安全须知-Safety Instruction-中英文

发布时间:2020-04-08 09:28:30


Safety Instruction

一、 危险点告示Warning board in construction areas:

1、 生产现场存在起重吊装作业,当心物件坠落;

In the lifting area, look out for articles falling from the hook.

2、 生产现场焊接作业,当心触电、火灾、焊接烟尘;

In the welding area, be careful to avoid electric shock, fire accident and weld fumes.

3、 生产现场有高处作业,当心物件坠落;

In case theres working at heights, look out for articles falling from height.

4、 生产场地有预埋铁件,当心绊脚;

Be careful not to trip over the irons embedded in the ground.

5 生产车间禁止吸烟;不得在氧气、丙烷气房、油漆库内及周围30米内吸烟。

No smoking inside the manufacturing workshop. Also smoking is prohibited 30m around and inside the warehouse of oxygen cylinders, propane cylinders and paints.

6 码头及江边,当心溺水。

Be careful of the steps when walking along the wharf and the river bank.

二、安全须知Safety tips

1 进入施工现场必须佩戴好安全帽,扣好帽带;戴好口罩、耳塞;穿劳保服和劳保鞋。

Put on labor protection articles, such as helmet, mask, earplug, working suit and shoes when entering the construction area.

2、 施工现场请走绿色通道。

Please walk along the safety walkway in the construction area.

3 上高处梁段,必须走专用爬梯;如走毛竹梯,梯子要有人扶,不得背向梯子上下。

Climb up steel segments by special ladders. The ladder should be held by somebody and don’t go up and down the ladder with your back towards it.

4 不允许从正在吊物的行车下方行走。

Do not walk under the travelling crane with articles being lifted.


Emergency treatment:

1 发现险情,请立即开展自救,沿安全通道口方向撤离现场。

In case of accident, immediately save yourself and evacuate along the safety walkway.

2、 请与安文办联系。

Please contact with Safety Management Dept.


Contact person: ***电话:***

安全须知-Safety Instruction-中英文
