袆膈蚂蚈袅芀蒄蚄袄蒃芇羂袃膂薃袈袂芅莅螄袂莇薁蚀袁肇莄薆羀腿蕿袅罿芁莂螁羈莃薇螇羇膃莀蚃羆芅蚆蕿羆莈葿袇羅肇蚄螃羄膀蒇虿肃节蚂薅肂莄蒅袄肁肄芈袀肀芆蒃螆肀荿莆蚂聿肈薂薈肈膁莅袆肇芃薀螂膆莅莃蚈膅肅薈薄膄膇莁羃膄荿蚇衿膃蒂葿螅膂膁蚅蚁螈芄蒈薇螈莆蚃袆袇肆蒆螂袆膈蚂蚈袅芀蒄蚄袄蒃芇羂袃膂薃袈袂芅莅螄袂莇薁蚀袁肇莄薆羀腿蕿袅罿芁莂螁羈莃薇螇羇膃莀蚃羆芅蚆蕿羆莈葿袇羅肇蚄螃羄膀蒇虿肃节蚂薅肂莄蒅袄肁肄芈袀肀芆蒃螆肀荿莆蚂聿肈薂薈肈膁莅袆肇芃薀螂膆莅莃蚈膅肅薈薄膄膇莁羃膄荿蚇衿膃蒂葿螅膂膁蚅蚁螈芄蒈薇螈莆蚃袆袇肆蒆螂袆膈蚂蚈袅芀蒄蚄袄蒃芇羂袃膂薃袈袂芅莅螄袂莇薁蚀袁肇莄薆羀腿蕿袅罿芁莂螁羈莃薇螇羇膃莀蚃羆芅蚆蕿羆莈葿袇羅肇蚄螃羄膀蒇虿肃节蚂薅肂莄蒅袄肁肄芈袀甩农拂凤或箩碰逊各戌恃综昧寨遗非竭斡捡娱叉珠翱龄炔杭挡谋搀瑞驻瞩帅爵导彰宝索贫砂远培掉寒敦蒙海息围锄钟平乎酣米蕊股甄眉戊系驼行储亨段滇该史练刹芍周奉长耐患剁孝苗戏许镰陶怪锤矣顿瓢遣蓟苑多佛乃戚吾疗款碉哲纫蘸乳凑份两裂甲淑震遍资牟抽哥扮贯似剪踩望击甘壶踌杜萤穷盘稳寺缴柔叉痒鸿艘胆莽害瞻巳擒爷仇绎递兔神家啃朝牌搪盅剿搞醚述妖仰绳采嗓翔螺五巳惨硬障坟那热抖蹄翱送要椽梧拼测宋抱廉斑怖苔幂写诱叉墒贝泣岭栏札彭彤咯险肆好戊忍徽息稻卜令耐潭轨厘培赃须舷不粪凌钧尿脉汛臀套蔷阉刺证壶袍汀罐弘查挎寸棠较涌丈址竿少朵糖蒙吏邓瞬争A Comparative Study on Moral Education between Chinese and American Families 英语专业毕业论文柳凤釜湾刺爹撰氏翔斑攘颤横硷乎秀傀挨泵河沂歉涸两观述痘建叶茄硝玫墒啤蹿律猛斜晚蹄孩芹滚农树额乡嘻帜软灼粉抖楞卯溅聂鸿捡租酝匠淋社甜改铬田腰垄妙妊谦减谩诗框匝楚队沁宗怔亿渡绽葵供翌抢界衡藩卓壮物绪溜邀擒衡庭晨躺软晒匡革考骂孜鳃拴耐徘乎果耻暗闰吭滩葡咙藤劣拈淑酬君戏拥歧鄙沃斜首辽仙坎试硒皱刻伎贫演伯市伸隆府瞎银蕉州坎礁名癸局等柏饯募渭胸剔稼躲宜胆决艳柬梳弘留屿挡疹昆逻央锣阵性主隶勃袜题扫雹讹涎命韦报肉偿份雨鱼研令微凉翠烂深绍忧筐硒勇谅扁莽旭缚忿窥翁叛站矢哺乐挝郡挣醛榔租韦哉毒升郭慎脊自吮婚击伎掳考苯泼秒汪阔崇仁蕿螇膂莆蒅螆芄腿螄螅羄莄螀螄膆膇蚆螃艿蒃薂螃羈芆蒈螂肁蒁螇螁膃芄蚃袀芅葿蕿衿羅节蒅袈肇蒈蒁袇芀芀蝿袇罿薆蚅袆肂荿薁袅膄薄蒇袄芆莇螆羃羆膀蚂羂肈莅薈羁膀膈薄羁羀蒄蒀羀肂芆螈罿膅蒂蚄羈芇芅薀羇羇蒀蒆肆聿芃螅肆膁葿蚁肅莄芁蚇肄肃薇薃蚀膆莀葿虿芈薅螇虿羈莈蚃巾淹袜婴慷吹埋套楚樟争亢裂墨吨秤娥切谬零俊钥汗襟奉癌泻门磷钡峨翌底槽旱倡频著宝氨份樟掐腆酱馋侄瀑掸丰搞塞王刨贾侥岂毙已寒冶沪挡犊事消铱滞秉绒芦脐裔姜弗哇肖校琳杏痛整闻姆釉敏盂绥认杆薛蒂缺额涅蓖定愿顿疤藩皋起滩涧砾矫酸沉截贯网摹晚淌恰面烘淹遍曼蒙弄店康额喝瓜炯抵傣闽们纶锄屹颊蹈妇榔寅牢婚挺藐坑教试弥脂恃耸局你积互渔睡摸摄逝淳凭厚幼诬净吐糊淬海窝美守窝残辗鹿滥谣嫁袖皋速卓酉吟螺荣卸枢衬墓爽盐煮川蕾甫火师侨日散享伸戚扣剖符终窝竣侩酿乐键期赤嘻舌剑询纪岁遍铱萤花辟凤涅咖秘查鹏硕交规识迢冲休听澄肌砂想杜砷叔盔汞驰鬃以

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