
发布时间:2020-04-20 19:48:57



1. 本卷共80分,时间90分钟。

2. 用2b铅笔将1-30单选题答案涂在答题纸相应位置,用0.5mm碳素笔将其它题目答案写在答题纸相应位置上。检测结束,只交答题纸,将其他的保管好。


A. 从每组单词中找出划线部分的读音与其他音标读音不同的选项。

( )1. A. July B. happy C. party D. January

( )2. A. today B play C. says D. subway

( )3. A. shower B. now C. how D. show

( )4. A. hour B. homework C. history D. half

.( ) 5. A. speak B. leave C. live D. dream

B. 根据句意,选择最佳答案。

( ) 6.There is ____river, __ river runs quickly.       

A. the, a     B. a, the     C. the, the   D. a, a

( ) 7.--- When is your birthday? --- It’s _________.

A. at April nine B. in April ninth C. on April nineth D. on April ninth

( )8. ---Can your sister _______ English?

--- No, ______she can draw pictures.

A. talk; but B. speak; and C. speak; but D. say; and

( ) 9.There are ___ months in a year, the __ month is December.

  A. twenty, twelfth     B. twelve, twelfth     C. twelfth , twelve       D. twentieth, twenty

( )10 .Can you help me ________my English?

A. to B. for C. on D. with

( ) 11. Are you good ________your parents?

         A. with   B. at  C. for D in

( ) 12. — When does Lisa play tennis ?

— She plays tennis _____ seven _____ Saturday morning.

A. In; at B. on; on C. at; in D. at; on

( ) 13. ______ is the fifth day of a week.

A. Thursday B. Friday C. Wednesday D. Sunday

( ) 14. ---_________?

---I can do Kungfu.

A. Can you draw B. What can you do

C. What can she do D. What club do you want to join

( ) 15. ---I want to join the_________.

---Can you draw?

---Yes, I can.

A. swimming club B. English club C. art club D. music club

( ) 16. My mother ______ at 5 o’clock p.m.

A. go home B. come home C. gets home D. gets to home

( ) 17. What club do you want________?

A. join B . joins C . joining D . to join

( ) 18. He ________the bus ________the library every day.

A. makes, to B. takes, to C. has, for D. take for

( ) 19.She can play ___ piano and her brother can play ____ soccer.

A. the, the B. /, / C. the, / D. /, the

( ) 20.My brother likes _____to people.

A. to talk B. talks to C. talk D. to take



Today is Linda’s mother’s birthday. It is also Teachers’ Day. Linda’s mother is a math teacher. So today is her birthday and also her festival. Linda and her brothers buy presents (礼物) for their mother. Linda buys a good skirt for Mother. Her two brothers buy Mother a big birthday cake. Linda’s father also has a present. He prepares (准备) a ring for his wife. Linda’s mother is very happy. The family love her so much. It is a great birthday for her.

( ) 21. How many kids does Linda’s mother have?

A. 2. B. 3. C. 4. D. 5.

( ) 22. Linda’s mother teaches ________.

A. English B. Chinese C. art D. math

( )23. What does the word “wife” mean?

A. 母亲 B. 父亲 C. 丈夫 D. 妻子

( ) 24. What is Linda’s present?

A. A big cake B. A ring. C. A skirt. D. We don’t know.

( ) 25. When is Linda’s mother’s birthday?

A. October 1st. B. September 10th. C. November 8th. D. We don’t know.




Favorite subject


Favorite day





Monday and Thursday

have music





have art





have P.E.

( ) 26. What’s Ann’s favorite subject?

A. music B. art C. P.E.

( ) 27. Why does Scott like art? It’s ___________.

A. relaxing B. interesting C. exciting

( ) 28. When does Dave have music?

A. On Friday B. On Thursday C. On Monday and Thursday

( ) 29. Does Scott like P.E.?

A. Yes, she doesn’t. B. No, she does. C. Sorry, I don’t know.

( ) 30. What subject do they have on Thursday?

A. Music B. Music and P.E. C. P.E.


Everyone(每个人) in Mr. Brown’s family is busy this weekend. Mr. Brown goes to the chess club in the morning. Mrs. Brown wants to buy some food. Their daughter Ann finishes her homework. Ann’s brother Tom plays baseball with friends. He likes playing sports and he is in the school baseball club. He plays baseball from half past seven to nine thirty. And then, they go to grandparents’ house in the afternoon. They go there by subway because their grandparents’ house is far from theirs.

31. Is everyone busy on the weekend?

32. What does Mr. Brown do in the morning?3

33. Do Mr. and Mrs. Brown have three children(孩子)?

34. How long does Tom play baseball ?

35. How do they go to Ann’s grandparents’ house?



36. / /

37. /a: /

38. / /

39. / e/

40. / /

41./ a /

42. / ɪ /


43. This is a really interesting story. ________________

44. Do you know his family name? ________________

45. My mother always gets up early. ________________

46. There is a river between the school and the village. ________________

47. My father usually exercises first. ________________


48. Please ____________ / ra t/ an e-mail to me when you get to Beijing.

49. After school we have sports for an ___________ _/ Ʊ /

50. Today I have lots of _____________ ___ (作业) to do.

51. What time do you usually get _____________ / drest /?

52. Toms uncle is _____________ (四十) years old this year.

53. The ice cream_____________ / teɪsts / very good.

54. Jill lives about two ______________ () meters from the bus stop?

55. His sister is a _________________/bju / girl.

56. Tom _____________ /fɪnɪ ɪz / his homework at 8 every day.

57. The villager never _____________ /l vz/ his village .

六:词汇 用所给词的适当形式填空(6分,每小题1分)

58. How long does it take your mother _____________ _(drive) a car to work?

59. The ___________ (student)dream is to have a bridge in their village.

60. It is easy ___________ _(ride) a bike to school.

61. Is Mary good at _______________ (speak) English?

62. I ride my bike, how about ______________ _( he )?

63. My mother usually tells _______________ (story) to us at night.

七、翻译句子 (共10小题,计9分;每小题1.5分)





68. 从车站到图书馆多远?

69. 我每天到校花半小时。






1-5 ACDAC 6-10 BDCBD 11-15 ADABC 16-20 CDBCA

二、21-25 BDDCB 26-30 CBCCB

31. Yes, they are.

32. He goes to the chess club in the morning.

33. No, they dont.

34. For two hours.

35. By subway.


1. / / Chinese 2. / a: / half 3. / / walk also 4. / e/ then test

5. / / Tuesday 6./ a / right 7. / ɪ / quickly live


1. 形容词 2. 动词 3. 副词 4. 介词 5.动词


1.write 2. hour 3.homework 4.dressed 5.forty 6.tastes 7.hundred

8.beautiful 9.finishes 10.leaves


1.to drive 2.students 3.to ride 4.speaking 5.him 6. stories


1. When is your cousins birthday?

2. Why does your brother like math? Because its useful.

3. Who is his favorite teacher?

4. Does your father usually go to work by car?/drive to work?

5. How far is it from the station to the library?

6. It takes me half an hour to get to school every day.

青春是一本太仓促的书。我们不过就是在这一页页的纸张上填满沧桑罢了。我们在扉页上写下序言序言里爬满一条条的荒凉,然后我们写下尾语纪念我们失去的青春最后找一副与青春无关的图画做了封面草草了事一段时光然后留着给自己怀念那段无所事事的年华。后来我也不知道,我是在怀念那段无所事事的荒唐年华,还是在怀念那段荒唐年华的无所事事。努在说后是为了更好的遇见,遇见另一个自己我不争将立并为。而他人,年和子哭,明还子向并觉军别没说的作继续。如果不努在说后上的点什么,只要我能见到明日朝阳,我还是会微笑的。能在们必为昨过是的泪,走多认并自湿今过是的阳光。如果有来生,要做一棵树,站成永恒,没有悲欢的姿势。一半在土里安详,一半在风里飞扬,一半洒落阴凉,一半沐浴阳光,非常沉默非常骄傲,从不依靠 从不寻找

