
发布时间:2015-10-20 17:04:59


白玉兰(学名Michelia alba DC.),属于木兰科落叶乔木,又名望春花。白玉兰花大,洁白而芳香,是我国著名的早春花木。上海市市花,有2500年左右的栽培历史,为庭园中名贵的观赏花。


Magnolia, whose scientific name is Michelia alba DC., belongs to the magnoliaceae deciduous trees and has another name Wang-Chun-Hua. The petals of magnolia look big and white while they smell good. As one kind of famous early spring flower in our country, it is the city flower of Shanghai. Magnolia has 2500 years of cultivation history and usually is ornamented in the garden.

The earth just wakes up when the first wisp of spring breeze blows across it. It is still a little cold. Magnolia sands in the wind like an elegant princess and shows people her white and beautiful body. They look like thousands of white butterflies living in the forest in the long distance. When the wind blows, they dance with the wind and looks very beautiful.

