
发布时间:2018-07-01 07:32:03

Health is the stone, life’s foundation stone. The more stable the stone is , the greater success we can get.

Health is the “gold”, but it can not be weighed by money, it is above wealth. Some people will say, “wealth can give me famous cars, beautiful coats and large houses, what does the health can take for me?” “ only the health,” I have to say, “but if given the wealth you have been longing for so many years, on condition that depriving your health. will you agree?” Most of us will deny this deal, but there may be a few people want to have a try, like the man who sell his kidney() just to get an iphone . losing his health, he must regret now. Health is the number “1”,all the others are the number “0”,without “1”, even if more “0” is just “0”.

Health include two parts, one is the physical health, the other is the mental health. This time, I just talk about the physical health.


How to keep the body healthy? First is the healthy diet. There are ten words to summarize the healthy diet. They are one/two/three/four/five, red/yellow/green/white/black.” each word has different meanings.

The word “one” means: drinking a bag of milk every day,this can improve our intake(吸收) of calcium (kasium) ;

“two” means we should take in 250~350 grams of the carbohydrate each day.

“three” means eating 3 kinds of high protein foods each day, such as egg, tofu fish and shrimp().

“four” includes four sentencesthey are “menu should include both coarse and refined grainsdo you know the coarse grains? Corn(玉米)broomcorn(高粱)soybean (黄豆)are the coarse grains ,rice and wheat are the refined grains. we should match them up during our meals;

the last three sentences are :the diet must be light; three meals needed every day; don’t eat too full”

Now we talk about the colors. different color represent different food. The “red/yellow/green” all represent the corresponding color of vegetables.

“white” means Oats (燕麦),oats contain much prandial (膳食的) fiberwhich can help us reduce the cholesterol(胆固醇) [kə'lestərɔl] and lose weight.

“black” stands for the black food, like the black fungus ['fʌŋɡəs] (黑木耳) black rice /Black sesame ['sezəmi, 'ses-] (黑芝麻) and so on, these food contain rich nutrition, can prevent aging(防衰老) and tonifying our kidney(补肾).

Moderate exercise

I think all of you know this song, its name is , though we can’t stop the growth of our age as the song sing, we can take exercise to reduce the destruction the aging caused . We should know the right way of exercise.

The moderate exercise should follow some rules. These ruls can be summarized as the words “three/five/right.

three means each time you take exercise ,the moderate quantity of motion is a three kilometers or above 30 minutes.

“five” tells us we should make exercise five times each week.

There are so many exercises,you should choose the right one. The aerobic exercise(有氧运动) is good for us.

Jogging(慢跑), biking, basketball, football and basketball,all of them are aerobic exercise, the character of these exercise is its low intensity and the rhythm. Aerobic exercise can enhance heart lungs endurance and improve the body resistance, anti-aging. Aerobic exercise is recognized as one of the best health way of losing weight.


