肖申克的救赎 英语电影台词

发布时间:2013-12-11 15:18:22

MAN #1: Sit. MAN #2: We see by your file you've served twenty years of a life sentence . RED: Yes, sir. MAN #3: You feel you've been rehabilitated ? RED: Yes, sir. Absolutely. I've learned my lesson. I can honestly say I'm a changed man. I'm no longer a danger to society. That's the God's honest truth. CON #1: Hey, Red. How'd it go? RED: Same old shit, different day. CON #1: Yeah, I know how you feel. I'm up for rejection next week. CON #2: Yeah, I got rejected last week. It happens. CON #3: Hey, Red, bump me a deck . RED: Get the fuck out of my face, man! You're into me for five packs already. CON #3: Four. RED: Five! RED (V.O.): There's must be a con like me in every prison in America. I'm the guy who can get it for you. Cigarettes, a bag of reefer if that's your thing, a bottle of brandy to celebrate your kid's high school graduation. Damn near anything within reason. Yes sir, I'm a regular Sears & Roebuck. RED: So when Andy Dufresne came to me in 1949 and asked me to smuggle Rita Hayworth into the prison for him, I told him no problem. 妙词佳句,活学活用 1. life sentence: 无期徒刑;终身监禁。《肖申克的救赎》是一部监狱题材的影片,所以牵扯到很多和犯罪相关的词语,在这个片段里我们还会看到一个单词:con.这是一种俚语的说法,意思是“罪犯”。相当于convict. 此外对罪犯的终极惩罚通常就是死刑,而死刑一词的表达是death penalty, 我们把它放在这里和影片中出现的相关词汇一起掌握。 2. rehabilitate: 这个词的本意是“康复、修复”,在这个语境里,因为Red在申请假释,所以警察这句话不是问他“你觉得你已经康复了吗?”而是问他是否已经“改邪归正”。 3. God's truth:意思是“真实的事情”,一般用来指说话人特别想强调的事实,比如It is God's truth that my next door neighbor was a murderer at large!就是“我的隔壁住着一个在逃的杀人犯,这事儿千真万确!” 4. up for:打算;准备 I'm up for rejection next week. 意思为“我已经做好了准备,下周申请假释的时候也被拒”。再如:The house is up for sale. 房子准备出售。be up for是一个很常用的词组,在口语中,为了避免句式单调,我们可以用这个词组替代be ready. 5. bump me a deck:这是非常俚语的讲法。bump这里的意思相当于lend,deck是指a pack of cigarettes。所以整句的意思就是“借我一盒烟”。监狱里的犯人常常用一种普通人听不懂的指代词语来谈论一些事情,这可以说是他们长年牢狱生活的“创造”。 6. be into sb:这也是一个非常俚语的讲法。在这里的是borrow或者owe的意思。整句话的意思就是:You have already borrowed five packs from me. 美国文化面面观 1. Sears & Roebuck: born during the latter part of the 19th ce ntury, Sears & Roebuck Company is one of the most trusted economic institutions in U.S. history and eventually grew to be the 7th largest corporation in the world during the 20th century. 西尔斯-罗巴克连锁公司,美国一家著名的公司,以零售著称,历年都名列美国财富500强。右面的这张照片是他们早期的产品目录,相当于消费指南。(Red这里说自己能从监狱外把任何狱友们想要的东西偷偷弄进来,这些东西的品种之多,不亚于一家百货公司。) 2. Rita Hayworth: one of classic Hollywood beautiful leading ladies. 丽塔·海华丝,上世纪四五十年代好莱坞著名的女影星,以性感著称,代表作品有《封面女郎》Cover Girl,《荡妇姬黛》Gilda,《上海小姐》The Lady From Shanghai。(安迪让瑞德帮她弄的当然不是女影星本人,而是她的一张巨幅海报,这个我们可以在影片中看到。在影片中,瑞德所看电影的女主角就是丽塔·海华丝。) 考考你 翻译下面的两个句子。 1. 我觉得无期徒刑比死刑更残酷。 2. 我已经准备好迎接明天的面试了。 RED: And that's how it came to pass, that on the second-to-last day of the job, the convict crew that tarred the plate factory roof in the spring of '49 wound up sitting in a row at ten o'clock in the morning, drinking icy cold Bohemian style of beer, courtesy of the hardest screw that ever walked a turn at Shawshank State Prison. HADLEY: Drink up while it's cold, ladies. RED: The colossal prick even managed to sound magnanimous. RED: We sat and drank with the sun on our shoulders, and felt like free men. We could'a been tarring the roof of one of our own houses. We were the lords of all creation . RED: As for Andy, he spent that break hunkered in the shade, a strange little smile on his face, watching us drink his beer. HEYWOOD: Want a cold one, Andy. ANDY: No thanks. I gave up drinking. RED: You could argue he'd done it to curry favor with the guards. Or maybe make a few friends among us cons. Me, I think he did it just to feel normal again...if only for a short while. 妙词佳句,活学活用 1. wind up:这里要特别注意wind一词的发音/waind/, 作动词,wind up的意思是“使自己处于某种状态或某个地方”。如:“He wound up drunk.(他不知不觉醉了。)”在影片里整句话描述的是干活的犯人们坐在一起喝啤酒的这种状态。 2. Bohemian:本意是“波希米亚的”. 这是一个时下相当流行的词语,而在20世纪五十年代到七十年代,也是备受嬉皮士(Hippies)和“垮掉的一代(the Beat Generation)”所推崇的生活方式。所以这个词的意思更多的是“放荡不羁的,不合习俗的,玩世不恭的”。但是影片的这句台词里,Bohemian的意思更贴近其本意,指的是啤酒的口味。 3. lords of all creati on:造物主。这里可不是单指上帝。很多宗教中的造物主不止一个,所以用Lords而不是Lord。 4. curry favor:这是一个很有意思的词组,意思是“拍马屁”。curry有两个意思,一是用马梳给马刷拭,另一个是咖喱粉,或者做动词,意思是“用咖喱给食物调味”。但是curry和favor放在一起就成了“拍马屁”的意思。生活中那些擅长拍马屁的人总是招人厌烦的。如:She always curries favor with her manager, which annoys most of her colleagues. (她总是在经理那儿拍马屁,这一点让大部分同事们都觉得讨厌。) 思想火花 这个片段是安迪在监狱中凭借自己的专业和智慧求生存的第一次体现。他通过帮海德利警官填税单,帮狱友们争取到了每人三瓶啤酒。瑞德在这个片段的独白里所说的几句话,如...felt like free men./ We were the Lords of all Creation. / I think he did it just to feel normal again...if only for a short while. 这些话在我们这些自由的人听来可能没有多少感触,但是对于影片中的这些终身监禁的犯人们来说,能在早晨的阳光下坐在监狱外的一个屋顶上,懒洋洋地喝着冰啤酒,简直就是一种奢侈。当自由的、正常的生活不复存在的时候,我们对它的期望也会增大,总会想尽一切办法去重新感受这样的生活,哪怕就只有一小会儿也好。安迪就是这样做的。 文化面面观 美国监狱现状 A pic by Layne Kennedy 美国的监狱一直是人满为患。虽然美国政府在20世纪的后30年又在建造监狱上花费了数百亿美元,但是面对百万囚犯大军,这种“供需矛盾”仍难缓解。20世纪70年代以来,美国女囚犯的数量也急剧增加。为了应付迅速增加的女囚人数,美国政府不断增建女囚监狱。据统计,在20世纪30年代到50年代,美国平均每10年增建2.5个女囚监狱;60年代增建7个;70年代增建17个;80年代增建34个。然而,女监“供不应求”的状况仍未改变。 据美国司法部最近公布的数字,从1980年至2000年,美国监狱的犯人总数增加了4倍,达到200万人,约占全世界在押犯人总数的四分之一,从而使美国成为世界上在押犯人最多的国家。由于犯人数量猛增,原有监狱设施远远不能满足需要,政府不得不大兴土木,建造新的监狱。据报道,在过去10年中,美国各州共建造了3300所新监狱,花费达250亿美元。全国每年为维持监狱运转的费用高达300亿美元。美国政府在监狱方面的投资是在教育方面投资的6倍。 监狱空前“繁荣”的一个社会代价是成千上万的儿童无人看管,许多犯人的子女由亲戚照顾或托人临时照看,有的则被送进福利院。据联邦司法统计局估计,父母一方在监狱服刑的儿童目前在全国共有15 0万人,比1991年增加了50多万,其中有一半来自黑人家庭,另有20%来自拉美裔家庭。这些无人照管的孩子极易出现心理障碍,并染上逃学、吸毒、打架斗殴等坏习惯,甚至走上更严重的犯罪道路。专家估计,在这些孩子中,有一半男孩最终会走上犯罪道路。 考考你 把下面的句子换个方式表达。 1) We were the lords of all creation. 2) You could argue he'd done it to curry favor with the guards. RED: What the hell's going on? SNOOZE: You tell me. One second he was fine, then out came the knife. RED: Brooks, Brooks, we can talk about this right? BROOKS: Nothing left to talk about! It's damn all talked out! I'm gonna kill him, cut his throat! RED: Hey, wait, wait! What's he done to you? BROOKS: It's what they done! I got, I got no choice! ANDY: Brooks, you're not gonna hurt Heywood, we all know that. Even Heywood knows it, right Heywood? HEYWOOD: Sure. I know that. Sure. ANDY: You know why you're not gonna hurt him? Because he's a friend of yours, because Brooks Hatlen is a reasonable man. RED: That's right. That's right! Is that right, guys? ANDY: So put the knife down. Brooks, Brooks, look at me. Put the knife down! Brooks, look at his neck, for God's sake . Look at his neck. He's bleeding. BROOKS: But it's the only way... the only way they'd let me stay. ANDY: This is crazy. Come on. You don't wanna do this. Put it down. Look at me. Take it easy. You'll be all right. HEYWOOD: Him? What about me? Crazy old fool! Goddamn near cut my throat! RED: You've had it worse from shaving. What the hell did you do to set him off anyway? HEYWOOD: I didn't do nothin' ! Just came in to say fare-thee-well. Ain't you heard? His parole came through! ANDY: I just don't understand what happened in there, that's all. HEYWOOD: Old man's crazy as a rat in a tin shithouse, is what. RED: Heywood, that's enough out of you. CON: I heard he had you shitting your pants. HEYWOOD: Fuck you! RED: You do knock it off! Brooks ain't no bug. He's just...he's just institutionalized . HEYWOOD: Institutionalized, my ass . RED: The man's been in here fifty years. Heywood, fifty years! This is all he knows. In here, he's an important man. He's an educated man. Outside, he's nothing but a used-up con with arthritis in both hands. Probably couldn't get a library card if he tried. You know what I'm trying to say? FLOYD: Red, I do believe you're talking out of your ass . RED: You believe whatever you want, Floyd. But I'm telling you these walls are funny. First you hate 'em, then you get used to 'em. Enough time passes, you get so you depend on 'em. That's "institutionalized". JIGGER: Shit. I could never get like that. ERNIE: Oh, yeah? Say that when you've been here as long as Brooks has. RED: Goddamn right. They send you here for life, and that's exactly what they take. Pa rt that counts, anyway. 妙词佳句,活学活用 1. What the hell's going on? 这个句子的意思很好懂,What's going on相当于What happened, the hell表示强调,意思为“到底”。 hell 在口语中使用频率很高,除了这里的the hell, 还有意思相同的in hell以外,我们经常见到的由hell构成的词组还有: 1)a / one hell of (a) 表示强调,意思为“极好的/极糟的”。 e.g. Forrest Gump is a hell of a good soldier. 阿甘是一个绝对出色的士兵。 2)go to hell (粗)去你的,见鬼去吧。 3)feel / look like hell (感觉或气色)很差。 e.g. After the operation, I looked like hell for a long time. 4) as hell 表示强调,意为“非常”。 e.g. She is smart, independent, pretty as hell. 她聪明,独立,而且非常漂亮。 2. For God's sake! 这是一句感叹句,意思为“看在上帝的份上”。在英语中有各种各样的感叹句,除了这一句以外,还有很多常用表达,如: Oh my God / Jesus / Christ / Jesus H Christ / Holy Shit / God / Good Heavens / Oh my/ Oh boy 等等,不胜枚举。 3. set off 在它这里不再是我们熟悉的“出发,启程”的意思,而是“引起(突发的动作),导致(突然的活动)”,或者更形象一点,表示“引爆”。(set off 本身就有“使爆炸”的意思。) e.g. The news set off a rush activity. 这个消息让人蜂拥而动。 4. didn't do nothing 这里的双重否定仍表达否定的意思,即 didn't do anything。这种双重否定表示否定的用法在美国口语中很常见,一般只有粗人或没文化的人才会这么讲。 5. knock it off 这是美式俚语的表达,意思是“住嘴!别吵了;住手,别胡闹!” 6. bug 肯定不是“虫子”,这里也是俚语的用法,意思是“疯子”。在口语中还有很多其它的词表示这个意思,如nuts, insane, crazy, wacky, mad, cracked等,这些都是在口语中的绝对高频词汇,在电影中我们也经常听到。 7. institutionalized “成为制度化的,成为习惯的”,这里是指习惯于监狱生活。 8. my ass 这里的意思是you must be joking的意思。 9. talk out of your ass 大家都知道ass是指“屁屁”,这句话实在是侮辱人的讲法,相当于you're talking garbage。 RED: I have no idea to this day what those two Italian ladies were singin' about. Truth is, I don't want to know. Some things are best left unsaid. I like to think they were singin' about something so beautiful it can't be expressed in words, and makes your heart ache because of it. RED (V.O.) I tell you, those voices soared. Higher and farther than anybody in a gray place dares to dream. It was like some beautiful bird flapped into our drab little cage and made those walls dissolve away...and for the briefest of moments - every last man at Shawshank felt fre e. RED (V.O.) It pissed the warden off something awful. WARDEN: Open the door. Open it up! Dufrense, open this door! Turn that off! I am warning you, Dufrense, turn that off! HADLEY: Dufrense, you are mine now. RED (V.O.) Andy got two weeks in the hole for that little stunt. HADLEY: On your feet. CON: Hey, look who's here. CON: Maestro. HEYWOOD: You, you couldn't play somethin' good, huh? Like Hank Williams? ANDY: They broke the door down before I could take requests. FLOYD: Was it worth two weeks in the hole? ANDY: Easiest time I ever did. HEYWOOD: Oh, shit. No such thing as easy time in the hole. A week in the hole is like a year. SNOOZE: Damn straight. ANDY: I had Mr. Mozart to keep me company. RED: So they let you tote that record player down there, huh? ANDY: It was in here...in here. That's the beauty of music. They can't get that from you. Haven't you ever felt that way about music? RED: Well I played a mean harmonica as a younger man. Lost my interest in it, though. Didn't make much sense in here. ANDY: Here's where it makes most sense. You need it so you don't forget. RED: Forget? ANDY: Forget that there are places in the world that aren't made out of stone, that there's… there's something inside that they can't get to and they can't touch. That's yours. RED: What are you talking about? ANDY: Hope. RED: Hope. Let me tell you something, my friend. Hope is a dangerous thing. Hope can drive a man insane. It's got no use on the inside. You'd better get used to the idea. ANDY: Like Brooks did? 妙词佳句,活学活用 1. Some things are best left unsaid. 这句话的意思很好理解,就是“无法用语言描述或表达”,我们在日常交流中经常会在描述一种感觉的时候说“只可意会,不可言传”,其对应的英语就是这个句子。记住喽,下次就可以套用了! 2. piss off 这是一个在影视剧中经常听到的词组,可见它在口语里使用的频率极高。piss一词本来是“小便”的意思,但是当别人说piss sb off的时候,我们大致也能猜到肯定不是好话,它的意思是“使人生气,使人厌烦”。 e.g. You've tried to piss me off starting from this morning! 从早上开始就一直在惹我生气! 3. straight 这是我们都很熟悉的单词,但是在这里我们要讲的不是大家都熟悉的意思。在影片的这个部分里,straight的意思是“对的;正确的”,相当于right,correct。 e.g. Make sure the data is straight in the report. 保证报告里的数据正确。 4. keep sb company “陪伴某人”的意思,还有一种表达是bear sb company。这里company的意思是“陪伴”,此外还有一种类似的意思“伴侣,同伴”。在英语中牵扯到company的这个意思的常用谚语有两句: 1)Two's company, three's a crowd. 两人成伴,三 人不欢。 2)A man is known by the company he keeps. 从其交友知其为人。/ 近朱者赤,近墨者黑。 5. make sense 常用词组,常用意义为: 1)有明确意义 e.g. No matter how I tried to read the sentence, it didn't make any sense to me. 不管我怎么念,还是不懂这个句子的意思。 2)有道理,合乎情理,明智 e.g. It makes sense to take care of your health. 注意健康是明智的。 在make和sense 之间加上不同的表示程度的词,它的意思也会有变化,如:make a lot of sense,make some sense,make no sense就分别表示“很有道理”,“有一定道理”,“没有道理”。 RED: He's got his fingers in a lot of pies, from what I hear. ANDY: What you hear isn't half of it. He's got scams you haven't dreamed of. Kickbacks on his kickbacks. There's a river of dirty money flowing through this place. RED: Can be a problem having all that money. 'Cause sooner or later you're gotta have to explain where it came from. ANDY: That's where I come in. I channel it, filter it, funnel it...stocks, securities, tax-free municipals...I send that money out into the real world. And when it comes back... RED: Clean as a virgin's honeybunch? ANDY: Cleaner. By the time Norton retires, I will have made him a millionaire. RED: If they ever catch on him, he's gonna wind up here wearing a number himself. ANDY: Oh Red, I thought you had a little more faith in me than that. RED: I know you're good, but all that paper leaves a trail. Now anybody gets curious, FBI, IRS, whatever. It's going to lead to somebody. ANDY: Sure it is. But not to me, and certainly not to the warden. RED: All right, who? ANDY: Randall Stevens. RED: Who? ANDY: The "silent" silent partner. He's the guilty one, your Honor. The man with the bank accounts. It's where the filtering process starts. They trace anything, it's gonna lead to him. RED: But who is he? ANDY: He's a phantom, an apparition. Second cousin to Harvey the Rabbit. (off Red's look) I conjured him out of thin air. He doesn't exist...except on paper. RED: Andy, you can't just make a person up. ANDY: Sure you can, if you know how the system works, and where the cracks are. It's amazing what you can accomplish by mail. Mr. Stevens has a birth certificate, driver's license, social security number. Red: You're shitting me. ANDY: If they ever trace any of those accounts, they'll wind up chasing a figment of my imagination. RED: Well, I'll be damned! Did I say you were good? Shit! You're Rembrandt. ANDY: The funny thing is on the outside, I was an honest man. Straight as an arrow. I had to come to prison to be a crook. 妙词佳句,活学活用 1. a finger in the pie 这是一个习惯用语,意思是“参与, 干预(特指好管闲事)”。这里是他们两人在讨论监狱长干了很多见不得人的勾当,贪污了很多钱,吃 了很多回扣的事。 e.g.He is the guy with a finger in the pie. 他老喜欢多管闲事。 2. have faith in 相信, 信任。词组中的faith的意思是“信念,信任,信心”。如: 1)I'm sure she will do as she promised. I've got great faith in her. 我敢肯定她将按她承诺的去做,我对她有信心。 2)You are going to past the spoken English test. I have faith in you! 我对你有信心,你一定能通过英语口语考试。 3. make up 在这里意思是“捏造”甚至“虚构”的意思。这个词组的意思很多,而且都比较常用,我们在这里小结一下: 1)化妆 She made up her face to look prettier. 2)补足,凑足 We already made up the money this project's going to need. 3) 弥补 Let's make up the time we lost last week. 4) 收拾,整理 to make up a bed / table 5) 虚构,编造 You are making up the story! That's not true. 4. I'll be damned. 这个句子不是字面上的意思表示被谴责或被诅咒,这是口语里常用的表达,表示“简直不敢相信”或“难以置信”,尤其是看到或者听到什么自己都不敢相信的事情时,可以用这个句子表达。 ANDY: My wife used to say I'm a hard man to know. Like a closed book. Complained about it all the time. She's beautiful. God, I loved her. But I just didn't know how to show it, that's all. I killed her, Red. I didn't pull the trigger. But I drove her away. That's why she died. Because of me, the way I am. RED: That doesn't make you a murderer. Bad husband, maybe. Felt bad about it if you want to. But you didn't pull the trigger. ANDY: No. I didn't. Somebody else did, and I wound up in here. Bad luck, I guess. RED: Yeah. ANDY: It floats around. Has to land on somebody. It was my turn, that's all. I was in the path of the tornado. I didn't expect the storm would last as long as it has. You think you'll ever get out of here? RED: Me? Yeah. One day when I got a long, white beard and two or three marbles rolling around upstairs. They'll let me out. ANDY: Tell you where I'd go. Zihuatanejo. RED: Zihua...? ANDY: Zihuatanejo. It's in Mexico. A little place on the Pacific Ocean. You know what the Mexicans say about the Pacific? They say it has no memory. That's where I want to live the rest of my life. A warm place with no memory. Open up a little hotel right on the beach. Buy some worthless old boat and fix it up new. Take my guests out charter fishing. RED: Zihuatanejo? ANDY: In a place like that, I could use a man that knows how to get things. RED: I don't think I could make it on the outside, Andy. I've been in here most of my life. I'm an institutional man now. Just like Brooks was. ANDY: Well, you underestimate yourself. RED: I don't think so. In here I'm the guy who can get things for you, sure, but outside all you need is the Yellow Pages. Hell, I wouldn't even know where to begin. Pacific Ocean? Shit! About to scare me to death, somethin' that big. ANDY: Not me. I didn't shoot my wife and I didn't shoot her lover, and whatever mistakes I made I've paid for them and then some. That hotel, that boat... I don't think that's too much to ask. RED: I don't think you ought' a be doing this to yourself, Andy! This is shitty pipe dreams! I mean Mexico's in the way the hell down there, and you're in here, and that's the way it is! ANDY: Yeah, right. That's the way it is. It's down there, and I'm in here. I guess it comes down to a simple choice, really. Get busy living... or get busy dying. 妙词佳句,活学活用 1. tornado 龙卷风。这里表示“事情的旋涡”。与这个词一类的词汇有以下几个: whirlwind 旋风 hurricane 飓风 typhoon 台风 大家不妨把这一组词放在一起比较记忆。 2. two or three marbles rolling around upstairs 意思是go crazy in brain/head。英文中有个短语lose one's marbles,意思就是 go crazy in brain/head。Red这里说two or three marbles rolling around upstairs是活用了lose one's marbles这个短语。 3. charter “包租”的意思,既可以做动词,也可以做名词。租船,包机,包车,都可以用这个词。 如:charter flights 包机 a chartered boat 一条租来的船 4. Yellow Pages a volume or section of a telephone directory that lists business services, or products alphabetically according to field. 黄页(电话)查号簿(美国按行业、职业分类的部分常用黄色纸)。 5. scare me to death “吓得要命”的意思,和中文的表达是不是很相似?动词的过去分词+to death 表示“非常……,……要命”,例如: I was worried to death. 我担心得要死。 I was scared to death. 我吓得要死。 I was bored to death. 无聊死了。 6. pipe dream 非常口语化的表达,意思是:(鸦片鬼的)幻想,白日做梦,想入非非的计划。 pipe有一个意思是“烟斗”,在这个词组里引申为“鸦片”或者“毒品”,这种表达很形象。比如我们可以说 Stop dreaming that pipe dream that you will become a millionaire someday without hard work!(别成天幻想着不费劲将来就能成为百万富翁!)

肖申克的救赎 英语电影台词
