2019-2020年人教版英语七年级下册Unit 5(Section B 2a-2c) 导学案

发布时间:2020-04-01 16:56:03


Unit 5 Why do you like pandas? (导学案)

Period 4 (Section B 2a-2c)

姓名: 组别: 评价: 时间:






1. 能阅读较长文章并寻找主要内容


Step 1:【自主预习】

1. 根据音标拼读单词并牢记;

2. 自学课文,完成2b,2c

3. 翻译

1.save the elephants__________ 2. one of Thailand’s symbols_________

3. get lost __________________ 4. be in great danger________________

5. 砍倒____________________ 6. made of ivory___________________

7. An elephant never forgets.________________________________________ 8.People also kill elephants for their ivory._____________________________

Step 2:【课堂导学









Step 3:【呈现点评】

Step 4:【教师点拨】:

Step 5:【课堂检测】


(1) The child likes dolphins (改一般疑问句)

___________the child_ _________ dolphins?

(2) we like penguins because they’re cute (划线提问)

______ _______ you like penguins?

(3) Pandas are from China. (同上)

_________are pandas _________?

(4) Koalas like to eat meat (改否定句)

Koalas________ ________to eat meat

( 6) Giraffe are from Africa(改为同义句)

Giraffe ________ ________ Africa。

( 7) The story is very interesting.(一般疑问句)

__________the story interesting?


(1) 我有点冷。I am _____ ______ cold.

(2). 这只老虎3岁了。The tiger is 3 ________ ________ .

(3). 他喜欢吃什么水果?________ fruit _______he like ?

三. 单项选择

( )1. _________ these tigers from?

A. Where is B. Where come C. Where are

( )2. I like koalas because they are _________ friendly.

A. a kind of B. kind of C. kinds of

( )3. --_______ he ________ breakfast at home? -- Yes.

A. Dose, have B. Does, have C. Does, has

( )4. Does this lion ____ from Africa or America?

A. be B. is C. come D. go

( )5. ----What _____ do you like ?

---- I like penguins.

A. sports B. subjects C. music D. a


1. is, this, luck, a, of, symbol, good (.)


2. elephants, great, are, danger, in (.)


3. trees, must, the, save, people (.)



There is a big 1 in our city. We can see 2 animals there. An 3 is the biggest animal on land. Many 4 are flying in the sky. Some beautiful ducks are 5 in the river. Can you see a 6 , too? It can swim fast and jump high in water. What are these in the trees? They are 7 . They like eating bananas. Oh, there’s a tiger in the cage under the tree. It eats a lot of 8 every day. I like the 9 best because it lives only 10 China.

( ) 1. A. farm B. hospital C. zoo D. factory

( ) 2. A. a lot B. lots of C. many of D. much

( ) 3. A .elephant B .tiger C. lion D. bear

( ) 4. A. bird B. birds C .chickens D. ducks

( ) 5. A .running B. jumping C. swimming D. walking

( ) 6. A. dolphin B. cat C. tiger D. giraffe

( ) 7. A .birds B. monkeys C. cats D. dogs

( ) 8. A. grass B. leaves C .meat D. bamboos

( ) 9. A. tiger B .panda C .lion D. koala

( ) 10.A. in B. on C. at D./

Step 6:【学习反思】

2019-2020年人教版英语七年级下册Unit 5(Section B 2a-2c) 导学案
